Absolute Lymphocyte Count Tips

Regular STD Check Up - 7 Benefits Of It

Dr. Imran Khan 91% (4138 ratings)
Bachelor of Unani Medicine & Surgery (B.U.M.S), PGD(Sexual Medicine & Councelling)
Sexologist, Gurgaon
Regular STD Check Up - 7 Benefits Of It

STIs or sexually transmitted diseases are infections whose transmission to a healthy person from an infected person happens through sexual contact. However, with modern medicine and diagnostic techniques, there are ways to prevent, detect and cure them effectively and quickly.
Not all diseases are curable though and it is best to follow preventive measures. Also, for sexually active adults it is an absolute necessity to get tested regularly for their health as well as the well-being of their partners.
Why do people tend to avoid getting tested for STIs or sexually transmitted infections?
One of the major factors that avert people from regular tests is the social stigma attached with sexually transmitted diseases. It is absolutely imperative for sexually active adults to go for regular checkups so that if they have any infections or diseases, it can be diagnosed quickly and remedial measure can be taken appropriately.
The benefits of regular checkups:
Some of the benefits of regular checkups are mentioned here:-

  • Regular checkups can detect problems at a stage when the conditions may not have progressed too much and this will make it easily treatable.
  • With HIV positive patients, the quicker the testing gets done the quicker the treatment can be started. Thus, can prevent the onset of AIDS.
  • Regular checkups can control the progression of the diseases such as Chlamydia, which if left untreated can cause permanent infertility.
  • Getting a prospective partner tested is also a good idea as this can enable one to protect themselves from STIs.
  • Symptoms for certain STIs can be similar to many other non-sexual or non-venereal diseases. Thus getting tests done is the only way to get to know if there is an STI or if it is some other nonsexual disease.
  • HPV or Human Papilloma Virus can be detected easily with regular STI checkups and thus appropriate treatment can be started. If HPV isn't detected early, it can manifest much later in the form of cancer, which makes it more important to get yourself checked early on. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
3774 people found this helpful

Extraction Of Tooth - Know When Do You Require It!

Dr. Priyanka Basu 89% (45 ratings)
MDS - Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, BDS (Implantologist)
Dentist, Mumbai
Extraction Of Tooth - Know When Do You Require It!

Teeth are one of the most precious parts of the human body. By playing a significant functional and structural role in esthetics, facial appearance, food habits, digestion and chewing - all efforts at maintaining them should be undertaken.

As we all know, we have two sets of teeth - the primary or deciduous and the permanent set. Let us discuss tooth removal in these two sets separately.
In the primary teeth, the main indication would be dental decay.  If the tooth is severely damaged beyond repair with fillings, then removal could be an option, with two things considered. The primary successor will erupt within the next 6 months; if not, a space maintainer would be put in place.

Another reason would be if the tooth is beyond its lifecycle and is blocking the eruption of the successor, then it requires removal.

The permanent teeth, however, are a set that is meant to last for a lifetime and removal should be considered only as a last resort. With advances in dental treatment methods, gone are the days when removal would be an option for severe decay. 

Some of the absolute indications for removal would be:

  1. Wisdom teeth - If it is erupting in an abnormal position (flattened or crooked), then removing them to avoid infection and impingement on other teeth needs to be considered. Wisdom teeth infection is one of the most common causes requiring tooth removal
  2. Recurrent infections - If a tooth has been root canal treated but continues to have ongoing chronic infection, it could be a case for removal
  3. Malformed or supernumerary teeth - These may also block the eruption of other teeth into the mouth
  4. Orthodontic treatment - In cases where the jaw size is really not sufficient to realign the mal-positioned or crooked teeth, the first premolar is often sacrificed, and this space is used to align the other teeth
  5. Injuries - In case of accidents or injuries with jaw fractures, teeth in the line of fracture may need to be removed 
  6. Preparation for dentures - In cases of severe periodontal disease where the mobility of the teeth is high and complete dentures are being considered as an option, teeth removal may be planned.  Also, if there are teeth which are in the line of fixed partial dentures, again removal might be planned
  7. Radiation therapy - For head and neck cancer patients, if there are teeth in the line of radiation, then removal might be planned.

