Monsoon is happily welcomed by one and all after a hot summer. But the immunity of the body is reduced in this season as it makes our body defenceless to a lot of diseases that are generally associated with the monsoon season. The temperature at a place goes down when it rains, but it brings along uninvited mosquitoes. Hence, our body immunity must be boosted so that it becomes resistant to any disease. The most prevalent diseases that occur due to a mosquito bite are dengue, malaria, brain fever and filaria.
Methods to treat mosquito bites in monsoon
Water stagnation is caused due to rain and the stagnated water acts as an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes. Even any pond with still water can produce mosquitoes easily in just 4 days. Mosquito coils and repellents are not that very effective, and they cannot captivate these invaders totally. It is best to make use of home remedies that are helpful as well as harmless than using mosquito repellants that contain chemicals in them.
Effective and simple remedies to treat mosquito bites
The after effects of mosquito bites are not only annoying but also very harmful and it is better that mosquito bites are treated by use of home remedies:
1. The most effective anti-itch remedy that can be used to treat a mosquito bite is the use of Ammonia. The acidity or the pH of the skin is changed and ammonia is known to oppose chemical reactions that cause the itching. Dry cotton can be moistened by use of Ammonia and applied to the affected area.
2. The other effective method that can be used to treat a mosquito bite is rubbing alcohol on the affected area. Alcohol cures the itch and is even known to minimize the swelling. Alcohol can be poured directly on the affected area or can be applied with cotton.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent antiseptic that is used to prevent any infection caused due to mosquito bites. It is very important that Hydrogen Peroxide is applied in the right way to reduce the swelling and redness. It is an effective remedy that can be used for kids as well.
4. Soap can also be applied to the affected area to provide relief and in case of any irritation, it is better to wash off the area with water immediately.
5. To minimize the discomfort caused due to a mosquito bite, toothpaste can be applied to that area. Toothpaste that contains menthol, peppermint as well as baking soda is good for treating a mosquito bite.
There are many other such products that are readily available at home and that can be used to treat mosquito bites like garlic, table salt, ketchup, garlic and cocktail sauce.
Monsoon is happily welcomed by one and all after a hot summer. But the immunity of the body is reduced in this season as it makes our body defenseless to a lot of diseases that are generally associated with the monsoon season. The temperature at a place goes down when it rains, but it brings along uninvited mosquitoes. Hence, our body immunity must be boosted so that it becomes resistant to any disease. The most prevalent diseases that occur due to a mosquito bite are dengue, malaria, brain fever and filaria.
Methods to treat mosquito bites in monsoon: Water stagnation is caused due to rain and the stagnated water acts as an excellent breeding ground for mosquitoes. Even any pond with still water can produce mosquitoes easily in just 4 days. Mosquito coils and repellents are not that very effective, and they cannot captivate these invaders totally. It is best to make use of home remedies that are helpful as well as harmless than using mosquito repellants that contain chemicals in them.
Effective and simple remedies to treat mosquito bites:
The after effects of a mosquito bites are not only annoying, but also very harmful and it is better that mosquito bites are treated by use of home remedies:
There are many other such products that are readily available at home and that can be used to treat mosquito bites like garlic, table salt, ketchup, garlic and cocktail sauce.
Who would not like to have a mane of shiny, healthy and beautiful hair?
But unfortunately very few people are granted this wish. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the people who are granted this wish do not value this gift and end up losing it.
The everyday stress and the increasing pollution are the two biggest enemies of the hair and if you do not take proper as well as good care of your hair, regardless of whether you are blessed with lovely tresses, you would surely lose it in no time at all.
Hence it is important to care for your hair if you want to have hair that would indeed be your crowning glory.
One of the biggest hair problems faced by people today all over the world is the problem of premature graying of hair.
Even children as small as ten year olds are suffering from this problem.
Apart from the above-stated reasons of stress and pollution there can be other various reasons for this problem as well the other reasons are:
1. Anemia
2. Effects of Drugs
3. Hormonal Imbalances
4. Hypo or Hyperthyroidism and Malnutrition.
The hairs are colored by melanin which are injected into each hair follicle by the melanocytes cells located at the roots of each hair stands.
The above mentioned reasons cause these melanocytes cells to stop injecting melanin, causing the hairs to turn grey or completely white.
The most important step to preventing this from happening or from curing this problem is to first find out the reason behind the graying of your hair.
It would be much easier to find a solution once the reason is known. And for knowing the reason it would be best if you consult a specialist since a professional would know the best way to deal with this problem. Coloring your hair with ammonia based chemical hair colors would not only provide no solution at all but would actually aggravate the problem. Hence instead of visiting a hair salon to cover the gray hairs, visit a specialist clinic to solve the problem permanently. If there are no other ways than to color your hair, then make sure you opt for natural hair dyes like henna instead of the chemical dyes that contains harmful ammonia. After all it would not be practical to invite another hair problem like hair loss while trying to get rid of gray hairs.
