Allergy red kidney bean Tips

The 8 Most Common Food Allergies and their treatment

MBBS, Diploma in Child Health (DCH), FCPS Paediatrics
Allergist/Immunologist, Kolhapur
The 8 Most Common Food Allergies and their treatment

What are food allergies?

A food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the body's immune system. Almost any food can cause an allergy, but there are some common triggers including nuts, milk, eggs, soy, wheat, shellfish and peanuts.

Symptoms of food allergies range from mild reactions such as a skin rash or stomach ache to severe reactions such as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis causes airways to swell shut and can be life threatening if not treated quickly.

What causes food allergies?

Food allergies are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. For example, people may have inherited genes that make them more likely to develop certain allergic reactions when exposed to certain foods. ;

Additionally, exposure to certain substances in the environment or poor dietary habits may increase a person's risk for food allergies.

How are food allergies diagnosed?

Food allergies are typically diagnosed with an oral food challenge test or through blood tests that measure specific antibodies against particular foods in the blood serum.

If these tests show evidence of sensitization (i. E, the presence of antibodies to particular foods), then it is likely that the individual has a food allergy. ;

After diagnosis and confirmation testing of suspected allergens has been done it s very important that patients learn how best to avoid their specific trigger foods and what treatments they should have on-hand in case they do get exposed.

What are the signs and symptoms of food allergies?

The signs and symptoms of food allergies can vary widely, but usually involve some combination of hives, rash, itching, difficulty breathing, a decrease in blood pressure and/or tightness in the throat.

Some common symptoms of food allergies include:

Hives (itchy red spots)

Swelling in the face or tongue

Wheezing or breathing difficulties

Vomiting or abdominal pain

Itchy skin rashes such as eczema


Runny nose or congestion


Anaphylaxis (a severe, life threatening allergic reaction)

What are possible complications of food allergies?

Food allergies can cause serious complications and reactions, ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening. ;

Possible complications include skin reactions such as hives, itching or swelling; respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath; digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea; and anaphylaxis, a sudden and severe all-body reaction that can be life-threatening.

People with food allergies must be vigilant in reading food labels to avoid their particular allergens.

The 8 most common food allergies and their treatment

Eggs allergy: an immune system reaction to proteins in the egg whites or egg yolks. Treatment includes avoiding foods with eggs, as well as taking precautions like carrying and using an injectable epinephrine pen when eating out or travelling.

Milk allergy: an immune system response to the protein in cow's milk. Treatment involves avoiding dairy products, reading labels carefully and finding alternatives like lactose-free and soy milk products.

Peanuts/tree nuts allergy: an allergy to peanut or tree nut based products, such as walnuts, almonds or pistachios. Treatment includes avoiding foods containing these ingredients and seeking medical advice if necessary for severe reactions like anaphylaxis shock symptoms (e. G, swelling of the throat and tongue).

Wheat/gluten allergy: gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and other grains that can cause digestive issues for those with wheat allergies or celiac disease (an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten). Treatment includes following a gluten-free diet including whole grain grains such as quinoa, amaranth and millet, as well as avoiding processed foods that often contain gluten (e. G, breads and pastas).

Fish/shellfish allergy: allergies related to substances found in fish skin or shellfish meat or eggs can cause allergic reactions ranging from mild itching around the mouth to life-threatening anaphylactic shock symptoms (e. G, swelling of the throat). Treatment involves avoiding fish/shellfish products altogether or substituting them for non-allergenic foods like tofu depending on severity of reaction (s).

Soy allergy: allergy to proteins found in soybeans which are used commonly in many ready-made foods such as vegan cheese and certain types of breads/pastas due its high protein content.

Mustard allergy: this allergy is a reaction to mustard seeds & its products that contain mustard, such as mustard powder and prepared mustards. Allergic symptoms can include skin rashes, digestive issues, and anaphylaxis.

Sesame allergy: this allergy is a reaction to sesame seeds & its products that contain sesame, such as tahini. Sesame allergy can cause anaphylaxis.

;What are the surgical treatments for food allergies?

Surgical treatments for food allergies are relatively limited. Generally, the focus is not on surgical intervention, but rather on dietary and lifestyle modification to avoid the allergen altogether.

In severe cases where exposure is likely to occur, such as accidental ingestion in a restaurant or intentional ingestion by a patient with poor compliance with their diet, immunotherapy (oit) may be recommended by select allergists.

This entails gradual introduction of small amounts of the allergen into the patient's system to help their body become accustomed and tolerant over time. ;

Additionally, endoscopic hydrodissection with topical corticosteroids has recently been used as a potential therapy in certain cases of anaphylaxis, although effects have yet to be proven surefire or long term in nature.

Endoscopic hydro-dissection: endoscopic hydro-dissection is a minimally invasive procedure used to help diagnose and manage food allergies. This procedure involves the use of saline and water solution to dissect, identify, and eliminate tissue involved in the allergic reaction. This method can also be used to obtain a sample of the areas affected by allergy for further testing. With endoscopic hydro-dissection, physicians can more accurately diagnose food allergies and identify which foods are causing reactions so they can be avoided in the future.

Best doctors to consult for food allergies?

Allergists: an allergist is a doctor specifically trained to diagnose and treat allergies, asthma, and immunologic disorders. They use skin or blood tests to determine which food (s) is causing an allergic reaction and suggest personalized avoidance strategies.

Gastroenterologists: some gastroenterologists may specialize in food allergies unusually severe cases of food intolerance, which involve gastrointestinal difficulties including vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Dietitians: a dietitian can help patients with food allergies create an appropriate meal plan as well as provide dietary advice on how to make sure the diet includes the essential nutrients yet avoids foods that might trigger an allergy attack.

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Aspergillosis: Signs, Causes and Treatment

MBBS, MD - General Medicine, Junior resident, Senior resident
General Physician, Sawai
Aspergillosis: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Fungus, especially mold, cause an infection known as aspergillosis. Aspergillosis infection causes illness which severely affects the respiratory system. Different illnesses cause different symptoms in the body. ;

The mold that causes the infection is known by the name aspergillus, which is found everywhere inside and outside the living area like a house. There are many strains of mold, among them some are harmless but some cause severe illness to the body. People with weak immune systems can suffer high infection and can go under with diseases like lung disease and asthma.

