Homeopathic Medicine for Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation is a condition when a man experiences orgasm and releases semen soon after sexual activity and with minimal penile stimulation. In most men, the average ejaculatory latency is approximately 4 - 8 minutes. The International Classification of Diseases classifies a latency of 15 seconds in men with PE. Men with PE also report stress over emotional and romantic relationships with their partners. Due to PE related embarrassment, some men avoid pursuing sexual relationships. PE may also cause considerable distress to female partners.
Homeopathic medicine for premature ejaculation can be divided with their symptoms such as weakness, diminished libido, diminished power, impotency and sexual excesses (loss of memory, impaired coordination, numbness and tingling in limbs, irresistible desire for masturbation, constant dwelling on sexual subjects and excitable even before the sexual stimulation starts):
- China, Graphites, Staphysagria, and Selenium are used to treat PE followed by weakness. Aversion to coition and great sexual exhaustion can be cured with Graphites. Backache and severe prostration are cured with Staphysagria. Sexual neurasthenia with weak and odourless semen is treated with Selenium. China is taken to stop lascivious thoughts and dreams and getting excited too easily.
- Agnus Castus, Carboneum Sulphuratum, and Baryta Carbonica are used to treat PE along with diminished libido. Agnus Castus is used to treat PE with loss of desire and no erections. Lost desire and atrophied parts are treated with Carboneum Sulphuratum. Enlarged prostate with indurated testicles is effectively treated with Baryta Carbonicum.
- Phosphoricum Acidum, Conium, Sulphur and Iodum are used to treat PE along with diminished power. Tender and swollen testicles are treated with Phosphoricum Acidum. Conium is used to treat sexual nervousness with a weak erection. Loss of sexual power with atrophied testes and impotency is treated with Sulphur and Iodum respectively.
- Phosphorus, Avena Sativa, and Nuphar Luteum are used to treat PE with impotency.
- Kali Bromatum, Nux Vomica, Ustilago and Staphysagria are used to treat PE due to sexual excesses. Numbness and tingling in limbs is treated with Kali Bromatum; Nux Vomica deals with sexual excessiveness; Ustilago treats excessive desire for masturbation and Staphysagria treats the constant dwelling on sexual objects. If you wish to discuss any specific problem, you can consult with Homeopathy Doctor in Kolkata easily and get your queries resolved.
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