Who would not like to have a mane of shiny, healthy and beautiful hair?
But unfortunately, very few people are granted this wish. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the people who are granted this wish do not value this gift and end up losing it.
The everyday stress and the increasing pollution are the two biggest enemies of the hair and if you do not take proper as well as good care of your hair, regardless of whether you are blessed with lovely tresses, you would surely lose it in no time at all.
Hence it is important to care for your hair if you want to have hair that would indeed be your crowning glory.
Premature Graying of hair is a common problem -
One of the biggest hair problems faced by people today all over the world is the problem of premature graying of hair. Even children as small as ten-year-olds are suffering from this problem.
Apart from the above-stated reasons of stress and pollution, there can be other various reasons for this problem as well; the other reasons being anemia, effects of drugs, hormonal imbalances, hypo or hyperthyroidism and malnutrition.
The hairs are colored by melanin which is injected into each hair follicle by the melanocytes cells located at the roots of each hair stands.
The above-mentioned reasons cause these melanocytes cells to stop injecting melanin, causing the hairs to turn grey or completely white.
Chemical hair colors would lead to hair loss
The most important step to preventing this from happening or from curing this problem is to first find out the reason behind the graying of your hair.
It would be much easier to find a solution once the reason is known. And for knowing the reason it would be best if you consult a specialist since a professional would know the best way to deal with this problem.
Coloring your hair with ammonia-based chemical hair colors would not only provide no solution at all but would actually aggravate the problem.
Hence instead of visiting a hair salon to cover the gray hairs, visit a specialist clinic to solve the problem permanently.
If there are no other ways than to color your hair, then make sure you opt for natural hair dyes like henna instead of the chemical dyes that contain harmful ammonia.
After all, it would not be practical to invite another hair problem like hair loss while trying to get rid of gray hairs.
Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease of the liver that attacks a person when their immune system turns against their liver cells. This condition leads to a dysfunctional liver, which may cause disorders related to the organ. It is not known as to what causes this disease but specific genes are believed to be the reason behind autoimmune hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis manifests in the form of necrosis (death of living cells of the liver), hepatocellular inflammation, and later on also culminates in cirrhosis (scarring of the liver).
A number of women than men are affected by autoimmune hepatitis. The signs and symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis include weakness, weight loss, fever, belly pain, diarrhea, skin rashes, edema, and yellowing of skin or eyes. There is no permanent cure for autoimmune hepatitis and it can be only managed with medicines. There are allopathic medicines to keep the disease under control but they have been found to have side effects. These side effects are not gentle on the body and if one wants to avoid them then Ayurvedic remedies come forward as the ideal option.
Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease that can be managed with Ayurvedic remedies but one also needs to make lifestyle changes to keep body’s immunity in good shape. Abstinence from alcohol, smoking, and spicy foods are beneficial and so is regular exercise and plenty of water intake. These steps automatically increase the immunity of the body and thus, keeps the disease in check. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
Influenza and its homoeopathic therapeutics
● influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus.
● symptoms can be mild to severe.
● the most common symptoms include: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling tired.
● these symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week.
● the cough, however, may last for more than two weeks.
● in children, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, but these are not common in adults.
● diarrhea and vomiting occur more commonly in gastroenteritis, which is an unrelated disease and sometimes inaccurately referred to as" stomach flu" or the" 24-hour flu.
● complications of influenza may include viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems such as asthma or heart failure.
● Ars. Alb: It is the head remedy for influenza. Even if it is given indiscriminately, it cures 95 per cent of cases. Its indications are- restlessness with thirst for small quantities of water at short intervals, sneezing, running from the nose which is thin and acrid. It may be tried in post- influenza symptoms when carbo veg. Fails.
● Sulphur: It is inter-current remedy which should never be forgotten in the treatment of influenza. If the temperature does not subside within 48 hours, this remedy should be given in 200 dilution on empty stomach early in the morning. It may complete the cure or help in the selection of other remedies by clearing up the symptoms. When this remedy is administered, no other medicine should be given for at least 12 hours.
● Gelsemium: It should be thought of in early stages of flu. It has sneezing, frequent and violent chilliness up and down the back, face flushed, dark red; watery discharge from the nose which is bland (non-irritant). Aching pain in the muscles. No thirst but severe headache.
