
Absolute Eosinophil Count Tips

Nutrition Tips for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

MCh, MS - General Surgery, MBBS
Gastroenterologist, Kanpur
Nutrition Tips for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What is inflammatory bowel disease?

Inflammatory bowel disease, also known as ibd, describes a group of conditions that are chronic and cause inflammation in the digestive system.

Types of inflammatory bowel disease?

There are two primary forms of ibd. They are:

Ulcerative colitis: this type of ibd is characterised by inflammation and ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum, which can cause bloody diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramping.

Crohn s disease: this kind of ibd may affect any area of the digestive system, from the mouth to the anus, causing inflammation, discomfort, diarrhoea, weight loss, and tiredness.

What are the signs and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease?

Abdominal pain and cramping: people with ibd often experience abdominal pain and cramping, usually in the lower-right part of the abdomen. The pain may come and go or be persistent, depending on the severity of inflammation.

Diarrhoea: diarrhea is a frequent ibd symptom that may vary from mild to severe.

Fatigue: fatigue is a common symptom of ibd and can be caused by anaemia (an iron deficiency) as well as by the inflammation itself.

Unexplained weight loss: weight loss can occur due to malabsorption, which is when the body fails to absorb enough nutrients from food due to inflammation in the intestines, or due to a lack of appetite as a result of illness or medication side effects.

Fever: a fever can be an indication of infection, which can occur in people with ibd due to complications from inflammation in the intestines.

Rectal bleeding: rectal bleeding can occur when there is inflammation in the rectum or large intestine, which is common in people with ibd.

What are possible complications of inflammatory bowel disease?

Perforation: this is a serious complication of ibd that occurs when a hole forms in the intestine, leading to infection of the abdominal cavity. This can be caused by inflammation and weakened areas of the intestines.

Malnutrition: patients with ibd can experience malnutrition due to the inability to absorb nutrients from food properly and due to loss of appetite. Malnutrition can lead to other complications such as anaemia, fatigue, and weight loss.

Bowel obstruction: this is a blockage in the intestines that prevents food from passing through, leading to abdominal pain and cramping. It can be caused by inflammation, scar tissue build-up, or narrowing of the intestines due to crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

Fistula: this is an abnormal connection between two organs or parts of the body that occurs due to inflammation in ibd patients and can cause infection or abscesses in rare cases.

Kidney stones: these are small, hard deposits that form in the kidneys due to mineral buildup from dehydration, which can be caused by ibd-related diarrhoea and vomiting.

Nutrition tips for inflammatory bowel disease

Eating a balanced diet with plenty of nutrients is important for people with inflammatory bowel disease (ibd).

Smaller, more frequent meals may aid with symptom management.

Include probiotic-rich foods such as yoghurt, kefir and kombucha in your diet to support gut health and reduce inflammation.

By consuming more fish, especially mackerel and salmon, you may increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids.

Be hydrated throughout the day by consuming enough fluids to support regular bowel movements.

Here are some ayurvedic remedies to cure ibs:

Kshara sutra therapy: this ayurvedic treatment involves the insertion of medicated threads made up of herbs like haritaki and pippali into the affected areas of the intestine to reduce inflammation and heal ulcers.

Abhyanga: this ayurvedic massage with herbal oils can help improve digestion and provide relief from some of the symptoms associated with ibd, such as cramps, bloating, and abdominal pain.

Panchakarma: this detoxifying therapy helps in clearing toxins from the body through emesis, purgation, enemas and nasal drops. It also helps in reducing inflammation and relieving pain associated with ibd.

Diet modifications: a diet that is low in fat, high in fibre, and full of fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help reduce inflammation in the gut and also provide essential nutrients for healing. Avoiding spicy food, caffeine and alcohol is also advisable for people suffering from ibd.

Herbal remedies: herbal remedies such as amalaki, ashwagandha, guduchi, turmeric, ginger etc, can be used to reduce inflammation caused by ibd as well as strengthen the digestive system to fight off infection or parasites that may be contributing to its symptoms.

Yoga: certain yoga poses such as paschimottanasana (forward bend), siddhasana (perfect pose), balasana (child's pose) etc, help stimulate digestion and reduce stress which can aggravate some of the symptoms associated with ibd like diarrhoea or constipation.

Steam therapy: steam therapy helps relax the digestive system leading to better digestion which helps reduce abdominal pain caused by ibd.

Basti treatment: in this treatment an herbal decoction or oil is administered via enema into the rectum which helps reduce inflammation in the bowels caused by ibd as well as relieve abdominal discomfort due to gas or constipation associated with it.

Jatyadi oil massage: massaging with jatyadi oil helps increase blood circulation in the abdomen area which provides relief from cramps & pain resulting from inflammation caused by ibd.

Nasya karma: it involves administering medicated oils into the nose which help clear toxins accumulated in the head & neck region due to poor digestion leading to reduced stress levels & improved immunity which ultimately helps manage inflammatory bowel disease.

If none of the aforementioned approaches work, you could think about having surgery.

What are the surgical treatments for inflammatory bowel disease?

Laparoscopic ileocolic resection: typically, crohn's disease is treated with this procedure. It entails removing a section of the large intestine as well as the ileum, the last part of the small intestine.

