My age is 25 years and I am having constantly low BP I have made a BP chart one week in which avg. BP was around 95-100/60-70 mmHg. Is this a serious health concern? What should I do for normal BP levels? Am I prone to any serious diseases. Please help me with full knowledge.
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Dear lybrateuser, - To increase your BP & to keep it stable have plenty of oral fluids including 2-3 litres of water per day - have a well balanced diet with more of fruits, vegetables, whole grains instead of refined ones & proteins & healthy fats - add a pinch of extra salt on the prepared food before consumption - do regular exercise like walking, jogging, swimming to keep fit - your BP fluctuates from normal to lower side but should not cause any problem - if you have symptoms of headache, giddiness or tiredness consult a doctor to rule out any other problem.
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All low BP types are not dangerous, please see a doctor. You can see me in Max Hospital Saket, east block and I will guide you after check up.
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