
Top Health Tips on Living with Fibromyalgia (FMS)

Fibromyalgia - Can Extensive Pain Be A Sign?

Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
Fibromyalgia - Can Extensive Pain Be A Sign?
Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread body pain along with sleep deficits, memory loss, mood problems and fatigue. Symptoms may be triggered after a surgery, physical trauma, infection, or stress. Women are much more vulnerable to this disease than men. Many people affected with fibromyalgia may have suffered from headaches, backaches, depression, anxiety, tension, temporomandibular jo...moreFibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread body pain along with sleep deficits, memory loss, mood problems and fatigue. Symptoms may be triggered after a surgery, physical trauma, infection, or stress. Women are much more vulnerable to this disease than men. Many people affected with fibromyalgia may have suffered from headaches, backaches, depression, anxiety, tension, temporomandibular joint disorders and irritable bowel syndrome.

Most of these patients have undergone multiple consultation with various doctors and undergone many tests, but no diagnosis could be made. These patients are often ignored by doctors and family members as always "complaining of pain".

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Extensive Pain: Pain related to fibromyalgia is often depicted as a dull pain that lasts for at least three months. Pain can involve any body part like back,neck, chest, arms, legs. Patients have pain in multiple areas of body and painful areas change over time.
Fatigue: Patients afflicted with this disorder feel tired even after sleep. Such people are reported to sleep for longer hours than normal people, but their sleep often gets disrupted due to sleep apnoea and restless leg syndrome.
Cognitive Difficulties: These patients find it difficult to concentrate at work and also suffer from memory deficits in daily activities.
Other Symptoms These patients may also have symptoms like burning urination, urgency of urination, numbness,loss of appetite, tingling sensation,diarrhoea, constipation, tinnitus, depression etc.

Diagnosis of fibromyalgia There are no specific test to diagnose fibromyalgia. Diagnosis is made by a doctor specialised in Pain Medicine using clinical methods based on symptoms and examination. Blood tests like Haemogram, Thyroid function test, RA Factor, ESR are done to rule out other diseases which can cause similar symptoms.

Treatment of fibromyalgia

First step in treating these patients is to accept their problem and discuss with patient and family members regarding the presence of such disease entity.
Lifestyle changes like active involvement in cardiovascular exercises, swimming, yoga, meditation are important to control symptoms.
Conventional painkillers do not work in these patients. They requires special medications prescribed by a pain specialist for control of symptoms.
Counselling of patient is beneficial for associated depression. Sometimes these patients need interventions/injections.
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Fibromylagia - How To Track It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Internal Medicine, Fellowship in Rhuematology, DNB (Internal Medicine)
Internal Medicine Specialist, Chennai
Fibromylagia - How To Track It?
Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by chronic widespread body pains and increased responsiveness to pressure. Women are at a higher risk of suffering from this disorder than men. Fibromyalgia can be treated with physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy and combined efforts of physician and the patient. Some of the symptoms that characterize this disorder are: Pain: Fibromyalgia is characterized by ...moreFibromyalgia is a condition characterised by chronic widespread body pains and increased responsiveness to pressure. Women are at a higher risk of suffering from this disorder than men. Fibromyalgia can be treated with physiotherapy, pharmacotherapy and combined efforts of physician and the patient.

Some of the symptoms that characterize this disorder are:

