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568+ Best Doctors for Anxiety and Depression in Delhi


Dr. Priya Jha

Psychologist41 Years Exp.
PG Diploma In Clinical Training, Psychology, MA - Psychology, BA - Psychology
₹ 2,000 at clinic
300 online
Lifecare Clinic , Greater Kailash , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Anxiety, Depression, Counselling and Stress Management
Available today: 11:30 AM - 02:00 PM
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Dr. Vishal Chhabra

Psychiatrist25 Years Exp.
₹ 800 at clinic
1,200 online
Chhabra Psychiatry Centre , Prashant Vihar , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Mood Disorder Treatment, Abnormal Behavior Treatment, Abnormal Behavior
Next Available Slot:
 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM,06:00 PM - 09:00 PM, MON, WED, FRI
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Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma

Psychologist21 Years Exp.
Ph.D - Psychology, M.Sc. - Counselling and Psychotherapy, M.A - Psychology, Certificate more
₹ 2,000 at clinic
2,000 online
Vishwas Healing Centre- Rohini , Rohini , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Counselling and Stress Management, Behaviour and Thought Problems, Adult Counselling
Next Available Slot:
 11:30 AM - 06:00 PM, MON, WED
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Dr. Vikas Khanna

Psychologist25 Years Exp.
BDS, Certification In Hypnotherapy, Certification In N.L.P, Certification In Gene & more
₹ 2,000 at clinic
400 online
Dr. Vikas Khanna's Counseling & Hypnotherapy Clinic - Rajouri Garden , Rajouri Garden , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Depression, Depression, Anxiety
Available today: 09:00 AM - 07:30 PM
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Dr. Hemant Kumar Mittal

Homeopathy Doctor17 Years Exp.
₹ 800 at clinic
500 online
Healing Touch Homoeopathy , Rohini , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Diabetes, Vomiting, Headaches
Available today: 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM
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Dr. Dr(vaidya)md Mufeeq

Ayurvedic Doctor19 Years Exp.
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
₹ 150 at clinic
100 online
Ayurveda Sanjeevani Herbal Clinic , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Increase height, Body Weakness, Gaining Weight
Available today: 04:00 PM - 08:00 PM
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Dr. (Prof.) R. K. Tuli

Alternative Medicine Specialist55 Years Exp.
M.B.,B.S., Post-Graduate (Aviation, Sports & Internal Medicine), PhD - Holistic Medicine, more
₹ 2,500 at clinic
300 online
SOHAM - The Clinic for Holistic Medicare & Cure , Delhi
Available today: 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM
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Dr. Arti Anand

Psychologist31 Years Exp.
M.Phil - Psychology, PhD Psychology , MA Psychology & Traning Counselling
₹ 2,000 at clinic
500 online
East West Medical Centre , Golf Link , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Behaviour and Thought Problems
Available today: 02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
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Dr. Nisha Khanna

Psychologist25 Years Exp.
Ph. D - Psychology
₹ 9,440 at clinic
6,000 online
Dr Nisha Khanna , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Depression, Smoking, Anger Management
Available today: 11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
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Dr. Vikas Jain

Psychiatrist34 Years Exp.
₹ 2,000 at clinic
Perfect Mind , Patel Nagar , Delhi
Recently consulted for:Behaviour and Thought Problems, Anger Management, Abnormal Behavior
Available today: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
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Best Doctors for Anxiety and Depression in Delhi

Doctor's NameClinic FeesLybrate Ratings
Priya Jha₹ 2,00090
Vishal Chhabra₹ 80090
Pooja Anand Sharma₹ 2,00089
Vikas Khanna₹ 2,00092
Hemant Kumar Mittal₹ 80092
Dr(vaidya)md Mufeeq₹ 15091
(Prof.) R. K. Tuli₹ 2,50091
Arti Anand₹ 2,00091
Nisha Khanna₹ 9,44086
Vikas Jain₹ 2,00091

Doctors for Anxiety and Depression in Delhi

Average Ratings

4.5/ 5

(2725 ratings and reviews)

Patient reviews for Doctors for Anxiety and Depression in Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best doctor to see for anxiety in Delhi?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor and is best who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions such as serious anxiety. They treat certain other mental health professionals who can diagnose anxiety and provide counseling (psychotherapy).