Unlike in the earlier years, the absolute indications for removing teeth have changed.  A thorough examination, both oral and radiological, should be done before any extraction.

4109 people found this helpful

5 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight!

Dr. Pawan Sthapak 86% (18 ratings)
MS - Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist, Kolkata
5 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight!

All of us agree that healthy habits are absolutely necessary for a high quality of life. It is another story that whether we put them into practice or not. These healthy habits have to be cultivated since childhood for keeping vital organs like eyes in a perfect condition. One's quality of life is closely linked to how well one see and one can take steps now to take care of one's eyes and preserve vision well into old age. Keep Your Eyesight Sharp and protect your eyesight with the five tips listed below-

  1. Maintain a balanced and healthy diet- It has been scientifically proven that some foods can boost eye health and delay age-related eye changes. One must include eye-boosting vitamins and minerals in diet, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C, Vitamin E; zinc and omega-3 fatty acids to keep one's eyes in best shape. Broccoli, corn, squash, peppers, spinach and kale are the best source for zeaxanthin and lutein whereas citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes and broccoli are great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin E can be found in legumes, wheat germ, nuts and seeds while one can get zinc in found in whole grains, salmon are a great source of omega-3.
  2. Reduce Exposure in the sun - Sun's ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of developing cataracts, which is most common cause of age-related vision loss in adults.  It is very essential to take precautions to shield one's eyes from the sun. One should wear UV protective eyewear or wide brimmed floppy hat for protection from sun.
  3. Quit Smoking- Smoking is not only bad for heart and lungs, it can also damage eyesight. Cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing both macular degeneration and Glaucoma
  4. Regular Exercise- Regular exercise keeps waistline trim and eyes sharp. Latest studies have shown that those who led an active lifestyle were seventy percent less likely to develop macular degeneration. 
  5. Go for Annual Eye Examination-  Regular examination of eyes can give a surprising number of clues about ones overall health. An ophthalmologist can detect a broad set of problems ranging from hypertension to diabetes by doing a thorough examination of ones eye.

One only have one pair of eyes, so it is absolutely necessary to take the proper steps to care for them. By nourishing one's body with the right foods, getting regular exercise and going in for regular eye exams, one can keep vision sharp at any age.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

4607 people found this helpful

5 Ways to Keep your Eyes Healthy and Vision Sharp

Dr. Shalini Shetty 87% (47 ratings)
Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS), MS - Ophthalmology
Ophthalmologist, Bangalore
5 Ways to Keep your Eyes Healthy and Vision Sharp

All of us agree that healthy habits are absolutely necessary for a high quality of life. It is another story that whether we put them into practice or not. These healthy habits have to be cultivated since childhood for keeping vital organs like eyes in a perfect condition. One's quality of life is closely linked to how well one see and one can take steps now to take care of one's eyes and preserve vision well into old age. Keep Your Eyesight Sharp and protect your eyesight with the five tips listed below:

Maintain a balanced and healthy diet. It has been scientifically proven that some foods can boost eye health and delay age-related eye changes. One must include eye-boosting vitamins and minerals in diet, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin C, Vitamin E; zinc and omega-3 fatty acids to keep one's eyes in best shape. Broccoli, corn, squash, peppers, spinach and kale are the best source for zeaxanthin and lutein whereas citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes and broccoli are great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin E can be found in legumes, wheat germ, nuts and seeds while one can get zinc in found in whole grains, 
Salmon are a great source of omega-3.

Reduce Exposure in the sun - Sun's ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of developing cataracts, which is most common cause of age-related vision loss in adults.  It is very essential to take precautions to shield one's eyes from the sun. One should wear UV protective eyewear or wide brimmed floppy hat for protection from sun.

Quit Smoking. Smoking is not only bad for heart and lungs, it can also damage eyesight. Cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing both macular degeneration and Glaucoma

Regular Exercise. Regular exercise keeps waistline trim and eyes sharp. Latest studies have shown that those who led an active lifestyle were seventy percent less likely to develop macular degeneration. 

Go for Annual Eye Examination. Regular examination of eyes can give a surprising number of clues about ones overall health. Ophthalmologist can detect a broad set of problems ranging from hypertension to diabetes by doing a thorough examination of ones eye.

