Top Health Tips on Treating the Stomach Flu

5 Things You Must Never Consume Empty Stomach!

Masters in Nutritional Therapy, Lifestyle & Weight Management, Sport Nutritions, graduation in Nutrition & Dietics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
5 Things You Must Never Consume Empty Stomach!
From our early memories, we would have been drilleed down with the importance of food and the benefits of eating certain foods. We naturally tend to assume that foods make us grow and sometimes we end up gobbling tons of food with a childhood innocence that they are going to make us taller and smarter in a jiffy. Looking back, we tend to smile at those memories nostalgically. However, in some cases, we grow up or we simply ignore one basic rule of eating the right food at the right time.

Foods are very much related to time and the physics of our body can agree with them only if they are taken for a certain period. For instance, there are some foods that are beneficial to us, but can actually work in a negative way, if taken at a wrong time. For example, there are some foods that should never be taken on an empty stomach. Here are some such foods that you may want to know:

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are no doubt full of vitamins and antioxidants. However, when eaten on an empty stomach, these ingredients combine with acidic nature of our stomach and can result in stomach block. They put unnecessary pressure on the stomach and can cause stomachache. This can be dangerous for people who are already suffering from ulcers.
Citrus Fruits: Though citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are high in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, they may irritate your stomach when taken first thing in the morning. The oesophagus lining of your stomach gets enlarged when there is no food to digest and taking these fruits can directly enlarge them even more, causing more friction to your stomach.
Short Crust/Puff Pastry: Pastries can be a good combination for breakfast but it is a strict no on an empty stomach. Pastries and crusts have yeast in them and they simply will not go well for an empty stomach.
Carbonated Drinks: Carbonated drinks are basically bad for health and imagine having them on an early morning. Nothing can be more troublesome for your stomach than having these carbonated drinks first thing in the morning. They up the risk of cancer and heart diseases and can also lead to many other complications. Strictly avoid them on an empty stomach.
Coffee or Tea: Is having coffee the first thing that you do in the morning? You may be unaware but you are actually causing a lot of harm to your body. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can increase the levels of hydrochloric acid and can lead to constipation vomiting. They also slow the digestion process. Try having a glass of water on an empty stomach; give it some time to settle and then intake caffeine.
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Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!

General Physician, Gurgaon
Loose Motion: 4 Natural Ways to Cure it!
Loose motion, commonly known as diarrhea refers to a state where the affected person suffers from frequent passage of loose, watery or unformed stool. It may lead to exhaustion and dehydration as with frequent passage of stool the body loses water and essential minerals. Here are some natural remedies which are capable of relieving you from loose motion effectively.

1. Lemon

Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory properties that assist in cleansing of the stomach. After extraction of the lemon juice it should be mixed with a tablespoon of sugar and salt. This solution should be consumed every one hour until you feel that all the toxins from your bowels have been flushed out.

2. Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek or methi seeds have antibacterial and antifungal properties. You need to mix one to two tablespoon powder of dried up fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and have it in an empty stomach in the morning for three to four days. It may taste bitter might but it's bound to completely relieve you from loose motion.

3. Buttermilk

Butter milk not only works wonders for soothing your stomach but also assists the process of digestion. The acid content in buttermilk fights the bacteria and germs in your digestive system. Adding a pinch of turmeric powder or cumin powder or black pepper powder to your buttermilk increases its efficiency to cure loose motion.

4. Adequate rest

If you are suffering from several bouts of loose motion it is bound to cause weakness and dehydration as the body is drained of essential minerals and water. It is advisable that you take complete best rest for two to three days to recover from this fatigue completely. Using heat bags on your stomach can relieve you of cramps and pains. During this period you should abstain from rich and oily foods.
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Empty Stomach - 8 Food Types That You Must Avoid!

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, Diploma in Diet and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Empty Stomach - 8 Food Types That You Must Avoid!
Do you know not all foods can be consumed on an empty stomach? So, it is imperative that you should be aware of such foods and restructure your breakfast menu accordingly. Here is a list of foods to avoid on an empty stomach.

