PGFCP, PGDEMS, Bachelor Of Ayurvedic Medicine And Surgery
Ayurveda, Satara
Hi…follow few simple things gives you very good result, 1) take 30 ml of Rubyclin liquid before meals,
2) take 1 tsf of Haridra khand after meals, for 15 days, THANKS.
1. Avoid exposure to cold
2. Take bath with little warm water 3. Do steam inhalation regularly at least once a day
4. Warm salt water gargles daily 5 no cold water / cold drinks / ice creams and so on
6. No smoking
7. Wash hands after use of bath room and before and after eating food.
8 more warm liquids For medicine contact on private consultation Good luck.
1.Keep the area clean and dry. 2.change under garments and socks daily.
3. Do not Wear tight clothes. Wear loose-fitting cotton under garments.
4. Wash clothes with hot water 5. Change linen daily
6. Do not apply any soap, cream,powder, oil to the area not share towels. Sheets and clothes. not scratch the rash, as this may spread the fungus to other areas of your body.
9. Use medicine for a longer period
10. Put on cotton under garments and keep area clean and dry
For medicine contact on private chat.
Turmeric is a best medicine for any type of allergy. You can take 1tsp 4 to 6 times in a day with water, guduchi swaras 2 tsp 2 times in a day in empty stomach and you should avoid spicy & junk foods.
Homoeopathic medicines are best for treating allergies of any type and they also boost up immunity.
So,you can opt for homoeopathy.
Take Nosoline Drops (WHEEZAL)
5drops in 1/4th cup of water ,Drink twice a day 1/2 an hour before meals.
for 1mth and revert back for further treatment plan.