Colectomy: both crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, two forms of inflammatory bowel disease, are treated with this operation. It entails removing the whole or a portion of the large intestine.

Ileostomy: this procedure is used to treat both crohn s disease and ulcerative colitis and involves creating an artificial opening in the abdomen to allow waste material to exit from the body into an external pouch.

Strictureplasty: this procedure is used to treat crohn s disease and involves widening a narrowed or structured area in the intestines so that food can pass through more easily.

Bowel resection: this procedure is used to treat both crohn s disease and ulcerative colitis and involves removing a section of damaged intestine from either the small or large intestine due to inflammation or obstruction caused by scar tissue and adhesions.

Best doctors to consult for inflammatory bowel disease?

Gastroenterologist: a gastroenterologist is an expert in digestive system illnesses including inflammatory bowel disease (ibd). They can assist you in managing your symptoms and developing an individualised treatment plan as they've obtained specialised training in the diagnosis and management of ibd.

Primary care physician: your primary care physician is a great place to start if you think you may have ibd. They can provide general advice on managing your symptoms, refer you to specialists if needed, and coordinate care with other health professionals involved in your care.

Colorectal surgeon: a colorectal surgeon specialises in surgeries related to the digestive system, including those for ibd. If you require surgery to treat your ibd, a colorectal surgeon can provide the best possible care tailored specifically to your condition.

Nutritionist or dietitian: a nutritionist or dietitian can help you create an individualised diet plan that meets your nutritional needs while helping to manage symptoms of ibd. They can also provide guidance on food choices that may help reduce inflammation or other digestive issues related to ib.

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Asthma natural treatment

DNB (Respiratory Diseases), MD - Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases / Pulmonary Medicine, Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD)
Pulmonologist, Thrissur
Asthma natural treatment

Asthma is a chronic lung disease which has affected people of all ages including children. In this disease the muscles of the air tubes get constricted or swollen or excessive mucus production is observed in the airways leading to difficulty in breathing. The particular cause of the disease is not known as many people have it and many don't but doctors say that it may be due to certain genetic factors. Studies show that it has affected more than 3.2 crore people of the world and is more prevalent in developed countries like the usa in which 2.5 crore cases have been observed. There is no treatment of asthma so far but the symptoms can be treated and managed effectively. The symptoms are flared up by certain factors such as dust, pollen, exercise, stress, weather, illnesses. In some people the symptoms of asthma may come and go leaving the person to be normal in between but in other people the symptoms may be persistent. It can occur in children below the age of five years as well as adults above the age of 18 years. So no age group can be considered safe. The persons who work in an environment which contains certain irritating substances are at the highest risk to develop asthma.


Causes of asthma

Asthma can be triggered by certain substances which irritate you and if a person comes in contact with such substances he can have an asthma attack. A few factors which triggers asthma have been described below-


Air pollutants- the most common factor which triggers the symptoms of asthma leading to an asthma attack is air pollution. Nowadays the aqi of various cities have increased which has led to various respiratory problems including asthma. The most common sources of air pollution are smoke from the industries, factories and refineries, increased usage of automobiles leading to increased carbon emissions etc.

Household pests such as mice, cockroaches, flies etc can also lead to an asthma attack.

Smoking- the most common cause of asthma is tobacco smoking. One who smokes is at an increased risk of having asthma. Passive smoking is even more dangerous. So it is advised to stay away from people who are smoking if you have asthma.

Symptoms of asthma-


Usually the symptoms of asthma may appear like symptoms of respiratory infections, hence proper diagnosis is necessary. The symptoms of asthma include wheezing, feeling of tightness in the chest, pain in the chest, coughing which is more prominent at night, feeling of shortness of breath etc.

Natural treatment methods -


There are some natural remedies and treatment methods which may help in the management of asthma. However they must be done along with the medications of asthma simultaneously for best results. Don't leave your medications without the advice of your doctor. They are as follows -

Change in the diet- a person who is overweight can have severe symptoms of asthma. So reducing weight and taking a balanced diet is very important. Including more and more fruits and vegetables and anti-inflammatory foods in the diet which can treat the inflammation of the airways is very important. ;

Garlic- however there is no evidence that garlic helps to relieve the symptoms of asthma but as it has anti inflammatory properties, experts suggest that the consumption of garlic can help in the management of asthma.

Ginger- it also contains anti-inflammatory properties and a study showed improvement in the symptoms of asthma while consuming ginger but there is no conclusive evidence.

Caffeine- it can help in reducing the constriction of the muscles of the airways and can help improve its functioning for a few hours.

Honey- it is used in the common cold along with warm water or any other hot beverage to relieve the symptoms. It can soothe the throat and symptoms such as coughing. But there is no conclusive evidence whether it can effectively manage the symptoms of asthma. But the people suffering from it can give it a try.

Omega 3 oils- these have been known to reduce inflammation and improve the functioning of the lungs, hence can help in the management of asthma.

Acupuncture- a few people have benefited from this technique and have reported improvement in breathing and lung functioning but there is no conclusive evidence of this too.