Pain: Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain that has no apparent reason. It can affect different parts of the body and presents itself in different ways. Some people may experience a stabbing pain while others complain of a persistent dull ache. This pain may be affected by climate changes or stressful situations. There is a reduced threshold to pain, because of a certain chemical ( neurotransmitters) abnormalities in the brain. Pain is generalized, felt above and below the waist, right and left side of body, arms, legs, neck and back.
Abnormal Sensitivity: Fibromyalgia patients are extremely sensitive to environmental changes that involve sight, sound and smell. For example, cigarette smoke can make a fibromyalgia patient extremely nauseous while loud music can give the person an instant headache. Lights that are brighter than normal can also make such a person feel uncomfortable. Patients have an abnormal sensitivity to pain, which leads to generalized aching of the body and tender points.
Muscle & Joint Stiffness: Fibromyalgia patients often experience stiff muscles and joints without any form of strenuous activity or other reason. This may be localised to one group of muscles or affect the whole body. For some patients, this pain is worse in the morning or when sitting for extended periods of time. However, moving around does not provide any significant relief.
Chronic fatigue and exhaustion: There are two main reasons for a fibromyalgia patient to complain of tiredness. Firstly, the condition itself drains a person of energy even without overexerting themselves. Secondly, the pain and joint stiffness can hamper a person s sleep and lead to sleep deprivation. Over time, this can become a vicious cycle of tiredness and insomnia. Chronic fatigue also affects a person s immune system causing his or her energy levels to drop.
Cognitive impairments: Fibromyalgia patients also complain of a compromised short term memory. They often face difficulties recalling names of people they have recently met or other newly acquired information. These people may also have trouble concentrating on tasks for extended periods of time and experience mental sluggishness also known as fibro-fog.
Irritable bowel syndrome: Bowel disturbance is another common symptom of this disease. Passing stool may become difficult due to a combination of pain and muscle stiffness. With time, this problem can worsen unless addressed with laxatives. However, an over-dependence on laxatives can lead to further problems.
Somatic Symptoms: Apart from pain, the patient experiences unrefreshing sleep and fatigue throughout the day. Other associated features can be depression, abdominal cramps, chest pain, tingling.
Lab Tests: Fibromyalgia is a clinical diagnosis. There are no definite laboratory tests. In fact, most conducted tests will turn out to be normal.
Treatment: Foremost important is the education of patient and caregivers, regarding the nature of the disease. The patient needs to indulge in recreational activities and undergo supervised physiotherapy. There are potent medicines to correct the chemical imbalance in the body thereby increasing the pain threshold and leading to a better quality of life.
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Fibromyalgia - How Can You Deal With It?

MBBS, M.S., M.Ch - Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Lucknow
Fibromyalgia - How Can You Deal With It?
Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by extreme muscle pain that is followed by weakness, fatigue and issue with the state of mind. It is believed that fibromyalgia causes painful sensations by affecting the way your mind forms pain signals. Indications now and then start after a physical injury, surgery, disease or critical mental anxiety. In different cases, side effects progressively show...moreFibromyalgia is a condition characterised by extreme muscle pain that is followed by weakness, fatigue and issue with the state of mind. It is believed that fibromyalgia causes painful sensations by affecting the way your mind forms pain signals.

Indications now and then start after a physical injury, surgery, disease or critical mental anxiety. In different cases, side effects progressively show after some time with no single occasion that triggers it.

Here are some coping methods you can use to help yourself live well with fibromyalgia:

Minimize stress and tension in your life. Stress may play an essential part in activating fibromyalgia side effects and its symptoms. Many individuals with fibromyalgia tend to feel on the edge, anxious, and inactive around the time when the side effects fibromyalgia flare up.

Exclude yourself from unpleasant circumstances. People tend to amplify issues, making them appear to be far more prominent than they are. When you think of something to be a last chance situation, despite the fact that in reality, it is not, your body responds as though you are at risk. Work at treating your feelings as problems come by.

Make worksite adjustments. To continue working full-time, you should stay rationally and physically ready to handle your employment obligations. To keep away from stress and tension, you may need to give additional time during the day to complete your personal needs and sort out your problems. Converse with your manager and work out a timetable that allows you to manage your time.

Coordination. Coordination is important with an unending condition like fibromyalgia. Transparent conversations diminish the problems amongst you and your companion, family, friends and colleagues.

Figure out how to say no. Failing to say no to excessively numerous requests will make you overburdened. That will add to your anxiety level. To help yourself say no to a convincing companion, consider the circumstance before you reply and also think about the time you will be saving.

Keep a diary. Writing in a diary consistently can turn into a great channel for analyzing yourself and your situation. A few people can also figure out when their fibromyalgia symptoms started. That can help them see how and when the symptoms began.

