Androstenedione Tips

पीसीओएस में वजन कम करने के 15 टिप्स

Gynaecologist, Kolkata
पीसीओएस में वजन कम करने के 15 टिप्स
क्या है पीसीओएस का वजन से संबंध?
पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) आजकल महिलाओं में बहुत आम समस्या है। इस स्थिति के कारण आपके शरीर में कुछ बदलाव हो सकते हैं। आपके पीरियड्स अनियमित या बंद हो सकते हैं, आपके चेहरे पर बहुत अधिक मुहांसे हो सकते हैं, और आपका वजन बढ़ सकता है।

इस समस्या के साथ वजन कम करना कठिन लग सकता है, पर आप अपनी जीवनशैली में कुछ बदलाव कर सकते हैं, जिससे वजन घटाना थोड़ा आसान हो सकता है।

पीसीओएस महिलाओं में बांझपन के सबसे आम कारणों में से एक है। यह स्थिति प्रजनन हार्मोन के असंतुलन से उत्पन्न होती है और शरीर को बहुत अधिक एण्ड्रोजन, या "पुरुष हार्मोन" का उत्पादन करने का कारण बनती है।

पीसीओएस बन सकता है गंभीर रोग का कारण
एण्ड्रोजन का उच्च स्तर होने से कमर के आसपास वजन बढ़ने की संभावना अधिक हो जाती है क्योंकि पेट की चर्बी इंसुलिन के प्रति प्रतिक्रिया को कम कर देती है।

पीसीओएस के कारण वजन बढ़ने से आपके स्वास्थ्य पर नकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ सकता है क्योंकि इससे मधुमेह, लीवर संबंधी रोग, हृदय रोग और स्ट्रोक का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।

तो आइए जानते हैं कि कैसे आप अपने वज़न को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं।

सारांश पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) के कारण आपके शरीर में कुछ बदलाव हो सकते हैं। इस समस्या के साथ वजन कम करना कठिन होता है। वजन बढ़ने से मधुमेह, लीवर संबंधी रोग, हृदय रोग और स्ट्रोक का खतरा बढ़ जाता है।

कैसे करें पीसीओएस के साथ वजन कम
कम कार्ब आहार
पीसीओएस वाली महिलाएं भोजन में कार्बोहाइड्रेट की कटौती करें। कार्ब सामग्री कम करने से इंसुलिन का स्तर कम हो जाता है, जो वजन घटाने में मदद कर सकता है।

वज़न घटाने के लिए शुरुआत में आप अनाज को पूरी तरह लेना बंद कर सकती हैं। फिर आप धीरे-धीरे एक दिन में दो सर्विंग तक बढ़ा सकते हैं। कोशिश करें कि साबुत अनाज का सेवन करें।

व्यायाम पहले करें, भोजन बाद में करें
भोजन से ठीक पहले व्यायाम करने से आपके मेटाबालिज़्म को सुधारने में मदद मिल सकती है।

पीसीओएस वाली महिलाओं को काफी कठिन और थका देने वाले प्रशिक्षण पर ध्यान देना चाहिए, जो ऊर्जा के छोटे, तीव्र विस्फोटों का उपयोग करता है। वज़न घटाने के लिए कार्डियो की सलाह दी जाती है जो आपकी हृदय गति को बढ़ाता है।

आप अपने फिटनेस रूटीन में अधिक वेट ट्रेनिंग भी शामिल करना सकते हैं। क्योंकि मांसपेशियां ऊर्जा के लिए ग्लूकोज का उपयोग करती हैं। अधिक मांसपेशियों के निर्माण से इंसुलिन संवेदनशीलता और मेटाबालिज़्म स्वास्थ्य में सुधार हो सकता है।

फाइबर पर ध्यान दें
बहुत अधिक फाइबर प्राप्त करने का मतलब है कि आप कम कैलोरी पर अधिक समय तक भरा हुआ महसूस करते हैं। साथ ही, जटिल, उच्च-फाइबर वाले कार्ब्स आपके रक्त शर्करा को नहीं बढ़ाएंगे।

एक अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि पीसीओएस से पीड़ित महिलाओं में अधिक फाइबर वाला आहार पेट की चर्बी कम करने और इंसुलिन प्रतिरोध में मदद करता है। साबुत अनाज, पत्तेदार सब्जियां, फलियां, स्क्वैश और शकरकंद को शामिल करने से आपके फाइबर को बढ़ाने में मदद मिलेगी।

