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Adiponectin ELISA Test

Adiponectin ELISA Test

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) also known as EIA is a test which is done to detect and measure antibodies in your blood to identify a harmful substance. It is used to determine the antibodies which are related to certain infections condition. Antibodies are the proteins that your body generates in the response to harmful substances known as the antigens. ELISA is also known as wet-lab type analytic biochemistry assay. This has been used as a diagnostic tool before more in-depth tests are ordered. If you have symptoms of HIV, Lyme disease, pernicious anaemia, rotavirus, syphilis, etc., then you're advised to take ELISA test. This test is also performed in the food industry in order to detect potential food allergens, such as milk, peanuts, almonds and eggs, etc.

Initially, the patient should be explained in detail about the reason for doing the test and procedure of collection of fluid. No special preparation is required for this test. Patient should be asked if he has any fear of needles or faint at the sight of blood. No diet or fluid restriction is recommended for the collection of fluid. Patient is advised to tell if he had trouble giving blood in the past or have a bleeding disorder.

The presence of antigen or the presence of antibody can be identifi

ed in the sample. In a virus test, serum antibody concentration can be determined. It is used in food industries for detecting potential food allergens. Used for tracking the spear of disease e.g. HIV, bird flu, common, colds, cholera, STD etc. Specific substrate such as ortho-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride, paranitrophenyl phosphate are used which are hydrolysed by above enzymes to give colored end product.

First, the arm from where the fluid is removed should be cleaned with an antiseptic. Then, a band should be applied around your arm, so that it creates pressure and helps your veins to swell with blood. Needle should placed in the vein to draw sample of blood. After aspirating the fluid, the patient should be bandaged at the sight where the needle is inserted. The collected sample will be sent to the laboratories for the analysis. In laboratories, the technician will be adding the sample to a petri dish that contains the specific antigen related to the condition for which you are being tested.

6ml red top tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Adiponectin ELISA
All age groups
Rs 2600 approx

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Table of Content

What is Adiponectin ELISA Test?
Preparation for Adiponectin ELISA Test
Uses of Adiponectin ELISA Test
Procedure for Adiponectin ELISA Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Adiponectin ELISA Test
Price for Adiponectin ELISA Test
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Lybrate Gaurantee