Allergy - Kiwi Fruit Tips

The 8 Most Common Food Allergies and their treatment

MBBS, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), FCPS Paediatrics
Allergist/Immunologist, Kolhapur
The 8 Most Common Food Allergies and their treatment

What are food allergies?

A food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the body's immune system. Almost any food can cause an allergy, but there are some common triggers including nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish and peanuts.

Symptoms of food allergies range from mild reactions such as a skin rash or stomach ache to severe reactions such as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis causes airways to swell shut and can be life threatening if not treated quickly.

What causes food allergies?

Food allergies are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. For example, people may have inherited genes that make them more likely to develop certain allergic reactions when exposed to certain foods. ;

Additionally, exposure to certain substances in the environment or poor dietary habits may increase a person's risk for food allergies.

How are food allergies diagnosed?

Food allergies are typically diagnosed with an oral food challenge test or through blood tests that measure specific antibodies against particular foods in the blood serum.

If these tests show evidence of sensitization (i. E, the presence of antibodies to particular foods), then it is likely that the individual has a food allergy. ;

After diagnosis and confirmation testing of suspected allergens has been done it s very important that patients learn how best to avoid their specific trigger foods and what treatments they should have on-hand in case they do get exposed.

What are the signs and symptoms of food allergies?

The signs and symptoms of food allergies can vary widely, but usually involve some combination of hives, rash, itching, difficulty breathing, a decrease in blood pressure and/or tightness in the throat.

Some common symptoms of food allergies include:

Hives (itchy red spots)

Swelling in the face or tongue

Wheezing or breathing difficulties

Vomiting or abdominal pain

Itchy skin rashes such as eczema


Runny nose or congestion


Anaphylaxis (a severe, life threatening allergic reaction)

What are possible complications of food allergies?

Food allergies can cause serious complications and reactions, ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening. ;

Possible complications include skin reactions such as hives, itching or swelling; respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath; digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea; and anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe all-body reaction that can be life-threatening.

People with food allergies must be vigilant in reading food labels to avoid their particular allergens.

The 8 most common food allergies and their treatment

Eggs allergy: an immune system reaction to proteins in the egg whites or egg yolks. Treatment includes avoiding foods with eggs, as well as taking precautions like carrying and using an injectable epinephrine pen when eating out or travelling.

Milk allergy: an immune system response to the protein in cow's milk. Treatment involves avoiding dairy products, reading labels carefully and finding alternatives like lactose-free and soy milk products.

Peanuts/tree nuts allergy: an allergy to peanut or tree nut based products, such as walnuts, almonds or pistachios. Treatment includes avoiding foods containing these ingredients and seeking medical advice if necessary for severe reactions like anaphylaxis shock symptoms (e. G, swelling of the throat and tongue).

Wheat/gluten allergy: gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and other grains that can cause digestive issues for those with wheat allergies or celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten). Treatment includes following a gluten-free diet including whole grain grains such as quinoa, amaranth and millet, as well as avoiding processed foods that often contain gluten (e. G, breads and pastas).

Fish/shellfish allergy: allergies related to substances found in fish skin or shellfish meat or eggs can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild itching around the mouth to life-threatening anaphylactic shock symptoms (e. G, swelling of the throat). Treatment involves avoiding fish/shellfish products altogether or substituting them for non-allergenic foods like tofu depending on severity of reaction (s).

Soy allergy: allergy to proteins found in soybeans which are used commonly in many ready-made foods such as vegan cheese and certain types of breads/pastas due its high protein content.

Mustard allergy: this allergy is a reaction to mustard seeds & its products that contain mustard, such as mustard powder and prepared mustards. Allergic symptoms can include skin rashes, digestive issues, and anaphylaxis.

Sesame allergy: this allergy is a reaction to sesame seeds & its products that contain sesame, such as tahini. Sesame allergy can cause anaphylaxis.

;What are the surgical treatments for food allergies?

Surgical treatments for food allergies are relatively limited. Generally, the focus is not on surgical intervention, but rather on dietary and lifestyle modification to avoid the allergen altogether.

In severe cases where exposure is likely to occur, such as accidental ingestion in a restaurant or intentional ingestion by a patient with poor compliance with their diet, immunotherapy (oit) may be recommended by select allergists.