आहार में स्वस्थ वसा शामिल करें
स्वस्थ वसा भी आपको भरा हुआ महसूस करा सकते हैं। खासकर यदि आप कार्ब्स को कम से कम रखने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं। इसके लिए भोजन में जैतून के तेल का उपयोग कर सकते हैं या प्रति भोजन आधा एवोकैडो खाएं।

फर्मेंटेड खाद्य पदार्थ अधिक खाएं
पीसीओएस वाली महिलाओं में स्वस्थ आंत बैक्टीरिया कम संख्या में हो सकते हैं। इस कारण भी आपका वज़न बढ़ सकता है। आपको सिस्टम में अधिक स्वस्थ बैक्टीरिया जोड़ने से वज़न घटाने में मदद मिल सकती है। जानकार प्रति दिन अपने आहार में एक फर्मेटेड भोजन को शामिल करने का सुझाव देते हैं। साथ ही प्रोबायोटिक पूरक लेने की भी सलाह देते हैं।

अपने कैफीन का सेवन कम करें
कैफीन वास्तव में हार्मोन के स्तर पर बहुत बड़ा प्रभाव डालता है। अध्ययनों से पता चला है कि कैफीन का सेवन बढ़ने से ओव्यूलेशन में बाधा आ सकती है और तनाव से संबंधित हार्मोन बढ़ सकता है, जिससे हार्मोनल विकार हो सकते हैं। चाय या कॉफी एक दिन में एक कप तक सीमित करने की कोशिश करें।

अतिरिक्त शक्कर को हटा दें
पीसीओएस से पीड़ित महिलाएं अतिरिक्त शर्करा का सेवन बंद कर दें क्योंकि यह उनकी रक्त शर्करा को काफी हद तक बढ़ा देता है।

सोच समझकर खाने का अभ्यास करें
आहार को धीरे-धीरे खाना, और अपने भोजन का स्वाद लेना आपको अपनी भूख के स्तर के अनुरूप होने में मदद कर सकता है। यह भाग नियंत्रण का अभ्यास करने और अधिक खाने से बचने का एक आसान तरीका है, जो वजन घटाने में मदद करता है।

सुनिश्चित करें कि आप पर्याप्त खा रहे हैं
डाइटिंग पर अत्यधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करना और अपनी कैलोरी को सीमित करना भी बाद में अधिक खाने का कारण बन सकता है। यदि आप कुछ खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन बंद कर देते हैं, तो शरीर भूख बढाने वाले हार्मोन को बढ़ावा देते हैं। ऐसे में आप अधिक खाकर वज़न बढ़ा लेते हैं।

अगर आपको नींद की समस्या है, तो इसे नज़रअंदाज़ न करें
पीसीओएस का एक सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव स्लीप एपनिया है, जो रात में आपके आराम को बाधित करता है। नींद की कमी से वजन बढ़ जाता है क्योंकि यह भूख और परिपूर्णता को नियंत्रित करने वाले हार्मोन को खराब स्तर पर ले आता है।

रात कम से कम सात घंटे सोने की कोशिश करें, और अगर आपको लगता है कि आप स्लीप एपनिया से पीड़ित हो सकते हैं तो अपने डॉक्टर से बात करें।

सपोर्ट सिस्टम खोजने की कोशिश करें
पीसीओएस से पीड़ित महिलाओं में अवसाद और चिंता होने की संभावना अधिक होती है, जिससे वजन कम करना और भी कठिन हो सकता है।

पिलेट्स क्लास लें
पिलेट्स मांसपेशियों के द्रव्यमान को बढ़ाने और शरीर को आपके कसरत से कैलोरी जलाने में मदद करने का एक शानदार तरीका है, जो इंसुलिन संवेदनशीलता और समग्र मांसपेशियों की टोन में सुधार कर सकता है। साथ ही, पिलेट्स तनाव को भी कम कर सकता है।

योगाभ्यास करें
योग करने से ना सिर्फ आप खुद को फिट महसूस करते हैं बल्कि तनाव से भी छुटकारा पा सकते हैं। हल्के योग से शुरुआत करें। गहरी सांस लेने का अभ्यास करें। प्राणायाम और कपालभाति आपको विशेष रूप से लाभ पहुंचा सकते हैं। इसके अलावा पीसीओएस के लक्षणों को प्रबंधित करने और वजन घटाने में मदद करने के लिए एक दिन में 10,000 कदम चलना एक अच्छा साधन है।

