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Health Query

Sir I asked this question for my friend before 4 and a half years a house lady sucked his penis for 20 second ejaculated out side mouth he tested 5 times hiv card 1 and 2 test and 6 months before done elisa all are non reactive 2 card test done may 4 and may 20 sir in this case any chance togot hiv in future need any further test help please.

2 Doctors Answered
HIV is not transmitted like this. However your friend is at risk of other STDs like hep B, Syphilis, herpes, wart virus etc. Let him take private consult with audio video chat and then I can guide him accordingly. If you are the person and not your friend, pl take Consult.
Free from HIV No risk in future due to this incidence No more test.
1 person  found this helpful
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