Buteyko breathing method- this method refers to certain breathing exercises which help in reducing the symptoms of asthma and managing it effectively through gentle and slow breathing. It involves breathing through the nose instead of the mouth as breathing from the mouse can dry up the airways which could worsen the asthma. It can be adopted as a method to manage asthma but there is no conclusive evidence to support the method.

The natural methods discussed above should only be practised after taking advice from a medical practitioner and no one should skip their medications before consulting the doctor. Everybody is different and responds to different treatments and there is no harm in adopting natural methods which could help improve your condition. ;

अस्थमा का प्राकृतिक इलाज

DNB Sleep , Pulmonology, Allergy and Critical care
Pulmonologist, Srinagar
अस्थमा का प्राकृतिक इलाज
प्रदूषण, इस समय की लाइफ स्टाइल और बाकी कारणों की वजह से अस्थमा के मामले इन दिनों काफी बढ़ रहे हैं। अस्थमा एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें सांस लेने की नली और वायुमार्ग पतले हो जाते हैं या उनमें सूजन आ जाती है। ऐसी स्थिति में शरीर अतिरिक्त बलगम का उत्पादन कर सकता हैं।

इससे सांस लेना मुश्किल हो सकता है और सांस लेने में तकलीफ हो सकती है। अस्थमा की समस्या हर व्यक्ति के लिए अलग अलग हो सकती है। किसी के लिए यह एक छोटी सी परेशानी है। दूसरों के लिए, यह एक बड़ी समस्या हो सकती है। कई बार कुछ लोगों को जानलेवा अस्थमा का दौरा पड़ सकता है।

इस समस्या का सबसे खतरनाक पहलू है कि अस्थमा को ठीक नहीं किया जा सकता है, लेकिन इसके लक्षणों को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा और प्राकृतिक उपचार में भी इस समय अस्थमा का कोई इलाज नहीं है। यह जरुर है कि कुछ प्राकृतिक उपचार आपको अस्थमा के लक्षणों को ठीक करने, उन्हें दबाने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

कुछ प्राकृतिक विश्राम, खाद्य पदार्थों में कुछ चीजों को शामिल करना, लाइफस्टाइल के उपाय जैसे योग और ध्यान, गहरी साँस लेना, मांसपेशियों में राहत दिलाने वाली एक्सरसाइज, गाइडेड इमेजरी और बायोफीडबैक तनाव को दूर करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

ध्यान और योग
अस्थमा के हमलों के लिए तनाव एक प्रमुख ट्रिगर है। नियमित योग या ध्यान अभ्यास तनाव को कम करने के लिए सांस लेने की तकनीक सीखने में मदद कर सकता है। ध्यान और योग के दौरान उपयोग की जाने वाली धीमी, गहरी सांसें आपके श्वसन तंत्र को आराम दिलाती हैं। इन्हें हाइपरवेंटिलेशन को कम करने के लिए तैयार किया जाता है। प्राणायाम और बुटेको ब्रीदिंग जैसी तकनीक में श्वास को प्रशिक्षित करने और अस्थमा के हमलों को रोकने के लिए बहुत प्रभावी पायी गयी हैं।

एक्यूपंक्चर वैकल्पिक चिकित्सा में आपके शरीर की ऊर्जा को संतुलित करने के लिए कुछ बिंदुओं पर त्वचा में छोटी सुइयों को चुभाना शामिल है। अस्थमा से पीड़ित कुछ लोगों का मानना है कि यह विधि अस्थमा के लक्षणों को कम करने में मदद कर सकती है। इस चिकित्सा में अक्सर विश्राम और ध्यानपूर्ण श्वास शामिल होती है ऐसे में एक्यूपंचर में राहत मिलने के लिए इसे लाभकारी माना जा सकता है।

बायोफीडबैक एक दृष्टिकोण है जो इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणों का उपयोग कर आपके शरीर में होने वाले बदलाव की निगरानी करता है। इससे यह सीखने में मदद मिल सके कि शरीर की शारीरिक प्रतिक्रियाओं को कैसे प्रबंधित किया जाए। उदाहरण के लिए, हृदय गति की निगरानी की निगरानी की जाा सकती है और इसे मध्यम गति से नियंत्रित रखने के तरीके खोज सकते हैं। यह विधि हृदय गति परिवर्तनशीलता को प्रभावित कर सकती है और अस्थमा के रोगियों को वायुमार्ग के प्रवाह और फेफड़ों के कार्य में सुधार करने में मदद कर सकती है। इससे यह भी संकेत समझा जा सकता है कि आराम करना स्वाभाविक रूप से अस्थमा के हमलों को रोकने में एक बड़ी भूमिका निभा सकता है।

स्टीम बाथ (भाप से स्नान)
यह प्राकृतिक उपचार अस्थमा के लक्षणों को संभावित रूप से कम करने के सबसे सरल तरीकों में से एक है। जब लोग एक सामान्य सर्दी से पीड़ित होते हैं तो वायुमार्ग खोलने के लिए गर्म भाप एक सामान्य उपाय है। हालांकि यह कोई इलाज नहीं है, लेकिन अस्थमा के लक्षण सामने आने पर यह तेजी से ठीक कर सकता है। बस ध्यान रहे कि भाप ज्यादा गर्म न हो। अत्यधिक गर्मी कभी-कभी लक्षणों को बदतर बना सकती है।

