Allergy - Honey Bee Venom Tips

Children's Allergic Reactions: What's Severe? Anaphylaxis Explained!

MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology
Dermatologist, Chandigarh
Children's Allergic Reactions: What's Severe? Anaphylaxis Explained!
Many kids have allergies., As a parent, you'll want to know what to expect. For instance, if your child has a mild allergy, such as hayfever, you can expect symptoms such as:

Watery, runny eyes
Runny nose
Runny nose
Nasal congestion
These symptoms can make your child feel bad, but it's not life-threatening.

But sometimes a child can have what's known as anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that needs immediate medical treatment. Many cases are caused by food allergies, medications, or insect stings

Anaphylaxis Symptoms

Most anaphylactic reactions have symptoms in two or more areas of the body.

Trouble breathing or noisy breathing
Coughing, wheezing Sneezing
Tightness in the lungs
Chest pain
Low blood pressure
Weak, rapid pulse
Dizziness, fainting
Hives or welts
Itchy skin
Swelling of the throat, face, lips, or tongue
What Happens During Anaphylaxis?

The person's airways narrow and their throat swells, which can make it hard to breathe. Their blood vessels widen, making their blood pressure fall, sometimes to dangerous levels. A child who has had a severe allergic reaction should carry an emergency kit that includes an epinephrine auto-injector or an epi-pen. As soon as possible after the allergic reaction starts, give the child at one shot of the drug and call for an ambulance.

The injection isn t a cure. It won t stop a severe allergic reaction. Even if your child seems OK, emergency medical care is a must. Restock any items you use from the emergency kit so it's ready at all times.

4 Most Common Food Allergies

Diploma In Allergy & Clinical Immunology, MBBS, MD - Paediatrics, M.Med - Family Medicine
Allergist/Immunologist, Kochi
4 Most Common Food Allergies
Every year, the emergency rooms at hospitals get flooded by cases of allergic reactions from food. According to a census, about 15 million Indians suffer from some kind of food allergy. The symptoms of food allergy may vary from itchy mouth to potentially fatal conditions like anaphylactic shock. Other symptoms of an allergic reaction can present themselves as difficulty in breathing, swelling of the tongue, rashes and intestinal discomfort.

According to specialists, allergies to food can develop at any age, at any time. Hence, if you suspect a sudden allergic reaction to a food that you have consumed before without any problem, it is advised to consult your doctor.

Here is a list of the most common food allergies that people suffer from frequently-

MILK: Milk is the most common food that children and infants are allergic to. Milk allergy must not be confused with lactose intolerance wherein a person faces many difficulties in digesting the sugar present in milk. The two conditions are not related. Milk allergy is the hypersensitivity reaction that happens in response to certain proteins present in milk and can be potentially deadly. Most children are seen to outgrow their allergy to milk.
WHEAT: It is a common misconception to confuse Celiac's disease with a wheat allergy. Wheat allergy exclusively occurs due to the hypersensitivity to the protein present in wheat alone. In Celiac's disease, it is the gluten in the food they are hypersensitive to, which is also present in rye, barley and oats.
SOY: Soy is a very common allergic food and most children seem to outgrow it by the age of 10. Most of the time, soy allergy is not too severe and the symptoms presented are mostly mild. Although, cases of anaphylaxis in reaction to soy have been reported. Soy and soy protein are very common ingredients found in food, hence it is advised to check the ingredients present before consuming it.
SHELLFISH: This allergy usually does not go away and you are most likely to deal with all your life. Most people who experience allergies from shellfish are most likely to be hypersensitive to both crustaceans (lobsters, shrimps and crabs) and mollusks (mussels, oysters, scallops and clams). This type of allergy can become very intense and you must even avoid the steam produced from cooking shellfish. For some people, the mere contact with shellfish can trigger an allergic reaction.
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Cholinergic Urticaria - Signs, Symptoms And Treatment

Diploma In Dermatologist, Venereologist and Laparoscopy, MBBS
Dermatologist, Rewari
Cholinergic Urticaria - Signs, Symptoms And Treatment
Cholinergic Urticaria is a skin problem that a dermatologist can diagnose and treat. The most common cause of this condition includes sweating. It may be of four types including poral occlusion, generalised hypohidrosis, sweat allergy and idiopathic. Mostly, the common triggers include heat and consequent sweat which can cause a variety of symptoms in the internal organs. Let us find out more about the signs, symptoms and treatment of this ailment.