भरपूर पानी पिएं
पीसीओएस में वज़न घटाने के लिए अधिक पानी पीना सुनिश्चित करें। पानी पीना से आपका मेटाबालिज़्म तेज़ होता है और अधिक कैलोरी बर्न होती हैं। इससे आपका पाचन सुधरता है और चर्बी कम होती है।

पॉलीसिस्टिक ओवरी सिंड्रोम (पीसीओएस) के कारण शरीर में कई बदलाव हो सकते हैं। इसमें वजन कम करना कठिन होता है। वजन बढ़ने से घातक रोगों तक का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। पीसीओएस में वजन को कम करने के लिए आहार में कम कार्ब लेना, स्वस्थ फैट, व्यायाम, योग करना, फाइबर लेना, कैपीन और अतिरिक्त शक्कर से बचना जैसे कई जरुरी कदम होते हैं।

Top 10 Doctors for PCOS In Mumbai

MBBS, MP shah
Gynaecologist, Mumbai

1. Dr. Ranjeeta khati

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-ranjeeta-khati-gynaecologist ;

Mbbs, dnb, obstetrics & gynecology, fellowship in reproductive medicine

21 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Ranjeeta khati is a leader in her field when it comes to the health of women. She has an mbbs from sri krishna medical college in muzaffarpur, bihar, and a dnb in obstetrics and gynecology from mother hospital (p) ltd in thrissur, kerala. She is an expert on women's health, including how to treat pcos, thanks to her years of experience and knowledge.

Dr. Khati knows how complicated pcos can be and thinks that everyone should be able to get good care to help them deal with their symptoms and get the right treatment for their condition. Her method focuses on educating and empowering patients so that each woman can make decisions about her own health care that are best for her. Dr. Khati also gives complete care by giving patients access to expert specialists if they need more treatment.

2. Dr. Veena g. Shinde

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-veena-g-shinde-gynaecologist

Pg in assisted reproductive technology, md - obstetrics & gynaecology, dgo, mbbs

33 years experience 1000 at clinic 300 online


Dr. Veena g. Shinde is a gynaecologist and obstetrician with more than 33 years of expertise and has earned a stellar reputation in her field. A large number of her patients, coworkers, and medical institutions have praised her for her commitment to individualised treatment and her history of success in treating pcos.

Lifestyle changes, hormone medication (metformin or oral contraceptives), weight reduction regimens, and surgery, if required, are all part of Dr. Shinde's multifaceted approach to treating polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos).


To guarantee the best possible health results for her patients, she collaborates with endocrinologists, nutritionists, and other healthcare specialists, taking into consideration the patients' ages, current health conditions, and personal preferences in care.

3. Dr. Sonali tawde

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-sonali-n-tawde-gynaecologist

Mbbs, Ms. - obstetrics & gynaecology & fellowship in fertility, dnb - obstetrics & gynaecology, masters in reproductive medicine (uk)

19 years experience 700 at clinic 300 online


Gynecologist and ivf expert Dr. Sonali tawde is highly competent. She holds a dnb in obstetrics and gynecology from the national board in new delhi and an Ms. In obstetrics and gynecology from the sir j. J. Group of hospitals byculla in mumbai. She specialises in treating pcos syndrome, infertility, and other problems with reproductive health.


Dr. Tawde has over 19 years of expertise in gynaecology and reproductive health, and she uses cutting-edge methods including fertility treatments and minimally invasive operations for uterine fibroids and endometriosis to provide her patients the best care possible for their condition.


Many customers who have chosen her services to successfully conceive or cure infertility concerns have trusted her because of her long-standing experience. She has received several honours, including the mogs Dr. Pramila bhatia young scientist award.

4. Dr. Nitin kochar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-nitin-r-kochar-ayurveda

Bams, md - ayurveda, diploma in yoga

32 years experience 800 - 1000 at clinic


Nitin kochar is well-known in the field of ayurvedic medicine and is a member of the national integrated medical association (nima). Due to the extensive training he has received, he is an authority in the treatment of severe conditions.


As it has been shown that ayurvedic therapies may give relief from the symptoms associated with this illness, Dr. Kochar is of the opinion that pcos can be effectively treated without the need of expensive pharmaceuticals or nutritional supplements.


Dr. Kochar's treatment approach for polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos) is built on the premise that modifying one's lifestyle and eating habits in accordance with one's body type is the most important step.

5. Dr. Jagdip shah

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-jagdip-shah-gynaecologist

Md - obstetrics & gynaecology, dgo, mbbs, mcps

41 years experience 1200 at clinic 500 online


Living with pcos may be a difficult experience, therefore it's important to find the correct therapy. Dr. Jagdip shah, a gynaecologist, has a stellar reputation for offering comprehensive treatment to patients suffering with pcos.