Spores found in mold cause you asthma. This spores on inhaling through the nose, when they reach inside they trigger an allergic reaction. This reaction leads to mild or serious lung infections. ;

Aspergillosis has many forms of infection or layers of infection depending on to what extent it has gone in the body. Invasive aspergillosis is the serious form, this invasion or infection reaches to blood vessels and to tissues. Due to its variation it is necessary to know a particular type of infection, according to which there will be treatment.

Signs and symptoms: aspergillosis infect body in different form so the illness are of different type, which have different sign and symptoms:

Allergic reaction

People who have earlier asthma or cystic fibrosis tend to have an allergic reaction in the body on getting infected with aspergillus mold. The name given to the appearance of signs and symptoms of such allergic reactions is allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Sign are:

There will be fever

They will cough with blood or mucus.

Earlier asthma will wornsens its condition.


When people have pulmonary / chronic lung disease like emphysema, tuberculosis or advanced sarcoidosis, these diseases create cavities or air spaces inside the lungs. Mostly we can treat it with symptoms. ;

People with such diseases when they get infected with aspergillus mold, spores get inside along with their fungus fiber; this fungus part gets an area to grow inside the cavity caused by pulmonary diseases. As they grow into cavities and transform themselves into tangled masses/ fungus balls.

This fungus ball is known as aspergillomas. Earlier this did not cause any serious symptoms but later on being treated they caused serious symptoms. Earlier sign are of mild cough but later sigh are:

Hemoptysis, a condition in which blood comes while coughing along with the mucus.


Shortness of breath

There will be weight loss

There will be fatigue all the time.

Invasive aspergillosis

Invasive aspergillosis type of infection with the aspergillus mold is of serious type. In this the infection spread from lungs to blood vessels which inturn spread it to brain, heart, kidney and to skin. ;

People who have weak immune systems due to chemotherapy or due to abuse of drugs, transplantation of bone marrow, or hiv or whose immune system got damaged by serious infection, usually get invasive aspergillosis. Insavise form of aspergillosis is the most dangerous form because it can spread anywhere in the body.

The sign and symptoms of invasive aspergillosis are different in different people because it effect on organs differently in people: we may point out the general symptoms, they are:

They will suffer fever and chills.

They will suffer from hemoptysis. Hemoptysis, a condition in which blood comes while coughing along with the mucus.

There will be shortness of breath and if there is asthma it will be severe.

There is heavy pain in chest area.

Headaches or eye pain will be there.

Skin might develop lesions due to infection.

When to see a doctor: people who suffer from asthma or cystic fibrosis make a note of breathing. If there is change in your breathing please see the doctor immediately. People with weak immune systems who have frequent fever with coughs coming with blood and have shortness of breath should visit the doctor. They should not compare it with cold. If invasive aspergillosis is there will symptoms like:

They will suffer fever and chills.

They will suffer from hemoptysis. Hemoptysis, a condition in which blood comes while coughing along with the mucus.

There will be shortness of breath and if there is asthma it will be severe.

There is heavy pain in chest area.

Headaches or eye pain will be there.

Skin might develop lesions due to infection.



When plant or composite matter, plant leaves decay there will be aspergillus mold. We can find it in the grain field. There is an exposure with aspergillus everyday and there is no problem for people who have a healthy immune system.

Usually on inhaling fungus immunity cells target the fungus and destroy them. But people having weak immunity can't do it properly so allowing the fungus to grow and invade more inside leading to invasive and causing serious problems. ;

Medication usually weakens the immunity system. So it spreads deep in the body everywhere but it does not spread from person to person.

Treatment: there are antibiotics and other medication to deal with aspergillosis but for invasive there is little chance to deal with it.


Aspergillus mold causes infection particularly to lungs but when left untreated it does invade inside which is fatal for the patient. There are signs to know but we should be careful especially people with other lung problems. For more information please visit the doctor.


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Natural Remedies for Children's Allergies

Ayurvedic Doctor, Rupnagar
Natural Remedies for Children's Allergies

Have you ever noticed any unusual red spots on your child's skin after they have been playing outside? perhaps your daughter has been sneezing more often since she started petting the neighbor's cat, or your preteen son might have been rubbing his itchy, red eyes after mowing the lawn. ;

If you have observed any of the above mentioned symptoms in your child, it is important to know that they might be related, and there are ways you can help ease your little one's discomfort.


The children with the symptoms described above may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Such an allergic reaction can often be triggered by one or more of the following:



Insect stings

Animal dander

Some foods

Certain medications

When and how does a child develop an allergy?

Allergies can develop in children of any age group, but they are most common after the age of three. Allergies usually occur when the immune system overreacts to a substance. That said, the fact that this process is entirely harmless should also be noted.

What actually happens is that when your child touches, breathes, or eats an allergen, their immune system tends to release histamines, which are basically chemicals that give rise to the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Allergens can cause a range of symptoms in different people, depending on their individual sensitivity and the type of allergen. They can cause not only respiratory problems or skin reactions but also other serious health problems in children.

Symptoms can begin as early as february and last until the end of september, depending on a child's location and what they are allergic to. A number of over-the-counter medications, such as steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines, can help your child during allergy season. Apart from that, there are also some natural diy methods or natural home remedies that may provide relief to your child.

You must note that the following are some of the best natural home remedies that can effectively deal with the most terrible seasonal allergies:

You must protect your child's eyes

Allergy symptoms in the eyes can be very irritating and troublesome for your little one. They might just hate the feeling of itchiness that usually stems from inflammation of the mucous membrane. You must know that mucus membrane covers the inner eyelids as well as the whites of the eyes.

To help combat this inflammation, it is suggested that parents dress their children in sunglasses and hats (with brims) when they go outside, with the aim of protecting their eyes. By doing so, you will not only protect your child's eye from dust, pollen, or even other allergens, but they are also less likely to rub their eyes and aggravate their symptoms.

Make your child try a saline solution

Nasal congestion in children is a common problem, and most parents try over-the-counter remedies before heading to the pediatrician. If your older child is suffering from nasal congestion, you might want to consider trying nasal irrigation with a saline solution.

This process can be carried out by using a store-bought solution or one that is prepared at home. It must be kept in mind that most recipes for homemade solutions call for mixing boiled (or distilled) water with salt that is not iodized. This method flushes out mucus and provides relief. Neti pots are another great option for combating congestion.