How can I find a doctor for anxiety and depression in Delhi?

It is essential that you receive a referral to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional if your general practitioner thinks you might be depressed—especially if this is your first time seeking treatment for depression.

Even though they might offer to give you an antidepressant prescription, your family doctor or general practitioner may not always be the best medical professional to handle your depression. They are not as skilled in the nuances of prescribing psychotropic medications as a psychiatrist is, nor do they have the training to offer you psychotherapy.

Science and art are combined in psychiatry. Giving someone a prescription for Sertraline (Zoloft) or Fluoxetine (Prozac) and telling them to go on their way to treat their depression is not quite as straightforward. Some people may need to try several different medications before finding the one that best manages their symptoms with the fewest side effects.

Can anxiety be cured by psychiatrist?

Psychiatrists are physicians with a focus on mental health. They have access to a range of therapeutic approaches for treating anxiety, such as different kinds of medication and psychotherapy. Depending on the patient's unique needs, the best course of action will be determined.

Is anxiety a mental illness?

Nearly 30% of adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, making it the most prevalent of all mental disorders.However, there are several efficient treatments for anxiety disorders that can be used. Most people who receive treatment are able to live normal, successful lives. Anxiety disorders are serious illnesses caused by excessive fretting and ruminating.

What is extreme anxiety?

Panic disorder

When someone is having a panic attack, they experience intense, overpowering, and frequently uncontrollable feelings of anxiety along with a variety of physical symptoms. Breathlessness, chest pain, wooziness, and excessive sweating are all symptoms of panic attacks.

How do I know if I need anxiety meds?

  1. You are anxious and tense all the Time

    Consider getting help if you experience anxiety almost daily. In some cases, talk therapy will work.

  2. You Avoid Activities That Are Beneficial for You

    Having anxiety when speaking to others or giving a presentation? If you avoid the things that make you afraid and worry constantly about everything that could go wrong, anxiety is stopping you.

  3. You turn over in bed every night

    The vicious cycle is that you can't sleep because of your anxiety, which makes you tired the next day and increases your anxiety even more.Exercise is an excellent remedy for common insomnia. Better sleep is encouraged, and it also aids in immediate relaxation. Deep breathing also resets your anxiety response.Conversely, if you fear the dark because you know you won't get any sleep, speak with your doctor.

  4. Your pains and aches are Unknown to You

    Your muscles tighten and you become ready to defend yourself from an attack as one of your body's coping mechanisms for stress. It's possible that you'll start tensing your shoulders or clenching your jaw. It makes sense why you're always sore or in pain.

  5. You experience chronic stomach pain

    When you were younger, if you fell ill the day of your math test, your mother assumed you were fabricating the illness. It turns out that your stomach ache and test anxiety were probably connected. The trillions of microbes in your gut's microbiome aid in food digestion and guard you against bacteria that could harm your health.

  6. You Put in a Lot of Work But Produce Nothing

    You're familiar with that disorganized state in which time is wasted, concentration is difficult, and thoughts are all over the place. Despite having a list of tasks to complete, you are unable to focus on them.

  7. You Often Lose Control

    Do even the smallest details have a tendency to annoy or irritate you? It could indicate anxiety if it occurs frequently.

Does anxiety damage the heart?

When a person is anxious, their body responds in ways that may put their heart under additional stress. When someone has a cardiac condition already present, the physical effects of anxiety can be especially harmful.The following cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular risk factors may be linked to anxiety:

  • Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia): In extreme cases, this condition can impair regular heartbeat and raise the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Chronically high blood pressure - This can result in coronary disease, heart muscle deterioration, and heart failure.
  • Acute heart attack mortality may be more common if there is less heart rate variability.

Recovery from a Heart Attack and Anxiety

As a result of anxiety,

  • Keeping to the exercise routines advised
  • The use of prescription drugs
  • Adopting a diet that is healthy throughout
  • The importance of getting enough good sleep
  • Getting in touch with family and friends
  • Resuming work, career, and family obligations with confidence