Top Health Tips on Treating alcoholic hepatitis

8 Alcoholic Drinks That Might Secretly Keep You Healthy

BSc Home Science, M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
8 Alcoholic Drinks That Might Secretly Keep You Healthy
According to the preconceived notion, drinking alcohol is harmful to the body. It is partly true. Drinking alcohol is harmful to the body, but only in huge proportions. In fact, despite popular belief, drinking alcohol is also good for health.

Here are 8 alcohols that are secretly keeping you healthy:

Beer: The most common alcoholic drink, beer is loaded with antioxidants called phenols. This protects you against suffering from heart diseases. Beer also lowers the risk of acquiring high blood pressure and helps maintaining it.
Red Wine: Apart from being a classy drink and having the same benefits of beer, the additional brownie points of red wine is that it helps in increasing life span by generating longevity genes. It also increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol in the body.
Ethanol: Ethanol reduces the risk of wear and tear in the brain neurons. Any damage to the neurons may lead to Alzheimer's or dementia. Hence ethanol helps to prevent any harm to the brain cells.
Vodka: Vodka helps in clearing bad breath as the high alcohol content kills all bad odour bacteria present. It also helps to reduce stress and disinfect wound. It improves the health of the skin and stimulates hair growth. Toothache is also another issue which Vodka can work wonders on.
Whisky: Whisky helps to numb throat pain when it is gargled in a mixture with warm water. It stimulates weight loss. Whisky also helps in preventing dementia. Other benefits of this drink that it prevents diabetes and cancer. It also helps to keep the heart healthy, increases the level of good cholesterol and terminates blood clots. Whiskey is believed to be one of the healthiest drinks among the alcoholic beverages.
Tonic: The combination of gin and tonic is very useful while treating malarial infection as it contains quinine; which is used for the treatment of malaria.
Brandy: Brandy is one alcoholic drink which is full of healthy antioxidants. It has anti ageing properties; hence is very good for the skin. Brandy also reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body. It also helps in the treatment of bladder and ovarian cancer as well as sore throats and cough.
Rum: Rum increases life longevity. It is very beneficial for the heart. It also functions as a blood thinner and helps in increasing the level of good cholesterol. Having this wonderful drink occasionally also guards you against osteoporosis and common cold.
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Ways Alcohol Is Bad For Your Love Life?

Sexual Health Clinic
Sexologist, Delhi
Ways Alcohol Is Bad For Your Love Life?
If you are a heavy drinker and you are having problems with your sex life, they are likely to be caused because of your alcohol consumption. Sex and alcohol are not considered to be a good mixture. Although a small amount of alcohol is harmless, moderate to heavy drinking can hamper your sex life in several ways. Moreover, alcohol is very dangerous for pregnant women.

Alcohol can lead to sexual problems and issues in both men and women. It can also make them behave in a different and unusual manner, which may lead them into having sex with people who are unsuitable. It makes people take unnecessary risks and many get infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Unwanted pregnancy after having sex is a common aspect in today s world. Alcohol also makes people likely to be victims of sexual attacks.

The bad effects of alcohol on your sex life
There are several bad effects of alcohol which take a toll on your sexual life. They are as follows:

Alcohol may make people more likely to engross in sexual activity with the wrong person. Getting pregnant, catching infections and embarking in affairs which lead to the breakup of many marriages are common effects of alcohol. Alcohol is a primary reason for the demand of the emergency contraceptive or morning after pill, all over the world.
Alcohol fuddles up people's brain and many of them forget to take proper contraceptive precautions before having sex.
Alcohol is very harmful for unborn babies in pregnant women. It may cause brain damage to the baby. You should consume alcohol as less as possible during pregnancy and totally avoid it during the first three months of pregnancy.
Alcohol accounts for being a major cause of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men. Alcohol may increase your sexual desire, but it reduces your performance.
Men who are heavy drinkers may develop a permanent case of brewer s droop. Loss of sexual interest is also likely.
Excessive alcohol may lead to diminished or reduced libido in women as well. It is yet to be proven whether alcohol causes any other sexual complications in women.
If you are facing problems with excessive alcohol consumption and it is affecting your sex life, you need to take some steps. It is recommended to consult an alcohol counsellor or join the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group.
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Alcohol Vs Soft Drinks - Which Is More Harmful?

