The Human-Papilloma-Virus test is often done to determine if you have a HPV infection or not; the HPV infection is a sexually transmitted disease and affects both men and women alike. However, it is only women who have to deal with the deadly aftereffects of an HPV infection which if left untreated, can result in cervical cancer (in few instances). If you have been sexually active and have started displaying some of the symptoms posted below, then you need to get yourself checked out by your doctor at the earliest. Common warts, which often appears on hands, face as well as neck Plantar wards, which often appear as hard growth on your feet, more often than not, around your heels Flat warts, which usually appear as flat topped lesions at any place all over the body If any of the above sound familiar, then you need to check in with your doctor at the earliest and get yourself tested for the same so that you can get it treated right away.