Top Health Tips on Getting Plastic Surgery Done

Chemical Peels - Top 3 Myths Busted!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Chemical Peels - Top 3 Myths Busted!
If you've ever thought about how to rejuvenate your skin and make yourself look younger, chances are that you've heard about chemical peels. As the name suggests, getting a chemical peel involves the application of a chemical on the skin that causes the top layer to blister and peel off. By doing this, a new layer of skin is exposed that is usually smoother than before. Chemical peels are often misunderstood and surrounded by a number of myths. Let's take a look at three common myths about this procedure.

All chemical peels are the same.
All chemical peels are definitely not the same. Chemical peels can be categorized as light or superficial peels, medium peels and deep peels. A light peel removes only the top layer of skin to make your skin look brighter and reduce wrinkles. Medium depth chemical peels penetrate deeper into the skin and are used to treat sun damage and pigmentation. Deep peels are the strongest type of peels that penetrate into the dermal layers of the skin. Chemical peels also vary on the basis of the chemical used.

It involves a long recovery.
Though the process itself may not take long, the recovery time depends on the type of chemical peel procedure you have undergone. A superficial peel has virtually no recovery time and can be performed even during a working day's lunch break. Medium depth peels can cause discomfort for about an hour after the procedure and can take a few days to heel. During this time, your skin may look patchy and inflamed and may feel itchy. With a deep peel, the skin may heel in 2-3 weeks but usually remains red for a few months. Depending on the chemical used, you may also feel unwell after a deep peel.

It is beneficial only if you have a dermatological issue.
You don't need to suffer from a skin problem to undergo a chemical peel. Many women undergo a chemical peel simply to give their skin a glow and to brighten their skin. It can remove wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation while making the skin smoother and softer to touch. Along with the face, chemical peels can also be done on the neck, chest, back and arms.

Chemical peels can do a lot for your skin as long as you choose the right peel for your skin and it is performed safely. While you can get a superficial peel at a spa, deep peels should be performed only by licensed plastic surgeons or experienced dermatologists.
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Laser - How It Can Help Treat Acne Scars?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Laser - How It Can Help Treat Acne Scars?
Once acne heals, it can leave behind acne scars that consist of clogged pores such as blackheads and whiteheads, deeper cysts and pimples.

What can cause acne scars?
Acne causes inflammation and often results in wounds and damages to your skin, thus breaking down elastin and collagen. After the wounds heal, much of the collagen is left behind which causes acne scars. This makes your skin appear uneven. In addition, post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation (PIH) is also caused by acne. Consequently, there is overproduction of melanin, causing skin discoloration.

Why scar treatment?
If not treated on time, acne scaring may lead to extreme embarrassment, low self-esteem, depression and social withdrawal. Acne scars can be corrected by an acne dermatology treatment. .

Types of acne scars
Depending upon the depth and area of the damage caused to the skin, the acne scars may include rolling acne scars, boxcar acne scars, icepick acne scar and raised acne scars.

Acne Scar Removal
Firstly, the formation of new acne should be kept in check. Depending upon the characteristics of the skin and scars, scar removal is customized. If the scars are few and less aggressive, it can be treated by fillers that can be injected into your skin. If the scarring happens to be heavy and more aggressive, surgical treatment might be needed, one of which is the laser treatment.

Laser treatment of scars (Skin Surfacing)

Fraxel Repairing is a part of the CO2 Laser treatment which removes the blemishes caused by acne, stretch marks and hyper-pigmentation. It stimulates your body s natural ability to produce collagen, rejuvenates the cells and smoothens the surface of the skin.
Active FX, also called MaxFX, is a fractional treatment by laser for treating loose skin, facial lines and hyper-pigmentation.
Erbium is a type of laser used for the removal of moderately deep lines and superficial skin, surrounding the hands, face, chest and neck
People with a darker skin tone should not go in for skin surfacing. For smaller areas, topical anesthetics are used and for larger ones, a nerve block or sedation is used.
Potential Complications
Potential side effects include a burning sensation, swelling, itching, scarring, obstruction of sweat glands causing raised bumps on the skin, infection or pigmentation issues.

After Care
You will have to get the area dressed, soaked, and apply an ointment daily till it heals completely.
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Eating Out - 7 Hacks to Eat Healthy!