Use both cold and hot compresses

When your child has allergies, it can make them feel miserable. But there are many ways in which you can help them ease their symptoms. The best thing you can do is help your child avoid triggers and make them learn about medications or remedies that can help alleviate their symptoms.

You can also find a number of natural home remedies that are known to offer relief in allergy cases. To ease your little one's sinus pressure in a natural way, you must start by rinsing their face to remove any pollen that's causing the problem.

Thereafter, you must put a warm compress on your child's face, either on their nose or forehead. It must be done after you ask them where they exactly feel pressure. Apart from that, you can use an ice pack wrapped in a towel, or, for that matter, a wet, cold washcloth, to relieve your beloved child's itchy eyes.

Attempt to fend off or avoid outdoor allergies

During peak pollen season, try to keep all the windows and doors of your house closed in order to keep the pollen out. Also, make sure your child washes up and changes clothes when they step into the house from outside. Furthermore, in the fall and winter seasons, watch for outdoor mold or weed pollens that might be triggers for your child's allergy.

Handle any allergies existing inside your house

Dust mites are basically small creatures that live and reproduce in dusty environments. They are known to be the root cause of allergies in some people and can also make asthma symptoms worse. However, you must know that there are some special pillow and mattress covers available on the market that can help keep these dust mites away.

If possible, it is best to keep things like rugs, carpets, and drapes out of your child's room, as they are more likely to attract and collect dust. When you do clean, try to do so when your child is not in the room to limit their exposure to harmful chemicals. Another great idea is to limit the number of stuffed animals and wash existing ones frequently in order to reduce the number of dust mites that could potentially trigger allergies.

You can help keep your children safe from mold and dust mites by making sure they don't spend too much time in damp, humid areas. Keep the humidity in your home at 45% or lower to create an environment that is less hospitable for dust mites. It is also important to keep your furry friends out of the bedroom where you sleep so that you don't have to worry about dust mites that might trigger your child's allergies.


It can be very difficult to watch your child suffer through the sniffles and sneezes of seasonal allergies. When you have a child that suffers from allergies, it can be difficult to find the right solutions to their problems. That is why we have created this article, so that you can learn more about the different natural remedies that are available to help treat your children s allergies.

Furthermore, we hope this article has been helpful in giving you some great ideas on how you can relieve your children s allergies and how to keep them healthy and happy throughout the year!

Remedies for irritated skin

MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Delhi
Remedies for irritated skin

Skin irritation is a common problem faced by many in day to day life in the form of rashes, skin infections, itching etc. There are many irritants present in the environment which may cause these problems. Some of these irritants are pollen grains, waste products of animals, moulds etc. It is most commonly observed in the spring and summer season because of excessive sweating. Excessive sweating can trigger the symptoms of the allergic reactions. Some other products which may cause allergic reactions on the skin are certain antibiotics, a few metals, fragrant perfumes or deodorants which may not suit the person etc. Eczema, psoriasis, stress, allergies can result in itchy skin.


Skin irritation may cause certain problems such as rashes which may be blistering, swollen, painful, red in appearance, itchy and might cause a burning sensation.


In this article we have discussed a few remedies to get rid of skin irritation. These include the following -

1- cooling the affected part of the skin itching can be relieved by cooling the affected part of the skin by applying an ice pack or with the help of a wet cloth. It helps to reduce the inflammation or swelling. Another way to cool the affected part is to apply a lotion or moisturiser which has been cooled by keeping it in the refrigerator.


2- apple cider vinegar it has been used from the past for cleaning wounds as a disinfectant and antiseptic as it contains acetic acid. It must be diluted before use and equal amounts of water should be taken and mixed. It is not recommended to apply it on cracked skin as it can cause irritation.

3- moisturisers moisturising the skin is very beneficial for healthy and glowing skin. It helps in hydrating the skin and locking the moisture in it so that they do not get dry. Always use a moisturiser after washing hands or taking a bath as it absorbs well in the skin while the skin is a little damp. Another important thing which should be kept in mind is that you should always select a moisturiser which suits your skin type.


4- baking soda it is a very popular remedy for getting rid of fungal infections as it is known for fighting a wide range of fungal infections. It can be used in two ways either by mixing a few grams of baking soda in warm water with which you will take a bath or by making a paste of it and applying it to the affected areas.

5- menthol menthol is a great cooling agent which is found in the oils derived from the plants of the mint family and its cooling effect helps in soothing inflammation and relieving discomfort due to itchy skin.


6- fenugreek seeds fenugreek seeds are used as herbal medicine in treating swelling of the skin. Studies show that it has properties of treating inflammation and is widely used as a home remedy for skin inflammation.


7- aloe vera gel it is considered as a boon for glowing skin. Applying freshly extracted aloe vera gel on the rashes can help relieve discomfort. Aloe vera gel has various skin benefits and is very easily available in our household. It is also very commonly used for cosmetic purposes

8- oats oats can be used to relieve information of the skin by applying it on the inflamed area after mixing it with honey and curd. It is a very common home remedy but the researchers are insufficient to state whether it is useful or not. ;

9- flax seeds they may be useful in smoothening the skin, helping in soothing the inflammation and can also be included in the diet for skin benefits.


10- sage leaf it contains components which have properties which help in alleviating the inflammation of the skin and is used as a herbal medicine for treatment of mild inflammation.

11- avoiding products which irritate the skin certain things irritate the skin such as skin care products which contain artificial fragrances, hot water, wool, humidity and temperature changes etc. Taking a bath with warm water can wipe off the moisture of the skin leaving the skin dry and itchy. So always use cool water for bathing. Fragranced makeup products can irritate the skin, thus worsening the condition. People who face such problems should use products which do not contain harmful additives. Woollen clothes rub against the skin and cause skin irritation and people who are more sensitive must wear cotton clothes whenever possible as it helps the skin to breathe.


There is no deep research which supports the fact that the above mentioned remedies would surely relieve skin irritation but these remedies are used in common day to day life and have helped many. Further it is advised that you should not use any of the above remedies without consulting a doctor if you have issues related to skin.
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Best Natural Antihistamines

Bsc in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Masters in Food Science and Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Best Natural Antihistamines

Antihistamines are a category of medicines which are useful to help a person to get relieved of the symptoms of various problems due to allergy (symptoms of allergy which an antihistamine can fight are conjunctivitis, hay fever and other reactions to stings and bites of insects), stomach problems, anxiety, cold, etc. This drug becomes very helpful in a condition which arises because of the immune system of our body as it starts to release too much amount of histamine, due to its overactivity with any kind of allergen like pet dander, pollen, etc.


