Top Health Tips on Living Healthy - Man

Detoxification - Know Homeopathic Way Of Doing It!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Detoxification - Know Homeopathic Way Of Doing It!
Detoxification is a physiological and medical process of blood cleansing by removing impurities from the blood. It is a means of cleaning and nourishing the body from inside and it is done at least once in a year. It includes one or more of the following: dieting, fasting, colon cleansing, removal of dental fillings or cutting out specific foods from your diet.

Benefits of detoxifying your body

1. Gets rid of excess waste
2. Boosts up your energy
3. Strengthens your immune system
4. Improves your respiration process
5. Reduces weight
6. Provides anti-aging benefits

Majority of the detoxification of your body is carried out by these 4 systems; Digestive, Respiratory, Urinary and Dermal. Any disturbance in these 4 systems results in accumulation of toxins in your body and may cause serious medical illnesses.
Homeopathy approach helps in maintaining the proper functioning and balance of the 4 systems. It is a gentle, natural and one of the safest ways of removing toxins.

Homeopathic remedies for treating detoxification are as follows:

1.Berberis Vulgaris
It acts as a stimulator of liver, gall bladder and kidneys. It is best suited for people who face rapid change of symptoms, pain all over the body, repeated diarrhea and stone in the kidney.

2.Chelidonium tincture
It is a reliable liver and gall bladder drainer. It supports liver in removing toxin from your body due to heavy usage of drugs and antibiotics.

It is an effective detoxification remedy for people exposed to respiratory issues with allergies.

4.Nux Vomica
It acts as an intestine and liver stimulator. It is mostly used for symptoms linked with a sedentary lifestyle and excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and tobacco.

5.Taraxacum Officinale
It is used by people having stomach and digestion issues.

6.Fumaria Officinalis
It detoxifies your body by purifying the blood and leading to enhanced functioning of the liver.

7. Uva Ursi
It is an effective urinary antiseptic that supports the functioning of kidneys and reproductive system.

It is used for skin draining purpose.

It is used for detoxification of the rectum.

Apart from the homeopathy remedies, other self care measures such as drinking lots of water, healthy eating, exercising regularly, minimizing stress and avoiding alcohol and drugs can help in detoxifying.
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Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!

MD - Ayurveda, CIY, Guru Shishya Parampara, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Gurgaon
Flax Seeds (Alsi) - 6 Health Benefits You Never Knew!
Flax seeds are one of the world s oldest super foods. They can improve your skin and hair health, keep your heart healthy, fight cancer, lower cholesterol and help you lose weight. Yet, they hardly look impressive. Small and brown with no smell, nobody can guess that they are such reservoirs of nutrients invaluable for our health and well-being.

Nutrient profile

Flax seeds are the richest sources of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids in the world!
They are the number one source of lignans in our diets.
They are also storehouses of minerals like manganese, magnesium as well as fibre, protein and vitamin B1.
Health benefits of flax seeds

Heart healthy: Omega-3 essential fatty acids are known as 'good' fats that have been shown to have a number of heart healthy effects. Flax seeds can naturally reduce cholesterol levels. This happens because the high fibre content in flax traps cholesterol in the digestive tract so it doesn t get absorbed. They also prevent hardening of arteries due to deposition of plaque and treat heart arrhythmias.
Super digestive aids: Fibre in flax seeds helps delay the passage of food through the GI tract. This increases nutrient absorption in the small intestine. Fibre also supports colon detoxification, fat loss and reduces sugar cravings.
Natural hormones: Lignans are very important plant hormones as well as antioxidants. The lignans in flax have estrogenic properties. After menopause, estrogen levels in women drop to abysmal levels. Use of flax seeds can shore up estrogen levels and provide protection for bones, heart and other organs. These provide benefits like anti-ageing, hormone balancing and health of body cells. Studies also show that flax can reduce hot flashes experienced during menopause by half. Lignans are also known for their anti-viral and antibacterial properties,
Flaxseeds are Gluten-free: Most grains we consume are gluten rich like wheat. Flax, on the other hand, is low in gluten. This means that flax is anti- inflammatory and reduces inflammation in any part of our bodies. People suffering from celiac disease and auto-immune diseases can thus include flax in their diet without a problem.
Most Magnesium-rich food in the world: Magnesium helps in keeping our muscles healthy and its deficiency is the biggest reason for sore muscles, fatigue and cramps.
Cancer fighter extraordinaire: In animal studies, the plant Omega-3 fatty acid found in flaxseed, called ALA, has been shown to inhibit tumour incidence and growth.
Flax seeds is also very effective against breast cancer. Flaxseed is by no means a magic bullet against every disease known to man, but it comes close to being one. If you are thinking of reaping its benefits, use flax seeds as much possible and add them in your curries, soups, smoothies or just roast and eat to experience the flax miracle.
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Is It Alright To Drink Water Without Brushing Your Teeth?

