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Allergen Banana Test

Allergen Banana Test

For measuring the level of IgE antibodies present in the blood, Allergy Banana test is performed. Apart from it, the allergic banana test can also be performed on the skin. Itching of mouth, hives (urticaria), swelling (angioedema) and wheezing are some of the common allergic reaction after eating banana. If you are having an allergy to banana then your body may react to avocado, kiwi and chestnut fruits also. It is better to avoid fruit salads, fruit drinks that contain banana as an ingredient. Be careful while choosing a shampoo or body lotion also, as they also contain banana as an ingredient.

No special precautions are needed before the conduction of test. Banana allergy test can be performed by two ways i.e. Skin prick test and blood test. There is no requirement of doing fast before the test. You can follow your own routine process of eating, working and exercising. It is advisable to wear a half sleeve or sleeveless shirt on the day of test. If you are taking some medications, then it is necessary to the doctor/ healthcare specialist to notify about it. The healthcare consultant will give you some instructions that need to be properly followed. It takes only 15-20 minutes for the test to get conducted.

If the allergy results range from 0.10-0.34 kU/L, then there is no requirement of any medical treatment. But, if the range is from 3.51- 100 kU/L, then the patient must be immediately sent to the hospital for the further treatment. Mild allergic reactions can be treated with an antihistamine. But in the rarest condition banana can cause anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening and severe case. If a doctor advises you a pre-loaded adrenaline injection device, then you should carry it everywhere. Consult with an allergy specialist for more advice.

For allergy test, a small amount of allergen is applied to a particular site of skin. If any trigger reaction happens immediately after applying the allergen. Then it indicates a banana allergy. Adjacently, by collecting a sample of blood from the patient, the allergy test can be diagnosed. By inserting a needle in one of the veins, a little bit blood is collected. The sample blood is sent to the laboratory for the further examination.

3.5ml gold top tube container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy Banana
All age groups
Rs 680- Rs 1500

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Table of Content

What is Allergen Banana Test?
Preparation for Allergen Banana Test
Uses of Allergen Banana Test
Procedure for Allergen Banana Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergen Banana Test
Price for Allergen Banana Test
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