MSc. Foods & Nutrition, BSc. Dietitics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Eating Out - 7 Hacks to Eat Healthy!
Eating out and eating healthy usually do not go hand in hand. You would be more likely to gorge on junk food instead of its healthier counterparts while eating out with your family. When it comes to eating out, you may not always know about the healthy items available at your disposal; this very fact pushes you more towards the unhealthier variants.

But hey! We ve got ways to stop you getting swept off by that hungry tide churning in your belly. Below mentioned are just a few tips that could come in handy, if you decide to finally drop by that uber cool restaurant you were planning to go to!

Read the menu carefully: Go through the menu carefully before ordering your food. Look for dishes that are less oily and do not contain hidden sugars. If you are not sure about the calorific content of the dish, you could ask the person in charge about it. Or, go for options that you already are aware of; both the food and its supposed calorie content.
Eat a healthy snack before your meal: To reduce your portion size of the main course, you can eat a healthy snack to act as filler. Opt for healthy snacks such as chickpeas or a handful of almonds before eating out; it can make you eat less during the main course.
Drink water right before the meal: Drinking a glass or two of water right before the meal serves as a technique widely used by diligent weight watchers. Water contains no calories and acts as an internal cleanser for your body.
Skip the dessert: The dessert is one portion of the meal that is filled with empty calories. In this country, the dessert occupies a generous space in every foodie s list and belly. However, remember that it is often the dessert that is responsible for the saggy abdominal fat you hate to look at. If you don t want to skip the dessert, readily go for simpler alternatives like the humble plain curd topped with slices of fresh fruits or the ever gratifying Greek yogurt. Sweet indulgence at its healthiest best!
Say vinegar: Might not sound very intelligent, but then try mixing a teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water and then drink it. Vinegar is known to have properties that reduce your cravings. It also lowers the blood sugar levels in the body. Surprised, you will be.
Control your portion sizes: The buffet spread could just be your undoing at the dinner table. Don t get overboard looking at the variety and try to keep a check on the portion sizes. Keep the portions small and avoid taking any extra helping. If the hunger pangs do not subside, go for salads. Don t get bored already. Salads can come in a delicious platter and amaze you with its health benefits. The Russian salad can never go wrong.
Avoid carbonated drinks: Carbonated beverages should not be brewing in your head if you are a weight watcher. Cold drinks and other carbonated beverages contain empty calories that should be absolutely got over with; irrespective of how health conscious you are.
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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy - How It Can Benefit Your Skin?

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy - How It Can Benefit Your Skin?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a natural product generated in the human body. The syringe extracts a small quantity of blood of the patient and rotates in a centrifuge to make the red blood cells and white blood cells separated from plasma and platelets. The plasma created in the centrifuge contains a high number of platelets than the normal which is termed as platelet rich plasma or PRP.

The platelet rich plasma therapy is the process in which the plasma that has more platelet count is injected in the areas of dark, wrinkled and saggy skin. The injected plasma helps to produce collagen and reproduce tissue that is needed to give a rejuvenated and smooth skin.

Skin Concerns

Patients who are aged 30-80 are treated in this therapy. This covers the skin problems like fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes, loss of volume in the cheeks, skin sagginess on the mid face and jawline, skin thinning of neck, elbows and aging and sun damage to the skin.
Patients with skin disease, severe metabolic diseases, cancer, chemotherapy and abnormal platelet count can t go for this treatment.
PRP is different from fillers and injections
The therapy of PRP gives a boost to your own collagen to fill up the saggy skin. This method is used for giving volume to the face that has wrinkled and drawn face and cheeks. It gives a fullness to your face, including lips and under eye hollows.
On the other hand, fillers and injections of hyaluronic acid only cover the lines and folds present on the skin which last for only 6-18 months. Patients need to visit a dermatologist to avail the treatment again.
PRP injections can be slightly uncomfortable but patients gain relief sooner. Generally, it takes 15-20 minutes for the procedure. It is comparatively painless and there is no need of any special care of the skin after the treatment. Only the daily routine of skin care will do. There is no report of side effects as the plasma is created from the patient s own blood.

The objective of PRP therapy is to gain a full face with rejuvenated skin, open pores, no wrinkles and softer lines. This therapy needs at least 3-4 months to show the desired results. A skillful and knowledgeable dermatologist should be consulted before going for this treatment. Many a time, 6 RED Light LED therapy is prescribed by the dermatologist to speed up the process of skin rejuvenation.
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Cosmetic Gynaecology - Know Procedures Of It!