This entails gradual introduction of small amounts of the allergen into the patient's system to help their body become accustomed and tolerant over time. ;

Additionally, endoscopic hydrodissection with topical corticosteroids has recently been used as a potential therapy in certain cases of anaphylaxis, although effects have yet to be proven surefire or long term in nature.

Endoscopic hydro-dissection: endoscopic hydro-dissection is a minimally invasive procedure used to help diagnose and manage food allergies. This procedure involves the use of saline and water solution to dissect, identify, and eliminate tissue involved in the allergic reaction. This method can also be used to obtain a sample of the areas affected by allergy for further testing. With endoscopic hydro-dissection, physicians can more accurately diagnose food allergies and identify which foods are causing reactions so they can be avoided in the future.

Best doctors to consult for food allergies?

Allergists: an allergist is a doctor specifically trained to diagnose and treat allergies, asthma, and immunologic disorders. They use skin or blood tests to determine which food (s) is causing an allergic reaction and suggest personalized avoidance strategies.

Gastroenterologists: some gastroenterologists may specialize in food allergies unusually severe cases of food intolerance, which involve gastrointestinal difficulties including vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Dietitians: a dietitian can help patients with food allergies create an appropriate meal plan as well as provide dietary advice on how to make sure the diet includes the essential nutrients yet avoids foods that might trigger an allergy attack.

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Food Intolerance in Children - 5 Reasons Behind it

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
Food Intolerance in Children - 5 Reasons Behind it
Sometimes, during consumption of certain food items many children get itchy throat, eyes, ears, asthma, sneezing, rashes, diarrhea and eczema. This can be due to food intolerance in children. It is a form of allergic disease in children. Every 1 out of 10 children suffer from food intolerance. These days, food allergies are becoming more and more common in children who are allergic to nuts, milk and eggs. In some cases it can also be life threatening. This condition is known as anaphylaxis. Milk and egg allergies are more common throughout the world.

Symptoms of food intolerance:


Your bowels start becoming irritable.

Stomach starts to ache.

Cough and cold is a common symptom.

Itchy skin rash

Causes of food intolerance in children:

There are enzymes in your body, which help you to digest the food you consume. Some enzymes in your body are insufficient; which further causes food intolerance in children. For instance, lactose intolerance causes spasms, stomach aches, diarrhea and so on so forth.

Food intolerance can also be caused due to chemicals, such as chemicals present in coffee, tea, cheese and chocolates.

Some food products can also cause food intolerance such as undercooked beans containing aflatoxins can cause extreme stomach infections in children.

Some children are also intolerant to certain food products which have salicylates such as majority of fruits, vegetables, herbs and also additives. Processed food contains a high amount of salicylates.

Children can be allergic to antioxidants like artificial food coloring, artificial flavouring and preservatives.

What to do if you think your child has food intolerance?

Take your child for a skin prick test. In this test, the skin is pricked with a thin needle and when the blood oozes out, supplements of different food products are put in that area. If that particular area becomes reddish and begins to itch, your child has allergy to that certain food product

A blood test should be done. It verifies the level of lgE present in your blood and finds out if your child is suffering from food intolerance or not. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.
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Slit - New Methods To Treat Your Allergies!

ENT Specialist, Jhansi
Slit - New Methods To Treat Your Allergies!
Sublingual immunotherapy, abbreviated as SLIT, is a new way to treat allergies by doctors without injections or medication. In this method, doctors do not address the allergies with medicines, in fact, patients are administered with very small doses of allergens to increase tolerance against allergens.

This method of treating allergies is effective as the allergists find it healthy for the patients to outgrow the sensitivity towards the allergies and hence outgrow the condition. With the ongoing studies on this method of treatment and with the recent developments in the field of allergists, sublingual immunotherapy is effective and more sort after the method.


Allergists first diagnose the allergy and understand the condition. They perform various tests to confirm the allergies pertaining to the specific or multiple allergens. To verify the degree of sensitivity, doctors use the allergens and check the tolerance level. Then they recommend allergen drops accordingly.

The allergen drops are extracts of allergens that are prescribed to the patients. The patient is advised to take these drops by keeping it under the tongue. It is recommended to keep the drops on the tongue for a few minutes and then swallow it. The course of drops is decided by the doctors, which highly depends upon your sensitivity.