Take a hot shower. Take a hot shower, a hot tub bath, or a steam bath. To begin with, it will help you to unwind the muscles that are tense. It will also decrease the pain and make your muscles more flexible and effortless to move.

Exercise frequently. As per physiotherapists, exercising routinely is vital to get rid of fibromyalgia. In light of the pain, delicate muscles, continuous weakness, and stiffness felt by individuals with fibromyalgia, many have turned out to be physically unfit. Hence, all of the above-mentioned treatments are very important in order to stay fit.
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6 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Manage Fibromyalgia!

Physiotherapist, Gurgaon
6 Ways Physiotherapy Can Help Manage Fibromyalgia!
Fibromyalgia causes pain in the muscles of the body and weakens them gradually. Patients with fibromyalgia have a number of "delicate points" on the body and are very sensitive to different things that are not typically painful or unpleasant. They can encounter increased the tenderness and weakness which may lead to problems in movement and even proper sleep. Physiotherapy concentrates on the tre...moreFibromyalgia causes pain in the muscles of the body and weakens them gradually. Patients with fibromyalgia have a number of "delicate points" on the body and are very sensitive to different things that are not typically painful or unpleasant. They can encounter increased the tenderness and weakness which may lead to problems in movement and even proper sleep.

Physiotherapy concentrates on the treatment, and healing of injuries. Standard exercise based physiotherapy methods may help you gain control of your fibromyalgia as you concentrate on lifestyle changes instead of persistent pain, stiffness and fatigue. Physiotherapists can demonstrate generally accepted methods to get rid of the side effects of pain and solidness in everyday life. They show patients how to build strength and enhance their scope of movement. They show them ways to get rid of the everyday pain.

In case you have fibromyalgia, your physiotherapist creates particular extending and stretching programs to meet your individual needs. While there is no known cure for fibromyalgia, physiotherapy might help you get rid of the pain. It can reduce the stiffness.

Strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility through a number of exercises are two vital ways physical therapists decrease fibromyalgia pain and make life more manageable. These include:

Stretching: By increasing your flexibility through stretching, the hardened muscles loosen up giving fibromyalgia help. Your physiotherapist can teach you the correct approach to stretch your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Various stretching exercises will also be suggested depending upon the condition or type of pain you have in what part of your body. The combination of these stretching exercises might need a stretching band or other accessories like a compression ball or a rubber band.
Aerobic exercises: Low speed and low affect exercises are ideal. Stationary cycles and circular machines are typically less pressurizing on the joints. Aerobic exercises are also a great option for fast recovery, but the intensity depends on your condition.
Aqua treatment: Swimming and other water activities are very good for fibromyalgia patients. The lightness of the water can decrease weight on muscles and joints and enhance adaptability. A warmed pool might be particularly useful because of the warmth that can calm sore muscles.
Massage: Massage can help pain alleviation and joint stiffness.
Joint movement: It can improve movement in the tightened muscles, delicate spots and joint stiffness.
Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy with heat or ice packs works by stimulating the healing force of your own body. Cool packs lessen swelling by tightening veins. On the other hand, warm packs on painful areas widen veins. That expands the stream of blood, oxygen, and different supplements and speeds the elimination of toxins from the body.
Physiotherapy is a lifestyle remedy for such conditions but must have to be patient as the results will be gradual.
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Fibromyalgia - Why Is Ayurveda A Safe Mode Of Treatment?

MD - Ayurveda, BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bangalore
Fibromyalgia - Why Is Ayurveda A Safe Mode Of Treatment?
Non-inflammatory pain and tenderness in joints, muscles and ligaments can lead to a chronic condition called Fibromyalgia. It is estimated that it affects 5 % of the population annually. Though there are many conventional medications available to address this situation, none of them focuses on healing the disease from the root. This is precisely where Ayurvedic techniques differ. Let us look at a ...moreNon-inflammatory pain and tenderness in joints, muscles and ligaments can lead to a chronic condition called Fibromyalgia. It is estimated that it affects 5 % of the population annually. Though there are many conventional medications available to address this situation, none of them focuses on healing the disease from the root. This is precisely where Ayurvedic techniques differ. Let us look at a time tested way to address Fibromyalgia through ancient Ayurveda.

