Seeds within the hard shell are produced by a small tree called pistachio plant. People eat these seeds as food. 20% of proteins are entailed in it. Among these proteins, some of the individual proteins are responsible for allergic reactions. The symptoms of these reactions are swelling, itchiness and skin rush. If the condition becomes serious then it leads to cardiovascular or gastrointestinal problems. These problems can affect our life harshly. The test which is done to diagnose the allergic reactions caused by consumption of pistachio is termed as Allergen, individual-food pistachio test.
There are certain preparations for this test. These preparations are as follows.
• Before three-five days of the test, the patient should not take the antihistamine.
• Patient should bring pistachio with him or her for oral testing.
• On the day of the test, the patient is not allowed to take any asthma medicine. If he or she requires the inhaler of asthma during the test then he or she should consult the doctor.
The test of allergen, individual-food pistachio is very beneficial for the patients. Now we will discuss in the following ways about the utility of this test. • It is used to determine the allergic reaction of pistachio at an early stage. • It is helpful to minimize the chances of worsening of the condition. • Some people have a misconception that they have the allergy to pistachio (without experiencing the symptoms). This test removes such type of misconception and makes the people free to eat the pistachio.
Until the people suffer from the first reaction of the allergy of pistachio, the allergic reaction from pistachio cannot be detected. If we want to diagnose the allergic reaction from pistachio, then, we have to go through allergen, individual-food pistachio test which comprises blood test and skin test. In addition, it also includes oral test in which small doses of pistachio is given to the patient and after that, the doctor will observe the reaction.
Type | Gender | Age-Group | Value |
Allergy Pistachio
All age groups