By taking drops of allergens, you develop the immunity gradually, which eventually helps to treat the allergies from the root and there is no need for medicines and injections. The method is also effective for seasonal allergies, allergies from ragweed, and dust mites.

Is it Safe?

Sublingual immunotherapy is used after the detailed study of allergens and its effect on human immune system for 20 years and intense clinical trials. The research proves that SLIT helps treat asthma and rhinitis due to an allergy to dust mites, ragweed, pollen, and grass.

Diseases like rhinitis can be controlled without any medicines with the help of SLIT. During the hay fever season, patients can get the allergy drops and the symptoms of the allergy such as watery eyes and itching can be reduced.

The side effects of allergen drops are very mild. However, the allergens are prescribed to the patients after proper diagnosis. If the allergy is not severe, the same can be treated with mild allergens. The drops are increased after a noticeable decline in the allergy and use of medicine for the disease.

FDA questions the method of treatment of allergies with SLIP method. However, FDA recommends SLIT for only four types of allergens:

Dust Mites
Five species of grass
Timothy Grass

Apart from the above, allergy drops for various other allergens are still under study. Results have shown that patients under sublingual immunotherapy for three to four years have noticed remarkable changes in the lifestyle and decrease in the allergies.
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Allergy Test - What Should You Know?

DNB (Oto Rhino Laryngology), MBBS
ENT Specialist, Pune
Allergy Test - What Should You Know?
Allergy is a condition in the human body in which the body reacts to the particles in the environment which are harmless otherwise. These particles are called allergens. Some people have a highly reactive and active immune system. Even a small amount of allergens in the body are identified by the immune system and cause inflammation and reactive conditions in the body. Most of the time it is harmless and does not create a problem. But, if a person is facing problems for more than three months in a year, one should consult an ENT for the same.

Causes of Allergy:

Causes of allergies are unknown and can be due to any reason. There is no definite cause for allergies in a patient. Some people may have an allergy due to dust, or pollen, or even animals and food. There is no single reason for the allergy; every allergy is different, and every reaction to the allergy is different.

There are many common types of allergens which cause allergies like house pet hairs, wool, chemicals used in the house, dust or pollen particles, etc. Allergies mostly occur more often in winters as the houses are closed and packed. Some people have a seasonal allergy, and some suffer from perennial allergy, depending upon the immune system of a particular person.

Symptoms of Allergy:

There are no definitive symptoms of allergies. Most symptoms of allergies include a runny nose, congestion, infections in the ears or skin, redness, water in the eyes, and many more. Every allergy symptom is different since it is highly dependent upon one's immune system and its reaction.

Allergy Test:

The treatment of the Allergy highly depends upon the allergy test. ENT doctors can test the allergy since they determine the source of the allergy and assess as of how to manage it. It is rare for allergies to be life-threatening, but prolonged inflammation and infections in the body can affect the system in a later phase. ENT doctors determine the reaction of hypersensitivity in the body and observe whether they are creating some disruption in the body system or not.

There are some tests available for testing allergies. The most common methods are pricking test and the intradermal test. Most doctors opt for a combination of both methods as the results are more reliable.


Once doctors have completed the tests and determined the condition of the patient, they suggest either allergen avoidance or medication.

Allergen Avoidance: It is the best method to treat allergic patients. In this treatment, the patient is asked to avoid the allergen for safety. However, this method only works when the allergen can be practically avoided. For example, if a patient is allergic to dust, he may prevent dust by covering his bed and pillows with special covers that block dust and kill dust mites.

Medications: Medicines are prescribed to the patient when avoidance is not practical or to reduce the impact of the reactive immune system to ease the symptoms.

People often neglect allergy tests since the symptoms are not worse. But timely checkups and tests are recommended by the doctors for healthy living. Also, if a person is suffering from any type of allergies, seeking immediate help is always recommended and necessary for a healthy life.
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Skin Prick Method - How Reliable Is It?

MBBS, MS - ENT, DNB - ENT, Fellow- Head & Neck Onco Surgery
ENT Specialist, Mumbai
Skin Prick Method - How Reliable Is It?
While a sizeable population suffers from allergy issues every year, treating them is often possible without an extensive diagnosis. However, the diagnosis of the allergen becomes crucial when the problem recurs several times in a year.