Sexologist, Jammu
Alcohol Vs Soft Drinks - Which Is More Harmful?
There are many kinds of food items that can do us a world of good. But there are certain man made food items that are synthetic in nature, and have more demerits than merits when it comes to our health. There is a long standing debate on the merits of various beverages, including soft drinks and alcohol.

Which one is the healthier choice?

To begin with, we cannot avoid a good beverage during social interactions, so we would do well to make a healthier choice. Here are the details about the healthier choice between alcohol and soft drinks.

Kilo calories: It is a well-known fact that both alcohol and soft drinks have plenty of kilo calories with one cola containing over 1000 kilojoules as they are known. Yet, as per this parameter, it would be a healthier choice if you were to choose soft drinks because even though they both have the same amount of calories, one tends to drink soft drinks at a slower pace, which means that you consume less of it. Once you start enjoying an alcoholic drink, you tend to take more of them and much faster. Also, alcohol makes you hungry, which implies that you start reaching out for various kinds of snacks and other unhealthy food. In such cases, you will tend to gain weight much faster if you choose alcohol every time. This will not really be the case when you choose soft drinks.
Toxins: The way alcohol is brewed ensures that it carries a whole lot of toxins, which are not good for your liver and heart in the long run. These toxins can easily clog your arteries and create complications for the functioning of the liver as well.
Glycemic index: This is the count that is accorded to the level of insulin resistance in one s drink of choice. For alcohol, the glycemic resistance is much higher, which means that you have better insulin resistance as compared to other soft drinks, which are high in sugar content. Therefore, it makes alcohol a highly unhealthy choice, which can also result in diabetes in the long run, if one ingests too much of it.
Nutrition: From the nutrition point of view, cola and other soft drinks have absolutely no nutritional value because processed sugar is one of the main components. This will give rise to the toxin influx in the body and bring down the insulin resistance, which makes you susceptible to diseases like diabetes. Therefore, it would be healthier to have a beer rather than a cola because it has a small amount of protein due to the ingredients used when it is brewed for consumption. It also has some amount of antioxidants and potassium.
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Beer - How Much Is Safe?

General Physician, Bangalore
Beer - How Much Is Safe?
Can beer be a healthy drink? Despite the common myths surrounding alcohol consumption and the adverse effects that it has on a person in the long run, a controlled and well-balanced intake of beer is not as bad as it would seem.

Here are a few reasons proving that beer can be healthy for you if taken in the right amount and quantity.

In comparison to other alcoholic beverages, beer is relatively healthier for your kidneys. As a matter of fact, studies show that a bottle of beer can actually reduce the risk of acquiring kidney stones by up to 40%.
Fiber, as we all know, plays a vital role in digestion. The presence of up to one gram of soluble fiber in just a 30 ml glass of beer (dark beer, in particular) makes the beverage very beneficial for digestion.
Fiber present in beer can also help reduce the level of LDL cholesterol (a harmful proponent of cholesterol).
It has been proved that beer is a rich source of various B vitamins like vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
The presence of both nicotinic acid and Lactoflavin in beer makes it an effective cure for insomnia.
Beer is also helpful in the prevention of blood clots.
The presence of high levels of silicon in beer is responsible for bestowing a stronger bone density.
Studies have concluded that beer can also reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Unlike their non-drinking counterparts, beer drinkers are less vulnerable of experiencing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Because of the presence of certain vitamins, beer has a ton healthy nourishing benefits for the skin.
Beer is also useful in fighting against stress.
What are the recommended safe limits of Beer?

Men should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Women should drink no more than 14 units of Beer per week, these units should be spread out through the week and they should have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Pregnant women or women trying to conceive should not drink alcohol at all. If they do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, they should not drink more than 1-2 units of beer once or twice a week and should not get drunk.
Despite the above people with increased Triglyceride, Uric Acid should be restricted for consumption of alcohol. People with fatty liver patient with other medication for hypertension, etc. also should refrain from drinking.
People with diabetes who drink should follow these alcohol consumption guidelines:

Do not drink more than two drinks of alcohol in a one-day period if you are a man, or one drink if you are a woman.
Drink beer only with food.
Drink slowly.
Avoid "sugary" mixed drinks, sweet wines, or cordials.
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Hangover - 5 Best Homemade Remedies for it

BAMS, MD Ayurveda
Sexologist, Navi Mumbai
Hangover - 5 Best Homemade Remedies for it
A night out with its fair share of drinks is enjoyable, but it is the morning after which tends to have the after affects. Hangovers are a problem with anybody who has had a drink too much the night before and it might leave you in an incapacitated state due to nausea, headaches and dehydration.

