Top Health Tips on Treating Breathlessness

Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

Multi Speciality Clinic
Multi Speciality, Pune
Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a condition which occurs when the pressure of the blood flow through the arteries increases, resulting in intense pressure. Hypertension occurs when the systolic pressure (pressure at which the heart pumps blood) and the diastolic pressure (pressure at which the heart relaxes) is more than 140 and 90 respectively.

Symptoms of high blood pressure are:

1. Shortness of breath

If you have high blood pressure, then you may experience regular shortness of breath.

2. Headaches

You may experience headaches on a regular basis.

3. Weakness of the heart muscles

Hypertension results in a weak heart which may not be able to pump blood properly.

4. Narrowing of blood vessels

Narrowing of blood vessels may lead to other complications such as failure of the kidneys, heart, and brain.

5. Vision problems

It may lead to vision problems as blood vessels in the eye may be affected.

The various causes of blood pressure are:

1. Tobacco
If you smoke on a regular basis, you put yourself at an increased risk of getting affected by blood pressure.

2. Lifestyle
Not exercising regularly, eating a sodium-rich diet are all factors which can increase the chances of hypertension.

3. Age
The chances of getting affected by hypertension increase as you age.

4. Weight
Being excessively obese also increases your risk of getting affected by hypertension.

5. Diabetes
Being diabetic makes you more prone to getting affected by diabetes.

6. Hyperthyroidism
If you have an overactive thyroid gland, then it may result in hypertension.

Hypertension may result in various health complications in the body such as:

1. Aneurysm

This is a disorder of the blood vessels which causes the blood vessels to bulge and weaken.

2. Heart attack

High blood pressure causes the arteries to harden and thicken which may lead to a heart attack.

3. Metabolic syndrome

This syndrome refers to a group of complications such as high bad cholesterol levels and insulin levels in the body.

4. Impaired brain functioning
It may also impair your ability to learn and impact your cognitive skills.
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Can Heart Disease Affect Breathing?

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Can Heart Disease Affect Breathing?
There are different types of heart problems like coronary artery disease, congenital heart failure and cardiomyopathy, but their warning signs are the same i.e. shortness of breath. This is the reason why shortness of breath should never be taken lightly and should always be investigated for heart diseases.

Why does shortness of breath happen?
You may not be able to get in enough air while experiencing shortness of breath. Known medically as dyspnea, shortness of breath is often described as an intense tightening in the chest and a feeling of suffocation. This is one of the most frightening conditions experienced by a patient. You can experience dyspnea without any serious medical problems in these conditions

After strenuous exercise
In extreme temperatures
Due to obesity and
In high altitudes
But if you are not in any of these conditions, then shortness of breath is a sign of a serious medical problem usually involving your heart or lungs. These two vital organs transport oxygen to the rest of your body and remove carbon dioxide; hence problems with either of these organs can affect your breathing. Shortness of breath that comes on suddenly called acute, can be due to other causes too like:

Excess fluid around the heart
Low BP
Heart failure
Blood clot in an artery in the lung
Collapsed lung
If you have had shortness of breath that has lasted for weeks, then we call it chronic and its causes can be various diseases of the heart apart from asthma and COPD. There is no doubt that your heart may be in trouble, if you have chronic shortness of breath. You may be suffering from these heart conditions:

Cardiomyopathy or problems with the heart muscle cause symptoms like shortness of breath after physical exertion as well as fatigue, and swelling of legs and abdomen. Patients suffering from cardiomyopathy are at risk of sudden death due to cardiac arrest.
Heart arrhythmias is also called irregular heartbeat, and can cause slow or fast heartbeats. These also have symptoms like shortness of breath. Arrhythmias can cause strokes, heart failure and cardiac arrest.
Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently to meet the needs of the body. This is a potentially fatal condition. One of the most common symptom is shortness of breath with exercise and while lying down. Fatigue is another common symptom.
Pericarditis or swelling of membranes around the heart is also characterised by shortness of breath.
Treatment of breathlessness can start after you are referred to a heart specialist for further tests to confirm the likely cause.
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Role Of Homeopathy In Treating Anxiety Disorder

Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Role Of Homeopathy In Treating Anxiety Disorder
All of us undoubtedly experience the hasty pace of life. There are invariable pressures at work and home which load us up with fear and worries, but when this anxiety becomes a disruptive force in our life and begins to dominate our behavior, and starts interfering with work, school, family life it calls for treatment. Anxiety is an emotional turmoil that may incorporate many different feelings and symptoms.