The skin prick testing is a reliable means of diagnosing the IgE-mediated (immunoglobulin E) allergic disease in people who have asthma, urticaria, rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic eczema, anaphylaxis, and drug allergy.

It offers evidence for confirming the diagnosis of the type I allergy. The best aspect of allergy testing by the skin prick method is that it is minimally invasive, inexpensive and the results are immediately available when carried out by trained professionals.

Why is the skin prick test conducted?
Skin prick test is usually used for diagnosing the food allergy symptoms which are typically caused by the interaction between a food allergen and the IgE antibody. To diagnose a food allergy, the allergy expert may recommend you undergo a skin prick test for measuring the number of antibodies present.

What can you expect?
During the skin prick test, the allergist places a drop of solution which contains the food allergen on the back or the forearm. When testing the fruits and vegetables, food is used in place of solution. In this allergy testing method, the doctor would use a needle or a plastic probe for gently pricking or scratching the skin for allowing a small amount of solution to penetrate the skin surface. This method is not painful, and no bleeding is involved in it. Though many people think that the process would cause much discomfort, the reality is that it feels similar to a scratch caused by fingernails.

On the basis of the case history, a patient may need to be tested for just one or many foods. The results are almost immediate; You can get them within half-an-hour of the test. The positive results of the test are indicated by a wheal which causes a raised white bump encircled by a small circle of itchy red skin. Though the size of the wheal is not the accurate indicator, a large wheal generally indicates that the patient is affected by food allergy.

How accurate is skin prick testing?
The skin prick allergy testing hardly produces any false negatives which indicate that you are not allergic to a food. Having negative results is synonymous with not being allergic to the food for which you are tested. On the other hand, positive results are also not always accurate. About 50 percent of cases show false positives which mean the positive result is shown even though you are not allergic to that particular food.

This simple test can be the means of identifying the allergens which will help determine the allergy prevention plan. Consulting an allergist before undergoing the test is essential.
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Allergy Test - Know More About It!

ENT Specialist, Ghaziabad
Allergy Test - Know More About It!
Allergy is a condition in the human body in which the body reacts to the particles in the environment which are harmless otherwise. These particles are called allergens. Some people have a highly reactive and active immune system. Even a small amount of allergens in the body are identified by the immune system and cause inflammation and reactive conditions in the body. Most of the time it is harmless and does not create a problem. But, if a person is facing problems for more than three months in a year, one should consult an ENT for the same.

Causes of Allergy:

Causes of allergies are unknown and can be due to any reason. There is no definite cause for allergies in a patient. Some people may have an allergy due to dust, or pollen, or even animals and food. There is no single reason for the allergy; every allergy is different, and every reaction to the allergy is different.

There are many common types of allergens which cause allergies like house pet hairs, wool, chemicals used in the house, dust or pollen particles, etc. Allergies mostly occur more often in winters as the houses are closed and packed. Some people have a seasonal allergy, and some suffer from perennial allergy, depending upon the immune system of a particular person.

Symptoms of Allergy:

There are no definitive symptoms of allergies. Most symptoms of allergies include a runny nose, congestion, infections in the ears or skin, redness, water in the eyes, and many more. Every allergy symptom is different since it is highly dependent upon one's immune system and its reaction.

Allergy Test:

The treatment of the Allergy highly depends upon the allergy test. ENT doctors can test the allergy since they determine the source of the allergy and assess as of how to manage it. It is rare for allergies to be life-threatening, but prolonged inflammation and infections in the body can affect the system in a later phase. ENT doctors determine the reaction of hypersensitivity in the body and observe whether they are creating some disruption in the body system or not.

There are some tests available for testing allergies. The most common methods are pricking test and the intradermal test. Most doctors opt for a combination of both methods as the results are more reliable.


Once doctors have completed the tests and determined the condition of the patient, they suggest either allergen avoidance or medication.

Allergen Avoidance: It is the best method to treat allergic patients. In this treatment, the patient is asked to avoid the allergen for safety. However, this method only works when the allergen can be practically avoided. For example, if a patient is allergic to dust, he may prevent dust by covering his bed and pillows with special covers that block dust and kill dust mites.

Medications: Medicines are prescribed to the patient when avoidance is not practical or to reduce the impact of the reactive immune system to ease the symptoms.