One only have one pair of eyes, so it is absolutely necessary to take the proper steps to care for them. By nourishing one's body with the right foods, getting regular exercise and going in for regular eye exams, one can keep vision sharp at any age.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

4428 people found this helpful

Homeopathy - 8 Reasons To Opt For It!

Dr. (Prof) Ravpreet 91% (138 ratings)
BHMS, MD - Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Homeopathy - 8 Reasons To Opt For It!

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine, which is readily gaining popularity nowadays. The system being relatively uncommon, people did not generally opt for this medicine system earlier, but here are reasons why you should opt for Homeopathy.

  1. Natural: The medicines are completely gentle on your body because of being natural. Homeopathy works by strengthening the natural defense mechanism of your body, which keeps you protected from infections and creates a long lasting and powerful healing impact.
  2. No side effects: Homeopathic medicine is absolutely harmless and it does not react with other bodily elements to cause harmful side effects that can harm your body in the short or long run.
  3. Permanent cure: Although Homeopathic medicines take longer periods of time to work as compared to allopathic medicines, the cure is powerful and long lasting. It tends to uproot your problem in such a way that it has a minimal chance of reoccurrence.
  4. Cost effective: Homeopathic medicines are mostly inexpensive and readily available. These medicines are mostly available in powder, liquid or small spherical sugar pill form and are easy to manufacture and transport.
  5. Efficient relief: In case of your day to day medical problems like cold, cough, mild fever, cuts or bruises, insect bites, gastric problems, etc. you can readily depend upon Homeopathic medicine for a quick, cheap and long lasting relief.
  6. Complementary medicine: Homeopathic medicines, if taken in combination with some other conventional form of therapy can help you to alleviate the side effects of that conventional medicine. These medicines act as excellent complements in some cases like chemotherapy to treat cancer.
  7. Environment friendly: These medicines are totally environment friendly in nature and they do not degrade or pollute the environment in any manner. The manufacturing of Homeopathic medicines does not release any toxins into the environment and the medicines themselves are totally biodegradable in nature.
  8. Absolutely safe: Unlike conventional forms of medications, Homeopathic medicines are tested on healthy human beings rather than dummy animals. In this way it is ensured that the medicines that you consume are 100% safe for human consumption. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopath.
3590 people found this helpful

Sharp Eyes - Five Tips For It!

Dr. Rajeev Sudan 92% (58 ratings)
MD - Ophthalmology, MBBS
Ophthalmologist, Delhi
Sharp Eyes - Five Tips For It!

All of us agree that healthy habits are absolutely necessary for a high quality of life. It is another story that whether we put them into practice or not. These healthy habits have to be cultivated since childhood for keeping vital organs like eyes in a perfect condition. One's quality of life is closely linked to how well one see and one can take steps now to take care of one's eyes and preserve vision well into old age. Keep Your Eyesight Sharp and protect your eyesight with the five tips listed below:

  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet - It has been scientifically proven that some foods can boost eye health and delay age-related eye changes. One must include eye-boosting vitamins and minerals in diet, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E; zinc and omega-3 fatty acids to keep one's eyes in best shape. Broccoli, corn, squash, peppers, spinach and kale are the best source for zeaxanthin and lutein whereas citrus fruits, melons, tomatoes and broccoli are great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin E can be found in legumes, wheat germ, nuts and seeds while one can get zinc in found in whole grains, salmon are a great source of omega-3.
  • Reduce Exposure in The Sun - Sun's ultraviolet rays can increase the risk of developing cataracts, which is most common cause of age-related vision loss in adults. It is very essential to take precautions to shield one's eyes from the sun. One should wear UV protective eyewear or wide brimmed floppy hat for protection from sun.
  • Quit Smoking - Smoking is not only bad for heart and lungs, it can also damage eyesight. Cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing both macular degeneration and Glaucoma
  • Regular Exercise - Regular exercise keeps waistline trim and eyes sharp. Latest studies have shown that those who led an active lifestyle were seventy percent less likely to develop macular degeneration. 
  • Go for Annual Eye Examination - Regular examination of eyes can give a surprising number of clues about ones overall health. Ophthalmologist can detect a broad set of problems ranging from hypertension to diabetes by doing a thorough examination of ones eye.