General Physician, Gurgaon
Is It Alright To Drink Water Without Brushing Your Teeth?
Water effectively constitutes 70-75% of human bodies and keeps us protected from many harmful things. But many people have a frequent question: is it alright to drink water before you brush your teeth? Will it harm your body? Let us discuss the same in this article.

Many people believe that they should not drink water before brushing their teeth because of the bacterias present in saliva after you wake up. But this is a myth and it does not have any scientific logic. When you drink water after waking up before brushing, your saliva goes with the water down into the stomach which results in the killing of the bacteria due to the high acid content inside it. Therefore there is absolutely no harm if you drink water before brushing teeth.

If you are familiar with Japanese culture then you must know that the Japanese drink two glasses of water every morning immediately after they wake up. Drinking water immediately after you wake up without brushing your teeth does not harm you in any way. Doctors always recommend drinking two full glass or at least one, on an empty stomach. There are several benefits your body receives when you consume water every morning after you wake up.

Drinking water every morning has its own long list of benefits. Let us have a look at them-

Boosts your immunity- Drinking water every morning strengthens your immunity system. Helps you to fight diseases and germs much better.
Clears the bowels- After your drink water in the morning, you will get an urge of flushing out your bowels. This way the bowels remain clear and you do not face any constipation issues.
Speeds up metabolism- Your metabolism gets boosted when you drink water resulting in faster digestion and metabolic rate. It also keeps you hydrated through the day.
Prevents headaches and migraines effectively and it also helps in preventing colon infection because your bowels get cleared easily.
Helps in weight loss- Drinking water every morning helps you to lose weight by a significant margin due to the fact it occupies the stomach killing the desire to eat much in the morning.
Beneficial for skin- Increase in the freshness of your skin complexion which water delivers if you drink it every day in the morning. It flushes out the toxins and dead cells which helps in increase of new and fresh body cells.
Thus as you can see the long list of benefits you will receive if you drink water every day after you wake up.
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Blood Purification - Foods That Are Best For It!

Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma In Sports Nutrition, Diploma in Yoga, IDEEL
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Blood Purification - Foods That Are Best For It!
Toxins often get accumulated in the blood every single day from the daily dose of junk foods, stress, and pollution. The human lungs play a pivotal role in the purification of blood as the pure oxygenated blood is carried from the heart to each corner of the body. Therefore, it is very important to eat the foods which can help in detoxification of the blood. Here are some of the natural foods which you should try to consume on a regular basis.

Avocado: If you are looking for food that would purify your blood and keep you healthy, then you should eat avocado daily. It helps in the removal of toxins that destroy the human artery. Plus, avocados are overloaded with loads of Vitamin E which shields the skin from the damage brought about by the harmful effects of oxidative stress and free radicals. Avocados are also a considerable source of Omega 3-fatty acids.
Broccoli: Broccoli is one of the highest acclaimed foods when it comes to detoxification of blood and removal of harmful toxins from the blood. This green vegetable is also enriched with calcium, Omega 3-fatty acids, Vitamin C and K, phosphorus, magnesium and dietary fiber. If you consume broccoli on a regular basis, it would not only purify your blood but also reduces the risk of cancer, stroke, cardiac arrest, and allergy reaction.
Cabbage: Cabbage is an amazing source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, dietary fiber, folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus. Thus, cabbage helps in purifying the blood and protecting the bones. If you are looking for a natural food which can reduce the heart diseases by keeping blood pressure under control, then you should have cabbage on a regular basis.
Green tea: When it comes to purification of blood, nothing could be as effective as green tea. It can also protect the skin from sun damage by neutralizing the free radicals and lowering the skin inflammation by blocking the ultra-violet rays of the sun. The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea reduce the signs of aging.
Apple: Apple is the best food for cleansing the blood and consuming it daily helps in the improvement of the quality of life. It is a considerable source of all the vitamins and mineral along with high levels of pectin which is a dietary fiber known for removal of heavy metals from the body. The presence of anti-oxidants helps in the purification of blood and destruction of free radicals.
You should include these natural foods in your daily diet to boost the purification of blood, fight diseases and lead a healthy life.
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How Much Water Intake Should be Considered Necessary?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
How Much Water Intake Should be Considered Necessary?
Everyone has heard the advice 'drink eight-ounce glasses of water a day', which is popularly known as 8 by 8 rule. Another popular advice is 'drink 4 glasses of water empty stomach', aka Usha Paana Chikitsa, a term used widely in Ayurveda.

