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Allergy orchard grass Test

Allergy orchard grass Test

The levels of IgE Antibodies in the blood are computed when Allergy Orchard Grass test is performed on a sample of blood. It is performed to confirm the Orchard Grass Allergy. This particular allergy causes sneezing, runny or itchy nose, nasal congestion, itchy and watery eyes etc.

A sleeveless or can be rolled up sleeves shirt/top is recommended to be worn by the patient as the blood sample is directly drawn from the patient. No particular fasting or preparation is necessary unless the doctor has directed the patient.

The test is performed to detect allergen specific IgE in the blood sample. The patient is not allergic to Orchard Grass if the IgE value is (>100kU/l). Otherwise the patient is allergic and should follow the instructions and medications provided by the doctor.

About 1-2 ml of blood is collected from the patient. An alcohol pad is used to rub the skin where a vein is quite visible. The blood is then drawn by the injection through the nozzle from the rinsed part. The serum 0.2 ml of serum is then prepared by centrifugation and then stored in the red-top/gel-barrier tube and sent to the lab for examination.

0.2 mL
Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube.
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy Orchard Grass for IgE Antibodies
All age groups
IgE (>100kU/l)

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Table of Content

What is Allergy orchard grass Test?
Preparation for Allergy orchard grass Test
Uses of Allergy orchard grass Test
Procedure for Allergy orchard grass Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergy orchard grass Test
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Is aloevera gel helpful to remove deep holes on the face plzz help give any suggestion.

MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD)
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Is aloevera gel helpful to remove deep holes on the face plzz help give any suggestion.
I would suggest you to avoid aloe vera gel on the skin. Aloe, like any other plant, has thousands of naturally occurring chemicals you can potentially become allergic to. I would recommend an evaluation by a dermatologist to find the right skincare combo for you that limits your exposure to plant compounds. I always tell patients - it doesn't matter how natural or organic it is. You can still become allergic to it.
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Hi I'm sahil. I have a question. Why do I get itching all over my body after taking a bath. It's for sometime then it disappears. I don't see anything over my body. So, is it normal or not and should I do something about it. I would definitely like to get some advice n tips to tackle this problem maybe home remedies if possible. Thanx.

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Hi I'm sahil. I have a question. Why do I get itching all over my body after taking a bath. It's for sometime then it...
Itching on a body may be due to the allergy after wedding blood circulation increases so that must be a reason you are getting this allergy you can have the things which is give internal cold to body you can have more of fruits salads less protein that will help you out.

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Sir am getting full on itching sensation on my both hands and legs. On hands am having small small fungus type and al...
In Allopathy, anti-histaminics or immunosuppressant medicines like steroids are used which only give temporary relief, with the problem returning once the medicine is stopped. On the other hand, during Homeopathy treatment of allergy is cured by strengthening the immune system and the symptoms subside on their own. At the same time, it needs to be understood that this is purely natural allergy treatment. No steroids or anti allergic medicines are used. The immunity is strengthened by Homeopathy instead of being suppressed as happens with allopathic treatment. You can easily take an online consultation for further treatment guidance and permanent cure without any side effects
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I am a student. I have severe sneezing, itching. eosinophil-07%, Allergy IGE-84. 2IU/ml. I consult a doctor and I am continuing the medicine Montelukast Sodium and Fexofenadine Tablets around 60 days. But when I stop the tablet one day the symptoms starts. Is there any permanent cure from this.

General Physician, Mumbai
I am a student. I have severe sneezing, itching. eosinophil-07%, Allergy IGE-84. 2IU/ml. I consult a doctor and I am ...
Dear Lybrateuser, - The cause for sneezing & allergy has to be found out - avoid dust, smoke, pets, cold fluids - also investigate if not done, x- ray paranasal sinuses which can rule out sinusitis, rhinitis, a deviated nasal septum or a nasal polyp which can cause chronic sneezing - also have sufficient fluids including 8-10 glasses of water for proper hydration - instill 2-3 drops of normal saline solution in each nostril 2-3 times a day - have a well balanced diet with more of fruits & vegetables including green leafy & seasonal ones, whole grains, & protein foods to boost your immunity - also do regular exercise like walking, jogging, yoga & deep breathing which will help boost your immunity & keep you fit.
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Tips For Monsoon!