People often neglect allergy tests since the symptoms are not worse. But timely checkups and tests are recommended by the doctors for healthy living. Also, if a person is suffering from any type of allergies, seeking immediate help is always recommended and necessary for a healthy life.
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Eye Allergy - How To Administer It?

Kolkata University
Ophthalmologist, Kolkata
Eye Allergy - How To Administer It?
An eye allergy or allergic conjunctivitis is a condition that strikes when certain substances irritate the eyes, which can cause a reaction. This reaction has varied symptoms starting from inflammation to watering and even redness and an itching sensation. So how can you tell if you have an eye allergy? This article will tell you all you need to know!

Causes: To begin with, this is an immune response that happens when the eye comes in contact with substances like dirt, grime, pollutants, pollen, nettle, pet hair, smoke, mould and more, which may cause irritation. These are typically known as allergens. The immune system takes these allergens to be invaders and begins attacking the same by releasing chemicals that cause these allergic reactions. Also, an eye allergy may be a symptom or outcome of other conditions like asthma, hay fever, or even eczema.

Symptoms: The eye usually bears a pink or red appearance when the patient is suffering from an eye allergy. Also, watery eyes are a common sight during this condition while scaling around the eyes may also take place. Further, itching and burning sensation may be felt by the patient and swelling or puffiness can be seen. The symptoms may afflict one or both eyes. The patient may also have a runny nose or stuffy nose as well as nasal congestion.

Difference between Eye Allergy and Pink Eye: Conjunctivitis or pink eye is usually caused due to bacteria or a virus that spreads infection in the eye. But eye allergy is caused due to a response of the immune system that leads to an allergic reaction. While the pink eye may be a contagious condition, an eye allergy is not.

Diagnosis: The diagnosis of an eye allergy will be done with the help of various tests conducted by an ophthalmologist. The slit lamp examination will help in introducing allergens to find out if the spot gets raised or suffers from inflammation. Also, the doctor will check for other ailments like asthma and eczema. Sometimes, when the treatment is not taken on time, the vision gets damaged forever.

Treatment: There are varied methods of treating this condition. To begin with, the doctor may prescribe medication like decongestants and antihistamines as well as steroids for more severe and persistent cases. Also, injections may be prescribed in order to do away with the allergic reaction and eye drops containing olopatadine hydrochloride may also be used.

Home Remedies: Staying away from allergens and using a warm and clean washcloth over the eyes, for a few minutes every day, may help in relieving the painful symptoms of the condition.

Never use self-medication or prolong time without follow up with the doctor as advised. In both the cases, the patient may suffer from loss of vision permanently.
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House Dust Mite Allergy - All You Should Know!

DNB (Oto Rhino Laryngology), MBBS
ENT Specialist, Pune
House Dust Mite Allergy - All You Should Know!
Dust mites belong to a family of ticks and spiders, and cannot be seen through bare eyes. They thrive in places which are warm and humid.

Dust mite allergies are the most common type of allergy found in many people. Patients suffering from house dust mite allergies may also face sneezing and a runny nose. The symptoms are just the same as asthma.

The best way to get rid of dust mite allergies is to make the house as much dust-free as possible.

In case a person is attacked by any of these dust mites, doctors may also suggest some medicines to suppress the symptoms and ease the condition.

Symptoms of House Dust Mite Allergy:

House dust mite allergy causing inflammation in the nasal passages may show signs like:

Watery eyes

Runny nose

Redness in the eyes



Facial itching

Redness and skin spores opening

Face infection

If the allergy is contributing to Asthma, the following signs are observed:

Difficulty in breathing

Heaviness in the chest

Chest pain

Wheezing sound with cough and cold

Shortness of breath

The signs of a house dust mite allergy can be severe in some cases. However, allergies are not life-threatening, but prolonged symptoms may affect health. A mild allergy-like runny nose or sneezing are common. However, if a person is suffering from symptoms for a more extended period of time, he/she should consult an ENT specialist for the same.

Diagnose of House Dust Mite Allergy:

To diagnose this type of allergy, doctors check the patient physically and if the patient has problems persistently round the year, then he/she may be advised to take an allergy test. Allergy tests consist of skin prick tests and blood tests.