Stay away from the following foods when you eat after a considerable gap

Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits contain fruit acids. When these acids enter an empty stomach, they can lead to heartburn. Hence, if eaten after a prolonged period post meal, a person is at risk of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Soda: Consuming cold soda drinks on an empty stomach may cause damage to the mucosal membrane while reducing blood flow to the stomach. This may lead to a slow digestive process and difficulty in the abdomen.
Spicy foods: Spicy foods are known to cause irritation and damage to the digestive tract, and are especially not recommended for people who suffer from acid reflux issues since very spicy food leads to consequences such as acid reflux in the food pipe.
Cucumber and other green vegetables: Green vegetables and cucumber are rich in amino acids. If consumed on an empty stomach it may very well lead to pain and bitterness in the upper abdomen.
Tomato: Tomato is a fruit containing high levels of tannin. Tannin causes acidity in an empty stomach and leads to consequences and appearance of gastritis if frequently consumed in such a manner.
Fermented milk products: Fermented milk products such as yogurt typically come with loads of health benefits being full of probiotics. But if consumed on an empty stomach it can interfere with the balance of healthy bacteria as the hydrochloric acid produced tends to be destructive.
Sweets: Items such as candy or sweetmeats contain high levels of sugar and cause a sudden and sharp surge of insulin levels in the blood. Over a long period, this has a bad effect on the pancreas.
Products containing yeast: Edible items such as biscuits, puff pastry, vinegar and beverages such as beer and wine contain yeast which can significantly irritate the stomach and cause bloating.
So, be a little conscious and avoid consuming these items on an empty stomach since a little effort goes a long way. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
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Gastritis - Symptoms & Diagnosis Of It!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Gastritis - Symptoms & Diagnosis Of It!
Gastritis is a condition in which the stomach lining - known as the mucosa - is inflamed. The stomach lining contains special cells that produce acid and enzymes, which help break down food for digestion, and mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. When the stomach lining is inflamed, it produces less acid, enzymes, and mucus.

Gastritis may be acute or chronic. Sudden, severe inflammation of the stomach lining is called acute gastritis. Inflammation that lasts for a long time is called chronic gastritis. If chronic gastritis is not treated, it may last for years or even a lifetime.

Erosive gastritis is a type of gastritis that often does not cause significant inflammation but can wear away the stomach lining. Erosive gastritis can cause bleeding, erosions, or ulcers. Erosive gastritis may be acute or chronic.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Many people with gastritis do not have any symptoms, but some people experience symptoms such as

upper abdominal discomfort or pain
These symptoms are also called dyspepsia.

Erosive gastritis may cause ulcers or erosions in the stomach lining that can bleed. Signs of bleeding in the stomach include:

Blood in vomit
Black, tarry stools
Red blood in the stool
Abdominal bloating
Burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at night
Loss of appetite

Upper gastrointestinal (GI) series. The patient swallows barium, a liquid contrast material that makes the digestive tract visible in an x ray. X-ray images may show changes in the stomach lining, such as erosions or ulcers.
Blood test. The doctor may check for anemia, a condition in which the blood s iron-rich substance, hemoglobin, is diminished. Anemia may be a sign of chronic bleeding in the stomach.
Stool test. This test checks for the presence of blood in the stool, another sign of bleeding in the stomach.
Tests for H. pylori infection. The doctor may test a patient s breath, blood, or stool for signs of infection. H. pylori infection can also be confirmed with biopsies taken from the stomach during endoscopy.
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Paracetamol - How It Works On Your Body?

MD - Internal Medicine
General Physician, Nashik
Paracetamol - How It Works On Your Body?
Paracetamol is one of the most commonly consumed medicine to deal with minor pain, body ache, headache, fever etc. It can also be used for getting temporary relief from arthritis pain. This is readily available over the counter and can be obtained without a prescription. The dosage is available in the form of syrup, powder, solution, tablet, suspension, suppository etc.

