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Allergy shrimp Test

Allergy shrimp Test

also known as: shellfish allergy

If a person body does not accept shrimp as food instead it thinks it as toxic substance and secrets the antibodies against the toxic (here it refers to shrimp). It results in the symptoms such as itching, irritation, scaling, skin scraping, nausea, diarrhea or vomiting, Swelling of neck and thickening of tongue. Early days the test was like pricking the allergic material into the body and tested for reaction. But now, drawing out some blood sample from a person and external testing of injecting allergic material to it and checking for reaction of blood to the allergic substance is followed.

The Shrimp Allergy test requires the person's blood. Worldwide, There are persons who admitted in hospital for emergency is due to allergy. It is necessary to understand the person's health before drawing the blood. Check if the person is hydrated well. Allergic reaction may cause dizziness too. Ask questions to person that if shrimp is directly taken or due to other products that has shrimp in it. If the patient brings the label of food or medicine the other suspicious substance can also be tested. No fasting is required for this test. Syringe, blood collector must be kept ready.

The test results may help a person to be cautious about the diet. On early checking emergency situations can be avoided. This Allergy test help person from going to adverse conditions like anaphylaxis. Blood test can be made for more than one type of food type and help the person to be cautious. It helps doctors to suggest the medicine based on allergic reactions to the patient for other diseases. If a person suffers from allergic reaction, it is better to check the person's child and avoid the food in early stage itself.

This test requires a tube of blood sample. Make the person sit or lay down comfortably Find the blood vein in the person's arm. If it is not visible ask the person to show the fist to constrict the arm. Tie a Bank around arm to make the vein visible constantly. Rub the vein with cleansing pad and insert the syringe carefully into the vein and draw out some blood. Once the required amount of blood sample collected, take it to lab for testing. Put a plaster on the person's arm where to stop bleeding.

3.5ml gold top tube container
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Allergy shrimp
All age groups
Rs 900- Rs 2000

Table of Content

What is Allergy shrimp Test?
Preparation for Allergy shrimp Test
Uses of Allergy shrimp Test
Procedure for Allergy shrimp Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Allergy shrimp Test
Price for Allergy shrimp Test

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