People advocate intake of water on an empty stomach, describing how it cleanses the body and cures a wide range of diseases starting from allergies to cancer. Messages regarding its benefits are forwarded in WhatsApp groups and on Facebook as if it s the elixir of life as described in the world-renowned book 'The Alchemist'.

Usha Paana in Ayurveda

Originally described in Rasayan Adhyaay of Ashtang Hruday, it has been stated that a person who drinks Sheetodak i.e cold water early morning will continue to remain young. Many people start following this process
blindly without understanding the fine details involved.

First of all, this has been described as a rasayan and hence, it should be only followed by a person who has underwent detoxification through Panchkarma. Even if detoxification is not possible for everyone in today's era atleast the concerned person should be devoid of any illness.
Secondly, according to Ayurveda, a person should get up at Brahma Muhurat i.e around 5.30 am. So even if without detoxification a person has to practice Usha Paan as a routine then he should consume it at around 5.30 am in the morning after passing stool because that s the first thing that has been advised after getting up.
Half the people who practice Usha Paan Chikitsa, drink water to help them get relieved of constipation, which is actually bad for their health. It is as if they try to push the stool out from their body by drinking excess water.

Relation of water intake and meals:

'Sam Sthula Krusha Bhukta Madhya Antah Prathama Ambu Pah'

A simple sutra mentioned in DravDravyadi Vidyaaneya Adhyay describing effects of water intake while having food, after intake of food and before intake of food.

It is clearly stated that a person who drinks water while consuming food continues to remain in same state of health i.e swastha (Healthy).
If a person wants to gain weight, then he should drink water just after consuming his meal. (Max 160ml)
If a person wants to lose weight, then he should drink water just before consuming his meal.
Here drinking water just before meals will make the person get a feeling of fullness and hence, automatically his food intake will decrease. Of course, he has to stop eating as soon as his hunger is satiated. He should not eat food just because he eats that much quantity everyday.

To know the quantity of appetite a person should have just consider to divide your hunger/appetite in four parts. Consume food, which will fill two parts. Have one part water and keep the remaining one part of your appetite empty.

Another advice we get from many people, especially from Naturopathy is to not have any water during meals Have a jug (450 ml and above) full of water after 40 Mins of consumption of food.
Firstly this advice has nothing to do with Ayurved. Naturopathy and Ayurved are not even closely related.

Ayurveda practitoners follow the sutra given below :

Ajirne Bheshajam Waari Jirne Waari BalPradam
Bhojane Cha Amrutam Waari Bhojanaante VishPradam
If a person suffers from indigestion then he should consume Ushnodak Jal (warm water) as medicine.
Water consumed after the food is digested (Minimum 6 hrs after meal) will increase Bala (Body Strength).
Water consumed during consumption of meals will act as Amrut (Elixir of Life).
Water consumed in large quantity after meals will act as a Visha (Extinguishes the Agni of Body).
Here large quantity is important because bahu ambu paan (Very HighWater Intake) is responsible for initiation of many diseases according to Ayurved.
Water to be drank after meals to increase weight is not in large quantity but around a glass only 160ml max. So no question of conflict arises between the two sutras.
How much water intake should be considered necessary?

A very tricky question as it has got no straight answer. Every person's need varies according to their body needs as well as their line of work. This can be easily explained by an example, A businessman, a farmer, an army man all work for eight hours. Businessman is sitting in an A.C office. The farmer is toiling in the sun. The Army man is guarding our border in the Desert. Will each of them require the same quantity of water? The answer is definitely NO. The same way, even if you are living together in the same family, every member's water intake need will be different. To come up with a general statement which can be useful for everyone, it can be said that instead of having 8 ounces glass of water a day, kindly - 'Remember to have 8 ounces of fluid (liquid in any form) a Day''

Maximum researchers/doctors agree with the above statement. Fluid means any liquid. It may be soup, juice, dal, etc. Next time you come across advice regarding water intake, I hope information shared here will help you take the correct step.
9276 people found this helpful

What Does Thalassemia Do To Your Body?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
What Does Thalassemia Do To Your Body?
Thalassemia is a genetic (i.e., passed from parents to children through genes) blood disorder. People with Thalassemia disease are not able to make enough hemoglobin, which causes severe anemia. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells and carries oxygen to all parts of the body. When there is not enough hemoglobin in the red blood cells, oxygen cannot get to all parts of the body. Organs then become starved for oxygen and are unable to function properly.