Ayurveda for Fibromyalgia
There are some common symptoms of Fibromyalgia. These include aches and stiffness of the body, generalized fatigue, chronic headaches and migraines, swelling and numbing sensations in the joints. Ayurveda treats a particular disease on the basis of the vata imbalance. The condition also affects the central nervous system thus leading to pain and tenderness. Accumulation of Ama or toxins is also the other major factor for Fibromyalgia.

Ayurveda focuses mainly on these two factors and creates a balance in suppressing them. The famed panchakarma therapy and the herbal oil massage can help in reducing the toxin levels. They also work additionally as a detox thus helping in eradicating the harmful by-products. Along with it, a diet plan should also be followed for stimulating the growth naturally. These include vegetables, fibers, and juices of carrot, cucumber, beetroot, spices like cumin, coriander, ginger asafetida and coconut milk.

Also, some limitations are needed, and a person should avoid spicy foods and reduce the intake of caffeine products. Alcohol should be curbed when a person is under the treatment plan. Few herbs like "Dashamula quath" and 'Triphala choorna' are recommended for cleansing the colon. Mental stress is also one of the major factors, and hence a relaxed attitude should be followed along with certain lifestyle changes. Ayurveda wants the body to get the necessary sleep and rest in its treatment plan. In the treatment of Fibromyalgia too, it is no different. The Ayurvedic physician would lay out the entire cycle of the treatment procedure, and they have to be followed religiously. A person can see the reduction in the pain within a few weeks of following the treatment.

Ayurveda is safe
The biggest advantage of an Ayurvedic treatment is that it is extremely safe and that there are no side effects. They effectively act as a detox thus getting rid of the harmful substances from the body along with curing of the symptoms. Ayurveda not only takes care of the pain but identifies the problem from the root. Hence it effectively curbs the chances of Fibromyalgia from reoccurring.
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Fibromyalgia - Know Homeopathic Remedies For It!

BHMS, CCAH, Fellowship course in Advance Homoepath - FCAH
Homeopathy Doctor, Indore
Fibromyalgia - Know Homeopathic Remedies For It!
In the recent years, with the building work pressure and the increasing stress in our everyday activities, our regular lives have become choc-a-bloc with all sorts of engagements. This often renders our bodies prone to fatigue and listlessness. This phenomenon can often be observed in an intensified form by way of a disorder called Fibromyalgia or as it is deemed in common parlance, "rheumatism". ...moreIn the recent years, with the building work pressure and the increasing stress in our everyday activities, our regular lives have become choc-a-bloc with all sorts of engagements. This often renders our bodies prone to fatigue and listlessness. This phenomenon can often be observed in an intensified form by way of a disorder called Fibromyalgia or as it is deemed in common parlance, "rheumatism". Fibromyalgia is an ailment which causes pain in the body tissues. The tender and fibrous tissues like muscles, ligaments and tendons are often affected by this disease. As a consequence of Fibromyalgia, one feels incapacitated to work or perform any physical activity. Sometimes Fibromyalgia is accompanied by extreme headaches, sleep disturbances, muscle pain and consistent dizziness. The degree of chronicity of the disease may vary but the underlying cause remains the same. Given the high incidence of the disease, the treatment for the same is also widely available. However, for a more effective and lasting cure, many resort to homeopathy. Homeopathy offers several remedies to Fibromyalgia, classified on the basis of the discrete symptoms of the disease.

1. RhusTox
RhusTox is an excellent antidote for rheumatism induced stillness and muscle pain. When paired with suitable exercises, it can afford a lot of relief.

2. RutaGrav
RutaGrav aids in relieving tendon pains and sustained usage helps in restoring muscle strength in case of Fibromyalgia.

3. Rhododendron
Often the Fibromyalgia pain gets aggravated with a marked change in the season. Rhododendron mitigates the intensity of the pain.

