Top Health Tips on Treating Child Scabies

Scabies - Complications It Can Include!

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Scabies - Complications It Can Include!
Scabies is a type of a skin condition that is characterized by itching and rashes. This dermatological condition is caused by sarcoptes scabiei, a type of microscopic mite. A contagious condition, scabies spreads through physical contact. It usually transmits through clothes, towels, sexual contact and other such ways. An estimate shows that scabies infect over 300 million humans worldwide per year.
This eight-legged microscopic mite creates a tunnel in the human skin and lays eggs in it. These larvae move under the surface of the skin and spread across the whole body, once hatched. Dogs, cats and mice can also be affected by the disease. It usually takes 2-6 weeks for the symptoms to develop. Signs and symptoms of scabies involve itching, rashes, sores and thick crusts on the surface of the skin.

Some of the risk factors of scabies are:

Scabies spreads through direct, prolonged skin-to-skin contact with a person who has mites.
An infected person can easily pass scabies to his/her household or sexual partners. Scabies in adults is usually sexually acquired.
The likelihood of scabies increases easily under crowded conditions which involves close body and skin contact. Nursing homes, prisons, and several types of care facilities are sites of scabies outbreaks.
Immunocompromised, elderly and disabled people also suffer from an increased likelihood of contracting such.
Complications of scabies include:

Persistent and vigorous scratching can break the surface of your skin which can lead to secondary bacterial infections. Impetigo, a superficial infection is quite a common occurrence in case of such.
Crusted scabies is the most severe form of scabies which is common among certain groups. People suffering from diseases such as HIV or leukemia and severely ill people who have weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of contracting this condition. This condition, also known as Norwegian scabies is very contagious and also hard to cure.
Depending on the symptoms and severity of the condition, appropriate medications and creams are prescribed by medical professionals.
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Scabies & Its Homeopathic Treatment!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Scabies & Its Homeopathic Treatment!
Scabies is a contagious disease that is caused by small insects called mites, primarily the human itch mite . Small blisters are formed along the trail where the mites lay the eggs. You may experience symptoms of intense itching at night. The usual spots where scabies usually tend to develop are the fingers, armpits, elbows and the inner thighs.

This disease can spread by touch; sharing toiletries or sleeping with an infected person all contribute to the spread of this disease. The eggs and the feces of the mites in the burrows of the skin are what cause the itching in scabies. The eggs and the feces usually trigger allergic reactions on the skin.

The various homeopathic treatments for scabies are:
1. Carbo-veg: This remedy is effective when you experience dry abrupt eruptions on the body. Symptoms of itching tend to aggravate at night, especially during undressing. There is usually a smelly discharge from the infected areas.
2. Arsenic album: This remedy is used to treat scabies eruptions which appear on the bends of the knees. The burning and itching sensations tend to worsen at night.
3. Causticum: This is used to treat symptoms of scabies which include wet pustules with foul smelling pus. In this case, the skin develops a yellowish hue along with the presence of warts. Coughing and sneezing can lead to involuntary urination.
4. Hepar sulph: Hepar sulph is used when symptoms of crusty pustules develop on the hands, folds of the skin and the feet. The skin becomes sensitive to cold weather and the pustules have a cheese like discharge.
5. Lycopodium: Lycopodium is used to treat symptoms of scabies that occur on the genitals, scalp and the abdomen. Exposure to anything warm can aggravate the condition and intensify the itching. The pustules are moist and yellowish brown in color. The itching usually subsides if the skin comes in contact with anything cold.
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Treating Scabies With Homeopathy - Why Go For It?

CME Course In Diabetes For Family Physicians, Certificate In Child Health, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Gurgaon
Treating Scabies With Homeopathy - Why Go For It?
Scabies is an infection of the skin that is caused by an incredibly tiny mite Sarcoptes scabiei . They thrive on the surface of the epidermis and can survive up to two months. The outward symptoms include itchy, blister-like hives on the surface of the skin.
It is tremendously infectious and can easily be passed from one individual to another via skin contact. Usage of bedding or clothing that is infested may easily cause the mites to infect one.