Antihistamine is a medicine which is prescribed as an over the counter medicine which usually acts against the action of this chemical compound named histamine and as the name antihistamine suggests the same that is, anti means against.


As there are so many chemical versions of antihistamines present in the market that will help a person get relieved from any kind of symptoms of allergy, stomach problems, etc but in few cases these medicines can have a side effect on the body of the person. To prevent a person from getting affected by these side effects they can opt for the various natural versions of antihistamine which have zero side effects.

These natural antihistamines are found in natural substances and the effectiveness and safety of these substances can vary but you should know this fact that these substances are very promising. As these natural antihistamines are known to reduce inflammation and provide relief to the person having allergic reactions, here are some natural antihistamines listed below which are very effective and helpful: ;

Stinging nettle: the scientific name of stinging nettle is urtica dioica which is obtained from a shrub and is known to be growing throughout the globe, this substance has been brought under the use of herbal medications from a long period of time. Health providers (ayurvedic and herbal medical practitioners) say that this substance has properties which are very similar to that of antihistamines and this is a promising sign as this can replace the commonly used chemical antihistamine medicine. In case of problems on the skin this substance has to be applied topically that means it is applied directly on the skin but in case of allergies you have to take it orally which means you have to consume it through your mouth. ;

This substance, stinging nettle has hairlike structure present on its leaves which becomes active when it comes into the contact of the skin and causes rash on the skin. For getting effective results you can buy this stinging nettle in different forms like supplements, teas or tinctures for getting relieved from medical problems or mild side effects like fluid retention, diarrhea, stomach issues, sweating, etc. When it is consumed orally (through mouth) it does not impose any kind of serious side effects.

Vitamin c: vitamin c is also known as ascorbic acid and this substance is known for its effectiveness in reducing the severity and the time duration of cold. This substance has antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties which helps in the suppression of the majority of the symptoms of allergy. The symptoms of allergy are found to be highly reduced when this substance, vitamin c is intravenously in the body which means vitamin c is introduced into the body directly through the veins and it is also found that deficiency of vitamin c will have adverse effect on your body and makes your body prone to allergies. ;

Vitamin c can be consumed through supplements present in the market but as far as natural sources are considered it can be obtained through various fruits, vegetables and other food items which are listed below:

Brussels sprouts

Raw red pepper


Raw green pepper

Orange (as a fruit or as a fruit juice)

Grapes (as a fruit or as a fruit juice)

Kiwi fruit



This substance is considered to be safe in usual cases where the dosage of it is controlled or recommended by a doctor and in such conditions this an unlikely event that there will be any kind of side effects at this levels but there are side effects (which are not fatal) when you consume high levels of this substance and high levels consumption of vitamin is known to be interfering with the levels and concentration of other vitamins and minerals present in the body. Some possible side effects which are of mild severity can be digestive issues, cramps in the abdominal region, diarrhea, etc.

Quercetin: this substance has antioxidative properties and is found in plants which are known to have anti allergic and antihistamines effects in them. Response of an allergy is controlled or monitored through a gene and this substance suppresses the activity of this gene. This substance is found in the market as a supplement and it is also found in a lot of natural products (food, vegetables and fruits) which are listed below: ;




Fennel leaves



Spinach and kale

Chili peppers

Cranberry and blueberries


Before you start to consume this substance you should consult with your health provider whether it is healthy for your body or not and discuss the risks associated with it. This substance has some side effects associated with itself like upset stomach and headache and you should avoid the intake of this substance if you are pregnant or you are breastfeeding or people who are suffering from kidney problems.

Probiotics: they are microorganisms which are very helpful to us in so many ways and have various health benefits associated with them like they are known to maintain the balance of healthy bacterias in the stomach of a person. This substance has a property of enhancing and boosting the immune system of the body that plays a very important role in fighting against infections and allergies. ;

Conclusion: ;

Allergies can become very problematic and challenging when it's symptoms has become the worst and in such conditions you need to seek for a doctor's help immediately who is known for treating allergy issues but when the allergy has just begun or it is in the beginning phase then you can use certain supplements which have antihistamine properties that will help you get relieved from the problems caused by the allergy, these antihistamines can also be used in severe cases too for bringing down the intensity and severity of these allergies. You can use natural antihistamines in spite of antihistamines supplements as it reduces the risk of side effects. So the natural antihistamines mentioned above can prove to be very helpful in providing you relief from the symptoms of allergy and treating your allergy without any kind of side effects involved.

Top 10 Homoeopath In Delhi

Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
1. Dr. Sanket gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-sanket-gupta-homeopath

Bhms, md-homeopathy, pgpc - preventive cardiology

13 years experience 500 at clinic 250 online

He is an adept practitioner who works at health care facilities as a pain management and obesity specialist, where he treats patients who suffer from a variety of ailments brought on by their lifestyle choices. He also addresses cardiovascular problems. ;

As a dermatologist, he treats patients suffering from skin conditions such as psoriasis, as well as infections caused by fungi and bacteria. As a rhinologist, he helps patients who suffer from rhinitis as well as oral and throat infections. As a diabetologist, he also treats patients with endocrinological conditions.

As an expert in both anorectal disorders and infectious diseases, he also provides treatment for individuals suffering from haemorrhoids, piles, and fistula. In addition, he is a specialist in internal medicine. As an expert in infertility homoeopathy, he offers his services to couples and individuals who are in need. Patients suffering from headaches and migraines are the focus of his practice.

In 2009, he graduated with a degree of homoeopathic medicine and surgery (bhms) from Dr. B. R. Sur homoeopathic medical college. In 2012, he earned a doctor of homoeopathic medicine (md in homoeopathy) from shri sai nath postgraduate homoeopathic medical college. ;

2. Dr. Mukesh singh

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-mukesh-singh-homeopath-1

B. H. M. S, senior homoeopath consultant

21 years experience 500 at clinic 350 online

He is a well regarded physician who has successfully provided treatment for a number of patients using complicated homoeopathy. As an asthma expert, he also treats patients who suffer from bronchiectasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd). ;

In addition, he assists patients with sleep disorders as a specialist. He is a diabetologist and addresses diseases that are connected to the endocrine system. Another area of expertise that he provides is that of internal medicine. Because of his extensive knowledge of infertility homoeopathy, he offers therapy not just to individuals but also to low-income couples. He also handles cardiovascular disorders.