Signs: There are many signs of the onset of this ailment including a rise in the body's core temperature after physical pursuits like running, workouts, eating spicy food, fever, hot showers and even emotional stress. When there is a persistent rise in the temperature every time you indulge in such activities, it may be time to take a look at symptoms so that the dermatologist can make a proper diagnosis.
Skin Related Symptoms: Itching and burning sensation on the skin can point at the presence of this disease. One may also find rashes that can appear on the arms and neck, as well as the areas where the skin folds and sweat percolates. Also, you may find tiny welts that can form in a cluster to give the appearance of a large growth or swelling.
Digestive Tract Symptoms: The digestive tract may also get affected which can lead to loose motions and cramps in the abdomen.
Respiratory Tract Symptoms: There are a variety of symptoms of this condition, including breathless and wheezing as well as changes in the respiratory tract.
Other Symptoms: Headaches, palpitations, nausea and salivation are other common side effects and signs of overall discomfort. In very rare cases, Anaphylaxis can also set in as a symptom of this condition.
Treatment: Ample measures will also need to be taken so as to avoid a heart attack due to sudden cooling and drops in temperature. The dermatologist can prescribe beta blockers like Propranolol as well as anti histamine drugs that can contain the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Regular everyday use of antihistamine drugs may be required for these patients. Immunosuppressants and leukotriene inhibitors can also be used in such cases.
Lifestyle Changes: The best treatment in such cases is avoiding the allergens that trigger or cause the condition. In many cases, the patient may have to stop exercising so as to avoid the severe symptoms. The patient will also need to avoid too much exposure to ultraviolet rays which can lead to rapid desensitisation as well as autologous sweat.
Patients suffering from this condition should record and report even the smallest change to the dermatologist so that there are no serious health implications in the long run. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.
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Can Homeopathy Treat Hives?

Homeopathy Doctor, Hooghly
Can Homeopathy Treat Hives?
Hives or urticaria can be defined as an outbreak of reddish swollen bumps on the skin surface. This happens because of the body s response to involuntary histamine release by the skin s blood vessels (which in turn, cause a leakage of blood plasma). The infection generally lasts for about 5-6 weeks, varying significantly in sizes and shapes. Although it is not a serious medical condition, hives can posit considerable discomfort to the affected person (coupled with severe itching and a constant burning sensation near the spot).

Although the exact reason behind the development of this condition is still unknown, researchers suggest that there are some factors that initiate the disorder.

Hives can occur as a result of insect or parasite bites.
In some cases, this disorder might occur as a side effect of painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Excessive intake of alcohol or foods rich in proteins such as eggs, fish, nuts, chocolate, berries etc. might also cause hives.
Excessive exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun or high levels of stress can also result in hives.
Also, suffering from serious underlying medical conditions such as cancer, hepatitis or thyroid disorders might drastically aggravate chances of chronic hives as well.

Development of numerous reddish welts around the face or the arms along with a severe itchy sensation, recurrent feeling of tightness around the chest and constant dizziness.
Oral inflammation
If not treated immediately after diagnosis, this disorder might cause life- threatening allergic reactions such as Anaphylaxis (a condition which narrows down the bronchial tubes and causes significant breathing troubles) and auto-immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

The homeopathic preparations useful for treating hives have been mentioned below:

Apis mellifica: This medication works best for a case of hives that has resulted from insect or parasite bites. Other symptoms that are taken care of by this medication include severe itching and a stinging sensation that worsens at night or with exposure to cold, coupled with mild fever.
Arsenicum album: This homeopathic preparation is effective to cure hives that include symptoms of a burning sensation, abnormal swelling, and constant restlessness.
Ichthyolum and Astacus: This preparation is effective to cure chronic hives caused due to serious medical conditions such as uric acid, tuberculosis, or excessive alcohol consumption. People suffering from this particular type exhibit symptoms such as a large appetite, irritability, and a constant itchiness.
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All About Hives