Characteristic symptoms comprise of rashes and extreme itching. Areas of the body that get infected are:

Soles of the feet
Homeopathic treatment

Arsenic album: This medication is used when the eruptions emerge on the knees. Eruptions are the numerous dry small pustules which are accompanied by a very strong burning and itching sensation.
Carbo veg: This is administered when the condition has a parched appearance almost all over the body, particularly bad on the extremities. The itching sensation gets worse at night or after undressing.
Hepar Sulph and Sepia: It is used when the rashes develop near the folds of the skin. The flare-ups are usually hard and ooze pus. Another situation that warrants the usage of this medicine is when the patient becomes extremely uncomfortable in cold environments.
Sulphur: The use of sulphur comes as an ultimate resort to curing this problem. It is the absolute remedy for persistent, neglected, stubborn, underlying cases of scabies.
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How Best to Treat Scabies with Homeopathy

Homeopathy Doctor, Agra
How Best to Treat Scabies with Homeopathy
Scabies is a highly infectious disease, which is caused by very tiny wingless insects called the Human itch mite or scabies mite. The insect lays 1 to 3 eggs daily after burrowing into the skin. A small, almost invisible blister is formed on the area. You might also feel an urge to itch especially at night, which would likely cause a red rash to form on the scratched area. Sides of fingers, in between the fingers, the back of your hands, the wrists, elbow, and armpits are the common areas where scabies affect. It is generally spread when you come in close contact to any infected person or their belongings. Scabies can occur at any age, but is most common among children.

Treating scabies with homeopathy:

Homeopathy, due to its safe and natural medicines are the best alternative in treating scabies. It attacks the infection at the roots and does not let it reappear. Here given below are some of the best homeopathic remedies:

Sulphur: If you are suffering from a recurrent or suppressed form of scabies, Sulphur is one of the best remedy for you. You might feel an intense urge to scratch the area, which worsens with when washed and exposed to heat. Your skin might be extremely sensitive to air, wind as well as washing.
Causticum: If you have scabies in the folds of the skin and between the thighs, causticum works well for you. Intense itching, scratching and soreness are some of the symptoms you experience.
Arsenic Album: The infection occurs in the bend of your knees and it could be dry as well as full of small pustules. You may experience itching and a burning sensation around the area. Application of cold water may also make you feel better. These symptoms are well treated with Arsenic Album.
Sepia: It is one of the best homeopathic remedy if you have scabies, and scratching the area as much as it feels, would not give you any kind of relief. Your skin might turn pinkish and the condition worsens when exposed to open air. You may also feel better in a warm room.
Psorinum: You can opt for this medicine if you have any past history of scabies. If your infection has not been properly cured, it can result into internal infection e.g., asthma, heart ailments etc. You might not want to stop itching until your skin starts bleeding. You may feel better if you lie down for some time.
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Scabies - Know The Risks & Complications Of It!

Dermatologist, Kolkata
Scabies - Know The Risks & Complications Of It!
Scabies is a skin condition that causes the skin to itch. It is caused by a tiny burrowing mite, which is called Sarcoptes scabei. The presence of the mite in the burrowed areas causes intense itching, especially at night. This a contagious condition, which can quickly spread through physical contact in places like nursing homes, schools, prisons etc. Scabies is easily treatable by applying lotions to the skin that may kill the mite. Yet, one may still experience itching for several weeks.

The eight legged mite that causes the condition is microscopic. The female mite burrows just beneath the skin and makes a tunnel where it deposits eggs. These eggs hatch, mature and spread to the other areas of the skin or to the skin of other people. The body's allergic reaction to the mites, their eggs and wastes causes the itching.


Some of the symptoms of the conditions are severe itching, narrow irregular burrow tracks, which look like blisters or bumps on your skin. The burrow tracks generally appear in the folds of the skin. The common sites of the condition are between the fingers, armpits, around the waist, soles of your feet, knees, shoulder blades etc.


Some of the complications of the condition are:

Vigorous scratching, which can break your skin and can cause a secondary infection such as impetigo. This superficial skin infection is usually caused by the staphylococci bacteria.
Severe scratching can also lead to damaged and reddened skin, which in severe cases can start to bleed.
Risk factors:

Crusted scabies, also known as Norwegian scabies is a severe form of the condition, which affects certain high risk groups, such as:

People with chronic medical conditions, such as HIV/Aids or chronic leukemia
Older people in nursing homes
People who are very ill
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Scabies - Role of Homeopathy in Treating it!

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Greater Noida
Scabies - Role of Homeopathy in Treating it!
Scabies is an infection of the skin that is caused by an incredibly tiny mite Sarcoptes scabiei . They thrive on the surface of the epidermis and can survive up to two months. The outward symptoms include itchy, blister-like hives on the surface of the skin.
It is tremendously infectious and can easily be passed from one individual to another via skin contact. Usage of bedding or clothing that is infested may easily cause the mites to infect one.