From kem hospital in mumbai, he earned his md in obstetrics and gynaecology, dgo, and mbbs. Dr. Shah, as an experienced expert, understands the physical and psychological effects of pcos and offers compassionate treatment that enables women to live full and productive lives.

He evaluates all aspects of a patient's medical history to determine the best approach for their specific needs, which may include medications or hormonal therapies such as insulin sensitizers, oral contraceptives, or metformin therapy to help reduce symptoms such as acne, excessive hair growth, or irregular periods.

6. Dr. Jayanti kamat

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-jayanti-kamat-gynaecologist ;

Mbbs, md - obstetrics & gynaecology, advanced infertility

29 years experience 800 at clinic 350 online

Dr. Jayanti kamat has 29 years of expertise in gynaecology and obstetrics. She is an extraordinarily devoted physician whose devotion to her patients and their treatment is unmatched. Multiple articles have been presented by her at the ob gy national conference. ;

Dr. Jayanti kamat offers complete treatment for all female problems, from basic concerns such as contraception to difficult medical procedures such as infertility treatments and caesarean sections, thanks to her extensive knowledge in the field.

This extremely knowledgeable physician ensures that she employs evidence-based procedures to give her patients with the best possible diagnosis and treatment so that they may have maximum health and minimum suffering throughout their life.

7. Dr. Bhavini shah balakrishnan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-bhavini-shah-balakrishnan-gynaecologist

Dnb (obstetrics and gynecology), dgo, mbbs ;

15 years experience 1000 - 1500 at clinic 500 online

Dr. Bhavini shah balakrishnan is an acclaimed doctor in the field of gynaecology and obstetrics. She has a dnb (obstetrics and gynecology) from masina hospital, mumbai, a dgo from nanavati hospital, mumbai, and an mbbs from the maharashtra university of health sciences, nashik. ;

Pcos impacts a woman's hormones and reproductive system. Dr. Bhavini is experienced in detecting pcos symptoms. Her therapies include dietary adjustments, stress management, exercise regimens, and drugs to promote fertility or control hormone imbalances.

8. Dr. Sudha mukul marwah

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-sudha-mukul-marwah-gynaecologist ;

Ms - ophthalmology, mbbs

42 years experience 600 at clinic 1000 online

The polycystic ovarian syndrome, or pcos, is a condition that affects the female reproductive system. It makes the ovaries produce a lot of male hormones, which might affect fertilisation, menstruation, and other bodily functions. Symptoms can vary from woman to woman, however they can include excessive body hair, obesity, acne, and irregular periods.

An proper diagnosis is crucial for pcos-affected women in order to guarantee that the right care is provided. Dr. Sudha mukul marwah is a gynecologist who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of pcos, which is fortunate for individuals who suffer from this terrible condition. Her experience makes her a reliable source for identifying and treating this issue.

9. Dr. Vandana walvekar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-vandana-walvekar-gynaecologist ;


53 years experience 2000 at clinic 500 online


Dr. Vandana walvekar is a respected and renowned gynaecologist in the medical profession, having earned her md in 1969 at an college. Since then, she has made significant contributions to the healthcare industry. Dr. Walvekar has dedicated much of her professional career to studying the emotional and physical effects pcos may have on patients.

She believes that the physical signs of pcos, such as facial hair development, acne, weight gain, diabetes, infertility, and irregular menstrual periods, can create considerable psychological stress. Those suffering from pcos should seek medical guidance from an experienced physician, such as Dr. Walvekar, who understands how to best manage both their physical and mental health needs.

10. Dr. Girish dani

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mumbai/doctor/dr-girish-dani-gynaecologist 

Md - obstetrtics & gynaecology, fcps, dgo, diploma of the faculty of family planning (dffp)

50 years experience 2000 at clinic 400 online


Dr. Girish dani is an extremely competent gynaecologist with a t. N. M. C.-awarded md in obstetrics and gynecology. His extensive spectrum of knowledge includes pcos therapy, which he has provided to patients for years. Patients who have received this specialist care attest to Dr. Dani's friendly clinical skills, his comprehensive assessment of their illness, and his application of the most effective treatment.


Each consultation begins with a review of the patient's medical history, followed by physical examinations to diagnose any underlying abnormalities or illnesses that may be causing infertility or other reproductive concerns. Then, he proposes a personalised course of action designed to assist the patient in achieving her desired outcome, be it conception or enhanced fertility.