अस्थमा के लक्षणों को रोकने और राहत देने के लिए कोई जादुई आहार नहीं है, लेकिन खाद्य एलर्जी कभी-कभी अस्थमा को ट्रिगर करती है और एक आहार अद्यतन राहत ला सकता है। हर व्यक्ति अपने में अलग होता है ऐसे में अपनी सटीक डाइट खोजने के लिए डायटीशियन का सहारा लेना पड़ सकता है। आहार विशेषज्ञ के साथ बातकर कोई बी अपने लिए एक आहार खोज सता है जो उसके शरीर के लिए सही हो। कुछ सामान्य आहार परिवर्तन जो अस्थमा पीड़ितों को राहत पहुंचा सकते हैं उनमें विटामिन सी,डी एंटीऑक्सिडेंट से भरपूर फल और सब्जियां शामिल हैं। अस्थमा से पीड़ित व्यक्ति को सल्फाइट्स से बचना चाहिए। साथ ही, स्वस्थ वजन बनाए रखने से लक्षणों को कम करने में मदद मिलती है।

लहसुन और अदरक
जो खाद्य पदार्थ आप हर दिन खाते हैं वह प्राकृतिक उपचार के लिए एक सुरक्षित मार्ग हो सकता है। अदरक और लहसुन दोनों में सूजन-रोधी गुण होते हैं और आमतौर पर इसका उपयोग हृदय रोग के प्रबंधन के लिए किया जाता है। यह उपचार फेफड़ों में सूजन को भी कम कर सकता है और अस्थमा के हमलों को रोकने या राहत देने में मदद कर सकता है।

ओमेगा 3s
क्या आपको लगता है कि मछली का तेल सिर्फ कोलेस्ट्रॉल के लिए अच्छा था? यह पता चला है कि ये फैटी एसिड हृदय रोग को रोकने में मदद करते हैं, वायुमार्ग की सूजन को भी कम कर सकते हैं और फेफड़ों के कार्य में मदद कर सकते हैं। यदि आप सप्लीमेंट लेना पसंद नहीं करते हैं, तो मछली, अखरोट और अलसी जैसे ओमेगा 3 से भरपूर खाद्य पदार्थ खाने से फायदा हो सकता है।

हल्दी, आमतौर भारतीय किचन का सबसे आम और विशिष्ट मसाला है। यहा करी और अन्य भारतीय और मध्य पूर्वी व्यंजनों में पाया जाता है। इसमें एक सक्रिय घटक होता है करक्यूमिन। अक्सर करक्यूमिन में पाया जाने वाला सूजन रोधी गुण और एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुण अस्थमा के लिए एक संभावित प्राकृतिक उपचार के रूप में जाना जाता है। कुछ हद तक वैज्ञानिक भी इसे स्वीकार करते हैं।

एक अध्ययन में पाया गया कि अस्थमा से पीड़ित वयस्क जिन्होंने एक महीने के लिए प्रति दिन 500 मिलीग्राम करक्यूमिन के साथ अपने सामान्य अस्थमा उपचार को पूरक किया, उनके अस्थमा के लक्षणों में सुधार हुआ।

विटामिन सी (एस्कॉर्बिक एसिड)
अस्थमा के लिए विटामिन सी का उपयोग करने को लेकर वैज्ञानिकों को अभी एक मत नहीं है पर बहुत से लोग इसे राहत देने वाला उपाय मानते हैं।

एसेंशियल ऑयल
एसेंशियल ऑयल तेलों से बहुत से लोगों को राहत मिलती है क्योंक उनके भाप में सांस लेने पर वो लक्षणों में सुधार की बात स्वीकार करते हैं। हालांकि बहुत से डाक्टर मानते हैं कि एशेंशियल ऑयल से एलर्जी की प्रतिक्रिया भी हो सकती है। कई बार ये तेल परेशानी बढ़ा भी सकते हैं । ऐसे में एरोमा थेरेपिस्ट से बात करने बाद ही इनका उपयोग करना सही होता है।

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Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-rishabh-vyas-homeopath


7 years of experience 300 at the clinic 250 online

He is a diabetologist and a thyroid specialist. He is a practising sexologist and an authority on male sexual dysfunction. He is an expert in infertility and allergies. He has training as a homoeopath. In 2015, he received his bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery degree from rajiv gandhi university of health science. He is an active central council of homeopathy member. Classical homoeopath Dr. Rishabh vyas has been in practice for 7 years. Homeopathy is presented in a contemporary and rational light by Dr. Rishabh vyas. He spends a lot of time researching how homoeopathy can be used to treat challenging diseases. He has a great deal of experience treating people suffering from a wide variety of diseases and conditions.

2. Dr. Anjana minu rajan, md,

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-anjana-minu-rajan-homeopath

Bhms ;

14 years of experience 550 at the clinic 300 online

He has experience treating patients as a homoeopath, as well as working with children as a paediatrician, infertility specialists, thyroid specialists, asthma and allergy condition specialists, practising dermatologists, diabetologists, rheumatologists, and immunologists, as well as being employed as a mental health psychologist. His education includes a degree from bhms, lokmanya homoeopathic medical college, earned in 2008, and his work experience includes working as a doctor at she has successfully treated all varieties of medical conditions, such as thyroid issues, pcos, and infertility.

