Spermatorrhoea means involuntary loss of semen, which generally takes place during sleep or during urination or at stool. It is often associated with irritability and debility of the generative organs.
The Main causes of Spermatorrhoea are
· Failing of the nervous system
· Failing of genital and urinary gland
· Frequent masturbation
· Narrowness of urinal duct exit
· Over leniency to sexual thoughts
· Sexual discontentment
· Testicular annoyance because of the stiffness of the forefront skin
· Rectum disorders like fissures, piles etc.
· Stimulation after the contact
· Filled bladder sensation
STAPHY etc cures permanently without side effects.
Dear Lybrateuser,
- 8-10 times in a day can be normal - have small quantity of water at frequent intervals rather than having a glass or two at a time
- also restrict tea, coffee to 1-2 cups per day if you have more
- also check urine re/ me & blood sugar if not done so.
This type of symptoms are the results of sexual excesses, take high protein diet, fruits and vegetables. Take acid phos 30 daily in the morning, four pills for 5 days.
Tell me your condition thereafter.
First, place a couple spoonfuls of salt in your clear bowl or cup.
Then, collect a small amount of first-morning urine in the other container.
Pour your pee over the salt.
Here’s where things get even more ambiguous. Some sources say to wait a few minutes, while others say to wait a couple hours. A quick scan of popular ttc (trying to conceive) message boards reveals that some testers leave the mixture for up to 8 hours or more.
I cannot say about accuracy.
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), MS - Urology, MBBS
Urologist, Ahmedabad
Dear , first get urine test done. If it shows more than 5 pus cells then take ofloxacin 200 mg twice a day 1 hour before meals for 15 days and check urine again. If urine shows less than 5 pus cells then you don't have infection and we have to look for likely cause some where else. For that constipation and anal fissure with passage of hard stools is another possibility.
Hello lybrate-user
3tsp_0_3tsp diluting with half cup warm water a/f
neeri tab
1_0_1 with warm water a/f for 6 days.
If symptoms persists better to consult urologist.
It can be because of infection.
1.You should maintain high grade of personal hygiene. 2.Do change your underclothes at least 2 times a day
3.Wear cotton under garments
4.Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids.
5.Keep the area dry
homeopathy is a very effective for this problem n has very encouraging results. And homeopathic medicines are safe and do not have any side effects at all.
Drink 1 glass of water every 1 hour. With proper hydration urine infection will come down. Antibiotics may be necessary if symptoms do not subside or temperature rises.