I am having some smoking habit 2-3 daily what to do for health issues to do health of body parts affects and remedies . Some times having 90 ml liquor is it harmful to body parts ?
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Smoking causes lung cancer, and other cancers. So stop immediately, if having trouble consult a psychiatrist. Alcohol is also harmful, if more than social drinking pattern.
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Hello, lybrate user, smoking is injurious for health, u, should know, why? **it, blocks & damages your air pipe, including lungs. Causing lungs cancer, copd, diminishing its capacity to retain oxygen. * it, increases cholesterol level, threatening to heart. Not only that, people around u, will be sufferer of the same punishment for no fault of their. U, being the, victim of breathing disorder, asthma, gastric disorder, diseases of eyes, palpitation of heart with anaemia. Lack of concentration. Irritation with anguish temperament. Loss of weight, insomnia, will ruin yours as well as your spouse & children's future. * it's advisable to get rid of this killing agent, as soon as possible for the betterment of entire family & your near & dears *tk, plenty of water (4/5 glass) to eliminate toxins & to hydrate yourself. *don't skip your meal, it should b easily digestible on time. *go for meditation to reduce your stress and to inhale plenty of oxygen to restore the flexibility of lungs to increase its tidal value to nourish the whole body of yours. *tk, apples, carrots, cheese, almonds, walnuts, spinach, papaya, banana, milk, fish, chicken soup. *tk homoeo medicine, gentle. & rapid in action with no adverse effect, thereof. @ nux vom 30-6 pills, thrice a day. @ caladeum 20-6 pills, thrice a day. *avoid, caffiene, alcohol, junkfood. Stay fit. # your feedback is solicited, please.
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