Ginger is a household spice. Though the allergy to ginger is fairly uncommon it still is known to cause allergic reactions to few people. The reactions generally manifest themselves within a few moments of eating ginger based products. The reactions like rhinitis, dermatitis, hives or more the more serious anaphylactic kinds can occur. Allergies that generally manifest within 2 hours after exposure to the allergen are caused because of IgE antibodies. These protein molecules are secreted in the body because the body regards the allergen as foreign and sends antibodies to fight them. The Blood test the presence of IgE Antibodies in the blood or plasma of an individual. This method of testing is effective than skin prick test for testing allergies.
One should not eat at-least 12 hours before taking the test. The use of allergy medications like antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs should be discontinued at-least 2 weeks ahead of the test. The drugs should be discontinued only after consultation of your physician.
This test is a highly efficient in detecting allergies caused due to IgE antibodies.
This test is a blood test, where the blood is drawn out from the vein of the arm. A strap will be put around the arm this will help in seeing the vein. Before test the area where the blood will be drawn out is sanitized using an alcohol swab. The needle is then inserted in the vein and blood is collected in a special tube. The sample so collected is named, dated and marked and sent for testing
Type | Gender | Age-Group | Value |
Allergy - Ginger
All age groups