Lifestyle Modification Tips For PCOS!

Master Of Science ( Home Science), Bachelor of Home Science, certificate course in diabetic educator from dr.mohan's diabetic center,bbsr
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bhubaneswar
Lifestyle Modification Tips For PCOS!
There are certain lifestyle modification tips to be followed in case of PCOS issue which I am sharing as follow -

Rregular Exercise -it may be in the forms of brisk walking, jogging, running, Yoga asanas at home etc you can do early morning time for minimum of 30-45mins then gradually make it to 1hour.
Stress Management - you need to reduce your stress level by doing yoga pranayams or meditation, listening to nice soothing music, read a positive book etc it helps in reducing stress level
Proper Sleep - minimum of 6to 7hours of sound sleep in night time is essential. If you are facing prb in sleep then you can read a good book before going to bed or you can listen to a positive inspirational audio. Try to sleep in a calm or peaceful environment. Switch off your bedroom lights while sleeping and don't use smartphones or laptops at least 1hour before going to sleep.
Laughter Club - Try to join laughter club to remove all sorts of worries or tensions.
Stairs - Use stairs instead of lifts or excalators whether in work place or going malls for shopping or in your residing place.
These are some of the basic lifestyle modification tips you can follow to resolve PCOS issues.
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PCOD - Can Homeopathy Treat It?

Homeopathy Doctor, Ludhiana
PCOD - Can Homeopathy Treat It?
Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a syndrome wherein more than one cyst is formed in the ovaries of the women who are in the reproductive age. This disease thereby creates problems in hormonal levels which lead to the irregular menses in women along with infertility and masculine changes in the body. The main reason for this disease is the hormonal imbalance and also a genetic disease. Some of the causes of

PCOD are listed below:

If there is a rise in Testosterone level.
The increase of level in Luteinising hormone.
The decrease in the levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin.
Increase in the levels of Prolactin
If insulin is in high than the required level.
A person having PCOS will develop small cysts on the outer edges of the ovary. Nearly 26% of all Indian women aged between 18-45 years suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

Symptoms to watch out for-

The following signs may indicate prevalence of PCOS-

Weight gain
Abnormal/irregular periods
Excessive hair growth on the face and body
Painful menstruation
Pelvic pain
Difficulty conceiving
Many women with PCOS struggle to conceive and even if they do, there is a high possibility of the pregnancy resulting in miscarriage or premature birth of the child.

How well does Homeopathy work for PCOS?

The answer to this question is miraculously well ! Hard to believe? Take a look at the countless benefits Homeopathy offers and ways in which it helps treat PCOS.

Homeopathy treats each individual with PCOS symptoms differently. Therefore, your doctor will first evaluate the symptoms of PCOS, and prescribe a remedy that directly addresses the condition.
As stated earlier, hormonal imbalance is the primary cause of PCOS. Homeopathy rectifies the root cause by controlling hormonal imbalance and thus brings about harmony. Homeopathy prevents recurrence of the condition.
Homeopathy follows a holistic approach. This means, your lifestyle and habits are also taken into account. For instance, homeopathy considers the fact that stress can disrupt your body s hormonal balance, which, in turn, causes PCOS. Hence, the doctor provides homeopathic medicines for stress management.
Homeopathy remedies are derived from all natural substances and particles extracted from animal bodies, plants and minerals. The medicines prepared from these extracts are absolutely natural and hence free from side effects.
Combining homeopathy remedies with a healthy diet, good lifestyle choices and exercise, can help you manage PCOS symptoms.
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Can Changing Diet Help?

BPTh/BPT, Weight Management Specialist, Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education (DNHE)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Can Changing Diet Help?
A rising number of teenage girls in the country are getting affected with Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD. Though an advanced menarche has become very rampant these days, there are many young women who are suffering from a delay in menarche which in turn is leading to PCOD as opined by gynaecologists. Obesity and sedentary lifestyle among young people have caused a rapid doubling of PCOD cases in the past five to eight years.

Occurrence and Symptoms:

Gynaecologists report that they get at least 15 fresh instances of PCOD cases, and a considerable number of teenagers aged 16-17 are not getting their menarche. Such patients are recommended to take a strictly balanced diet which will help them to lose weight. Initially, their mothers think that they would experience their menarche in proper time, but some girls are diagnosed with PCOD when taken to a family gynaecologist. Even worse, they could never imagine that their obesity can pave the way for such a grave health issue. PCOD can cause numerous other problems like delayed and irregular menses, rapid weight gain and tremendous difficulty in losing weight, developing acne and blocked skin pores.