One only have one pair of eyes, so it is absolutely necessary to take the proper steps to care for them. By nourishing one's body with the right foods, getting regular exercise and going in for regular eye exams, one can keep vision sharp at any age. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

2383 people found this helpful

STDs - Why Regular Testing Is Important?

Dr. Ajay Kumar Gupta 88% (187 ratings)
Sexologist, Jaipur
STDs - Why Regular Testing Is Important?

STIs or sexually transmitted diseases are infections whose transmission to a healthy person from an infected person happens through sexual contact. However, with modern medicine and diagnostic techniques, there are ways to prevent, detect and cure them effectively and quickly.
Not all diseases are curable though and it is best to follow preventive measures. Also, for sexually active adults it is an absolute necessity to get tested regularly for their health as well as the well-being of their partners.
Why do people tend to avoid getting tested for STIs or sexually transmitted infections?
One of the major factors that avert people from regular tests is the social stigma attached with sexually transmitted diseases. It is absolutely imperative for sexually active adults to go for regular checkups so that if they have any infections or diseases, it can be diagnosed quickly and remedial measure can be taken appropriately.
The benefits of regular checkups
Some of the benefits of regular checkups are mentioned here:-

  • Regular checkups can detect problems at a stage when the conditions may not have progressed too much and this will make it easily treatable.
  • With HIV positive patients, the quicker the testing gets done the quicker the treatment can be started. Thus, can prevent the onset of AIDS.
  • Regular checkups can control the progression of the diseases such as Chlamydia, which if left untreated can cause permanent infertility.
  • Getting a prospective partner tested is also a good idea as this can enable one to protect themselves from STIs.
  • Symptoms for certain STIs can be similar to many other non-sexual or non-venereal diseases. Thus getting tests done is the only way to get to know if there is an STI or if it is some other nonsexual disease.
  • HPV or Human Papilloma Virus can be detected easily with regular STI checkups and thus appropriate treatment can be started. If HPV isn't detected early, it can manifest much later in the form of cancer, which makes it more important to get yourself checked early on. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Sexologist.
7407 people found this helpful

7 Benefits Of Regular STD Check Up

Dr. Sharath Kumar C 90% (1424 ratings)
Sexologist, Bangalore
7 Benefits Of Regular STD Check Up

STIs or sexually transmitted diseases are infections whose transmission to a healthy person from an infected person happens through sexual contact. However, with modern medicine and diagnostic techniques, there are ways to prevent, detect and cure them effectively and quickly.

Not all diseases are curable though and it is best to follow preventive measures. Also, for sexually active adults it is an absolute necessity to get tested regularly for their health as well as the well-being of their partners.

Why do people tend to avoid getting tested for STIs or sexually transmitted infections?
One of the major factors that avert people from regular tests is the social stigma attached with sexually transmitted diseases. It is absolutely imperative for sexually active adults to go for regular checkups so that if they have any infections or diseases, it can be diagnosed quickly and remedial measure can be taken appropriately.

The benefits of regular checkups
Some of the benefits of regular checkups are mentioned here:-

  • Regular checkups can detect problems at a stage when the conditions may not have progressed too much and this will make it easily treatable.
  • With HIV positive patients, the quicker the testing gets done the quicker the treatment can be started. Thus, can prevent the onset of AIDS.
  • Regular checkups can control the progression of the diseases such as Chlamydia, which if left untreated can cause permanent infertility.
  • Getting a prospective partner tested is also a good idea as this can enable one to protect themselves from STIs.
  • Symptoms for certain STIs can be similar to many other non-sexual or non-venereal diseases. Thus getting tests done is the only way to get to know if there is an STI or if it is some other nonsexual disease.
  • HPV or Human Papilloma Virus can be detected easily with regular STI checkups and thus appropriate treatment can be started. If HPV isn't detected early, it can manifest much later in the form of cancer, which makes it more important to get yourself checked early on. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
6837 people found this helpful

Tooth Removal - Is It Actually Required?

Dr. Vikram Singh Atwal 91% (283 ratings)
PCAD, MCID Implant, BDS, Advanced Aesthetics
Dentist, Chandigarh
Tooth Removal - Is It Actually Required?

Teeth are one of the most precious parts of the human body.  By playing a significant functional and structural role - esthetics, facial appearance, and food habits, digestion and chewing - all efforts at maintaining them should be undertaken.