3. Dr. Rangadhar satapathy

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bhubaneswar/doctor/dr-rangadhar-satapathy-homeopath

Bhms, md-homoeopathy

30 years of experience 500 at the clinic 1200 online

Dr. Rangadhar satapathy, md (hom), is a highly experienced and well-known homoeopathic physician who has been treating patients for more than three decades. He is recognized worldwide. He is an experienced physician in treatment areas as a homoeopath. Psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, persistent bronchial asthma, and thalassemia are only a few of the life-threatening conditions that cannot be cured. These are only a few examples from the extensive list of conditions that have been effectively treated with his contemporary, scientific, and cutting-edge method of homoeopathic treatment. He got his education as a bhms from Dr. Abhin chandra homoeopathic medical college & hospital, bhubaneswar, 1992 md. Homoeopathy-international classical homoeopathy greece-2014. He has experience as chief homoeopathy consultant at multicare homoeopathy hospital. Awards and recognitions best online homoeopathy doctor by world wellness organisation he is a renowned member of the homoeopathic medical association of india and also a vocal member of the indian homoeopathic medical association

His successful treatment has built the confidence in the mind of many people on homoeopathy therapy. He said that to treat a patient is not just to help him feel better, but also to feel his pain, understand how he feels, and respect the trust he has in you.

4. Dr. T. Kirankumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-t-kirankumar-homeopath ;


26 years of experience 300-400 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Kiran is a determined person who has aspirations of founding a healthcare company that is welcoming to patients and has a pleasant atmosphere. As a consequence of this" positive homeopathy" has earned a respectable reputation for providing treatments that are consistent, dependable, and effective over an extended period of time. As well as being a homoeopath and a general physician who treats skin disorders as a dermatologist, he is also well-known for his work as a sexologist, where he specialises as an infertility specialist, male sexual dysfunction specialist, and gastroenterologist. He is also a homoeopath. In all of his therapies, he utilises both clinical and more traditional methods. His treatment is founded on the clinical research he has conducted and the knowledge he has accumulated over the course of the past two decades of practicing medicine. He has demonstrated via his therapy that homoeopathy is effective and provides superior outcomes in many ailments, in both acute and chronic situations, than the conventional treatment that is typically used. Bhms gulbarga university year of establishment: 1996 he puts in effort around the clock to revitalise homoeopathic societies and form new associations that would promote homoeopathy in the public sphere and serve to govern it.

5. Dr. Babitha jayapal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-babitha-jayapal-homeopath


29 years of experience 200 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Babitha jayapal is a skilled homoeopathic practitioner who serves as a companion, philosopher, and guide to all of her patients. She has witnessed homoeopathy perform miracles on mental, physical, and emotional levels. She has treated patients of varying complexity and has extensive experience treating both acute and chronic disorders. Renowned member of institute for advanced studies in homoeopathy. Treatment modalities include siddha, diabetologist, allergist, allergist, allergist, or immunologist dermatologist cosmetologist or dermatologist? specialist in asthma specialist in women's health gastroenterologist proctologist thyroid specialist training bhms-dhondumama sathe homeopathic medical college, pune, was founded in 1993. Previous experience garden city homeopathic clinic proprietor, btm consultant at acharya memorial clinic, gandhi bazar professional memberships institute for advanced studies in homoeopathy

6. Dr. Amrita dewan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-amrita-dewan-homeopath ;

Bhms, b. Sc-botany, msc-counselling & family therapy

15 years of experience 300 at the clinic 450 online

Homeopathy doctor, along with other fields of therapy having education in homoeopathy, general medicine, thyroidology, childbirth education, and child nutritionist bhms from sjn homoeopathic medical college & hospital in assam, india, in 2012 bachelor of science in botany from handique girls college in guwahati, india, in 2007, master of science in counseling and family therapy from ignou in bangalore, india, in 2018 instead of merely being a practise, homoeopathy is more of a way of life for me. The knowledge that my recommendations and the patient's medication are successfully addressing their issues brings a sense of fulfilment to my life. The ability to immediately enhance the health and well-being of my patients as well as the chance to cultivate professional and humanitarian ties with them is my favourite aspect of becoming a doctor.

7. Dr. Josie joy a

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-josy-joy-a-homeopath ;


24 years of experience 150-200 at the clinic

He is an authority in many therapeutic modalities. In addition to that, he is also a diabetologist. He is a well-known specialist in the fields of thyroid disorders as well as infertility. In addition to that, he is an accomplished homoeopath and headache specialist. There are hundreds of people who can attest to the quality of his treatment and who have written their own personal stories about how they have benefited from his treatment on the testimonial part of his website. A specialist in endocrinology and allergy and immunology his education includes working as a bhms (govt. Homoeopathic medical college, thiruvananthapuram, kerala-1998); bhms-homoeopathic medical college, thiruvananthapuram, kerala; he is a senior experienced homoeopathic doctor for thyroid and hairfall infertility, ovary cysts, diabetes, obesity, piles, migraines, etc. At care n cure homeo clinic; his specialties include treating patients with thyroid problems and there are commendable accomplishments in the homoeopathic medical system that are rewarded with awards and other forms of recognition. The health excellence award was given for the recipient's remarkable contribution to the homoeopathic medical system. The jankalyan sadbhavna award is given to recognise exceptional service to homoeopathy.