There are two types of Thalassemia disease-

Alpha Thalassemia disease: There are two main types of Alpha Thalassemia disease. Alpha Thalassemia Major is a very serious disease in which severe anemia begins even before birth. Pregnant women carrying affected fetuses are themselves at risk for serious pregnancy and delivery complications. Another type of Alpha Thalassemia is Hemoglobin H disease. There are varying degrees of Hemoglobin H disease.
Beta Thalassemia disease: Beta Thalassemia Major (also called Cooley's Anemia) is a serious illness. Symptoms appear in the first two years of life and include paleness of the skin, poor appetite, irritability, and failure to grow. Proper treatment includes routine blood transfusions and other therapies.
Causes of Thalassemia-

Thalassemia occurs when there s an abnormality or mutation in one of the genes involved in hemoglobin production. You inherit this genetic defect from your parents.

If only one of the parents is a carrier for thalassemia, the child may develop a form of the disease known as thalassemia minor. If this occurs, the born child probably won t have symptoms, but he/she will be a carrier of the disease. Some people with thalassemia minor do develop minor symptoms.

If both of your parents are carriers of thalassemia, you have a greater chance of inheriting a more serious form of the disease.


The symptoms depend on the type of thalassemia:

Thalassemia Minor: Thalassemia minor usually doesn t cause any symptoms. If it does, it causes minor anemia.
Beta-thalassemia: Beta-thalassemia comes in two serious types, which are thalassemia major, or Cooley s anemia, and thalassemia intermedia. The symptoms of thalassemia major generally appear before a child s second birthday. The severe anemia related to this condition can be life-threatening. Other signs and symptoms include:
frequent infections
a poor appetite
failure to thrive
jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes
enlarged organs
This form of thalassemia is usually so severe that it requires regular blood transfusions.

Alpha-thalassemia: Alpha-thalassemia also has two serious types, which are hemoglobin H disease and hydrops fetalis. Hemoglobin H disease can cause bone issues. The cheeks, forehead, and jaw may all overgrow. Hemoglobin H disease can cause:
jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin or the whites of the eyes
an extremely enlarged spleen
Hydrops fetalis is an extremely severe form of thalassemia. It occurs before birth. Most individuals with this condition are either stillborn or die shortly after being born.

How is thalassemia diagnosed?

Thalassaemia is often detected during pregnancy or soon after birth.

Screening during pregnancy: Screening to check if a baby is at risk of being born with thalassemia is offered to all pregnant women.
Testing after birth or later in life: Newborn babies aren't routinely tested for thalassemia because the test used isn't always reliable soon after birth and the condition isn't immediately dangerous. However, the main form of the condition beta thalassemia major is often picked up as part of the newborn blood spot test (heel prick). A blood test can be carried out at any point to diagnose the condition if a child or adult has symptoms of thalassemia and the condition wasn't picked up earlier on.
Testing for the Thalassemia Trait- A blood test can be done at any time to find out if you have the thalassemia trait and are at risk of having a child with the condition. This can be particularly useful if you have a family history of the condition or your partner is known to carry thalassemia.
If your child has thalassemia, blood tests may reveal:

A low level of red blood cells
Smaller than expected red blood cells
Pale red blood cells
Red blood cells that are varied in size and shape
Red blood cells with uneven hemoglobin distribution, which gives the cells a bull's-eye appearance under the microscope
Blood tests may also be used to:

Measure the amount of iron in your child's blood
Evaluate his or her hemoglobin
Perform DNA analysis to diagnose thalassemia or to determine if a person is carrying mutated hemoglobin genes
Treatment for Thalassemia-

The treatment for thalassemia depends on the type and severity of disease involved. Your doctor will give you a course of treatment that will work best for your particular case.

