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Allergy - Meadowgrass Test

Allergy - Meadowgrass Test

also known as: Allergy Meadowgrass Enzyme Assay

Meadow grass is observed to germinate during the late fall period and in winter. It is known to be the first of it’s kind to resume it’s growth in the late fall and winter. Meadow grass is a fierce herbaceous competitor. The Meadow grass Allergy Test is a test conducted on a sample of blood. The goal is to detect the and measure the levels of IgE antibodies present in the blood. The test detects or confirms the presence of Meadow grass Allergy. Post the treatment, it confirms it’s presence in the body. The test is also known as Allergy Meadow grass Enzyme Assay.

The test doesn’t demand special preparations from you. The doctor or the lab expert inserts a needle in one of your veins in your arm and collects the blood in a syringe. This forms a sample which is later tested for Meadow Grass Allergy. The doctor might advice you to go on a well planned diet for a few days before the test. For this, you need to inform your doctor about the medicines you’re taking. Let him also know about any other allergies going on in parallel. This will help the doctor gain a better understanding of your condition and the doctor can mould his tests by taking necessary precautions that won’t lead to any other risks. If a diet is suggested, follow it because it will help gain accurate results.

Indicates the baseline IgE antibody levels in patients. The test potentially identifies which among the many prevailing causative agents is responsible for the symptoms that the patient is going through. Depending on the results obtained, the test helps in interpreting whether or not, specific immunotherapy (SIT) is an alternative.

The test gives the doctor an idea about how the further treatment and medications should go on. The doctor gets a perfect picture before him so that the patient doesn’t has to go through unnecessary food modulations.

A gold standard fluorescent immunoassay called Immunocap is used for in – vitro allergy testing. This reagent is used world wide. Factors like age, symptoms, antihistamine medication, disease activity, disease severity and pregnancy do not affect the test results. Phadiatop: it helps in distinguishing atopic and non – atopic individual. Symptoms profiles: it effectively identified allergic patients. Allied testing: detects the presence of other allergies and causative agents. Summing up the entire process, the procedure for the test goes as: 1. Phadiatop 2. Total IgE levels 3. Testing and detection of 32 specific IgE allergens.
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy - Meadowgrass
All age groups
Average price range of the test is approximately Rs.900 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is Allergy - Meadowgrass Test?
Preparation for Allergy - Meadowgrass Test
Uses of Allergy - Meadowgrass Test
Procedure for Allergy - Meadowgrass Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergy - Meadowgrass Test
Price for Allergy - Meadowgrass Test
Lybrate Gaurantee
Lybrate Gaurantee