Adults are not the only ones who get stressed out, children are also vulnerable to stress. Some children experience anxiety and may struggle to amend to new situations such as school and friendships, may feel unusually insecure or have intense fear of the dark, insects, animals or other creatures.

Causes of Anxiety Neurosis:

The reason why it occur is very difficult. It is illunderstood also. Socio-economic reason is also precipitating factor - like loss of job, continues target or goals in jobs which are increasing everyday pressure.


Imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain.

Emotional trauma.

Lifestyle choices.

Alcohol, caffeine and certain drugs.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder (neurosis):

Unnecessary, unrealistic and uncontrollable worry about everyday things.

Shortness of breath.

Increased heartbeat.

Trembling and dizziness.



Muscle stiffness.


Sleep disturbances.

Mood changes.


Feeling of hopelessness and Pessimism.

Sexual impotence.

Homoeopathic Treatment:

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat anxiety but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved homeopathy medicines are available for treatment of anxiety disorders that can be selected on the basis of cause, condition, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person.

If you do not want to opt for allopathic medicines or go into immediate counselling to relieve yourself of anxiety disorders, then the best option for you at hand would be to try and follow homoeopathy. Homeopathy is often seen as an alternate form of medicine and does not have any side effects as such. Thus, it is often preferred by many people.

Anxiety should not be left to accumulate in the body. Thus, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible with whichever means that would suit your body. Homeopathy is just one form of treatment. It is advised if the results are not as you desire, then you should opt for a medical practitioner who might be able to help you further.
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What Is Sarcoidosis?

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
What Is Sarcoidosis?
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease in which granulomas, or clumps of inflammatory cells, form in various organs. This causes organ inflammation. Sarcoidosis may be triggered by your body s immune system responding to foreign substances, such as viruses, bacteria, or chemicals.

The areas of the body commonly affected by sarcoidosis include:

lymph nodes

The exact cause of sarcoidosis is unknown. However, gender, race, and genetics can increase the risk of developing the condition:

Sarcoidosis is more common in women than in men.
People of African-American descent are more likely to develop the condition.
People with a family history of sarcoidosis have a significantly higher risk of getting the disease.
Sarcoidosis rarely occurs in children. Symptoms usually appear in people between the ages of 20 and 40.

The people with sarcoidosis don t have any symptoms. However, general symptoms may include:

weight loss
joint pain
dry mouth
abdominal swelling
Symptoms vary depending on the part of your body that s affected by the disease. Sarcoidosis can occur in any organ, but it most commonly affects the lungs. Lung symptoms can include:

a dry cough
shortness of breath
chest pain around your breastbone
Skin symptoms can include:

skin rashes
skin sores
hair loss
raised scars
Nervous system symptoms can include:

hearing loss
Eye symptoms can include:

dry eyes
itchy eyes
eye pain
vision loss
a burning sensation in your eyes

Chest X-rays to look for cloudiness (pulmonary infiltrates) or swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).
CT scan to provide an even more detailed look at the lungs and lymph nodes than provided by a chest X-ray.
Pulmonary function (breathing) tests to measure how well the lungs are working.
Bronchoscopy to inspect the bronchial tubes and to extract a biopsy (a small tissue sample) to look for granulomas and to obtain material to rule out infection. Bronchoscopy involves passing a small tube (bronchoscope) down the trachea (windpipe) and into the bronchial tubes Airway of the lungs.
Role of Homeopathy In Sarcoidosis:

Welling Clinic offers specially formulated Homeopathy treatment of Sarcoidosis. The treatment protocol has been developed after an exhaustive in-house research. Our clinics consult for more than 200 patients of Sarcoidosis globally, every year. You too can be benefitted by our expertise in the treatment of Sarcoidosis.

Diet And Non-Diet:

Here are the top three rules:

Eat power(means contains powerful nutrients)
Stop sugar spikes
Stop skin (and health) sabotage
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Know More About Lung Conditions Causing Shortness Of Breath!