8. Dr. Sheeja m.


Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sheeja-m-homeopath


23 years of experience 350 at the clinic 300 online

Dr. Sheeja medhar is both a general practitioner and a homoeopath, and she treats patients in the old madras road region. He has a combined total of 23 years of experience in the aforementioned domains, and he is a member of the anthroposophic medical society in bangalore. Niramayah is located on old madras road in bangalore, and Dr. Sheeja medhar practises there. Her objective is to establish homoeopathy and homoeopaths as legitimate players in the field of medicine and healthcare. Since the first positive homeopathy clinic was established, there has been an increase in the level of regard that the medical world has for homoeopathy. Positive homeopathy has been able to successfully integrate into the public health system as a standard choice of clinics as a direct result of her efforts. ;

9. Dr. Nagendra babu pogula

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-nagendra-babu-pogula-homeopath


Bhms, m. D, assistant professor

9 years of experience 100-200 at the clinic, 100 online

A specialist in paediatric infectious illness, a specialist in child nutrition, and an addiction specialist. Psychiatrists, physicians specialising in genitourinary and infectious diseases, psychotherapists, etc. A specialist in child maltreatment he specializes in the care of young patients' hearts. In addition to that, he is an expert in breast cancer. Aside from that, he is widely known as an expert on headaches. In addition to that, he is an expert in the field of birthing education. In addition to that, he is widely recognised as an authority on skin cancer. A family medicine specialist, a dermatologist or cosmetologist, a gynecologist who specialises in pain management, and/or an anorectal disorder specialist. An expert in pediatric pain medicine, an ent/otolaryngologist, a cosmetologist, and a specialist in parathyroid conditions geriatric neurologist specialists obstetrician & gynecologist education for specialists in sickle cell and other forms of anemia bhms-bhagawan buddha homoeopathic medical college-2013 m. D-bharatesh homeopathic medical college-2015 assistant professor-royal homeopathy medical college and hospital-2018 past experience as a doctor at sri mahima multispeciality homoeopathic clinic bhms-bhagawan buddha homoeopathic medical college-2013 m. D.-bharatesh homeopathic medical college-2015

10. Dr. Merlin patrao

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-mimmy-merlin-patrao-homeopath

Bhms, pgdcr

14 years experience 300 online

She is an expert physician in the treatment areas as a general physician as well as an expert diabetologist also working with female individuals as a gynaecologist, she is also a dermatologist treating the disorders of gastroenterologist she is also an urologist she is also an endocrinologist she is also an expert homeopath, she received her clinical education bhms, pgdcr from rajiv gandhi university. She is an expert homeopath. 2008


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Top 10 general physicians in bangalore

General Physician, Bangalore
25 Years Experience 300 - 400 at clinic 400 online
Dr. Dwijendra is a renowned general practitioner in the area. He offers reasonably priced medical care of the highest possible standard. His therapeutic areas of expertise are diabetes and internal medicine, and he has years of experience in both. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, a Doctor of Medicine, a Diplomate in Diabetes Research from the M.V. Diabetes Research Center, and he is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. Throughout his career, he has held positions as a consultant physician at BGS GLOBAL HOSPITALS BANGALORE, CONSULTANT PHYSICIAN at BANGALORE HOSPITAL, Consultant at People Tree hospital Yeshwantpur, Visiting Consultant at Lifecare Hospital, and an Owner at Dr. Prasad's healthcare and diagnostics. He is a member of both the API and FACP in addition to MCI.

33 Years Experience 200 at clinic 200 online
Dr. Ramesh Babu is a highly regarded medical professional who is well-known for the curative nature of his therapies and for also offering the finest medical facilities. He has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and has successfully treated a large number of patients with positive outcomes. He received his MBBS as well as his MS in internal medicine. At KCG HOSPITAL, he served in the capacity of Senior Physician (specialist), and he is now included among the members of the Association of Physicians of India (API), KGMOA life member, Association of Physicians of India (API), Life Member of IMA, and Association of Physicians of India (API). Therefore, without giving it too much thought, simply give him a call to set up an appointment with him or go see him in person for a higher chance of a cure and a longer life.

MBBS, Fellowship in Diabetes Management(FIDM), Diploma in Diabetes (UK), PG Diploma in Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes.
10 Years Experience 250 - 400 at clinic 299 online
The positive outcomes of Dr. Mir Zama's treatments have earned him a reputation for excellence. With more than 9 years of expertise, he has effectively treated his patients in a variety of specialties, including emergency medicine, general medicine, naturopathic medicine, clinical and health psychology, diabetes, andrology, and asthma. In addition to becoming a member of the IMA College of General Practitioners, he has spent the last three years working at St. Martha's Hospital as a physician and emergency specialist.