Patients who come to him with skin disorders such as psoriasis and infections caused by fungus and bacteria are among those he treats in his capacity as a dermatologist. As a specialist in the thyroid, he also treats patients who suffer from goitre, as well as hyper or hypothyroidism.

He also treats individuals who suffer from joint conditions as well as osteomyelitis and pain management. He graduated with a bachelor of homoeopathic medicine and surgery degree from the national institute of homoeopathy, which is recognised by the government of india. ;

3. Dr. A. K. Gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-a-k-gupta-homeopath-1 

Md (homoeopathy), dhms

45 years experience 700 1200 at clinic 300 online 

He is an immunologist working as an asthma expert, and is well-known for helping several patients with complex allergic reactions. In addition, he has experience as a homoeopath. In 2005, he graduated first in his class from sai nath homoeopathic medical college in allahabad with a master of medicine in homoeopathy.

In addition, in 1977, he earned a dhms from nehru homoeopathic medical college in delhi. Additionally, since 1999, he has served as a consultant at akgs ovihams homoeopathy clinics, where he has earned acclaim as a physician and earned credentials from prestigious medical organisations.

At this moment, he is the director of akgs ovihams homoeopathy clinics and its founding director. In recognition of his skill as a compassionate physician and his many other achievements, he has received several honours, including the lord dhanvantari award and the global healthcare excellence award. The bharat excellence award is another honour he has received. 

4. Dr. Madhav shyam nano

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-madhav-shyam-manohar-homeopath 

Bhms, mbahcs, b. Sc. In biology 

31 years experience 200 at clinic 150 online

Through his many years of service as a homoeopath, he has helped many patients and changed the way perfection is defined. He treats patients with haemorrhoids, piles, and fistula since he is a specialist in both anorectal illnesses and infectious infections. Migraine and headache sufferers are among the patients he helps.

He's an excellent doctor who specialises in pain management and obesity, and he works in rehabilitation centres, where he treats people with a wide range of conditions that stem from their own bad decisions. He earned his bhms from Dr. Bhimrao ambedkar university, agra in 1995, his mbahcs from sikkim manipal university in 2012, and his b. S. C in biology from st. Andrews college, gorakhpur in 1991, also among other degrees and credentials in the medical field.

5. Dr. Hemant kumar mittal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-hemant-kumar-mittal-homeopath 


14 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online

Through his years of hard work as a talented and committed medical practitioner, Dr. Mittal has revolutionised the quality of treatment for patients. He received his bhms from nehru homeopathic medical college in delhi in 2008, and today he is also well-known as a trustworthy and committed relationship counsellor.

6. Dr. Mrs. Neeraj gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-mrs-neeraj-gupta-homeopath-1 

Bhms, md homeopathy, certificate in gynecology & obstetrics, ph. D. Homeopathy

24 years of experience 300 at clinic 500 online

Because of her success in treating patients with severe conditions, she has earned a stellar reputation as a medical professional. As a homoeopath, she holds a degree in medicine from the national homoeopathic medical college in lucknow, india, which she earned in 1998. Additionally, her doctorate is in homoeopathy. She has a ph. D. In homoeopathy from tantia university and a certificate in gynaecology and obstetrics from the united states.

Additionally, she has worked as a junior doctor at the prestigious balrampur hospital in lucknow, where she obtained expertise as a reputable physician in the profession. She was a consultant at the national homoeopathic medical college & hospital as well. She also works as a house officer at the snm medical center. As a gynaecologist, she has experience working in the private sector.

She is a senior homoeopath at gupta computerised homoeopathic clinic and a junior gynaecologist at bansal nursing home, and she has won several honours for her work, including the Dr. Jugal kishor award, for her compassionate and skilled approach to medicine. She has senior memberships in the homoeopathic medical association of india (hmai), the south delhi homoeopathic association (sdha), and the liga medicorum homeopathica internationalis (lmhi).

7. Dr. Sumit dhawan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-sumit-dhawan-homeopath 

Bhms, md in homeopathy

17 years experience 700 at clinic

He has a stellar reputation as a physician and has treated several patients with complex conditions. His formal medical training includes a bachelor of homoeopathic medicine and science (bhms) from guru gobind singh indraprastha university (2005) and a doctor of science (md) in homeopathy at ssnpgih, allahabad (2013). 

As the owner & consultant physician of Dr. Dhawan's medicentre, he has amassed a wealth of expertise as a well-respected medical professional working with prestigious organisations. At the multispecialty wellness centre, where he works, he has a stellar reputation among patients and colleagues alike. 

Based on his qualifications as a skilled and compassionate physician and his noteworthy accomplishments, he has been invited to serve as a senior visiting consultant physician at bnk hospital in chattarpur. 

8. Dr. Prachi goel

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-prachi-goel-homeopath 

Bhms, md 

13 years experience 500 at clinic 300 online

As a skilled physician practising homoeopathy, she focuses on hospitals and other treatment centres. She holds a bhms from nehru homoeopathic medical college, delhi, and an md from shree guru nanak dev homoeopathic medical college & hospital, both from 2009 and 2012, respectively, giving her a wealth of expertise in the medical field. 

Her background as a junior doctor at nehru homoeopathic medical college and hospital homoeopathy gives her a wealth of knowledge in the area at progressive homoeopathy clinic. She is a seasoned member of the progressive homoeopathic society, where she contributes to a number of seminars and academic articles.

9. Dr. Swati

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-swati-homeopath 


7 years experience 500 at clinic

Many have benefited from her expertise as a physician, and she has earned a stellar reputation as a result. She treats people who have issues with their nose and throat by acting as a rhinologist. While specialising in diabetes care, she also treats endocrine-related disorders. 

Because she is well-versed in both anorectal illnesses and infectious infections, she is able to treat patients suffering from conditions including haemorrhoids, piles, and fistula.

She also looks into heart issues. She is a dermatologist who helps people with fungal and bacterial skin illnesses like psoriasis. She graduated in 2015 with a bhms from pt. B d sharma postgraduate institute of medical sciences, rohtak, where she studied and interned. 