Multi Speciality, Mumbai
Know More About Lung Conditions Causing Shortness Of Breath!
Pulmonary Fibrosis : Symptoms ad Causes

One of the essential chemical processes within the human body is that of the oxygenation of the blood. This needs to be done to carry oxygen to the various vital organs and also continue with many of the essential functions within the body.

The lungs are responsible for transferring oxygen throughout the body, and the malfunctioning of lungs may cause many issues with the normal functioning of the processes. A common ailment that affects the lungs is pulmonary fibrosis, also known as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or scarring of the lungs.

What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?
Pulmonary fibrosis is the scarring of the tissues inside the lungs of a patient. This scarring results in the development of excess tissue, which causes the walls of the lungs to thicken, giving rise to breathing difficulties.

Some of the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis are-

Shortness of breath
Pain in joint and muscles
Continuous dry coughing
Inability to exert or take even the slightest bit of physical strain
Lack of appetite which results in unintentional weight loss
The rounding of finger and toe tips, which is known as clubbing
Pulmonary fibrosis has various stages and thus, it is important to detect it early or else it can put stresses on other vital organs.

Some of the causes for it are mentioned below:

Smoking - Cigarettes, cigars, and beedi are a leading cause of pulmonary fibrosis as they directly affect the lungs by depositing harmful chemicals and thus, cause scarring.
Environmental or occupational hazards - People working in a heavy glass or dust particulate environment such as in heavy industrial factories are also susceptible as they breathe in the particles, which may cause scarring.
Medicinal triggers - Certain medications can be a trigger due to hormonal or other physical changes and as a side effect may cause scarring of the lungs.
Genetic factors - Certain people are genetically predisposed to this condition if multiple members within the family have it as well.
Acid reflux diseases - Certain acid reflux problems may also cause scarring when drops of stomach acids enter the lung through the esophageal tract.
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What Does Crying Do to Your Body | Good & Bad Effects

Cornea Cataract & Lasik
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
What Does Crying Do to Your Body | Good & Bad Effects
What crying does to your body

Do you know that every little activity that you perform on a daily basis impacts your body? what you eat, how long you sleep and even every tear you shed affects your body. Most people are aware of how their body reacts to major activities, like exercising, but few are aware of how the body reacts when they cry.

While you are generally concerned with the mental cause and effect of crying, have you thought about what crying does to you physically? tears are not always shed when a person is upset. Tears are a body's way of expressing itself as well as protecting itself. Everything from a happy ending in a movie to a dust particle in the eye can make you tear up.

There are essentially three kinds of tears. Basal tears and reflective tears help keep the eyes lubricated and irritant free respectively. It is the psych tears, which we commonly refer to as crying, that come as emotional responses.

Crying might be a sign of emotional stress and pain but if you are wondering how it harms your body, the answer is that it does not. Crying does not harm one's body physically. In fact it does better than harm to your body, purely physically speaking. Here's how-

- when you cry, your tears help your eyes remain clear.

- it also has anti-bacterial properties that keep your eyes clean.

- your eyes remain properly hydrated thus reducing any kind of irritation. You might feel dehydrated after a while due to the loss of water and salt.

- even the excess manganese in your body gets washed out through tears.

But for some, the act of crying can cause medical complications. It can lead to fits or can cause an acute shortness of breath. For those with severe heart conditions, there can be a cardiac pain. Crying can take a toll on your body if you have certain medical conditions. For most people crying does more good for their body than harm.

If you would like to consult with me privately, please click on 'consult'.
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Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Fellowship In Andrology, DNB-Urology , MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Urologist, Hyderabad
Symptoms of Kidney Failure
Kidneys are an important part of the human body. From filtering wastes from the blood to maintaining the blood pressure and red blood cell count in the body, the kidney does it all. Both the kidneys are essential organs and should there be any discomfort in the kidneys, one should consult a medical practitioner as soon as possible. Kidney failure is a common problem in people. This issue manifests itself with certain signs and symptoms. One should listen to these symptoms and act quickly before the condition worsens. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of kidney failure.

Interestingly, in the initial stages, kidney failure portrays no symptoms. It starts developing slowly and steadily causing discomfort in other parts of the body and hindering the working of other organs.