MBBS, MS (GEN SURGERY), M. Ch. (Plastic Surgery)
20 Years Experience 400 at clinic 400 online
Located at 5, AC 927, HRBR 1st Block, Babusapalaya, Near Ganesha Statue, Dr. Ranganath V.S. is a well-known general surgeon who works there. His educational background includes an MBBS, an MS in general surgery, and an M.Ch. Varicose Vein Treatment, Cosmetic or Plastic Surgeon Specialist, and Plastic and Reconstructive Microsurgery Specialist are some of the additional areas of treatment that he offers. There is no question about Dr. Rangnath V.S's level of expertise because he has more than 18 years of professional experience. In addition to that, he has completed cosmetic procedures on the face, breasts, and body with excellent outcomes each time.

MD, MBBS (General Physician)
35 Years Experience 500 at clinic 300 online
Dr. Rajashekhar is one of the best general doctors at Health Cottage Hospital in Ulsoor, Bangalore. With more than 29 years of experience, he has been able to help a lot of people in a good way. As a General Physician, he knows how to help people of all ages who have a wide range of short-term and long-term health problems. He can figure out what's wrong with a person and come up with good ways to treat them. As a General Physician, he also knows how to help people stay healthy and avoid getting sick. Dr. Rajashekhar stays up-to-date on all of the latest medical advances and technologies. This solidifies his position as one of the best General Physicians who can give the best medical care and advice. You can talk to him about getting well. He has worked at APOLLO CLINIC INDIRANAGAR BANGALORE, MANIPAL CLINIC KORAMANGALA, and SHIRDI SAI HOSPITAL ULSOOR, BANGALORE.

6. Dr. B.M LAVA
Diploma in Child Health (DCH), MBBS
42 Years Experience 400 at clinic 300 online
Dr. B. M. Lava is a well-known and highly regarded medical professional. He has been practicing medicine for almost 36 years, during which time he has successfully treated a great number of patients. The areas of Vaccination or Immunization, Growth and Development, Paediatric Critical Care, Childhood Infections, Infant and Child nutrition, and Newborn Illness are Dr. B. M. Lava's particular areas of expertise. In addition to his associations with hospitals, he has been actively engaged in a number of different disciplines. He has been an active member of the Indian Pediatric Society, the Bangalore Pediatric Society, and the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

MD - Internal Medicine, Diploma in Diabetology
11 Years Experience 400 - 500 at clinic
Dr. Divakara. P Sharma is a well-respected general physician as well as a diabetologist who is presently practicing in the city of Bangalore's OMBR Layout. With his wealth of experience, he has helped a great number of patients over the course of more than 8 years. A diabetologist, an asthma specialist, a physician specialising in infectious diseases, a chest physician, a sexologist, a thyroid specialist, and a reproductive endocrinologist are among the services he offers. He has previous experience working as an Intensivist at Columbia, an ICU Physician at Yashomati Hospital, a Diabetologist at chaya super specialty Hospital, and as a Consultant Physician at Marathalli.

8. Dr. NEELKANT Kote
MBBS, MD, Certificate Course In Diabetes Management
11 Years Experience 600 at clinic 300 online
A well-known general physician practicing in Bangalore is Dr. Neelkanth Kote.

He is certified as a Diabetologist, General Physician, and Allergist Health Specialist with more than 10 years of experience. Other than minor injuries, emergency situations, and some prevalent ailments. He effectively treats dyslipidemia and I treat hypertension as well. He has held positions as a medical officer at Panacea Hospital in Bangalore, the Fortis Hospitals in Nagarbhavi and RajajiNagar, the Junior Diabetologist and General Physician at Aayug Multi Specialty Hospital in Bangalore, and the Consultant Diabetologist at the LIFESPAN Diabetes Clinic in Whitefield, Bangalore.

9. Dr. Pooja Shashidharan
MD - Internal Medicine, Fellowship in Diabetes (Liverpool), MBBS
14 Years Experience 300 at clinic 350 online
In Banashankari, Bangalore, Dr. Pooja Shashidharan practices general medicine. With more than 14 years of expertise, she has successfully treated several patients. She completed an MBBS, MD in Internal Medicine, and a Fellowship in Diabetes (Liverpool). Her clinic offers services from an internal medicine diabetologist, asthma and allergy health specialist, a noninvasive cardiology specialist, and a thyroid specialist. She is now working at the TANISHKA SPECIALISTS CLINIC in Banashankari, Bangalore. Therefore, without a second thought, just schedule a face-to-face meeting with her or an online appointment.

10. Dr. Shashikumar J
MS - General Surgery
7 Years Experience 200 - 300 at clinic 200 online
One of the most well-known general practitioners, Dr. Shashikumar J, is now employed at the suguna hospital in the Dr. Rajkumar Road N Block neighbourhood of Bangalore. He offers services including IVF, hair transplant surgery, dermatology or cosmetology, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, abdominoplasty, advanced laparoscopic surgery, anorectal surgery, asthma and allergy treatment, bariatric surgery, botox treatment for breast cancer, etc. For a favourable outcome, you may immediately schedule an appointment or contact him physically.
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COVID-19 Precautions & Care!