Skin Prick Test: Skin Prick Test, or SPT, is not a conclusive test for every patient. The doctors determine the result by comparing the conditions. In SPT, the doctors put a small drop of possible allergen on the skin and prick the skin with a needle to see the reaction. If a person is allergic to the allergen, he/she may observe a wheal, itching, or redness in the area. However, the doctors determine the results based upon the time and place of the symptoms he/she is complaining of.
Blood Test: Blood test is an excellent tool when the patient cannot give successful skin test. Blood tests are referred by the doctors in the cases when the patient is taking some medicines that interfere with the skin test or to the kids who cannot tolerate skin test. The blood sample is obtained by the doctors, and an allergen is added to the sample. The lab doctors observe whether there is any reaction in the sample due to the allergen.

The best way to fight house dust mite allergy is to avoid allergens. The doctors suggest measures to keep the surrounding dust free and use the covers or sprays that kill dust mites. The dust mites thrive in warm and humid areas. Hence, one should keep the surrounding cool and open to stop their growth. Many patients do not get complete relief from allergies with medicine, and in such cases, doctors provide special therapies and sprays to keep the dust mites away.


There are many treatment options available depending upon the severity and condition of the allergy. However, it is best to consult a doctor before opting for any treatment or medicines.
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Food Allergy - Everything About It!

DNB (Oto Rhino Laryngology), MBBS
ENT Specialist, Pune
Food Allergy - Everything About It!
Food allergy is actually an abnormal response triggered by the immune system to food as if it is threatening. Food intolerance looks similar to food allergies. However, the difference lies in how each one of them affects an individual. Food allergy is extremely intrinsic and to an extent, affects the internal organs.

On the other hand, food intolerance is less severe, mostly just affects the digestive system due to the inability to digest that particular food properly, leading to an upset stomach. Most of the people suffer from food intolerance only, but they confuse it with food allergy.

About ninety percent of all cases of food allergy are related to only eight types of food as per research statistics. These are milk, tree nuts, egg, peanut, soy, wheat, shellfish, and fish.

The Reaction:\

In order to understand how symptoms manifest, it is of utmost importance, in this case, to understand how an allergic reaction to food occurs. An allergic reaction is a bi-step process as discussed further.

Step1: On exposure to the food allergen for the first time, the body reacts abnormally and produces IgE antibodies against the perceived allergen. These circulate throughout the entire body with blood and attach themselves to basophils (found in blood) and mast cells (found in sites like the nose, lungs, throat, gastrointestinal tract, skin, etc.).

Step 2: The next time the body is exposed to a particular food allergen, it gets alert and alarms the tissue that releases histamine in large quantity. Depending on the site of release, allergy symptoms are caused, ranging from mild to severe to potentially life-threatening (for example, in anaphylaxis).

The time span for an allergic reaction manifesting into symptoms can vary between a few minutes to several hours post exposure to the food allergen. The site of mast cells for release of histamine greatly affects the location and timing of the reaction.

Who is at Higher Risk?

If a person has a family history of developing a food allergy, it creates even greater chances for him/ her to have the same or similar reactions. If both the parents have some kind of allergic reaction to food, it is very likely that the child would have that too.


Symptoms of food allergies largely depend on the sites of mast cells that release histamines. It is possible that these sites are located in nose, ears, or throat leading to itching in mouth, having a trouble in swallowing and breathing, and swelling of lips and tongue. If the location is in the gastrointestinal tract, it may lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain. If it is in the skin, it might lead to hives, itching, decolourization, pigmentation, worsened eczema, etc.

Cross Reactivity:

If a person has an allergy to a particular food, it is advisable to abstain from similar types of food. For example, if somebody is allergic to crab, he/ she should abstain from shrimp, crayfish, lobster, etc. too as they might also trigger the reaction. This is called cross reactivity.


It is always advisable to abstain from foods which cause an allergic reaction in an individual. However, in case it has already occurred, there are two major types of medication which help in relieving the symptoms. Antihistamines are used for treating mild to chronic reaction, whereas adrenalines are used for severe reaction like in anaphylaxis.

Take Away:

Food allergy is usually a condition for life and cannot be permanently treated. However, symptoms can be relieved. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid the allergy, causing group of food.
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Food Intolerance & Allergies!

M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Food Intolerance & Allergies!
Food Intolerance & Allergies