Some of the utilized treatments include:

blood transfusions
a bone marrow transplant (BMT)
medications and supplements
possible surgery to remove the spleen or gallbladder
8973 people found this helpful

Concussion - Can Homeopathy Resolve It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Concussion - Can Homeopathy Resolve It?
Head injuries occur due to a variety of injuries - road accidents, falls, sports, assaults, etc. While some injuries might be obvious, others may not have an external injury. However, given the structure and vascularity of the brain, there could be definite damage to the blood flow and brain function. There would be an alteration in the person's behavior which may seem weird to others. A detailed history and examination will help unearth these symptoms and the underlying causes and thereby manage them.

Any of the above injuries can result in jarring of the brain, and especially in cases of children, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor. If it was a very minor injury, then any of the following symptoms should warrant a visit to the doctor.

- Worsening headache
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Dizziness
- Difficulty waking up from sleep
- Irritability and confusion
- Unequal pupil size or dilated pupils
- Confused about name or place of belonging
- Unclear speech
- Numbness in the legs or arms

As with all other conditions, homeopathy believes in getting to the root of the issue and not just treating the symptoms. There have been cases reported where the patient had severe symptoms, was given homeopathic remedies with complete cure of symptoms. There are specific remedies in the acute phase and the chronic phase.

Acute phase: The commonly given remedies in the acute phase include Aconite, Arnica, and opium. They are aimed at stimulating recovery and should be given immediately after the injury has happened.
- Aconite: Used when the patient is restless and panicky with the fear of death.
- Opium: These may have injuries elsewhere but not on the head, may feel dazed or be in coma, could also have a bloated face.
- Arnica: If the patient is severely bruised, however, is denying help and claims to feel well, then Arnica should be given

Chronic phase: These remedies help in managing the long-term implications of a concussion that sets in sometimes even after months.

Natrum sulphuricum: The person here is usually depressed and irritable, suicidal in some cases, have a feeling of ringing in the ears, experience vertigo. The symptoms are worsened in wet or damp conditions.

Natrum muriaticum: The person becomes sad or withdrawn, have a chronic headache that is worsened when out in the sun, and develop a dislike for salt. Being at the seaside can make these symptoms to improve or worsen dramatically.

Hypericum: The person will have convulsions immediately after the injury and can complain of "pins and needles" sensation later on.

Helleborus: The person seems to shut down since the injury has happened with indifference to pain or pleasure.

Hyoscymus: The person becomes talkative, excited, laughs inappropriately, and in rare cases, muscle spasms or even epilepsy.
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Obesity - A Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide!

Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Diabetologist, Bangalore
Obesity - A Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide!
Obesity is a medical condition in which excess accumulation of body fat creates an adverse effect on health. Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children. In 2015, 600 million adults and 100 million children were obese. Obesity is more common in women than men.It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist-hip ratio (WHR) and total cardiovascular risk factors. Body mass index is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat.

It is defined as the subject's weight divided by the square of their height and is calculated as follows:

BMI = m/h2(Where m and h are the subject's weight and height, respectively)Waist-hip ratio is the dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips. This ratio is calculated as waist measurement divided by hip measurement (W H)The WHR has been used as an indicator or measure of health and the risk of developing serious health conditions.

The BMR of the body is classified into the following types:

BMI (kg/m2)
Classification up to 18.5
Underweight18.5 25.0
Normal weight25.0 30.0
Overweight 30.0 35.0
Class I obesity 35.0 40.0
Class II obesity

40.0 and above

Class III obesity

Diet: Excessive food energy intake
Sedentary lifestyle
Other illnesses: Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, growth hormone deficiency, and eating disorders
Certain medications: Insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, steroids, certain anticonvulsants, pizotifen, and some forms of hormonal contraception
Gut bacteria Health risks associated with obesity
Bone and cartilage degeneration (osteoarthritis)
Coronary heart disease
Gallbladder disease (gall stone)
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High total cholesterol and high levels of triglycerides (dyslipidemia)
Respiratory problems
Several cancers
Sleep apnea
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Management of obesity
Conservative management

Diet: Limit energy intake from total fats and sugars and increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts.
Eat consistently: Resist the urge to overeat. Your food intake should follow a regular routine. Overeating not only upsets your routine but also impacts your metabolism.
Breakfast: Never miss your breakfast. Breakfast is a crucial meal; it also helps stave off hunger later on in the day, which often leads to overeating and snacking.
Monitor yourself: Keep a close check on what you eat and regularly weigh yourself.
Physical activity: Perform at least 200 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This schedule should be spread out over at least 3 days.
Watching TV: Limit watching TV to no more than 10 hours each week.
Surgical management

The surgical management of obesity involves the following two procedures:

Restrictive procedures
Malabsorptive procedures
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Benefits of Drinking Lukewarm Water in Morning - Start Your Day With It?