Homeopathy Doctor, Bahadurgarh
Tips For Monsoon!

Monsoon is the season that brings happiness to our life as it makes the environment cool after the hot and scorching sun rays during the summer. But, even after having the cool splash of monsoon rain, there are some flaws and negative effects from which you need to protect yourself.  There are certain health risks that are brought by monsoon from which people needs to be really careful. If you have kids and elderly people at home, they will be really susceptible and are affected with the health conditions like allergies, cough, cold etc.  Even when you are having your diet, it will be really important to be cautious about meal and choose the adequate type of meal that won’t make you sick.

The first water droplets of the monsoon make us relieved and joyous. This season can be a remedy of rashes we got due to prickly heat during the summer. But, we too need to be really careful during monsoon with regards to the food we intake and the activities we perform.  There are certain health risks we can suffer due to monsoon. Especially kids are very susceptible during monsoon. This is the season where waterborne bacteria can attack us and we can get reduction in our immunity level. Normally people suffer from indigestion, allergies and several types of infections. Let us find out some tips that will keep us healthy during monsoon.

Be healthy throughout the monsoon season in India needs particular care to be taken. The rainfall and water lying around makes it very simple for mosquitoes to type and rises the risk of mosquito conveyed infections, such as malaria and dengue high temperature with fever. Viral infections are also spread easily during the monsoon season.

Tips stay healthy in monsoon season

  • If desired to eat road side food, the rainy season isn’t the time to indulge. water and raw vegetables is  are not hygienic during  the monsoon.
  • Use a powerful insect repellent to hold mosquitoes away and prevent getting bitten. It’s furthermore good concept to take anti-malarial drug during this monsoon.
  • Where likely, try to avoid walking through rainy water. It can lead to numerous fungal diseases of the feet and heels.
  • Keep the items like Umbrella, rain coat etc when you are going out.
  • Take moderately hot food and drinks in this monsoon.
  • Keep away the children to play in the rain and rainy water.
  • Also avoid walking where water is lying on the street, as traffic will propel by and spray it all over you.
  • Dry your feet when they get wet.
  • Avoid colds and coughs by keeping your body moderately hot and dry.
  • Don’t go in air conditioned rooms with wet hair and damp apparels.
  • If you suffer from asthma or diabetes, avoid residing any place with wet walls. It encourages the development of fungus and can be especially hurtful.
  • Drink many of heating herbal teas, particularly those with antibacterial properties.

Choice of diet during monsoon

During the monsoon season, it is advised not to consume fast food and the snacks from the roadside stalls. This can give rise to stomach infection.  Most of the time people suffer from the problem of indigestion during the monsoon season as the airborne bacteria are very well active in the environment and can easily get inside your body with the food you eat.  Since during the monsoon season, humidity is really high in the environment, the ability of body to digest comes down. It will be better for people to avoid the oily food which are prepared in street. Only the healthy food prepared at home must be considered.

1. Fruits

It is really essential for you to consume adequate fruits during the monsoon season as this helps you restore energy.  But there is also choice of fruits as well.  Go for the items like pears, mangoes, apples and pomegranate. Even there are some fruits that helps bringing out pimples on your face. On order to remove pimples from your face, you need to avoid the fruits like muskmelon and water melon. Even consuming excessive mangoes can give rise to pimples.

2. Dry food

It is better not to go for the watery food during the monsoons such as juices available outside, lassi ad other watery fruits. Instead go for the dry category of food such as pea, flour, corn etc. As consumption of too much watery food during monsoon can give rise to swelling in your body. So, it’s better to avoid.

3. Increase your immunity

One of the major problems suffered by people during the monsoon season is reduction of immunity level in body. Today, there are ways in which you can easily increase your immunity level through home remedies. Whenever you are preparing soup, add a clove of garlic at the beginning ones the oil is hot. This will increase immunity level of an individual during monsoon.

4. Water

Since water borne diseases are quite common during the monsoon season, try not to drink water that is not purified. Even after filtration, it is better to drink the boiled water as this will kill all germs and bacteria that have formed in water.

5. Stay away from high blood pressure

If you have a problem of high blood pressure, it will be better to consume very little salt in meal or else this will give a boost to the problem of high blood pressure. Thus, it is important to avoid those food items that have good amount of salt.