Weakness: If you are suffering from kidney failure, you will start feeling weak. Weakness is however not a symptom which can confirm a kidney failure. Weakness is caused due to many other health issues and thus, you need to verify with other symptoms to be sure of the fact that you are suffering from kidney failure only.

Shortness of Breath: You may start experiencing heavy breathing right after doing some rigorous work. In fact, you might feel shortness of breath or be panting for long moments after climbing just a set of stairs. Shortness of breath is quite common indicating that the body is getting tired after doing work. Such indication, more than once a day, calls for an immediate check up of the body.

Lethargy: While most people, especially the young generation to those in the early thirties jokingly declare themselves as lazy people; lethargy, however, is a symptom of many diseases. Various health issues develop if you feel lethargic of working. Apart from kidney failure, diabetes is also manifested in lethargic body movements. At times, just getting out of the bed in the morning seems very tiring and one continues to lie on the bed even after he/she is fully awake.

Stomach Pain: If you experience pain in the stomach, especially in the sides, then it should be immediately checked by a medical practitioner. Doctors say that kidney failure can bring about stomach pains.

Unusual Urine Discharges: This would include clear urine discharges which indicate that the kidney has stopped filtering the waste products.

Thus, these are some of the most important and common symptoms of kidney failure. If you notice any of these, it is advised to visit a doctor for a check up.
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Can Physiotherapy Cure Shortness Of Breath?

MSPT (Master of Physical Therapy)
Physiotherapist, Delhi
Can Physiotherapy Cure Shortness Of Breath?
The lungs take in oxygen and leave out carbon dioxide through breathing. It often does not get noticed but is the most vital function. When a person is not able to breathe properly, then the overall physical ability of a person is reduced. Even walking a few steps or doing simple chores can seem daunting tasks. Therefore, shortness of breath can be very limiting and may alter the quality of life of the patient.

The medical term being dyspnea, it can be short or long-term, acute or chronic. Any problem in the heart or lungs can cause shortness of breath.

Shortness of breath can be caused by various conditions including:

Lung infections
Heart conditions including congestion and failure
Any systemic illness or infection
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Given that shortness of breath is caused by almost any ill health condition, especially in people with chronic conditions, it is best that the lungs are empowered to improve their function and do not cause shortness of breath. The idea is to delay the onset of shortness of breath and also to reduce the severity.

Some techniques to reduce shortness of breath are:

Breathe by reducing the rate of respiration. This reduces shallow breathing, which often happens, and so improves the amount of oxygen that reaches the system with each breath.
The patient should learn to relax, sit, and pace around without exertion.
Become aware of air movement during respiration controlled breathing and active cycle of breathing techniques.
Postural drainage Depending on the area of the lung that is causing shortness of breath, the person is made to lie prone and turn to a side that will allow the fluid in that region to drain out.
Overall relaxation techniques to improve airflow and control short of breath.
Avoid bending down, as it can induce shortness of breath.
Over-eating at one go in one meal should be avoided.
Weight needs to be maintained, especially if not under control. This can lead to shortness of breath without any associated medical condition either.
The patient should learn to push objects instead of pulling them.
Heavy objects should not be lifted but moved down at ground level.
Avoid extreme hot or cold showers.
Quit smoking as it causes various lung problems.
Help physiotherapy provides for people who are short of breath:

Improve exercise tolerance
Calms the person
Allows the person to control symptoms
Improve the quality of life
Provide manual treatment
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5 Most Common Types Of Lungs Diseases

MD - General Medicine, CCEDM, Fellowship In Neurology & Stroke, Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
Diabetologist, Navi Mumbai
5 Most Common Types Of Lungs Diseases
Lung diseases are some of the most common diseases suffered by human beings throughout the world. Smoking and infections are responsible for most lung diseases. The lungs perform one of the most important functions of the body. It is also one of the most active organs in the human body and hence lung problems can arise due to problems in any other part of the body. Some of the most common and infectious lung diseases are discussed below...

1. Asthma
Asthma is a common long term disease which is characterized by reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasm. The symptoms of asthma include coughing, shortness of breath and tightness of chest. These symptoms may occur frequently during a day and depending on the person, it may become worse during night or during a certain exercise.