Here are some of the known homemade remedies which can cure hangovers:

Make sure you take a lot of water and fluids: After you have woken up after a night out where you had lots to drink, you are bound to have a hangover as alcohol is known to dehydrate the body. Thus it is advisable that you drink plenty of water and other fluids. Only water isn t going to be enough as water can hydrate you but many of the other nutrients will only be supplied by juices, rehydrating drinks, sports drinks or other such. Thus it is important to consume a variety of these fluids.
Eat a hearty breakfast: The longer you are with an empty stomach, the longer it is going to take the hangover to go away. Eating a hearty and filling breakfast will relieve the hangover to a great extent. However, eat foods which are easy to digest, such as cereals and toast. Avoid greasy and oily foods in the morning as they may add to the nausea.
If you have nowhere important to be, go back to bed: If you have the time and nothing to do, then it is advisable to sleep a little longer while you keep rehydrating yourself whenever you wake up. This is going to give your body the fluids it needs while resting is going to give it plenty of opportunity to heal itself.
Eat ginger, both before and after drinking: Ginger has been used as a home remedy across cultures for centuries to treat nausea. It is thus wise to eat crystallized or candied forms of ginger, both before and after consumption of alcohol as it will lessen its effects on the body. You can take ginger the night after as well to reduce the nausea that comes with hangover.
Stretch out and exercise a little: Between naps it may not be a bad idea to stretch out and exercise a little, which will help you release endorphins to make you feel better. However, ensure that it is light exercise so that the nausea and headaches are not exacerbated.
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Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?

MD, House Job Certificate ( SKIN & STD) , MBBS
General Physician, Gurgaon
Alcohol - How Much Should You Drink Everyday?
How much alcohol can you safely drink every day? Moderate, say the experts. Alcohol abuse has serious health downsizes, but moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. Moderate alcohol use has a few other health benefits too. Let s see what these are.

Reduces risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Reduces your risk of ischemic stroke during which the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing reduction of blood flow to your brain
Reduces your risk of diabetes
The link between alcohol and health is tenuous at best and the health benefits of moderate drinking are by no means certain. Also every one may not benefit from alcohol. Moderate alcohol use - Guidelines
One drink a day is considered moderate for healthy women of any age and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men younger than 65. This alcoholic drink can be:

Beer: 12 ounces
Wine: 5 ounces
Distilled spirits : 1.5 ounces
Moderate alcohol use can be counter-productive for you, if you have risk factors for heart disease. It s always better to take care to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a heart-healthy diet to reduce your heart attack risks.

Risks of heavy alcohol use
We know about the definition of moderate drinking, but what s heavy drinking? It is defined as more than three drinks a day for women and men older than 65 (or more than seven drinks a week), and more than four drinks a day for men less than 65 (or more than 14 drinks a week).
Binge drinking is even worse. If you drink four or more drinks within two hours as a woman and five or more drinks within two hours as a man, it is referred to as binge drinking. Heavy drinking, including binge drinking, can increase your risk of serious health problems, like:

Cancer, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus
Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
Sudden death due to pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Alcoholic myopathy or damage to heart muscle, which causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Brain damage in fetuses
It s best to ditch alcohol altogether. It is the healthiest thing you could ever do. The guidelines make it very clear that you shouldn t start drinking alcohol, albeit moderately, to make your heart healthy. The best way to have a healthy heart is to eat and exercise right. However, if you are an occasional drinker, you could make sure that your alcohol intake is within limits and you drink moderately at all times so that you don t attract any health penalties associated with heavy alcohol use.
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Yes, Alcohol Can Be Good for You (and We're Not Just Talking About Red Wine)

Bachelors Of Physiotherapy, Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Gurgaon
Yes, Alcohol Can Be Good for You (and We're Not Just Talking About Red Wine)
From an early age we re taught that alcohol is bad for us, but is that really true? Drinking yourself silly every night can have disastrous consequences, but having one drink a day is associated with a number of health benefits. The key here is moderation. Moderate drinking can be defined as one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men. This is a daily quote system and not to be taken as an average over time.