6. Bitter vegetables

You should definitely have a dish of bitter vegetables in your meal such as neem, bitter gourd etc to avoid skin infections and allergies. If you don’t like to consume it in a boiled form, make a fried form to add taste in your tongue. This is a wonderful remedy to stay away from all types of skin infections.

7. Stay away from stagnation

During the monsoons, stagnant water will be very well available at your home and outside. It is really important to avoid stagnant water as this will give rise to diseases like malaria and dengue. You should always throw away the water inside the unused tank, flower pots as well as water coolers.  Since stagnant water is a place where the mosquito can breed, avoiding such stagnant water will be an important consideration when you are living in monsoons. Also don’t forget to place mosquito net or a repellent when you are asleep at night.

8. Medium low salt food

During monsoons when you are preparing meal for your family, it will be important for you to include low salt. During the monsoons people can get high blood pressure level due to salty food. Water retention is again another problem which can be checked with the help of low salt food.

9. Prefer dry fruit

Not all foods are good for all seasons. For example the watery fruits and juices are good during summer as we get dehydrated. But, during monsoons this can be a reason for trouble. The food such as watermelon, lassi, rice etc can create swelling in your body during monsoons. It is better consuming the food that is dry in nature.

10. Other forms of milk

During monsoons it is better to avoid milk. Rather, it will be good to consume other forms of milk in condense form such as yogurt, curd, sweet etc. If you want to drink milk, it is better to boil it in 100 degree Celsius and then drink it. This will help you stay away from the harmful germs that are likely to attack your body.

11. Avoid spicy food

During monsoon since the weather is not too hot or too cold, you will be inclined towards the spicy foods. But this will be absolutely a wrong step for you. You must avoid having spicy food during the monsoon season. It can lead to skin allergies and irritation.

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Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

BHMS, Certificate in Sex Education & Parenthood, PG Dip (Preventive & Promotive Healthcare), Dip in LSM (Prescribing Exercises), Dip in LSM (Metabolic Disroders & Nutrition), Dip in Occupational health & industrial hygiene., MBA (Healthcare), Certificate in Good Clinical Practice, Dip in Healthcare Quality, Core Competency In Lifestyle Medicine, CHWA-USA, Fellowship in Cardiac Rehab
Homeopathy Doctor, Jamshedpur
Homeopathy For Bronchial Asthma!

Asthma is a disease that intermittently affects the lungs. When it strikes, the lungs become inflamed and the airways narrow. The sufferer’s chest tightens, breathing becomes difficult or wheezy, and a persistent cough may develop – especially at night.

Asthma can be triggered by allergies or have its onset from a stressful period of life such as an infection, a grief, or even the birth of a baby. Thousands die from asthma each year. It is a serious disease that is increasing in frequency.

For children and adults alike, the struggle to breathe during an asthma attack can be a frightening experience. While conventional medications relieve many of the symptoms of asthma, they cannot cure it. With homoeopathy, it is a different story.


  • Daily use of Paracetamol
  • Vaccines
  • Daily use of antibiotics
  • Caesarean sections
  • Asthma in family

Asthma is usually triggered by:

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Exercise
  • Polluted or Poor air
  • Cold Air
  • Emotional Stress
  • Allergies

Homeopathy Treatment for Asthma-

When it comes to the treatment of Asthma, Homeopathy is much better at treating asthma. It is in stark contrast to allopathy, where inhalers and steroids are used to suppress inflammation. Homeopathic medicines do not aim at just reducing inflammation. They also intend to cure the basic cause of the recurrent inflammation. This way, not only the symptoms of asthma are treated but the incidence of asthmatic attacks is completely eliminated.

I have had patients coming to me who had been using inhalers or steroids for decades. They could not live without them. With a couple of months of Homeopathic treatment, they are able to live a disease free and medicine-free life. It is worthwhile to mention here that all Homeopathic remedies are natural and do not contain any chemicals. That is why these purely natural homeopathic remedies do not have any side effects at all. Some common homeopathic remedies for asthma include:

  1. Natrum Sulph: This homeopathic remedy is best for children who are suffering from asthma. Also, if asthma worsens due to humid weather, and symptoms such as wheezing or coughs are present, Natrum Sulph can be an excellent remedy.
  2. Arsenic Album: If your asthmatic attacks occur mostly in the night, and you feel extremely restless, Arsenic Album can prove to be very helpful. It is helpful for both chronic (long-term symptoms) and acute (short-term symptoms) asthma.
  3. Kali Bichrome: Asthma attacks that occur during night and in winters are best treated with Kali Bichrome. The remedy is also used to treat asthma combined with acute bronchitis (infection-induced inflammation of the airways).
  4. Nux Vomica: Heaviness and fullness in stomach, especially after a meal, associated with breathing difficulties is treated with Nux vomica.

