In some people, autism and epilepsy go hand in hand. But with new tools and techniques, it has become possible to cure such people. Cure for autism means the disappearance of the limiting symptom that is unique for each person. Cure for epilepsy more
Families that have one autistic child are likely to have more autistic children. There are many cases where this statement holds true. Therefore, they need a treatment that minimizes the chances of more autistic children in the family. It is also more
Bruxism or Teeth Grinding is a common and worrying symptom in autism, especially in autistic children. Bruxism means keeping teeth together and forcefully grinding them with a grinding sound. It can result in damaged gum and bone structures. It more
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a chronic disorder usually seen in children and teens. The condition involves hyperactivity, attention deficiency, and impulsiveness. Bringing up a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity more
Autism Cure Global Statistics 2018: Authentic Autism Solutions (TM) Established as Global Leader in Autism Cure Autism is a neuro-behavioral disorder generally found in kids. An autistic child faces several symptoms, which named the disease as more