2. Pneumonia
Pneumonia is another common lung problem which is suffered due to inflammation in the microscopic air sacs in the lungs known as alveoli. Symptoms of pneumonia include dry cough, chest pain, breathing problem and fever. Pneumonia is caused most commonly by viruses or bacteria. It is also caused by certain medications and conditions which are popularly known as autoimmune diseases. There are a number of vaccines available to prevent certain types of pneumonia. Other methods include hand washing and refraining from smoking.

3. Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis is a very infectious disease which is caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although tuberculosis generally affects the lungs, but it has been known to affect other parts of the body as well. Symptoms of tuberculosis include cough containing sputum with blood, night sweats, fever and weight loss. Air is an active medium for spreading tuberculosis. This happens when people who already have tuberculosis sneeze, cough or speak. Infection occurs more in those who have HIV/AIDS or those who smoke. Prevention of tuberculosis includes staying away and keeping those who are at high risk, early detection and treatment and vaccination.

4. Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which affects the lungs. It affects the lining of the lungs and chest wall. Symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath, swollen abdomen, cough, chest pain, weight loss and general lethargy. Mesothelioma is caused mainly due to exposure to asbestos. Those people who mine asbestos, produce products from asbestos, work with asbestos products are at high risk. Mesothelioma also results from genetical problems and due to infection caused by the simian virus 40.

5. Pulmonary Embolism
This is a disease caused due to blockage of an artery in the lungs by a substance which has travelled from another part of the body by the bloodstream. Symptoms of this disease include chest pain, breath shortness and coughing up of blood. There may also be signs of blood clot in the legs.
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Pollution - Know How It Can Cause Chest Related Diseases!

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Pollution - Know How It Can Cause Chest Related Diseases!
Chest-related diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, congestion, and conjunctivitis are caused by various factors but off late, pollution has emerged as one of the prime culprits responsible for wreaking havoc on the chests of people. Nowadays, no one is immune from the ill-effects of air pollution. Be it children, adults, or the elderly, everyone is vulnerable to the smoke and toxin-filled air that has led to a rise in chest-related diseases such as coughing, congestion, breathing difficulties and similar disorders.

As, pollution is a constant problem, engulfing every city day after day, one is always prone to chest-related diseases and many people resort to allopathic medicines or home remedies to get rid of these problems. These remedies do provide relief but most of the time, it is temporary. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, has been found to be highly effective in treating chest-related problems and disorders. There are a good number of homeopathic medications available out there that can cure these diseases completely and provide permanent relief as well.

Also, these medicines do not carry any side effects. They are totally safe and can be taken by children as well as adults without any fear. The following are some of the common homeopathic medicines that can cure chest-related diseases caused by air pollution.

Phosphorous: This is very useful against problems caused by air pollutants, including conjunctivitis, asthmatic bronchitis, rhinitis, emphysema, and leukemia. It also helps with breathing problems such as shortness of breath, tightness in chest, heaviness, and coughing.
Sulphurous acid: It is very helpful in fighting persistent coughing, hoarseness, chest congestion, and constriction.
Natrum muriaticum: It is effective in treating cold sores, headache, allergy, and runny nose caused by a chest infection.
Sulphur: This works wonders for problems such as conjunctivitis and headache.
Bryonia: It is most suited in cases of persistent coughing, loose cough, dry cough, painful cough, headache, and fever.
Bromium: It is the best remedy in case of dust allergy, asthma, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing while sleeping.
Ammonium Carbonate: This is highly effective in frequent sneezing, plenty of discharge from nose, nose blocking at night, breathing through the mouth, difficulty in sleeping, emphysematous changes in lungs, a sensation of dust particles in the throat, wheezing, dry cough, and choking.
Spongia: It is known to work best against asthmatic bronchitis, dryness of the respiratory tract, rapid short breathing, waking up suddenly at night, and wheezing. It also brings relief in uneasiness caused by sudden changes in atmosphere and smoke.
All these homeopathic remedies have proven to be of great help in curing chest-related diseases and providing long-term relief to patients across age groups. Nevertheless, anyone who decides to take any of these medications should consult a homeopathy doctor first. The doctor will prescribe the right medication after diagnosing the problem. Self-medication should be avoided but if one wants to take these homeopathic medicines along with other medicines, one can do so as the former do not result in any side effect.
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