Furthermore, it leads to thinning of hair and excessive growth of hair on chest, back and face. Infertility, continual miscarriage, high blood pressure and high blood sugar are also common with PCOD.

Help yourself with the right diet:

There is no proven evidence regarding the cause of PCOD though gynaecologists are of the opinion that some females possess a predisposition to this disease, and it may run hereditarily in the family. You can alleviate your PCOD symptoms to a considerable extent by regulating your diet properly.

Have loads of fruits and green leafy vegetables and try to abstain from dairy products as many experts believe that dairy products are a direct cause of an increase in insulin levels, which can aggravate skin troubles along with other PCOD symptoms. Avoiding red meat and eating lean meat instead will help the condition and reduce the chances of infertility. It is always recommended to avoid hydrogenated and saturated fats, which are normally found in animal and dairy-based food. Try to put a stop to cheese, cottage cheese, clarified butter, pork, lamb, beef, etc. and certain baked products like cookies, cakes and fudges as they will trigger a rise in your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The following tips can be helpful with the condition:

High levels of the insulin hormone cause PCOS symptoms like high blood sugar, increased hair growth, weight gain etc. So, refined foods rich in fat and carbohydrates should be consumed in small amounts.
Whole foods in their natural, uncooked form should be consumed fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans etc. These are low glycemic foods that reduce glucose circulation by insulin.
Intake of salt should be very limited. You should not consume more than 3 grams a day.
Green vegetables have antioxidants. These are good for women with PCOS because they have a high amount of oxidative stress.
Your daily diet should contain at least 30 grams of fibre to improve the digestion process and remove toxins.
Milk and dairy products are best avoided because milk helps to increase the level of testosterone (male hormone) in the body.
Soy products should also be avoided, especially if you are trying to conceive because they interfere with the ovulation cycle.
Processed fat is harmful but essential fatty acids found in avocado, fish, olive oil and nuts are important for the body.
High levels of male hormones also cause high cholesterol. So foods which have high saturated fats like butter, cream, coconut oil and fatty meat should not be included in the regular diet of women with PCOS.
Protein-rich foods like lean meat, fish, legumes, whole grains are beneficial as protein can stabilize blood sugar. These foods also keep you feeling full and prevent over-eating.
Following a proper exercise regime can be effective in the treatment of PCOD.
Some studies even suggest that doing yoga, high-intensity interval training or regular aerobics exercises can be really effective.
PCOD is such a condition which you can never afford to overlook. If you had been facing any of the common symptoms, then it is probably time to pay a visit to a responsive dietitian/nutritionist.
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PCOS & Thyroid - What Should You Know?

MD (MA), DND Nutrition & Dietetics, Phd Medicinal Aromatherapy
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Bangalore
PCOS & Thyroid - What Should You Know?
PCOS is a condition that disturbs the hormonal balance in a female patient. The disease causes infrequent periods in ladies and excess production of the male hormone. The reproduction is disturbed in women having PCOS as a fluid gets collected in the ovaries and ovaries are unable to produce eggs. Diagnosis of PCOS can be done in the patients from their puberty or first period. Irregular periods, polycystic ovaries, and excess androgen are common signs of PCOS.

What to Eat?

A patient suffering from PCOS should keep a close watch on their carbs intake. In PCOS condition, insulin and PCOS are intimately connected. Insulin is responsible for fat metabolism. It is a common belief that patient suffering from PCOS should eliminate carbs from their diet. But carbs are a source of energy and essential for the body. If a person is looking to monitor the intake of carbs when she is suffering from POCS, it is recommended by the doctors that she should take only 100g carbs in the entire day. Try to spread the 100g intake all over the day.

Whole food diets are always recommended for patients with PCOS conditions. Whole food diet keeps a person full for a more extended period of time, and one can avoid small snack cravings always. Dieticians suggest that PCOS can be managed with a well-balanced diet and whole food diet is essential since they are full of proteins and fiber. Avoid processed food and follow a balanced diet suggested by the dietician. Include whole grains, lean cut meats, and fishes and vegetables in the diet to maintain PCOS.

Probiotic food is fermented food which is easy to digest and help a person to lose weight. Include probiotics in a daily diet, as it helps a person improve body bloating, and eventually, one can lose weight easily. Yogurt, buttermilk, and probiotic milk are good for the digestion and help a person fight symptoms of PCOS and thyroid.

What to Avoid?