4. Arnica
For any injury induced body ache, Arnica is an extremely effective cure. It also functions as the foremost option, when the precise causes or the symptoms are unknown.

5. Causticum
Certain forms of Fibromyalgia are accompanied with soreness, weakness and a feeling of stillness. Causticum soothes such ailments.

6. Bryonia
Bryonia alleviates chronic pain in the soft tissues of the body. Exposure to heat needs to be avoided mandatorily in order to optimize the effect of Bryonia.

7. Kalmia Latifolia
When, besides the obverse symptoms of Fibromyalgia, the pain in the muscle is accompanied with a feeling of cold and numbness, one of the best homeopathic cures is Kalmia Latifolia.

Fibryomalgia is an ailment which not only manifests physical troubles but also affects one's emotional status adversely. Therefore, to meet out the best remedy, homeopathy carefully assess both the physical and the psychosocial bearing of the patient before recommending a particular cure.
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7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Fibromyalgia!

Homeopathy Doctor, Thane
7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Fibromyalgia!
In the recent years, with the building work pressure and the increasing stress in our everyday activities, our regular lives have become choc-a-bloc with all sorts of engagements. This often renders our bodies prone to fatigue and listlessness. This phenomenon can often be observed in an intensified form by way of a disorder called Fibromyalgia or as it is deemed in common parlance, "rheumatism". ...moreIn the recent years, with the building work pressure and the increasing stress in our everyday activities, our regular lives have become choc-a-bloc with all sorts of engagements. This often renders our bodies prone to fatigue and listlessness. This phenomenon can often be observed in an intensified form by way of a disorder called Fibromyalgia or as it is deemed in common parlance, "rheumatism". Fibromyalgia is an ailment which causes pain in the body tissues. The tender and fibrous tissues like muscles, ligaments and tendons are often affected by this disease. As a consequence of Fibromyalgia, one feels incapacitated to work or perform any physical activity. Sometimes Fibromyalgia is accompanied by extreme headaches, sleep disturbances, muscle pain and consistent dizziness. The degree of chronicity of the disease may vary but the underlying cause remains the same. Given the high incidence of the disease, the treatment for the same is also widely available. However, for a more effective and lasting cure, many resort to homeopathy. Homeopathy offers several remedies to Fibromyalgia, classified on the basis of the discrete symptoms of the disease.

1. RhusTox
RhusTox is an excellent antidote for rheumatism induced stillness and muscle pain. When paired with suitable exercises, it can afford a lot of relief.

2. RutaGrav
RutaGrav aids in relieving tendon pains and sustained usage helps in restoring muscle strength in case of Fibromyalgia.

3. Rhododendron
Often the Fibromyalgia pain gets aggravated with a marked change in the season. Rhododendron mitigates the intensity of the pain.

4. Arnica
For any injury induced body ache, Arnica is an extremely effective cure. It also functions as the foremost option, when the precise causes or the symptoms are unknown.

5. Causticum
Certain forms of Fibromyalgia are accompanied with soreness, weakness and a feeling of stillness. Causticum soothes such ailments.

6. Bryonia
Bryonia alleviates chronic pain in the soft tissues of the body. Exposure to heat needs to be avoided mandatorily in order to optimize the effect of Bryonia.

7. Kalmia Latifolia
When, besides the obverse symptoms of Fibromyalgia, the pain in the muscle is accompanied with a feeling of cold and numbness, one of the best homeopathic cures is Kalmia Latifolia.

Fibryomalgia is an ailment which not only manifests physical troubles but also affects one's emotional status adversely. Therefore, to mete out the best remedy, homeopathy carefully assess both the physical and the psychosocial bearing of the patient before recommending a particular cure.
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Fibromyalgia - How Can You Deal With It?