MBBS, MD - Medicine
General Physician, Aurangabad
COVID-19 Precautions & Care!
For all the citizens above 65 years of age, and those with comorbidities like diabetes, heart & kidney disease, asthma, living in high-risk areas, should watch for following red flag signs daily
1) temperature & 100*f
2) throat pain and persistent dry cough
3) breathing difficulty and single breath count & 30
4) loose motions
5) dizziness and vomitings

If any of the above symptoms appear then immediately contact the physician.

For primary prevention follow some simple tips:
1) keep up good hydration
2) include coconut water and citrus fruits in the diet (kidney patient should avoid)
3) ginger+ turmeric+ honey+ cinamon+ lemon tea in the morning empty stomach.
4) avoid smoking and alcohol
5) follow all necessary contact precautions and social distancing norms
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How To Prevent Asthma Attack?

Pulmonologist, Gwalior
How To Prevent Asthma Attack?
Tips to prevent asthma attack.

1. Say no to smoking smoking affects the lungs severely, especially when you are going through the asthma trouble. In most of the asthma cases, the rate of wheezing or coughing steps up when the patient is exposed to a smoky environment. An asthma patient must not allow anyone to smoke around them or avoid places where he/she is prone to smoke. Not only the tobacco smoke but any kind of smoke inside the home must be removed using exhauster appliance.

2. Avoid stress too much excitement also acts as a trigger to asthma attack. Try to remain in a balanced state. Accept all kinds of emotional stuff lightly. Find a workplace that offers you a serene atmosphere and a tolerable pressure of work. Avoid arguments with people.

3. Avoid extreme temperatures try to make yourself comfortable in a normal temperature. Avoid excessively hot or chilled environment exposure. Keep the air condition temperature normal. Say goodbye to the humid environment. The fresh morning environment exposure is a good natural treatment for asthma.

4. Maintain cleanliness around dust is the most trigger for asthma patients. Whether you are an asthma patient or not, you may be allergic to dust and find yourself in a terrible sneezing situation after the dust exposure. It is better to keep the household interiors clean. Maintain regular cleaning.

5. Remove damp inside home damp also adds on to asthma attacks and you must have a dehumidifier in your home.
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World Asthma Day!

Allergist/Immunologist, Motihari
World Asthma Day!
Be asthma-aware: stay close to nature.
1. Never stop your maintenance inhalers
2. Follow social distancing, hygiene practices
3. Include herbal kadha in your diet on daily basis.
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Asthma & How To Manage It Properly

MD - Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseases / Pulmonary Medicine, DNB- Respiratory Medicine, MBBS
Pulmonologist, Pune
Play video
Asthma can be minor or it can interfere with daily activities. In some cases, it may lead to a life-threatening attack. It may cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, cough and wheezing. The symptoms may sometimes flare up.
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Asthma - Have Homeopathy At Your Rescue!

DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopathy Doctor, Patna
Asthma - Have Homeopathy At Your Rescue!
Asthma is a severe respiratory disease, which occurs due to the inflammation of the airways of lungs. The airways of the lungs get swollen due to the inflammation, which cause production of mucus. Due to the effect of excessive mucus and swelling, the air path gets hindered. In such a condition, breathing becomes difficult and a wheezing sound appears at the time of breathing. Usually, the patient coughs very often.

These are the common symptoms of asthma:

Whistling sound while breathing
Wheezing in chest
Mucus-producing cough
Tightness and heaviness in breathing
Heaviness in chest while running, walking or performing any activity
Recommended homeopathic medicines
Homeopathy is the holistic way of treating asthma. It not only cuts down the inflammation, but also cures the cause of the inflammation. So, treating asthma with homeopathy is safe because the remedies are all natural. Homeopathic medicines do not produce any side effects. There are several homeopathic medicines which are used to treat mild or severe asthma. Here are the five best homeopathic remedies for asthma:

Arsenic album: Arsenic Album is one of the effective homeopathic medicines for patients who have asthma with anxiety. The patient might encounter symptoms such as an intense feeling of restlessness, intense wheezing and coughing, feeling of suffocation while lying down, sudden increase of thirst etc. Usually, patients get relief after consuming warm drinks.
Ipecac: This is one of the wonderful homeopathic medicines for treating asthma with intense vomiting and nausea. The patient might encounter symptoms such as vomiting along with asthma attacks, persistent nausea, intense feeling of mucus in the chest, persistent cough, persistent salivation etc. This medicine is generally prescribed to patients who are a little heavy in weight.
Antim tart: This is the best homeopathic remedy for asthma patients who have a rattling cough. The symptoms also include a feeling of mucus in the chest, sleepiness, tiredness etc. Also, there is usually a burning sensation in the chest and throat, intense cough after eating anything, breathlessness, and hoarseness of the voice. This is more common in older people.
Nux vomica: This is one of the best homeopathic remedies for patients who have asthma with gastronomic disorder. Symptoms include a feeling of fullness around the stomach with asthma attacks, dry cough, sensation in the throat, mood swings etc.
Carbo veg: This is one of the best homeopathic remedies for treating asthma patients with blueness on the face. Symptoms include numbness in hands and feet, stomach problem, breathlessness while lying down etc.
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