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Pune
Cosmetic Gynaecology - Know Procedures Of It!
A woman is an extraordinary and beautiful creation of nature, and it is natural that she would want to see herself as perfect and complete. And, staying sexually attractive is one of the major factors that motivate a woman to seek the benefits of Cosmetic Gynaecology. Cosmetic Gynaecology or Intimate Aesthetic Surgery covers procedures which alter the appearance of female external genitalia and make it seem more natural and youthful. These methods, aid in correcting congenital defects, enhance the self-confidence of a woman, and positively affects the intimacy she shares with her partner.

With age and life events like childbirth, the vagina and labia often change in appearance and structure, which not only hampers the feeling of self-worth in a woman but also prevents her from enjoying sexual activities completely and Cosmetic Gynaecology emerges as the savior in such situations.

Here are some procedures, which are here to help the fairer sex rediscover the beauty of their body:

* Vaginal Rejuvenation: With the help of laser technique, this process helps in tightening the internal diameter of the vagina, when it gets stretched during birth or owing to genetic factors.

* Labiaplasty: Through this method, the contours of the labia majora or labia minora are changed. It may cover reconstruction, augmentation or reduction.

* Hymenoplasty: It is done to create a pseudo hymenal membrane from hymenal tissue, which already exists or non*hymenal soft tissue. The intention is to cause bleeding when the membrane tears during intercourse.

* Clitoroplasty: This procedure deals with the surgical transformation of the clitoris, which caters to conditions involving increased tissue volume. It can also aid in creating clitoris in transgender women.

* Clitoral Hood Reduction: The method is focused on the loose skin around the clitoris, and can be conducted during labiaplasty or as a separate procedure.

* Monsplasty: The contours of the Mons pubis can be changed through this process. It involves liposuction for the reduction of excess fat, subcutaneous fat, as well as skin. Often, techniques like laser and ultrasound are used during monsplasty.

* Perineoplasty: Repairing and restoration of the loose, ageing or injured perineum is taken care of through this method. Perineum is the area between the vagina opening and the rectum. And this procedure is usually helpful for women who don't heal efficiently after a vaginal delivery or experience scars.

So if you are worried about the structure or appearance of your intimate area, don't fret.
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5 Facts You Never Knew About Plastic Surgery

American Board of Plastic Surgery, , American Board Of General Surgery, MS - Dermatology, M.B.B.S
Cosmetic/Plastic Surgeon, Delhi
5 Facts You Never Knew About Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery is a speciality that deals with reconstruction, alteration and restoration of certain parts in the human body. It improves a person's appearance and may also help in improving the functionality of various body parts. It can be classified as either re-constructive or cosmetic Surgery:

Re-constructive Surgery: These type of surgeries are used to correct various defects in the body such as injuries as a result of trauma, physical birth defects, deformities in the ear and cleft lips.
Cosmetic Surgery: Cosmetic Surgery is used to modify a part of the body for cosmetic reasons. The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are reconstructing the nose, removing fat from certain parts of the body and reshaping the breasts.

Outlined below are 5 facts about plastic surgery:

Liposuction is popular among males: The most common plastic surgery among men is liposuction. So far, out of the 1 million plastic surgeries that men have undergone, most have been liposuction. The other popular cosmetic surgeries for men are face lifts and Rhinoplasty.
35-50 year old undergo the maximum number of plastic surgeries. In 2014, over 4 million procedures were performed on people whose ages were in the range of 35-50 years. The most common concerns were sagging skin and fine lines. Liposuction was the most popular surgery in this age group.
Most women opt for breast augmentation: Breast augmentation often requires correcting various issues such as post-op sagging and various other tweaks like modifying the size of the implants. The number of revisions in breast surgeries has actually gone up compared to the initial breast surgeries.
Asian double eyelid surgery: A surgery where the eyelids are altered to make your eyes look bigger and attractive. It is a popular surgery among Asian women.
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Hair Loss - Benefits Of PRP Therapy For It!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Hair Loss - Benefits Of PRP Therapy For It!
Are you suffering from the problems of excessive hair fall or hair loss? Are you turning bald at a young age? Hair loss can have different reasons and causes. Sometimes, it is a symptom of a major disease. At times, hair loss is just due to hormonal issues. Whatever be the cause, excessive loss of hair leaves bald patches on your scalp. At times, they are really embarrassing for the person suffering from such hair problems. Though there are surgical methods like hair transplant and hair re-growth serum, the newest technology and treatment that people are interested in is the PRP treatment.