B.Sc - Dietitics/Nutrition, M.Sc-(HOME SC.) FOOD AND NUTRITION
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Indore
Benefits of Drinking Lukewarm Water in Morning - Start Your Day With It?
In this health-conscious era, more and more people want to stay fit. They constantly look for ways to maintain good health. Many have even developed a good habit of starting the day with a glass of lukewarm water as soon as they wake up in the morning. Yes, drinking water on an empty stomach offers the maximum health benefits. It not only stimulates the removal of toxins from the body but also benefits the overall digestive system.

Although warm water isn t the most palatable, there are many reasons to start drinking it this way, either alone or with lemon. Below given are 6 reasons to start drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach:

Digestive system: The food pipe, after having digested a variety of foods the previous day, would still be left with remnants. Starting the day with a glass of warm water acts as a good flush, which removes all these remnants. The warm or hot water also helps in removing greasiness, which is very helpful in people who eat a lot of junk food.
Helps in Weight loss: Drinking warm water on an empty stomach is perfect for those who are trying to lose weight as warm water raises body temperature and the metabolism. This, eventually, helps in burning more fat and boosting the weight loss efforts through diet and exercise changes. Ideally, you should add some drops of lemon in it.
Strengthens Immune system: When a glass of hot water along with some lime is consumed early in the morning, it gives the required dose of vitamin C and potassium to the body, which strengthens your immunity system. Also, as the stomach is empty, the absorption is faster.
Maintains body s pH balance: The body s pH turns alkaline as the ascorbic acid and the citric acid is easily digested and removed from the system. Drinking warm water helps in maintaining the required pH in the body.
Keeps you positive throughout the day: A nice juicy lime smells great, and this can be one of the best mood enhancers to begin your day with.
Skin and hair: For anybody with good skin, the key success factor is hydration, and a glass of warm water in the morning works like a cherry on the cake. When our body accumulates toxins, it becomes prone to illness and aging. A glass of hot water in the morning stimulates detoxification and helps in repairing skin cells and elasticity.
So, start your day with a glass of warm water and feel the difference. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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8 Foods That Remove Toxins From Your Body!

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, B.Pharma, MD - Alternate Medicine
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
8 Foods That Remove Toxins From Your Body!
Do you want a flawless skin and a perfect figure to grab eyeballs? Are you a fitness freak? Do you believe that your daily dose of exercise can gift you a beautiful body? Well, it s time you update your knowledge a bit on this issue. Running on the treadmill or spending hours on meditation or yoga is just not enough for a healthy body, skin and mind. You need to flush out the toxins from your body as well. You need to include food items in your regular diet, which have the ability to detox your body.

Believe it or not, there are a plenty of detoxifying natural food items. These food items promote the health of your organs like kidneys, intestines and liver, which help you to get rid of the toxins. Don t go for any medications or artificial ways of detox. Here are some natural food items that can cleanse your body thoroughly:

Artichokes: This food item is rich in prebiotic inulin, which helps the growth of probiotics in the gut. Probiotics are the essential and good bacteria. They promote the process of digestion. It improves the health of the gut and facilitates its smooth functioning.
Brussels sprouts: Cruciferous vegetables like sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc are a must for your health. They improve the health of liver, kidneys and gut. They also facilitate bowel movement. Researchers claim that these foods are rich in phytochemical sulforaphane. This compound protects your body from the adverse effects of pre-carcinogenic cells.
Oranges: As we all know, oranges have the goodness of vitamin C. Moreover, it is also rich in antioxidants. Vitamin C and other antioxidants keep the liver functioning proper and therefore detoxify the body. Intake of oranges boosts the production of a compound called glutathione. This compound is a must for detoxification of the liver.
Eggs: If you are thinking that eggs can only help in body-building by giving you the right amount of protein. You are wrong. They do a lot more help to you. They contain an amino acid called cysteine. This is needed for breaking down acetaldehyde, it comes as a by-product of alcohol metabolism. Therefore, eggs are the best food items to get your body purified after an over-night booze party.
Sweet potatoes: These are rich in Vitamin B. Vitamins B6, B12 and vitamin B folate help in overall digestion and metabolism.
Lentils: They provide your body with zinc. This mineral is needed for boosting up the immune system of our body and promoting digestion and metabolism.
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