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AChR Antibodies Test

AChR Antibodies Test

also known as: Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibodies Blood, Serum Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibodies Blood, Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibodies, Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibodies, Serum Acetyl Choline Receptor Antibodies.

Muscle tissues have receptors called Acetylcholine receptors (AChR), that bind to neurotransmitter Acetylcholine. This enables control over muscles, particularly voluntary muscles. Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system produces AChR antibodies. These antibodies prevent Acetylcholine from binding to the receptors on the muscles. As a result, the patient is unable to exercise control over his muscles. Symptoms include droopy eyelid, double vision, chewing difficulty and muscle weakness. A blood test is done to look for presence of these antibodies in the blood stream of a patient with MG symptoms.

No special preparation is needed. Inform the doctor of any medications being taken by the patient. It is recommended that the patient wears a short sleeved shirt.

The blood sample will be analyzed for the presence of AChR antibodies. AChR antibodies present can indicate: Myasthenia Gravis Thymoma Small cell lung cancers Liver disease AChR antibodies if absent , will enable the doctor to allocate further tests to the patient.

The blood sample will be drawn from a vein on the patient's arm. The site will be cleaned with an alcohol swab. A sterile needle will be inserted into the patient's arm. About 2ml blood will be drawn. The site will be cleaned with a cotton swab.

False positives can occur in patients with serum drawn within 48 hours of administration of general anesthesia and muscle relaxants. Antibodies to α-bungarotoxin may sometimes be found in patients treated with snake venom. Recently administered radioisotopes may interfere with the assay in unpredictable ways. Acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies are not typically found in congenital myasthenia gravis.Results of this test are for research purposes only by the assay's manufacturer. The performance characteristics of this product have not been established. Results should not be used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another medically established diagnostic product or procedure.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibodies
All age groups
Average price range of the test is between Rs.2600 to Rs.6500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is AChR Antibodies Test?
Preparation for AChR Antibodies Test
Uses of AChR Antibodies Test
Procedure for AChR Antibodies Test
Limitations of AChR Antibodies Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for AChR Antibodies Test
Price for AChR Antibodies Test
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