Characteristic symptoms comprise of rashes and extreme itching. Areas of the body that get infected are:

Soles of the feet
Homeopathic treatment

Arsenic album: This medication is used when the eruptions emerge on the knees. Eruptions are the numerous dry small pustules which are accompanied by a very strong burning and itching sensation.
Carbo veg: This is administered when the condition has a parched appearance almost all over the body, particularly bad on the extremities. The itching sensation gets worse at night or after undressing.
Hepar Sulph and Sepia: It is used when the rashes develop near the folds of the skin. The flare-ups are usually hard and ooze pus. Another situation that warrants the usage of this medicine is when the patient becomes extremely uncomfortable in cold environments.
Sulphur: The use of sulphur comes as an ultimate resort to curing this problem. It is the absolute remedy for persistent, neglected, stubborn, underlying cases of scabies.
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Scabies - Reasons Behind It!

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DDVL
Dermatologist, Navi Mumbai
Scabies - Reasons Behind It!
This contagious and highly itchy skin condition comes with symptoms like thin and irregular burrow like tracks containing blisters. These may be found on the affected areas of the skin. Mostly, these growths are found in the folds of one's skin and can occur for children and adults alike. The most common areas where these blisters, sores and bumps may be found include the genital areas, buttocks, the inner side of the elbows, soles of the feet, around the breasts, the waistline, the insides of the wrists and other areas. Let us have a look at the various causes of this condition.

1. Mite: An eight legged mite is the most common cause of this skin disease. The female mites are known to burrow deep in the folds of the skin, where they leave their eggs to hatch and spread. These mites usually make a tunnel like burrow in which the eggs get deposited. The mite larvae then reach the surface the skin and cause a lot of itching once they begin to mature. This itching is mainly an allergic reaction to the larvae as well as the eggs and waste.

2. Physical Contact with Infected Parties: This condition is mostly caused when there is contact with an infected person or animal. This happens due to the fact that contact with an infected party can lead to a deposit of the mites on to the skin, leading to the process of burrowing, egg laying and maturing of the larvae. There has to be close and prolonged contact with an infected person or animal for this to happen. Yet, it has been observed that the mites prefer to live on the host. They do not live for too long on someone inherits the disease with contact.

3. Scratching: There are lots of complications that can lead to the breakout or worsening of the situation. Scratching the skin can often break the same which can lead to secondary bacterial skin infections. Superficial infections like impetigo can also lead to an accumulation of these mites, which can further spread the condition.

4. High Risk Groups: There are many people who are more at risk of contracting this skin disease. Patients with chronic health conditions like HIV and Leukaemia can contract a severe form of scabies known as Crusted scabies or Norwegian Scabies. Also, people who have spent long periods in hospitals and nursing facilities due to prolonged illness and treatment can contract this contagious ailment. Further, it has been found that older people living in nursing homes also often come down with this condition. The crusty and scaly patches caused by this disease can cover the entire body and may be very difficult to treat.
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Scabies And Its Causes!

MD - Skin,VD & Lepxsy, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Dermatologist, Hyderabad
Scabies And Its Causes!
This contagious and highly itchy skin condition comes with symptoms like thin and irregular burrow like tracks containing blisters. These may be found on the affected areas of the skin. Mostly, these growths are found in the folds of one's skin and can occur for children and adults alike. The most common areas where these blisters, sores and bumps may be found include the genital areas, buttocks, the inner side of the elbows, soles of the feet, around the breasts, the waistline, the insides of the wrists and other areas. Let us have a look at the various causes of this condition.