MBBS, Diploma In Orthopaedics, Trauma and Orthopedics training, dnb training, fellowship in joint replacement surgery,, fellowship in adult hip and knee computer navigated surgery(switzerland)
Orthopedic Doctor, Visakhapatnam
Fibromyalgia - How Can You Deal With It?
Fibromyalgia is a condition characterised by extreme muscle pain that is followed by weakness, fatigue and issue with the state of mind. It is believed that fibromyalgia causes painful sensations by affecting the way your mind forms pain signals. Indications now and then start after a physical injury, surgery, disease or critical mental anxiety. In different cases, side effects progressively show...moreFibromyalgia is a condition characterised by extreme muscle pain that is followed by weakness, fatigue and issue with the state of mind. It is believed that fibromyalgia causes painful sensations by affecting the way your mind forms pain signals.

Indications now and then start after a physical injury, surgery, disease or critical mental anxiety. In different cases, side effects progressively show after some time with no single occasion that triggers it.

Here are some coping methods you can use to help yourself live well with fibromyalgia:

Minimize stress and tension in your life. Stress may play an essential part in activating fibromyalgia side effects and its symptoms. Many individuals with fibromyalgia tend to feel on the edge, anxious, and inactive around the time when the side effects fibromyalgia flare up.

Exclude yourself from unpleasant circumstances. People tend to amplify issues, making them appear to be far more prominent than they are. When you think of something to be a last chance situation, despite the fact that in reality, it is not, your body responds as though you are at risk. Work at treating your feelings as problems come by.

Make worksite adjustments. To continue working full-time, you should stay rationally and physically ready to handle your employment obligations. To keep away from stress and tension, you may need to give additional time during the day to complete your personal needs and sort out your problems. Converse with your manager and work out a timetable that allows you to manage your time.

Coordination. Coordination is important with an unending condition like fibromyalgia. Transparent conversations diminish the problems amongst you and your companion, family, friends and colleagues.

Figure out how to say no. Failing to say no to excessively numerous requests will make you overburdened. That will add to your anxiety level. To help yourself say no to a convincing companion, consider the circumstance before you reply and also think about the time you will be saving.

Keep a diary. Writing in a diary consistently can turn into a great channel for analyzing yourself and your situation. A few people can also figure out when their fibromyalgia symptoms started. That can help them see how and when the symptoms began.

Take a hot shower. Take a hot shower, a hot tub bath, or a steam bath. To begin with, it will help you to unwind the muscles that are tense. It will also decrease the pain and make your muscles more flexible and effortless to move.

Exercise frequently. As per physiotherapists, exercising routinely is vital to get rid of fibromyalgia. In light of the pain, delicate muscles, continuous weakness, and stiffness felt by individuals with fibromyalgia, many have turned out to be physically unfit. Hence, all of the above-mentioned treatments are very important in order to stay fit.
4644 people found this helpful

Role Of Acupressure In Treating Fibromyalgia

Diploma in Acupuncture
Acupressurist, Gurgaon
Role Of Acupressure In Treating Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that is more prevalent among women (in the age group between 25 - 60 years) than men. The condition often results in muscular and joint pain along with extreme tiredness. Further, there may be severe headaches, body stiffness, insomnia or sleeping disorders, high sensitivity to extreme temperatures, abdominal pain, Irritable bowel syndrome and also Fibro ...moreFibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder that is more prevalent among women (in the age group between 25 - 60 years) than men. The condition often results in muscular and joint pain along with extreme tiredness. Further, there may be severe headaches, body stiffness, insomnia or sleeping disorders, high sensitivity to extreme temperatures, abdominal pain, Irritable bowel syndrome and also Fibro Fog ( a condition triggered by Fibromyalgia, whereby an individual is unable to concentrate on anything). In some, the condition can trigger severe anxiety, stress, and depression.

While discussing Fibromyalgia, it is important to mention about the Tender Points or Trigger Points. These are delicate points and areas located throughout the body where even a gentle tap or pressure is enough to cause pain. Some of these trigger points in Fibromyalgia include:

upper chest.
back of the head.
top of shoulders.
outer elbows.
Some of the common factors that play a significant role in triggering Fibromyalgia are

Stress and Trauma: Fibromyalgia may be an outcome of extreme physical, mental and emotional turmoil (which often creates a hormonal imbalance) or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Fibromyalgia may be linked to genetics and hereditary. People with a family history of Fibromyalgia are more susceptible to the painful condition.
In some individuals, an autoimmune disorder such as Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis can also be a contributing factor resulting in Fibromyalgia.
Acupressure to treat Fibromyalgia