Diploma In Dermatology And Venerology And Leprosy (DDVL), MBBS
Dermatologist, Rewari
All About Hives
If stressed, consuming certain food and medications can trigger skin rashes. This kind of rash is called hives. It is also known as urticaria. Anyone can be affected by hives, at least 20% of people are affected by hives at some time or the other in their lives. The itching could be severe or mild. It starts as a patch of scaly white skin that develops into red welts over time. To make sure the itching does not worsen, scratching, emotional stress, alcoholic drinks and exercise should be avoided.

1. Itchy bumps that are raised and are either red or flesh coloured
2. If the hive is pressed in the middle, the skin whitens this symptom is called blanching.
3. The hive formation can appear anywhere, disappear and then reappear somewhere else.

Common Triggers
1. Certain food like shellfish, eggs, peanuts and other nuts
2. Certain medicines like antibiotics, ibuprofen and aspirin
3. Insect bites or stings
4. Physical causes like pressure, sun exposure, cold, exercise and heat
5. Latex
6. Blood transfusions
7. Bacterial infections
8. Pet allergens
9. Viral infections like the common cold, hepatitis and infectious mononucleosis
10. Certain plants like poison ivy and poison oak
11. Pollen

There is no distinct cure for hives. But you can control its symptoms in the following ways:
1. Antihistamines help in blocking histamines, which cause the allergy symptoms. Non sedating or low sedating Antihistamines will be mostly recommended by your doctor.
2. If episodes of hives are several, it may require limited treatment with prednisone. Prednisone will be able to lessen the symptoms.
3. If the symptoms get severe enough so much so that it swells up your tongue and you have problem breathing, then the doctor might prescribe an epinephrine. However, these symptoms can mean another thing, an anaphylaxis shock. Epinephrine is the only treatment for an anaphylaxis shock.

If what caused hives to break out is figured out, then measures should be taken to avoid or eliminate the triggers.
1. Avoid eating food items that triggered the symptoms in the first place
2. If harsh soaps, frequent bathing cause hives, they should be avoided
3. Tight clothing should be avoided
4. If cold triggers hives, then wear warm clothing, wrap a scarf and do not swim in cold water.
5. Avoid sun exposure and wear sunblock
6. If a specific medication is causing the hives, inform your doctor.
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Medications And Drug Allergic Reactions

MD - Dermatology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Patna
Medications And Drug Allergic Reactions
All drugs carry within themselves the potential to treat and harm the skin. Side effects of medicines are a common phenomenon, with variation in the intensities. Sometimes they are minor and do not require medications; however at other times they may require urgent attention and treatment.

Some allergies caused due to medications that primarily affect your skin are:

Itches and rashes: Sometimes your body may be allergic to certain type of medications. If these drugs are taken by you then the immune system treats them as foreign invasions and triggers a reaction against them. In certain cases, on consuming a drug that your body is allergic to, a kind of white blood cell called T cells expand. Itching, rashes on the skin are common repercussions in such a scenario.
Swelling on the face and throat: Often it happens that, on being administered a medicine or an injection, you may experience severe swelling on face and throat. This is an extreme case of medicinal side effect and is commonly known as anaphylaxis. This must be immediately treated and brought to the notice of a trained doctor.
Blisters: This is also an important potential side effect of a drug. On being administered a drug, you may experience an erosion on the surface of lips and eyes as a reaction against it. Immediate treatment and a visit to the doctor is imperative if you experience these symptoms.
Swelling of the tongue: If you have high blood pressure and if you take angiotensin converting enzyme, a swollen tongue and persistent cough are the possible side effects.
Flushing and itching: You may suffer from symptoms of flushing and itching as a possible side effect of the intravenous dyes that are used in the X-rays.
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