As we all know, we have two sets of teeth - the primary or deciduous and the permanent set. Let us discuss tooth removal in these two sets separately.
In the primary teeth, the main indication would be dental decay.  If the tooth is severely damaged beyond repair with fillings, then removal could be an option, with two things considered. The primary successor will erupt within the next 6 months; if not, a space maintainer would be put in place.

Another reason would be if the tooth is beyond its lifecycle and is blocking the eruption of the successor, then it requires removal.

The permanent teeth, however, are a set that are meant to last for a lifetime and removal should be considered only as a last resort. With advances in dental treatment methods, gone are the days when removal would be an option for severe decay. 

Some of the absolute indications for removal would be:

* Wisdom teeth - if it is erupting in abnormal position (flattened or crooked), then removing them to avoid infection and impingement on other teeth needs to be considered. Wisdom teeth infection is one of the most common causes requiring tooth removal
* Recurrent infections - If a tooth has been root canal treated but continues to have ongoing chronic infection, it could be a case for removal
* Malformed or supernumerary teeth - These may also block eruption of other teeth into the mouth
* Orthodontic treatment - In cases where the jaw size is really not sufficient to realign the mal-positioned or crooked teeth, the first premolar is often sacrificed, and this space is used to align the other teeth
* Injuries - In case of accidents or injuries with jaw fractures, teeth in the line of fracture may need to be removed 
* Preparation for dentures - In cases of severe periodontal disease where the mobility of the teeth is high and complete dentures are being considered as an option, teeth removal may be planned.  Also, if there are teeth which are in the line of fixed partial dentures, again removal might be planned
* Radiation therapy - For head and neck cancer patients, if there are teeth in the line of radiation, then removal might be planned.

Unlike in the earlier years, the absolute indications for removing tooth have changed.  A thorough examination, both oral and radiological, should be done before zeroing on extraction.

5051 people found this helpful

Tooth Removal - Why To Go For It?

Dr. Anupreet Kaur Choudhury 92% (9068 ratings)
BDS, MDS - Oral Medicine and Radiology
Dentist, Kolkata
Tooth Removal - Why To Go For It?

Teeth are one of the most precious parts of the human body.  By playing a significant functional and structural role - esthetics, facial appearance, and food habits, digestion and chewing - all efforts at maintaining them should be undertaken.

As we all know, we have two sets of teeth - the primary or deciduous and the permanent set. Let us discuss tooth removal in these two sets separately.
In the primary teeth, the main indication would be dental decay.  If the tooth is severely damaged beyond repair with fillings, then removal could be an option, with two things considered. The primary successor will erupt within the next 6 months; if not, a space maintainer would be put in place.

Another reason would be if the tooth is beyond its lifecycle and is blocking the eruption of the successor, then it requires removal.

The permanent teeth, however, are a set that are meant to last for a lifetime and removal should be considered only as a last resort. With advances in dental treatment methods, gone are the days when removal would be an option for severe decay. 

Some of the absolute indications for removal would be:

* Wisdom teeth - if it is erupting in abnormal position (flattened or crooked), then removing them to avoid infection and impingement on other teeth needs to be considered. Wisdom teeth infection is one of the most common causes requiring tooth removal

* Recurrent infections - If a tooth has been root canal treated but continues to have ongoing chronic infection, it could be a case for removal

* Malformed or supernumerary teeth - These may also block eruption of other teeth into the mouth

* Orthodontic treatment - In cases where the jaw size is really not sufficient to realign the mal-positioned or crooked teeth, the first premolar is often sacrificed, and this space is used to align the other teeth

* Injuries - In case of accidents or injuries with jaw fractures, teeth in the line of fracture may need to be removed 

* Preparation for dentures - In cases of severe periodontal disease where the mobility of the teeth is high and complete dentures are being considered as an option, teeth removal may be planned.  Also, if there are teeth which are in the line of fixed partial dentures, again removal might be planned

* Radiation therapy - For head and neck cancer patients, if there are teeth in the line of radiation, then removal might be planned.

Unlike in the earlier years, the absolute indications for removing tooth have changed.  A thorough examination, both oral and radiological, should be done before zeroing on extraction.

6769 people found this helpful