Doctors recommend that sweet foods increase craving. They also contain calorie which is harmful to the body by increasing the sugar levels in the blood. With an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, one may face problems like diabetes, and it will harm overall health even more. If a person is facing problems like weight issues and PCOS, one must try to eliminate sugar as it will help in to improve blood sugar levels. Along with sugary foods also avoid processed foods like pizza, juices, and ice creams. Anything unhealthy and processed should be avoided by patients with PCOS and thyroid. Also, the intake of solid fats like margarine, solid fats, and lard are not good for health.

The cooking method has an impact on managing PCOS symptoms. If a person adds lots of vegetables in the diet and does not cook them properly, one might not get the desired result. It is essential that a person takes proper care in cooking vegetables as directed by the dietician. Follow a strict method of cooking; use dry roasting and grilling methods to cook vegetables. One can also steam the veggies so that they do not lose their nutritional value.

Take Away:

These are some of the most helpful ways to manage PCOS and Thyroid. However, it is always advisable to consult a dietician before following these diets.
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Polycystic Ovarian Disease - What Are The Signs Of It?

MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Navi Mumbai
Polycystic Ovarian Disease - What Are The Signs Of It?
Polycystic Ovarian Disease results from the disorder more commonly known as PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. A syndrome is starkly different from a disease, for the former entails a set of symptoms usually occurring in concurrence, while the latter means a particular biological condition with an identifiable reason behind it. A syndrome solicits your concern and forethought in order to eliminate or at least control the chances of an underlying disease. Trigger to a syndrome is undetectable and hence fighting it efficiently is fairly problematic. It is rare to find adolescent girls without hormonal problems.

Hormonal imbalances are just too common to be a novel topic any further. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is faced due to imbalances in hormone secretions. It refers to the development of multiple cysts in your ovary. This condition usually affects women falling within the age group of 15 to 50. Eight among ten women, at a given point of time, are reported with PCOS. Symptoms of PCOS, when neglected, can lead to Polycystic Ovarian Disease. If you have been facing similar health issues, it is advisable to undergo a check-up and get diagnosed at the earliest possible.

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Disease

1. A receding hairline or increased hair fall can lead to thinning of scalp hair. Such a sign should not be taken lightly as it could be indicative of Polycystic Ovarian Disease.

2. Extremely painful menstruation, irregular periods or prolonged periods with heavy bleeding might be reason enough for worrying.

3. Development of acne could be another sign. Acne is common to girls attaining puberty but an unprecedented growth should be a matter of concern.

4. Patchy skin, pigmentation and discolouration of the skin are the other symptoms.

5. PCOS may also result in continual depression and anxiety.

6. Obesity is the most commonly noticed symptom. People suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Disease have a lower metabolism and thus reducing weight is an ordeal.

7. Many women tend to grow thick facial hair or chest hair. Such a condition discourages the person to go out in public. It leads to social ostracizing which further bears severe effects on one's mental health.

8. PCOS mostly affects women belonging to the childbearing age. As a result of this syndrome, females stop ovulating. Conception becomes extremely difficult as the syndrome may lead to infertility.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease can result in Type 2 diabetes or even cardiovascular problems. If not diagnosed and treated at an early stage, it might lead to ovarian cancer. There is hardly any preventive measure to counter the chances of such a syndrome but certain alterations in your diet under the guidance of a dietician and regular exercising can improve your health.
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PCOS & Thyroid - Know Regimen For Them!

B.Sc. - Dietitics / Nutrition, Masters in FPNS
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Dehradun
PCOS & Thyroid - Know Regimen For Them!
PCOS is a condition that disturbs the hormonal balance in a female patient. The disease causes infrequent periods in ladies and excess production of the male hormone. The reproduction is disturbed in women having PCOS as a fluid gets collected in the ovaries and ovaries are unable to produce eggs. Diagnosis of PCOS can be done in the patients from their puberty or first period. Irregular periods, polycystic ovaries, and excess androgen are common signs of PCOS.

What to Eat?

A patient suffering from PCOS should keep a close watch on their carbs intake. In PCOS condition, insulin and PCOS are intimately connected. Insulin is responsible for fat metabolism. It is a common belief that patient suffering from PCOS should eliminate carbs from their diet. But carbs are a source of energy and essential for the body. If a person is looking to monitor the intake of carbs when she is suffering from POCS, it is recommended by the doctors that she should take only 100g carbs in the entire day. Try to spread the 100g intake all over the day.