● Eupatorium perf: It is indicated in fever with chill followed by vomiting of bile. Shivering runs down the back and spreads to extremities. There is deep pain in the bones relieved by pressure and movement. Thirst, but water tastes saltish or oily. Coryza with sneezing, hoarseness and loose cough. Dryness of the body.
● Bryonia: It is indicated when flu is complicated with pneumonia. There are shooting pains in muscles which are aggravated (increased) by least movement. Dry hacking cough causing much pain in the lungs and chest. Sweating of the body.
● Kali bich: It is for cough after fever which is not dry. Sticky phlegm which can be drawn into a thread. There is weakness, ulceration of the mucus membrane of the nose, dryness with pain at the root of the nose and clinkers.
● Nat. Sulph: It is specific for epidemic influenza.
● Rhus tox: It is helpful in flu with constant chilliness as if cold water was poured over the body or as if the blood ran cold through the veins, with pains in limbs. Restlessness and the patient tosses about which gives relief. The tongue is dry with triangular tip. Hard tickling cough.
● Dulcamara: One of the best remedies in acute form. Eyes suffused, throat sore; cough hurts due to muscular soreness, brought on by wet or change to cold weather.
● Causticum: High fever, flushed face, no chilliness, much prostration, could hardly get out of bed. Nose stopped, coryza free, watery. Hoarseness. Dry hacking cough which is persistent.
● Carduus m: It is useful for flu when liver is affected.
● Influenzinum: It is a nosode and should be given as an inter-current remedy when other well selected remedies fail to improve the condition. It is given as preventive in epidemic form of flu. It also cures. Treatment may be started with this.
● Carbo veg: An excellent remedy for post-influenzal symptoms such as prostration, lack of energy, residual bronchitis, burning in soles of feet as if from a red pepper.
● Ammonia carb: Cough after influenza when bryonia and other remedies fail. For such a cough ammonia carb, should be tried first.
● Baptisia: In epidemic influenza with besotted countenance, bleary eyes, aching head, sore throat, pains and soreness all over the body and profound prostration. Stupid look with stupor from which it is difficult to arouse the patient.
● Lycopodium: When literary persons are unable to get to work again after flu; this remedy will cure them.
Nowadays, people just don't feel like cooking at home. Ordering takeout is the way to go today. It has become a regular part of your diet. But it is extremely detrimental to your health. You may lick your fingers and savour the moment after that lip-smacking bucket of fried chicken, or the burger you just polished off, but in the long run, a whole lot of health problems are going to follow suit.
1. Restaurant food is extremely fattening and can raise your cholesterol levels sky high. Obesity is now a major modern health problem, with it affecting children from young ages. In adults, it increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes. To our brain, this food is often very rewarding, and we tend to overeat as a result.
2. The meat in your burger is so laden with artificial chemicals, that it is hardly nutritive. It is essentially scrap meat that is fattened up and flavoured to suit your taste buds. It contains high amounts of ammonia, a chemical that is found in your bathroom cleaning liquid and that is hardly fit for human consumption.
3. It is extremely addictive, where the more frequently you eat it, the more you crave it until you lose all self-control. If you eat restaurant food more than once a week, you have fallen prey to the most common trend of today.
4. Restaurant chains are nowadays trying to lure customers with healthier options like salads or soups, but they're hardly healthy and are instead full of preservatives
5. The desserts and sodas that you love are full of artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. Sugar is hardly nutritious and only adds to energy levels, which when not burnt off lead to all the oodles of fat in your belly. It can also increase your resistance to insulin.
6. A lot of the ingredients in restaurant food are processed foods that contain artificial chemicals like colourants, preservatives, artificial flavours and texturants. Its harmful nature can never be stressed upon enough.
7. Eating refined flour on a regular basis is a big no-no. Its carbohydrates are difficult for the digestive tract to break down, once again leading it to be accumulated. Don't get mislead by promises of 'whole grain' items; for even they are whole grain, they are broken down to finer flour that hardly retains its nutritive value.
No wonder it's called 'junk food', it only brings harm to your body. Make a conscious effort to replace it with real, fresh food that actually contains nutrients and not artificial chemicals.
Dyeing one's hair has become a modern trend. Streaks, highlighting with a blond color or changing the hair color altogether is done often to alter one's looks. However, most hair colors contain chemical ammonia, which causes hair to become brittle and dry.
Here are a few tips to color your hair and keep it fabulous, all at the same time. Read on more to find all about it:
Pre-color care:
One of the most important things to consider before coloring your hair is to deep condition your hair. Avoid applying chemicals to your hair one month prior to the actual coloring. This helps in reducing the damage your hair takes during coloring. It also revitalizes your hair, which it receives via styling or heat.
Post-color care:
If you find it difficult to keep your hair healthy after coloring them, you should consult an expert dermatologist to get your problems solved.