She has worked as a homoeopathic consultant and chief executive officer at harmony homoeopathic healing, where her competence as a gentle and caring doctor has earned her several accolades. She has developed a reputation as a known health practitioner through prestigious organisations.

10. Dr. Seema bali

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-seema-bali-homeopath 

Md homoeopathy, bhms

37 years experience 0 350 at clinic 100 online 

As a seasoned doctor and skilled homoeopath, she focuses on providing care in institutional settings. She treats patients with haemorrhoids, piles, and fistula since she is a specialist in both infectious illnesses and anorectal ailments. She treats psoriasis and other dermatological issues, as well as fungal and bacterial infections. She earned her md in homoeopathy from bakson homoeopathic medical college in 2006, and her bhms from nehru homoeopathic medical college in delhi in 1985.

She is an accomplished homoeopathic doctor who has worked at prestigious clinics like valeda skin and hair clinic to build her reputation in the medical community. In addition to her work at Dr. Seema bali personal clinic (1985 to 1995), she practised homoeopathy at sai bio skin institute (1995-2010). She has been honoured with the pride of country award, a gold medal, bharat ratna award, and a global fashion millennium award for her contributions to the field of electrology by the american electrology association.

Top 10 General Physician In Pune

MBBS, MD - General Medicine
General Physician, Pune
1. Dr. Shivram bhonagiri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-shivram-bhonagiri-general-physician

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, general physician, pune

39 years experience 400 - 500 at clinic

Doctor shivram has been practising medicine for the past 39 years as a general practitioner and has helped a great number of patients who suffered from severe and complicated conditions. He received his prestigious education in the form of an undergraduate degree in the field of mbbs in 1983 and a postgraduate degree in the field of md from internal medicine at b. J. Medical college pune in 1987. ;

He went on to work in the fields of gastroenterology, psychiatry, and other related fields. He is well-respected within the indian medical association, where he serves as both a member and a senior speaker (ima).

2. Dr. Arunesh dutt upadhyay

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-arunesh-dutt-upadhyay-general-physician

Mbbs, md - aerospace medicine, eular certification in rheumatology

36 years experience 500 at clinic

He has been a doctor for 36 years. He is well-known for his work as both a cosmetic dermatologist and a cardiologist, among other specialties in medicine. In1986, he received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree in the clinical field from pune university. In 1993, he received his doctor of medicine degree in aerospace medicine from the institute of aerospace medicine at bangalore university. A european certification in rheumatology was granted to him by eular in the year 2000. ;

For his meritorious and peaceful service, he has worked as a medical officer in the indian air force and as an aviation medicine specialist at Dr. Upadhyay's clinic. The air force chief of staff recognised him as a top leader and gave him the prestigious rank of commanding officer. Both the indian society of aerospace medicine and the maharashtra medical council count him as a prominent member and speaker.

3. Dr. Amar raykantiwar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-amar-raykantiwar-general-physician

D (diabetology), afih, dnb (f. Medicine), mbbs, general physician, pune

15 years experience 300 at clinic 300 online

In his 15 years of experience as a general practitioner in pune, he has helped patients with a wide range of endocrine conditions, both as a diabetologist and as a specialist in internal medicine. As a sexologist, he has also worked with patients to address a variety of conditions related to sexual and psychosexual issues. In addition to his reputation as an obesity specialist, he is a dermatologist who treats a wide variety of lifestyle diseases and conditions affecting the hair follicles. ;

In 2007, he received his bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery degree at s. V. N. Gmc in yavatmal. Both skn medical college and apollo hospitals' suburban diagnostics general physician departments have benefited from his expertise as a consultant throughout his tenure there.

His contributions to the american diabetes association are significant (ada). In addition to his work with the american association of endodontists, he is the author of a number of research articles that have been published by the idf.

4. Dr. Rahul sanap

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-rahul-sanap-general-physician ;


12 years experience 200 at clinic 300 online

Since 2002, doctor rahul has been practising medicine in the field of general medicine in the city of pune. As an immunologist or an allergist, he is well-versed in the process of chemical sensing, and he has successfully treated hundreds of patients who have suffered from skin conditions or allergic reactions. 

He has previous experience in both the field of dermatology surgery and the field of hair transplantation. In addition to that, laser treatment is another field in which he is renowned to excel. As a sexologist, in addition to his work in the field of dermatology, he treats patients who suffer from a variety of sexual dysfunctions. 

In addition to this, he is a treatment head in the field of oncology, where he treats conditions such as melanoma, eczema, and skin cancer. In his role as an std expert for women, he is also responsible for managing treatment operations. In 2010, he graduated with an mbbs degree from the gmc latur, and he has previous experience working as a general physician in a public hospital. 

5. Dr. Amit sakaria

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-amit-sakaria-general-physician 

Mbbs, md - general medicine, general physician, pune

25 years experience 500 - 600 at clinic

Dr. Amit is a general physician who has spent the last 25 years practising in pune. Trichology is one of his particular areas of expertise. In addition, he has helped hundreds of patients who were suffering from genital or metabolic conditions that caused hair loss. Some of these conditions include pattern baldness, alopecia keratosis, protein insufficiency, or vitamin d3 deficiency. In addition to this, he treats individuals who suffer from a variety of other immunodeficiency illnesses. In 1997, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in medicine from shri b m patil medical college & research center, and in 2010, he earned a master's degree in medicine from krishna institute of medical sciences in karad. 

6. Dr. Subhash divekar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-subhash-divekar-general-physician 

Certificate in basic course on diabetes management

9 years experience 300 at clinic 200 online

Doctor subhash has been in pune for nine years, providing medical skills to people. He has worked as a family physician, allergist, dermatologist, and sexologist, treating a variety of ailments. He's also been an endocrinologist. 

In 2013, he obtained his clinical skills by completing a certificate in basic course on diabetes management from abide at biocon. He has been a family physician at private hospital, haliyal, district uttar kannada for over 43 years.

7. Dr. Abhijeet baldota

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhijeet-baldota-general-physician 

Mbbs, md - general medicine

22 years experience 700 at clinic

Doctor abhijeet is employed in the field of medicine, where he provides service to patients and treats conditions like hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism. He is an endocrinologist in addition to being an expert in thyroid conditions, and he works with endocrine issues. 

He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in the form of an mbbs from the b j medical college in ahmedabad in the year 2000 and an md from the government medical college in aurangabad in the year 2007. During his time there, he held the position of managing director of alloveda clinic. In addition to that, he completed a course in diabetology and received a diploma. He is also well-known inside the maharashtra medical council, where he serves as a member.