Here are a few ways your body can benefit from the occasional drink:

It boosts cardiovascular health: Many types of alcohol are rich in phenols. This helps fight stress, reduces the risk of hypertension and can protect the heart against a number of cardiovascular conditions. Moderate amounts of alcohol can also increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body and influence the clotting of blood. Higher levels of cholesterol help protect against heart diseases while by influencing the blood clotting process, alcohol can indirectly help prevent the formation of blood clots in the arteries.
It slows aging: Some types of alcohol like wine are rich in antioxidants. This helps flush toxins out of the body and can slow down the aging process. An antioxidant called resveratrol that is found in red wine can even increase the lifespan of cells and activate enzymes that slow down the aging process. It is also said to increase DNA stability thus extending a person s lifespan.
It can help fight diseases: Alcohol is said to lower the risk of catching a cold. A warm drink like brandy can also be used to treat sore throats and a cough. Tonic water contains quinine that is anti inflammatory and has analgesic properties. Though medication for malaria is now easily available, tonic water can be used to treat the initial phase of the disease if proper medication is not available.
It enhances your libido: Excessive drinking can dampen your sex drive, but when consumed in moderation, alcohol can lower the risk of erectile dysfunction. Moderate amounts of alcohol also help lower inhibitions and thus encourage people to form sexual relationships.
It improves cognitive ability: Almost all forms of alcohol contain ethanol that helps neurons resist wear and tear. This can lower a person s risk of suffering from Alzheimer s or dementia later in life. It can also enhance problem solving abilities and encourage creativity.

All of the above benefits are applicable only if alcohol is consumed in moderation. Thus do not use them to binge drink.
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How Alcohol Affects Sex Life In Men And Women?

MD-Pharmacology, MBBS
Sexologist, Delhi
How Alcohol Affects Sex Life In Men And Women?
Alchol can it affect your intimacy level with your partner, yes! But with this you might be wondering how can that be possible when you actually sustain yourself for long, maybe longer than you should be. It is probably the whiskey penis . Alcohol may give you a sense of elation at one point of time, but it is essentially a nervous depressant. The over consumption of alcohol mainly has a reduced effect on sensitivity for both men and women.

How alcohol affects sex life in men: The effect of alcohol on the sex life of men is immense. In most cases, chronic and acute cases of alcohol consumption have shown to reduce the production of testosterone in men. Since testosterone is the hormone that results in the increase in libido in men, the effects of alcohol really reduce the performance in men. It has shown to reduce pleasurability and it can also reduce the intensity of orgasms. Sometimes, it can cause difficulty in ejaculation or delayed ejaculation.

How alcohol affects sex life in women: Alcohol can have a very mixed effect on women in general. While it can increase sexual arousal and desire, it can also result in low sensitivity. Women have a higher percentage of fat as compared to water in their bodies, this means that alcohol has a more profound effect on their bodies as compared to that in men. Their bodies also take longer to process and eliminate the alcohol. While some women report a heightened sense of sexual arousal and an increase in the duration of the orgasm, a large number of women also complain of lesser lubrication.

Alcohol also has a psychological effect; that is the loss of inhibition that may help in developing carnal instincts when intoxicated. This psychological effect may have a more profound effect than the physiological effects as a result of which women might claim that alcohol does indeed help in better sex.
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Alcohol - What Is The Permissible Limit?

General Physician, Pune
Alcohol - What Is The Permissible Limit?
How much alcohol can you safely drink every day? Moderate, say the experts. Alcohol abuse has serious health downsizes, but moderate drinking can actually be good for your heart. Moderate alcohol use has a few other health benefits too. Let s see what these are:

Reduces risk of developing and dying from heart disease
Reduces your risk of ischemic stroke during which the arteries to your brain become narrowed or blocked, causing reduction of blood flow to your brain
Reduces your risk of diabetes
The link between alcohol and health is tenuous at best and the health benefits of moderate drinking are by no means certain. Also, everyone may not benefit from alcohol.

Moderate alcohol use - Guidelines

One drink a day is considered moderate for healthy women of any age and men older than 65, and up to two drinks a day for men younger than 65. This alcoholic drink can be:

Beer: 12 ounces
Wine: 5 ounces
Distilled spirits: 1.5 ounces
Moderate alcohol use can be counter-productive for you if you have risk factors for heart disease. It s always better to take care to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a heart-healthy diet to reduce your heart attack risks.