Other than these four remedies, some homeopathic remedies focus on other symptoms, such as:

NOTE: These remedies are extremely active and it is best to consult a homeopath before self-medicating. 

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
Causes And Symptoms Of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Children!

Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is characterized by periodic bouts of nausea and vomiting that happens at cyclical intervals. It affects all ages, but is more common in children. The condition is quite stereotypical in that there are paroxysms or bouts of vomiting that is recurrent and follows days of normal health.

Causes: There is no definite reason identified, but it is said to have a strong hereditary correlation. Studies have shown mitochondrial heteroplasmic (abnormal growth of mitochondria, which is a cellular component) to be one of the factors that can lead to CVS. The genetic correlation, however, is very difficult to establish, specifically because vomiting and nausea are common symptoms that occur with most conditions in children. And CVS is most commonly noted with conditions like infections and emotional excitement. Infection could be either tooth decay or sinusitis or anything else. Lack of sleep, anxiety, holidays, allergies, overeating, certain foods, menstruation - a host of factors have been shown to induce CVS. There is also a strong association with migraine and conditions that lead to excessive production of stress hormones.

Symptoms: The syndrome (a group of symptoms) usually has 4 phases:

  1. Symptom-free interval phase: The child is completely normal in this phase, which happens in between bouts.
  2. Prodromal phase: Prodrome is an indication that a disease or a condition is about to happen. In CVS, this is usually nausea and abdominal pain that can last from a few minutes to a few hours. Treatment in this phase can curb the disease. However, there could be some children in whom this may not manifest and the child may directly start with vomiting.
  3. Vomiting phase: Repeated bouts of paroxysmal vomiting happen associated with nausea, exertion, fatigue, and drowsiness.
  4. Recovery phase: As the nausea and vomiting begin to subside, which may take a couple of days, the child returns back to normal slowly. However, the lethargy and energy levels will take a couple of days to return to normal.

Treatment: Treatment again depends on the severity and the phase at which it is being recognized. If a child has repetitive bouts, then the parent and the doctor would have identified a pattern to it.

  1. If the causative agent has been identified, for instance, infection or migraine, then managing that takes care of the CVS also.
  2. If identified during the prodromal phase, again it can be managed with suitable anti-emetic medications.
  3. If identified after full onset, rest and sleep and medications to control nausea and vomiting are required. Adequate hydration with electrolyte replenishment and sedatives can provide additional support.

However, in most cases of childhood CSV, the pattern will be identified and that helps in better management, both the child/parent and the podiatrist. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Pediatrician.

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10 Foods Increase Low Platelet Count - Add In Your Diet Now

General Physician, Gurgaon
10 Foods Increase Low Platelet Count - Add In Your Diet Now

low platelet count is also known as thrombocytopenia. The human blood is essentially composed of four components namely erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), thrombocytes (blood platelets), and plasma.

10 Foods Items Improves Low platelet Count

Here we create a list of food items that helps in the lower platelet count problem. These fruits items, dairy products, protein items, vitamins, and minerals help in increasing platelet count.

1. Anar (Pomegranate): It is rich in iron and also contains vitamins. This fruit help to combat increasing platelet reduction with regular consumption & vitamins to keep your energy levels steady.

2. Milk: It has high calcium which helps to regenerate the platelet. Calcium content with vitamin K and milk protein “Fibrinogen” increases the Platelet count and improves the blood's ability to form the clot. Calcium Deficiency can lead to your body much longer time in forming a clot .

3. Folate Rich Food: Folate or B9 is essential for healthy cell division in the body. A severe deficiency of folate in the body can result in a reduction in Blood Platelet. Daily intake of Folate is 400 mg is required. When the platelet count is low it’s consumption increases the platelet count. Food rich in Folate is Asparagus, Orange juice, Spinach, and fortified cereals.