Considerations to make before consuming paracetamol:
The risk of the medicine must be considered before consuming it. The health care professional should be reported for any allergy related problems. For a person facing allergy, one should carefully read the label before consuming it. Interaction of 2 paracetamol can prove to be fatal sometimes. The dosage, therefore, of these medicines should be consulted with the doctor. This being said, there are certain medicines which act best when they are consumed together. The outcome of the effect is based on the disease one is facing. The effectivity of this medicine can get influenced if the patient has a history of abusing alcohol, suffered from liver and kidney diseases in the past etc.

Proper use of paracetamol:
Paracetamol should be consumed with care. Prolonged consumption can damage the liver. The maximum dosage of this medicine should not exceed 3k milligrams in a day. This can be consumed before or after the consumption of food. Paracetamol in the form of syrup should be shaken well before use. There should be a minimum time span of 4-6 hours between two dosages of paracetamol. In the case of a missed dosage, the medicine should be taken as early as possible. It does not prove to be fatal in case a dosage is missed. Finally, it should be ensured that paracetamol is stored at room temperature and freezing is avoided.

It is of utmost importance to check the progress of the patient in case one is consuming paracetamol. During the process of consuming paracetamol, symptoms such as dark urine, stomach ache, nausea, weakness etc should be immediately reported to the stomach. For patients suffering from diabetes, any drastic change in the blood sugar level due to the consumption of paracetamol should be immediately reported to the doctor.

Side effects:
Certain rare side-effects of paracetamol include lower back pain, bruising, fever, cloudy urine, tarry stools, yellowish skin, bruising, skin rash, itching etc. Some common symptoms of overdosage of paracetamol include increased sweating, tenderness, swelling and pain in the lower abdomen area, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, increased thrust etc. If any of these symptoms are faced during the consumption of paracetamol are reported, a healthcare professional should be immediately consulted to avoid any further complication. Frequent usage should also be avoided.
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Gastritis - Causes, Symptoms And Treatments Of It!

Diploma In Gastroenterology, Diploma In Dermatology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Hyderabad
Gastritis - Causes, Symptoms And Treatments Of It!
Gastritis is a very common health issue which many people face throughout the year. It is a condition in which the inner linings of the stomach become irritating and suffer inflammation. Gastritis affects almost 1 million people every year in India. It is majorly reported between individuals ageing over 18 years.

What Causes Gastritis?

Gastritis can be caused due to a lot of different factors. Let us have a look at them:

Overconsumption of alcohol or continuous vomiting
Due to the bacteria named Helicobacter pylori
Due to irregular bowel movement


The symptoms of Gastritis are very easy to locate and identify:

Nausea or recurrent upset stomach can affect the person for almost a week as well
Abdominal bloating can happen frequently
Abdominal pain is also reported by the machines which are made available
Vomiting is a common problem when you throw out all the important foods out from the stomach
Indigestion due to the imbalance in the bowl system and inefficient digestive system
Burning or gnawing feeling in the stomach between meals or at night
Continuous hiccups are also observed at times

Diagnosis And Treatment

Gastritis is diagnosed with the help of different kinds of methods and also the treatment involves an extensive time period. Gastritis is diagnosed with the help of different techniques like upper endoscopy and blood tests. These methods help to observe whether there are any complications or not. But there are even different ways in which you can treat Gastritis.

You can take antacids or any other medical drug which helps combat gastritis
You must prevent the consumption of hot and spicy food in a significant amount
In case the gastritis is caused due to any kind of bacterial infection, you will be prescribed with antibacterial medicines
So, this is how you will be diagnosed and treated in case you have a gastritis problem.


When you are suffering from Gastritis, you will be required to eat healthy and prevent the consumption of junk food. You will need to eat fruits and vegetables with very less spice for every item that is cooked for you. You can also drink some beverage like a warm cup of tea which helps to soothe the stomach and the bowel system. Therefore, for the few coming days, you will not be able to eat your favourite dish and control your appetite to the fullest.
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5 Reasons You Should be Eating Curd Daily

Post Graduate Diploma in Nutrition Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Panchkula
5 Reasons You Should be Eating Curd Daily
Curd is a staple in every household in India; whether it is served with piping hot parathas or by itself after a meal. The simple food item is packed with a number of nutrients and helps in increasing the health benefits in your body.