8. Dr. Abhay a mali

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhay-a-mali-general-physician 

Mbbs, diploma in diabetology

17 years experience 700 at clinic 250 online

Doctor mali is a physician in pune with 17 years of experience treating endocrine diseases. He obtained his medical competence through graduating in medicine by getting an mbbs from mumbai university in 2005. He is also a senior member of the maharashtra medical council and holds a diploma in diabetology from mumbai university from 2011.

9. Dr. Abhinav mohindra

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-abhinav-mohindra-general-physician 

Mbbs, dnb (general medicine)

4 years experience 150 at clinic 400 online 

Internal medicine is his speciality, and he has been practising in the pune community and surrounding areas for the past four years after receiving his education from prestigious universities. He earned his mbbs in 2018 from the reputed adesh institute of dental sciences research and his dnb in general medicine in 2022 from the esteemed ruby hall clinic in pune. 

10. Dr. Salma siddiqui

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/pune/doctor/dr-salma-siddiqui-general-physician 

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery,

18 years experience 400 at clinic 350 online

She has been working in the medical sector for the last 18 years and her home is in pune. She attended rajiv gandhi university of health sciences in bangalore, india, for her undergraduate education and earned the degree of mbbs, which stands for bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, in the year 2004. Additionally, in 2006, she received a postgraduate degree in general medicine from medical trust hospital in kerala, and in 2008, she received a clinical fellowship in critical care from indraprastha apollo hospitals. 

She has experience working as a general practitioner at swasthya clinic, as well as in the states of kerala and karnataka, where she has previously practised medicine. She is also recognised as a member of the european society of intensive care medicine (esicm) and is included on the roster of the indian medical association. In addition, she is a known member of the indian medical association (ima).
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Top 10 Pulmonologist In Bangalore

Pulmonologist, Bangalore
1. Dr. Vaibhavi Patel
MBBS, DNB - Respiratory Medicine
21 Years Experience 500 - 600 at clinic 300 online
Dr. Vaibhavi Patel is a reputed and respected pulmonologist. At present, she is working at Vidyaranyapura, MS Palya, and Yelahanka in Bangalore. In her 21 years of experience as a pulmonologist, she has cured patients with chest pain, breathlessness, asthma, bronchitis, COPD (ARDS), bronchoscopy, mesothelioma, sleep disorders, pulmonary embolism, hypertension, allergic reactions, interstitial lung disease, tuberculosis, etc.

She has done MBBS, a Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases (DTCD), and also a DNB in Respiratory Medicine. As a professor at Sapthagiri medical college, She is also known as a senior member of the IMA.

2. Dr. Hirennappa Udnur
19 Years Experience 500 at clinic 500 online
Dr. Hirennappa Udnur is an experienced pulmonologist who is currently working at Columbia Asia Hebbal in Hebbal, Bangalore. He has been practicing as a pulmonologist for the last 19 years. He has done MBBS, DTCD, DNB, and FCCP (USA).

He treats patients with diseases like COPD, emphysema, asthma, pleural effusion, lung fibrosis, bronchitis, etc. and the results are effective. As an interventional respiratory expert in Bangalore and also at Baptist Hospital, He has memberships in IMA, ATS, ERS, ISCCM, ICS, IAB, and IDSA.

3. Dr. Amrut Sindhu
13 Years Experience 300 - 600 at clinic 600 online
Dr. Amrut Sindhu is a well-known and trusted pulmonologist. He is currently working in Kempapura, Bangalore. In her 13 years of practice as a pulmonologist, she has helped many of her patients with respiratory complications. She has done MBBS, and completed her DAA and DNB.

The facilities provided by her are Asthma Specialist, Allergist, Immunologist, Chest Physician, and Pulmonologist. He has worked as a consultant pulmonologist and allergist at Aster CMI hospital. He is also among the members of FCCP, DAA, and ERS.

4. Dr. Vishwajith S.M. Murthy
MBBS, D.N.B in Respiratory Diseases, D.T.C.D
16 Years Experience 450 at clinic 250 online
Dr. Vishwajith S.M. Murthy is known as an expert pulmonologist. He has wide experience in handling and treating respiratory failures, tuberculosis, forms of shocks, TB, infections of the lungs, and also critically admitted patients who are facing ventilators. At present, he is residing at Sagar Hospital, KumaraSwamy Layout in Bangalore.

In his 16 years of experience as a pulmonologist, he has given successful treatments to his patients with lung infections like TB, asthma, pleural effusion, etc. He is a qualified MBBS, D.N.B in respiratory diseases, and D.T.C.D.

5. Dr. Anusha Cm
MD - Pulmonary Medicine, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
7 Years Experience 400 online
Dr. Anusha Cm is a trusted and reputed practitioner, currently working with Mfine Healthcare, Bangalore as a Consultant Pulmonologist. With more than 7 years of experience in this field, she has worked with NABH accredited hospitals like Dr. Prabhakar Hospital, Spectrum Diagnostics Multi Speciality Hospital, and more in the past. She is identified by most of her patients as a reputed doctor for respiratory diagnosis and treatment.

She has an expert practice as an allergist, specialist in critical care, interventional pulmonologist, and somnologist (sleep specialist). Not only this, but she has also experienced working as a junior resident at Kles Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital.

6. Dr. Md Majeed Pasha
MBBS, MD - TB & Chest
13 Years Experience 450 at clinic 300 online
Dr. Md. Majeed Pasha is known as a trusted pulmonologist working at Fortis Nagarbhavi in Bangalore. With an experience of more than 13 years as a pulmonologist, he has treated many of his patients with successful results. He has completed MBBS, MD-TB & Chest. He has successfully treated patients with T.B., asthma, pleural effusion, bronchial inflammation, pneumonia, and lower and upper respiratory problems.

His patients feel so satisfied after one or two sittings with Dr. Md. Majeed Pasha that they further recommend him to other patients nearby. So, if you are experiencing any lung or respiratory symptoms or problems, simply schedule an appointment or visit his clinic for a complete cure.

7. Dr. K S Satish
MBBS, MD - Medicine
41 Years Experience 700 - 850 at clinic
Dr. K S Satish is a renowned and well-trusted pulmonologist. He is currently working at Vikram Hospital in Vasant Nagar in Bangalore. He has helped many of his patients in his 41 years of service till now as a respiratory disorder specialist.