4. Lean Proteins: Lean protein food is an excellent source of Zinc and Vitamin 12 which are essential to reverse the effects of thrombocytopenia. In case of reduced platelet count take food like soybean, spinach (Palak), black beans, cow’s milk, white of egg, Oatmeal, Fish, and white meat chicken.  This protein item helps increase platelet count

5. Papaya: Extract of the leaf of papaya is excellent for overall blood production and increases the platelet count (Prepare an extract of leaves by boiling leaves in medium heat for 15 minutes with water and wait till the water comes down to half ). Take leaf extract 2tsf twice daily.

6. Cod Liver Oil and Flax Seed Oil: These oils strengthen the Immune system many autoimmune disorders are cause of thrombocytopenia or low platelet count. These oils reduce the inflammation of the body and improve blood circulation throughout the body.

7. Vitamin A Rich Food: Vitamin A is essential for healthy platelet production, it also plays a role in the formation of Protein in the body which helps in the process of cell division and growth. Carrot, Pumpkin, Kale, and Sweet Potatoes (Sakarkandi).

8. Chlorophyll from Wheat grass: Wheatgrass juice contains 70% of chlorophyll (The Plant Haemoglobin) have a strong effect in overall blood production and increases the platelet count. Take ½ cup per day.

9. Vitamin K Rich Food: Vitamin K keeps cell growth at an optimum level in the body. Life of platelets is only 10 days which is to be compensated continually to maintain the lost amount in the body, hence high-calorie food for ideal production of blood platelets and vitamin K is one of the ingredients available in Eggs, Green leafy vegetables, Kale, Frozen Spinach, Mustard Greens Broccoli & Liver.

10. Macrobiotic Diet: To combat Thrombocytopenia in patients a vital anti-inflammatory diet is recommended by Platelet Disorder Association which helps in optimum blood production e.g. Whole grains, vegetables, and organic beans is recommended while animal protein is to be avoided except Fish Yogurt & cheese.

Update From Lybrate: Keep a check on your overall well-being by consuming healthy and delicious products. These Healthy Food Items not only soothe your taste buds but also keep you hydrated.

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Allergic Conjunctivitis - How It Can Be Treated?

Homeopathy Doctor, Faridabad
Allergic Conjunctivitis - How It Can Be Treated?

If your eyes suddenly look reddish and feel extremely itchy, you may be suffering from allergic conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is triggered by exposure to allergens like pollen or mold spores. An allergy to eye drops or contact lens solution can also trigger this condition. Allergic conjunctivitis is a very common health condition and more common during the hay fever season.

There are two types of allergic conjunctivitis; acute allergic conjunctivitis and chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Acute allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by the swelling of eyelids and intense itchiness and burning. Amongst the two, this is a more common condition. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis can occur during any season and has symptoms that come and go. It is a milder response to allergens such as dust, food, pollen, chemical scents etc.

On presenting the symptoms of conjunctivitis to a doctor, he may ask for an allergy skin test, a blood test or a scraping of the conjunctival tissue to understand the type of conjunctivitis you are suffering from. Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with a combination of medication and home care.

Antihistamines are the most common form of treatment for this disease. This can reduce and block the release of histamines in the body. Artificial eye drops may also be used to create a screen over the eye and prevent the eye from coming in contact with the allergen. Eye drops may also be used to shrink swollen blood vessels in the eye. Steroid eye drops may also be used along with anti inflammatory eye drops.

Home care to treat allergic conjunctivitis focuses on preventing the trigger. Today, apps on your phone can update you n the pollen levels in the air. Close your windows every time you notice a higher than normal pollen count and keep your home as dust free as possible. You could also use an air purifier in your home. Also, avoid exposure to strong chemicals, dyes, perfumes etc.

To avoid the condition from worsening, avoid rubbing your eyes and wash your hands every time you touch your eyes. Disinfect your towels, sheets and pillowcases that come in contact with your eyes every few days with hot water. Wash eyes with cold water twice daily especially after coming home from outside. Do not share your make up or brushes with other people. This is a healthy habit to follow even when you are not suffering from this condition. While you suffer from pink eyes you should also not wear contact lenses. Once the eye has healed, discard the old lenses and replace them with a new pair.

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