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Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test

Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test

also known as: allergy- grain

When the human body does not accept certain protein as food but identifies as the toxic substance, it secretes antibodies against that toxic substance (protein). The unwanted antibody secretion causes the symptoms like vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, tiredness, and abdominal discomfort. These type of protein allergy due to pulses does not end up in adverse effects on the body like anaphylaxis. But it is not said it is impossible too. When these symptoms occur comes the Allergy-Panel-Food-Cereals test. This test involves drawing the blood from the person and injecting the allergic material and check the reaction on blood. The result comes out in one or two days.

Technicians must check the patient's dehydration level before drawing out the blood. The symptom is mostly dehydration. Drawing out the blood might cause tiredness, nausea or dizziness. If the person had any other food products instead of direct intake, it is better to ask the person about the ingredients on the label. Technician must check with the physician about how urgent he requires the report. This test involves syringe, blood collector, cotton swab and Alcohol cleansing pad. These results will take one or two days to come up with the result.

Knowing the allergenic material in earlier stage helps to lead the healthy life by being cautious about the food not to be eaten. The allergic test conducted on toddlers can save from adverse conditions due to dehydration. It helps the feeding mother to eat carefully. It helps parents to be cautious about giving good food suitable for their children. It educates the person to read the contents of store-bought food materials. The blood was drawn once and put to test with various food materials that prone to allergic reaction.

Let the person be comfortably seated. This test needs 1 or 2 blood collecting tubes of the blood sample. Check on the person's vein. If the vein to draw the blood is not seen. Let the person make a fist and behold the position by tying up the band in his arm. Once the blood vein is visible, insert the syringe and pull up the required amount of blood sample. Store it in the test tube and send it to the lab. Press cotton swab in the pricked area to stop the vein bleeding excessive blood.

3.5ml gold top tube container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
All age groups
Rs 900- Rs 2000

Table of Content

What is Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test?
Preparation for Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test
Uses of Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test
Procedure for Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test
Price for Allergy Panel-Food (CEREALS) Test

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