Mite: An eight legged mite is the most common cause of this skin disease (Know more about common skin disease). The female mites are known to burrow deep in the folds of the skin, where they leave their eggs to hatch and spread. These mites usually make a tunnel like burrow in which the eggs get deposited. The mite larvae then reach the surface the skin and cause a lot of itching once they begin to mature. This itching is mainly an allergic reaction to the larvae as well as the eggs and waste.
Physical Contact with Infected Parties: This condition is mostly caused when there is contact with an infected person or animal. This happens due to the fact that contact with an infected party can lead to a deposit of the mites on to the skin, leading to the process of burrowing, egg laying and maturing of the larvae. There has to be close and prolonged contact with an infected person or animal for this to happen. Yet, it has been observed that the mites prefer to live on the host. They do not live for too long on someone inherits the disease with contact.
Scratching: There are lots of complications that can lead to the breakout or worsening of the situation. Scratching the skin can often break the same which can lead to secondary bacterial skin infections. Superficial infections like impetigo can also lead to an accumulation of these mites, which can further spread the condition.
High Risk Groups: There are many people who are more at risk of contracting this skin disease. Patients with chronic health conditions like HIV (Know more about HIV) and Leukaemia can contract a severe form of scabies known as Crusted scabies or Norwegian Scabies. Also, people who have spent long periods in hospitals and nursing facilities due to prolonged illness and treatment can contract this contagious ailment. Further, it has been found that older people living in nursing homes also often come down with this condition. The crusty and scaly patches caused by this disease can cover the entire body and may be very difficult to treat.
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Scabies - How Homeopathy Is A Best Form Of Treatment For It?

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Scabies - How Homeopathy Is A Best Form Of Treatment For It?
Scabies is a highly infectious disease, which is caused by very tiny wingless insects called the Human itch mite or scabies mite. The insect lays 1 to 3 eggs daily after burrowing into the skin. A small, almost invisible blister is formed on the area. You might also feel an urge to itch especially at night, which would likely cause a red rash to form on the scratched area. Sides of fingers, in between the fingers, the back of your hands, the wrists, elbow, and armpits are the common areas where scabies affect. It is generally spread when you come in close contact to any infected person or their belongings. Scabies can occur at any age, but is most common among children.

Treating scabies with homeopathy:

Homeopathy, due to its safe and natural medicines are the best alternative in treating scabies. It attacks the infection at the roots and does not let it reappear. Here given below are some of the best homeopathic remedies:

Sulphur: If you are suffering from a recurrent or suppressed form of scabies, Sulphur is one of the best remedy for you. You might feel an intense urge to scratch the area, which worsens with when washed and exposed to heat. Your skin might be extremely sensitive to air, wind as well as washing.
Causticum: If you have scabies in the folds of the skin and between the thighs, causticum works well for you. Intense itching, scratching and soreness are some of the symptoms you experience.
Arsenic Album: The infection occurs in the bend of your knees and it could be dry as well as full of small pustules. You may experience itching and a burning sensation around the area. Application of cold water may also make you feel better. These symptoms are well treated with Arsenic Album.
Sepia: It is one of the best homeopathic remedy if you have scabies, and scratching the area as much as it feels, would not give you any kind of relief. Your skin might turn pinkish and the condition worsens when exposed to open air. You may also feel better in a warm room.
Psorinum: You can opt for this medicine if you have any past history of scabies. If your infection has not been properly cured, it can result into internal infection e.g., asthma, heart ailments etc. You might not want to stop itching until your skin starts bleeding. You may feel better if you lie down for some time.
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5 Common Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Scabies

Homeopathy Doctor, Navi Mumbai
5 Common Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Scabies
Scabies is a contagious disease that is caused by small insects called mites, primarily the human itch mite . Small blisters are formed along the trail where the mites lay the eggs. You may experience symptoms of intense itching at night. The usual spots where scabies usually tend to develop are the fingers, armpits, elbows and the inner thighs.

This disease can spread by touch; sharing toiletries or sleeping with an infected person all contribute to the spread of this disease. The eggs and the feces of the mites in the burrows of the skin are what cause the itching in scabies. The eggs and the feces usually trigger allergic reactions on the skin.

The various homeopathic treatments for scabies are:
1. Carbo-veg: This remedy is effective when you experience dry abrupt eruptions on the body. Symptoms of itching tend to aggravate at night, especially during undressing. There is usually a smelly discharge from the infected areas.
2. Arsenic album: This remedy is used to treat scabies eruptions which appear on the bends of the knees. The burning and itching sensations tend to worsen at night.
3. Causticum: This is used to treat symptoms of scabies which include wet pustules with foul smelling pus. In this case, the skin develops a yellowish hue along with the presence of warts. Coughing and sneezing can lead to involuntary urination.
4. Hepar sulph: Hepar sulph is used when symptoms of crusty pustules develop on the hands, folds of the skin and the feet. The skin becomes sensitive to cold weather and the pustules have a cheese like discharge.
5. Lycopodium: Lycopodium is used to treat symptoms of scabies that occur on the genitals, scalp and the abdomen. Exposure to anything warm can aggravate the condition and intensify the itching. The pustules are moist and yellowish brown in color. The itching usually subsides if the skin comes in contact with anything cold.
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