People often opt for Alternative Therapy to treat Fibromyalgia. Individuals with Fibromyalgia benefit immensely from Acupressure. Acupressure is a popular alternative therapy that finds its origin in China. It channelizes upon the use of pressure at certain points in the body to ease the pain. Some of the acupressure points that are often used to relieve the pain, especially related to the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, in Fibromyalgia include:

Stomach 36 (ST 36): ST 36 holds great significance in providing a soothing and calming effect in people with extreme stress and anxiety (one of the critical symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia). ST 36 is located in the depression of the tibia (lateral side), at a distance of about four fingers downwards from the patella or the knee. Gently and slowly massaging the point for 3-4 minutes is said to provide great relief.
Ren 17: Another acupressure point that goes a long way to lower the anxiety and physical stress is Ren 17 or the chest center. This acupressure point is the middle of the chest (anterior midline), at the fourth intercostal space from the second rib downwards.
Ear Shen Men: The Ear Shen Men is an important acupressure point in the triangular fossa, at the upper region of the ear. People with physical and emotional stress benefit from this acupressure point.
Pericardium 6: The Pericardium 6 is in the mid arm region (lower and inner part of the arm) between the two tendons at a distance of four fingers from the wrist crease. In addition to a great soothing effect, Pericardium 6 is beneficial for people with nausea.
Yintang: Nothing works more like the Yintang to relieve stress and anxiety. The acupressure point in between the eyes at the eyebrow level.
4569 people found this helpful

A Guide to Dealing with Fibromyalgia

Pain Management Specialist, Kolkata
A Guide to Dealing with Fibromyalgia
A Guide to Dealing with Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition marked by constant flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, insomnia and joint pains. However, the disease has no visible symptoms. There are also no known causes for the disease. While some believe stress to be a trigger for fibromyalgia, other theories suggest that physical and emotional factors such as a prior illnes...moreA Guide to Dealing with Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition marked by constant flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, insomnia and joint pains. However, the disease has no visible symptoms. There are also no known causes for the disease. While some believe stress to be a trigger for fibromyalgia, other theories suggest that physical and emotional factors such as a prior illness lead to the onset of this disease. This leads to fibromyalgia patients being often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Almost 80% of fibromyalgia patients are women. While the disease is not lethal, it can make daily life difficult.

The criteria for fibromyalgia were established only in the late 1900s. In addition, the symptoms of this disease present themselves differently in each patient. This makes diagnosis very difficult.

Constant pain all over the body is the most common symptom of fibromyalgia.
You may also feel constantly tired, and unable to get a restful sleep.
Some fibromyalgia patients also suffer from depression or anxiety and an irritable bowel syndrome.
Fibromyalgia patients may also feel hyper sensitive to cold or heat, and feel numbness in fingers and toes.

Fibromyalgia has no known cure, and like arthritis, treatment for this disease addresses its symptoms. Most treatment programs include a combination of drugs, physical therapy, and behavioral techniques.

Pain relievers or anti-inflammatory medication and antidepressants are the two types of drugs administered to fibromyalgia patients. However, these should not be counted on as a long-term solution, as the side effects of these medicines can cause additional problems. Therapeutic massages and chiropractic manipulations can also help ease the pain. Along with this, it is also important to rest and relax. This helps reduce stress which often triggers fibromyalgia symptoms.

To get a better night's sleep, try going to bed and getting up at the same time every day. A warm glass of milk or chamomile tea just before bedtime can also help induce sleep. As far as possible, avoid taking sleeping tablets, as the body can soon become dependent on these.

Though you may constantly feel tired, increasing the day to day activity levels can have a positive effect on your health. Consider adding low-intensity activities such as walking, cycling, yoga or dancing to your daily routine. Complement these with a well-balanced, nutritious diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. If you or a loved one has fibromyalgia, bad days may not be prevented. But with treatment, they can be controlled.
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