What is PRP?
PRP is also known as Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. After several experiments and research medical practitioners have started making use of this therapy to help you grow back the hair that you have lost. The process of this therapy is extremely simple. It uses your own platelet rich plasma. This plasma is injected onto your scalp with the help of a thin needle. The main purpose is that the plasma reacts with the growing factors of the blood and helps the hair to grow naturally. This can be seen as a very natural procedure as your own plasma is used for treating your hair loss issues. It is carefully conducted by experts after several tests on your scalp and plasma. It is undertaken by trained professionals and thus is seen as a successful way of getting your hair back.

Advantages of PRP:
There are several advantages of this therapy. Some of them are explained below:

It is one of the very few non-surgical procedures. It is effective in most cases and has been successful in providing desired results. It is also a very simple treatment to undergo and thus many choose it compared to transplants.
Your recovery period is not very long and thus, after about a week s rest you can go about living your life normally.
It is a very safe procedure. Several tests are conducted prior to the implementation of this therapy. If complications are bound to arise, your medical practitioner would definitely inform you.
Thus, if you are experiencing excessive hair loss and severe balding of the scalp, this is one treatment that you can opt for. The advantages have been clearly outlined for your benefit. Furthermore, it is recommended that you visit your dermatologist before settling for any kind of treatment. They would assess your scalp condition and causes of hair fall and guide you towards the right treatment for your problems.
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Facial Scrubs: Too Much of A Good Thing!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Facial Scrubs: Too Much of A Good Thing!
The market is replete with various facial scrubs that are favoured by men and women of all ages. These are especially helpful if you are facing dust and pollution every day, or are exposed to the sun for prolonged hours. Using facial scrubs is a form of exfoliation that helps in rubbing the granules into the skin so as to remove dead cells and give the skin a more supple tone. Yet, too much use of facial scrubs can also lead to a variety of skin troubles. So, how can you tell if you are overdoing our facial scrubbing routine?

Redness and Peeling of the Skin: When you over exfoliate or use facial scrubs too often, you may find redness on your skin due to the constant abrasive action. Also, you may experience too much of skin peeling and flaking due to the same reason, instead of a mere clean up of the dead skin cells. In such cases, you will need to halt your process of constant buffing.
Products with Green Tea Extracts: Using tea tree oil or green extracts can help in better exfoliation with a gentle action on your skin. This can soothe the skin and even prevent skin cancer, as per a variety of scientific and medical studies. Licorice root extract as well as cucumber based scrubs can also help in making the skin softer.
Inflammation: Inflammation is another sign that you may be overdoing your facial scrubbing routine. You can use a scrub with bisabobol which usually comes from Chamomile. This can help in reducing inflammation due to constant exfoliation and facial scrubbing.
Scrubbing Gear: Using a washcloth to clear away those dead skin cells or a scrubber or brush can turn out to be too harsh for your soft facial skin to handle. You must restrict the use of these tools to about once a week so that your skin does not get too dehydrated or wear a scrubbed look which does not have a glow.
Testing a New Product: Test a new scrub over a small patch of your skin before using it to watch out for tell tale signs like rashes or other eruptions. Also, when you are using a seed or dry fruits based scrub, you must limit the use and not rub it around the delicate areas of the eyes and mouth so that the skin does not get rubbed too much, which can leave it loose.
Using facial scrubs should be limited and used only when you feel like there is too much build up of dirt and grime.
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Its Time To Look Younger With Anti-Aging Treatments !

Dermatologist, Delhi
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Hello I am Dr. Chiranjiv Chabra. I am dermatologist and I am the director and chief dermatologist at skin alive clinics. Today we look into the Anti-aging treatments that are available to make us look more vibrant, youthful and younger. Before getting into the treatments we should understand how aging happening is and why it is happening? Aging happens due to external factors that is the environmental factors and our lifestyle as well as internal factors that is the natural aging process. None of us can escape the aging process.

Let us look into the solutions how we can solve these issues. When we age, aging is happening at the level of our bowl and then at the level of the soft tissue which is over the bowl and then at the level of the skin. So all layers of the skin as well as the underline tissue has to be taken care of in these treatments. The various treatments that can be used for anti-aging or aging solutions. The effective ones are laser rejuvenation, where in a beam of light is made to shine on the skin and this light stimulates our collagen, tightens and lifts the skin, makes the skin smoother, and of a better quality. We can get results even in as less as four to five sessions, which can be done at a gap of one week each. This is called laser rejuvenation or laser toning.