He is known for his excellent experience of treating patients with COPD, lung fibrosis, pneumonia, emphysema, asthma, and pleural effusion. His kind words and counseling started healing you even before the medicine did. So just close your eyes and book an appointment for him if you need an experienced doctor and also for your own good.

8. Dr. Srilata Purunaik
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Pulmonary Medicine
12 Years Experience 800 at clinic
Dr. Srilata Purunaik is an experienced pulmonologist who is currently working in Bengaluru as an assistant professor at the department of chest and tuberculosis, Bangalore. In her 12 years of marked experience, she has treated many patients with effective results and also sterling achievements in her field.

She has worked as a resident pulmonologist at JSS Medical College and hospital, as an assistant professor at the Department of Pulmonology at BGGS Global Institute as Managing Director and Consultant, and as a respiratory medicine expert at Swasthi Orthopedic and Respiratory Health Care. She was also awarded a silver sponsorship award by the European Respiratory Society.

9. Dr. Bhimasen Rao
MBBS, DNB - Respiratory Disease, FHM, EDRM
28 Years Experience 1150 at clinic
Dr. Bhimasen Rao is an experienced respiratory medicine expert and is currently working in Vasanth Nagar. In his 28 years of practice as a lower respiratory tract expert, he has treated his patients successfully with effective results.

He has gained an MBBS, DNB in Respiratory Diseases, EDRM, and FHM. Other areas of his treatment include dentofacial orthopedics. His areas of expertise include asthma treatment, COPD management, and pneumonia management. He is among the doctors of choice for many patients who have been successfully cured by his magical hands and knowledge.

10. Dr. Sudharshan K S
MBBS, Diploma in Tuberculosis and chest diseases, PG Diploma in Respiratory Medicine
13 Years Experience 600 at clinic 300 online
Dr. Sudharshan is a pulmonologist who is currently working in Sanjay Nagar in Bangalore. He treats patients of every age group suffering from lung infections and breathing difficulties. In his 13 years of experience as a respiratory medicine practitioner, he has treated many of his patients successfully with effective results. He has completed MBBS, Diploma in Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases, DNB, and a PG Diploma in Respiratory Medicine.

Treatment areas provided by him are Asthma specialists and also Allergy specialists, COPD Specialists, and Interventional pulmonologists. So when it comes to lung infection, don't panic. Just make an appointment with Dr. Sudharshan KS and see his magical results with your own eyes.
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Food Intolerance in Children - 5 Reasons Behind it

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
Food Intolerance in Children - 5 Reasons Behind it
Sometimes, during consumption of certain food items many children get itchy throat, eyes, ears, asthma, sneezing, rashes, diarrhea and eczema. This can be due to food intolerance in children. It is a form of allergic disease in children. Every 1 out of 10 children suffer from food intolerance. These days, food allergies are becoming more and more common in children who are allergic to nuts, milk and eggs. In some cases it can also be life threatening. This condition is known as anaphylaxis. Milk and egg allergies are more common throughout the world.

Symptoms of food intolerance:


Your bowels start becoming irritable.

Stomach starts to ache.

Cough and cold is a common symptom.

Itchy skin rash

Causes of food intolerance in children:

There are enzymes in your body, which help you to digest the food you consume. Some enzymes in your body are insufficient; which further causes food intolerance in children. For instance, lactose intolerance causes spasms, stomach aches, diarrhea and so on so forth.

Food intolerance can also be caused due to chemicals, such as chemicals present in coffee, tea, cheese and chocolates.

Some food products can also cause food intolerance such as undercooked beans containing aflatoxins can cause extreme stomach infections in children.

Some children are also intolerant to certain food products which have salicylates such as majority of fruits, vegetables, herbs and also additives. Processed food contains a high amount of salicylates.

Children can be allergic to antioxidants like artificial food coloring, artificial flavouring and preservatives.

What to do if you think your child has food intolerance?

Take your child for a skin prick test. In this test, the skin is pricked with a thin needle and when the blood oozes out, supplements of different food products are put in that area. If that particular area becomes reddish and begins to itch, your child has allergy to that certain food product

A blood test should be done. It verifies the level of lgE present in your blood and finds out if your child is suffering from food intolerance or not. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a doctor.
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Diaper Rash - Some Common Questions Regarding It?

Dermatologist, Kolkata
Diaper Rash - Some Common Questions Regarding It?
Here are a few questions which every new mother wants to know when they have a diaper rash:

1)Should the baby's diet be changed during a diaper rash?

Certain food items such as fruit juices can lead to diarrhea in babies. This can lead to a diaper rash. When new food is introduced or antibiotics are given then that might also affect the digestion.

2)Are teething and diaper rash related?

As per dermatologists, the two have nothing in common though they might occur at the same time.

3)What ointment should be used for diaper rash?

Ointments like zinc oxide can provide relief in diaper rash. A thick layer should be applied on the skin to keep away irritants. If all of it rubbed off then it might cause pain.

4)Are cloth diapers an alternative?

The fact is that there is no proof that a cloth diaper might be better than the other diaper in case of a rash. In case disposable diapers are used then care should be taken to change them frequently as rashes can occur due to a moist environment. If the baby is allergic to a particular brand then changing the same could prove to be helpful. Diapers induced with fragrances and dyes can cause allergic reactions. Babies who are allergic to disposable diapers can do better with cloth ones, though they should be changed frequently. The rule is one diaper per hour so the needful should be done.

5)Which wipes are best for a baby in case of a sore bottom?

In case of a diaper rash a mild, fragrant free wipe should be used. A product with minimum products should be used. Wipes which are labeled as hypoallergenic or sensitive skin should be used.
If the baby poops then the baby should be cleaned with a cloth and water. A wet washcloth should be used and later some mineral oil should be applied on the bottoms.

6)What should be done if nappy rash extends to the other parts?

In case there are red spots and patches outside the nappy area then the baby might be suffering from infection. If this happens then consult your doctor.

7)What should be done to give relief to the baby?

The best thing to do is that the baby's bottom should get some air. Leave the baby without a diaper, as this gives his skin a break from the rubbing, and germs which might be present in wet places like a diaper. Application of zinc oxide pastes provides relief to a baby.

8)How long does the rash last?

Maximum 3 days.
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