Risks of heavy alcohol use -

We know about the definition of moderate drinking, but what's heavy drinking? It is defined as more than three drinks a day for women and men older than 65 (or more than seven drinks a week), and more than four drinks a day for men less than 65 (or more than 14 drinks a week).

Binge drinking is even worse. If you drink four or more drinks within two hours as a woman and five or more drinks within two hours as a man, it is referred to as binge drinking. Heavy drinking, including binge drinking, can increase your risk of serious health problems, like:

Cancer, including breast cancer and cancers of the mouth, throat and esophagus
Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas
Sudden death due to pre-existing cardiovascular disease
Alcoholic myopathy or damage to heart muscle, which causes heart failure
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Brain damage in fetuses
It s best to ditch alcohol altogether. It is the healthiest thing you could ever do. The guidelines make it very clear that you shouldn t start drinking alcohol, albeit moderately, to make your heart healthy. The best way to have a healthy heart is to eat and exercise right. However, if you are an occasional drinker, you could make sure that your alcohol intake is within limits and you drink moderately at all times so that you don t attract any health penalties associated with heavy alcohol use.
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Ghee - Why It Is An Important Part Of Your Diet?

Ayurvedic Doctor, Patiala
Ghee - Why It Is An Important Part Of Your Diet?
Desi ghee is a powerhouse of vitamins and fatty acids which promote good health. It is an ancient remedy for cough, cold and soft skin, but in the last few years, the credibility of saturated fats like desi ghee has been in question.

There are some people who believe that saturated fats are the bad fats but a recent research and majority of health experts agree that naturally occurring saturated fats present in desi ghee are actually good for your health. Here are 8 amazing health benefits of desi ghee:

Builds Strong Bones: Desi ghee is one of the few foods that are rich in Vitamin K, especially Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 helps the body to utilize essential minerals, including calcium and thus improves bone health and development. Also, the right amount of desi ghee helps eliminate tooth decay. Another function of desi ghee is to keep joints and connective tissues lubricated, increasing flexibility.

Immune System Booster: Desi ghee is packed with Vitamin A which helps eliminate free radicals in the body. Vitamin A is linked to the proper functioning of the immune system. That s not all; Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that may help prevent certain types of cancer, especially ulcerative colitis that could otherwise lead to colon cancer.

Boosts Energy Levels: Since experts recommend that athletes should use desi ghee as a consistent energy source, we can take the same advice. The fatty acids in desi ghee are quickly processed by the liver and broken into energy. Apart from boosting metabolism and energy levels, desi ghee aids in the body s absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K, which enhance stamina.

High Smoking Point: While being processed, desi ghee can endure a higher smoking point compared to coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil. This means that it won't break into free radicals till the temperature rises to 482 Fahrenheit. These villainous free radicals are unstable molecules that create havoc on our health, from premature aging to cancer. So when you consume desi ghee your risk levels of ingesting those villains are extremely low.

Improves Digestive Tract: Desi ghee is rich in butyric acid. A study reveals that people with unhealthy digestive tract don t naturally produce butyric acid. Since good digestion is a key to good health, it s essential to incorporate foods rich in butyric acid into your diet to aid digestion. This acid nourishes cells in the intestines, reduces leakage of undigested food particles and aids in the repair of the mucosal wall.

Reduces Inflammation: Butyric acid is one of the major fatty acids that the body needs to fight inflammation, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients suffering from ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases would be adviced to include desi ghee in their diet. According to Ayurveda, gently rubbing desi ghee on cranky joints can help soothe inflammation, lubricate joints and banish arthritis stiffness.

Keeps Your Eyes Healthy: The vitamin A present in desi ghee improves eye health and this reduces several eye-related health problems. This powerful antioxidant reduces the risk of macular degeneration and the development of cataract. The fatty acid in ghee augments the body s absorption of this important vitamin as well as other nutrients.

Healthier Skin: Desi ghee s natural properties can keep skin moisturized for a long period of time. It penetrates deep into the skin to keep it hydrated; dry skin accelerates premature aging, including wrinkles, fine lines and saggy skin. To avoid this, one can generously massage lukewarm desi ghee on the skin, keep it for 10 mins and take a shower. Regular usage will give you a lasting, glowing skin.

So, by now you must have understood that desi ghee is not our foe but a good friend that everyone should have. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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