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Vishnu Chandran

Dr. Vishnu Chandran

General Physician12 Years Exp.
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
 at clinic
50 online

Personal Statement

To provide my patients with the highest quality healthcare, I'm dedicated to the newest advancements and keep up-to-date with the latest health care more

Doctor Information


  • General Physician


  • MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery , Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur, , 2013

Past Experience

  • Duty medical officer in dept of neurosurgery at Global hospital and health city, Chennai
  • medical officer (Reliever duties) at Apollo occupational health

Clinic Location

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Question and Answers



male • 35 Year Old • Dec 07, 2022 • Dindigul

I have ige level is above 2000 how do reduce ige level at my body. And why ige level increase at my body, I am working at poultry sector if any connect to work.

Vishnu Chandran

2 years ago

Ige levels are increased either due to persistent exposure to any allergen. But it can also occur due to parasitic infections (which might be possible in your case since full answer