Here are a few reasons why you should be eating curd, almost every day:

Probiotics help in digestion: Curd, being rich in probiotics (good bacteria), improves digestion as it kills all the harmful bacteria in the digestive tract and aids the proliferation of good bacteria. Probiotics also help in the prevention of various digestive issues such as cramps, bloating and abdominal pain caused due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Promotes weight loss around the belly: A hormone called cortisol, also called the stress hormone persuades the fat cells to produce more fat around your belly area. Consuming a cup of curd daily increases the amount of calcium in your body which limits the release of cortisol, thus, helping you lose weight. Curd also retains one-third of lean muscle mass which helps you maintain your physique post those dropped kilos for a longer time.
Curd strengthens your immunity system: A cup of curd is loaded with good bacteria which is essential for fighting off germs, thereby making your immune system stronger and more persistent. Making curd a part of your daily diet is a great idea as it is effective in preventing yeast infections around the vaginal area.
Toughens up your skeletal system: Like all dairy products, curd is rich in calcium which is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Apart from calcium, curd is rich in phosphorous and together, they quicken the bone growth process and helps in preventing arthritis and osteoporosis.
Helps in improving cardiovascular health: Eating curd helps in improving cardiovascular health as it discourages the spread of cholesterol around the arterial area, thus, reducing the risks of a coronary disease. Curd reduces hypertension which is a pre-cursor to most heart ailments.
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Stomach Problems During Summer - How Homeopathy Can Assist?

MD - Homeopathy, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Vadodara
Stomach Problems During Summer - How Homeopathy Can Assist?
A hot summer s day may just be the perfect excuse to turn the air conditioning at full blast and gorge on junk food like a plate of Golgapas and samosas, followed by a bottle of chilled soft drink.

Hold that thought! The number of people seeking treatment for various gastrointestinal (GI) infections, i.e stomach infection, rise by approximately 40% during the peak summer. One of the major reasons attributed to GI infections is excessive consumption of junk and contaminated food. Add dehydration (which is another common problem in summers) to your GI problems can result in a disorder that has the ability to cause severe discomfort.

What is a GI infection?
A GI infection occurs when microbes such as virus or bacteria cause an infection in the gut. Consequently, the stomach lining and the intestines become inflamed.

Once the inflammation sets in, you will experience symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and mild to strong abdominal cramps. It is sometimes also referred to as food poisoning.

GI infections can be caused both by viruses and bacteria. The type of microbe responsible depends on weather, socioeconomic factors, sanitation facilities, and personal hygiene.

The link between summers and GI infections -
The digestive system becomes relatively weaker and slower during the hotter months. As a result, the entire digestive tract becomes easily vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria. Some of the common problems that are prevalent during summers are dehydration, loss of appetite and food poisoning.

The GI infections that are common during summers are

Salmonella bacteria This bacteria is mostly found in eggs and chicken. The symptoms include cramps, diarrhea, headache and fever.
Shigella bacteria Common in areas where sanitation is very basic, this bacteria is found in water that has been exposed to human faeces. Like the Salmonella bacteria, this is also a foodborne GI infection. The symptoms include mucus and blood in bowels, stomach pain, fever and vomiting.
Adenovirus This virus is one of the major causes of diarrhea in children. The symptoms include rashes, fever, bladder problems and respiratory problems.
Staphylococcus aureus It is caused by consuming contaminated foods like meat, poultry, dairy products and bakery products. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and severe nausea. The symptoms generally last for 1-3 days.
E. Coli E. Coli, the abbreviation of Escherichia Coli, is the foremost cause of travelers diarrhea. It has been attributed to the consumption of water that has been contaminated by animal or human faeces.
Tips to avoid GI infections -
Here are some tips to avoid them

Wash your hands before you eat and when you come from outside
Ensure that you have access to purified drinking water. If you are travelling, stick to bottled water
Keep your kitchen clean
Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before cooking/ consuming them
Carry Oral rehydration solutions (ORS) to prevent dehydration
Eat light and cool foods. Avoid spicy and excessively pungent foods
How can Homeopathy help?
Homeopathy, an alternative form of medicine, is very effective when it comes to not only chronic conditions but also acute conditions like GI infections. Once the symptoms are noted after a thorough diagnosis, treatments are prescribed accordingly.