Then we have advance treatments like Firm Fractional laser which is a treatment to tighten and lift the skin. Besides doing this it also removes blemishes, dyschromias, patchy skin, tanning, and so the skin looks fresher, even in color, and younger. Just a few sessions can make us look at least 5-6 years younger. Then there are array of medical facials available like diamond polishing or microdermabrasion, vitamin C electroporation lightening therapies, oxygen therapies for the face. These treatments are mild and gentle on the skin and they remove tiredness and bring around freshness to the face. Some of the latest treatments or solutions for anti-aging are thermage, Al-therapy, Botox fillers, and vampire facelift. Let us look into all of these one by one.

Thermage is a single session treatment, non-invasive, relatively painless, to tighten and lift a skin. It does so by stimulating the collagen and the proteins in the skin and helps in tightening of the jaw-line, cheeks, eyelids, skin, and neck in fact any part of the body. This treatment is very popular and we have been doing it for the past 15 years now.
Al-therapy is another technology to lift and tighten the skin. Here the sound waves touch the skin very gently and tighten and lift. Especially used for the area of the jaw-line, eyebrow lift, cheek lift, as well as it can lift any part of the body like sagging arms, stomach or breasts.
Besides this there is a very interesting treatment called Vampire facelift. This is a trademark treatment wherein we take the blood of the patient that is the individual, and we put it into a special process by this we separate your own growth factors which are re-applied onto the skin.
Now these growth factors when re-applied on the skin they work as an anti-aging factors and they tighten and lift the skin and also improves the skin quality and glow and hydration. Now combine with these treatments which I have just discussed there are two latest therapies called Botox and Fillers. Botox is nothing but a simple protein, this protein was once upon a time and still is used ok we stop here again Botox. So if looking younger is in your mind you can choose any of the above treatments.

If you have any further queries you can visit us at Lybrate.

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Chemical Peels - Are they Safe?

Chemical Peels - Are they Safe?
A chemical peel is a chemical where an acid solution is used for the removal of damaged outer layers of the skin. Alpha hydroxyl acids and trichloroacetic acids are used in chemical peels. Phenol is also applied to the skin. Chemical peels help to improve the appearance of the skin on the hands, neck and the face. The peel when applied to the skin causes it to exfoliate and eventually peels off. The new skin is much smoother and less wrinkled.

Chemical peels are of several types:

Superficial peels: In this type, alpha hydroxyl acid is used to penetrate the outer layer of the skin and exfoliate it gently. Superficial peels are used for improving the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough skin.
Medium peels: In medium peels, trichloroacetic acid is used for penetrating the middle layers of the skin to remove damaged cells. Improvement in age spots, lines and wrinkles can be done using medium peels. Rough skin is smoothened.
Deep peels: These are the most aggressive types of peels, which helps to treat coarse wrinkles, severely sun damaged skin and even pre-cancerous growth. In the case of deep peels, trichloroacetic acid or phenol is used to remove damaged cells on the skin. Skin appearance is improved drastically.
Conditions treated with chemical peels

Chemical peels are used for the treatment of certain conditions such as:
Reduction of fine lines which occur under the eyes or around the mouth.
Treatment of wrinkles which are caused due to sun damage or old age using chemical peels.
Chemical peels help in improving the appearance of mild scars on the skin surface.
Several types of acne are cured by chemical peels.
Chemical peels help in reducing the age spots, freckles and dark patches known as melasma, which occur because of pregnancy or because of taking birth control pills.
The overall look and feel of the skin is improved after using chemical peels.
After a chemical peel treatment is done, the skin becomes extra sensitive to the sun.

Are chemical peels safe?
Chemical peels are very effective and provide perfect rejuvenation to the skin. Chemical peels are quite safe and have several benefits.

Chemical peels help in restoring your wrinkled, blotchy and sun damaged skin, making it fresh and youthful.
There are three major types of chemical peels, which offer different benefits. The light chemical peel helps in improving the acne scars and enhances skin texture. The medium peels help in smoothening wrinkles and correcting the age spots. The deep chemical peels treat skin damage due to the sun.
Chemical peels involve the use of chemicals or acid to improve the appearance and condition of the skin. This procedure is very effective and satisfactory results are obtained.
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