Medicines like Arsenic Album, Nux Vomica and Merc Sol are recommended to alleviate symptoms like nausea, fever, stomach cramps and diarrhea common to all GI infections. Unlike other medicines, homeopathic medicines do not cause any side effects. You will also be given certain dietary guidelines to supplement the medications.

But, it is recommended that these medicines are taken in consultation with your Homoeopathic Physician only.
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Stomach Problems - Causes Behind It!

General Physician, Durg
Stomach Problems - Causes Behind It!
Stomach problems are one of the most common issues you face. Irrespective of what your age is, it is highly likely that you have an upset stomach once in while. A stomach upset has a distinguishable characteristic - that stomach linings as well as the small and large intestines tend to swell. This is called inflammation. The following are the most common causes of an upset stomach.

1. Viruses
Viruses are the most common causes of an upset stomach. It is highly likely that your stomach upset is because of a virus since there are so many types of them.

2. Parasites or bacteria like Salmonella and Escherichia coli
This is also a very common cause of stomach upset. Salmonella infections are usually caused by eating raw eggs, meat and meat products whereas Escherichia coli infections come from raw vegetables as well as milk and dairy products.

3. Allergic reactions
These happen very specifically to people who have a reaction to a certain type of food.

4. Excess alcohol
Most people think that alcohol will only make you pass out or get liver cirrhosis. Many people do not know that alcohol can actually adversely affect your stomach as well.

5. Excess caffeine
Caffeine is also dangerous to your stomach as taking too much of it can cause a stomach upset.

6. Fatty foods
Fatty foods such as cheese, dark chocolates, whole eggs, fatty fish, etc. are dangerous because they are harder to digest than many other types of food. This means that eating even a small amount of fatty foods are enough to cause a stomach upset sometimes.

7. Eating too much
This is also a major cause of stomach upset simply because your stomach can only digest a certain amount of food.

You must also be able to distinguish when you have a stomach infection and when you have Chron's disease as it is basically a chronic stomach upset. Chron's disease causes the whole digestive tract to be inflamed.
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How Ayurvedic Remedies are Effective in Treating Kidney Stones?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS), PG Dip Panchakarma, PG Dip Ksharsutra For Piles, Pilonidal, Sinus & Fistula Management, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), Certificate In Diabetes Update
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
How Ayurvedic Remedies are Effective in Treating Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones is a disorder of the urinary tract wherein stones form in the kidney. This happens when solid particles in the urine become concentrated; the solid particles mostly being acid and mineral salts. This disorder can affect any part of the urinary tract: from the bladder to the kidneys. The treatment for this disorder is designed depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Once affected by this disorder, pain in the lower abdominal region will be common. The pain may get aggravated when you urinate. You may also exhibit symptoms of vomiting, nausea and a constant urge to urinate. Hematuria (presence of blood in the urine) is another symptom common to this disorder.

There is no single known cause for kidney stones. These stones occur when certain solid particles such as uric acid and calcium are present in the urine in large amounts. However, certain factors that increase the risk of kidney stones are:

Family history of kidney stones
Lack of sufficient water in the body or dehydration
Eating foods which are loaded with sugar and salts
Ayurvedic treatment
Ayurvedic remedies for kidney stones are natural and free from side effects. Apart from relieving the symptoms, they also help in improving your overall well-being. These remedies balance the various doshas in the body and thus, lead to improved functioning of the abdominal organs. The Ayurvedic remedies for kidney stones are

Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is the basic you can do to either prevent kidney stones or treating the condition. Dehydration is one of the most important causes for the formation of kidney stones.
Avoid certain foods: You need to avoid consumption of certain foods such as apples, tomatoes and cheese which increase the risks of kidney stones.
Exercise on a regular basis: You need to chalk down and stick to an exercise regimen to keep your weight at optimal levels. Remember that obesity is a major contributor to kidney stones.
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