Whole food diets are always recommended for patients with PCOS conditions. Whole food diet keeps a person full for a more extended period of time, and one can avoid small snack cravings always. Dieticians suggest that PCOS can be managed with a well-balanced diet and whole food diet is essential since they are full of proteins and fiber. Avoid processed food and follow a balanced diet suggested by the dietician. Include whole grains, lean cut meats, and fishes and vegetables in the diet to maintain PCOS.

Probiotic food is fermented food which is easy to digest and help a person to lose weight. Include probiotics in a daily diet, as it helps a person improve body bloating, and eventually, one can lose weight easily. Yoghurt, buttermilk, and probiotic milk are good for the digestion and help a person fight symptoms of PCOS and thyroid.

What to Avoid?

Doctors recommend that sweet foods increase craving. They also contain calorie which is harmful to the body by increasing the sugar levels in the blood. With an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, one may face problems like diabetes, and it will harm overall health even more. If a person is facing problems like weight issues and PCOS, one must try to eliminate sugar as it will help in to improve blood sugar levels. Along with sugary foods also avoid processed foods like pizza, juices, and ice creams. Anything unhealthy and processed should be avoided by patients with PCOS and thyroid. Also, the intake of solid fats like margarine, solid fats, and lard are not good for health.

The cooking method has an impact on managing PCOS symptoms. If a person adds lots of vegetables in the diet and does not cook them properly, one might not get the desired result. It is essential that a person takes proper care in cooking vegetables as directed by the dietician. Follow a strict method of cooking; use dry roasting and grilling methods to cook vegetables. One can also steam the veggies so that they do not lose their nutritional value.

Take Away:

These are some of the most helpful ways to manage PCOS and Thyroid. However, it is always advisable to consult a dietician before following these diets.
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PCOS - What Should You Know?

MBBS, DNB (General Surgery), MNAMS (Membership of the National Academy) (General Surgery) , Fellowship In Minimal Access Surgery, Fellow of Indian association og gastro intestinal endo surgeons
General Surgeon, Ghaziabad
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I am Dr. Neha Poddar. I am a gynecologist and Laparoscopic surgeon. I am here to talk about polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder, which occurs in a woman of reproductive age group. It is increasingly common nowadays in all women. And usually, we experience that 50% of the women come with the PCOS these days. It usually starts at the time of childbearing age. But it can appear later in life in response to obesity, excessive weight gain. Women with PCOS usually experience delayed periods, women come with the delayed menstrual cycle and on ultrasound, we see multiple small sights in both the ovaries. Hence the name polycystic ovary syndrome. Other features can be androgenic features, excess of male hormones in their bodies. Like excess acne, hair growth on face and rest of the body, and androgenic features like male pattern baldness and in severe cases there can be hoarseness of voice also.

There are some long term effects of polycystic ovary syndrome-like obesity and most importantly infertility. Women can have a hard time conceiving when they have PCOS due to delayed cycle their ovulation is not regular, other long term effects can be metabolic deceases, like diabetes, hypertension, there can also be some dark color patches over their skin, obesity. Other long term effects can be a slightly increased risk of endometrial carcinoma. Women with all these features can have a low self-esteem and a slightly increased risk of depression. Women with PCOS who get pregnant can have increased abortions, increased risk of pre-term labor, gestational diabetes, malaictus, gestational hypertension.

Coming on to the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, the most important thing is lifestyle modification. Lifestyle modification includes three important things, first is dietary changes, fat content should be reduced in the diet, outside food and packed food should be very much curtailed. Other things include increasing the fiber intake in the diet and increasing fluids. Second, comes weight reduction. Weight reduction is very important. Reducing as low as 5 to 10% weight in the obese women in PCOS induces spontaneous ovulation and she can conceive naturally. Another thing is increasing the level of physical activity, moderate to severe physical activity at least 3 to 4 times a week, is very important for maintaining healthy PCOS. Take home message is to eat healthily and stay active. I hope that my talk was helpful to you, you can contact me through Lybrate.

Thank you.
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PCOS - How To Get Relief From It?

MS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, MBBS, Fellowship In Reproductive Medicine
Gynaecologist, Lucknow
PCOS - How To Get Relief From It?
When female sex hormones such as Estrogen and Progesterone are out of balance and male hormone levels such as androgen are elevated within the body, it might lead to PCOD or polycystic ovarian disorder. This may cause the enlargement of the ovaries and numerous cysts to grow on the outer wall of the ovary. These growths can result in painful periods, infertility and several other symptoms because of the abnormalities in the body.

Most common symptoms of PCOS include:

1. Irregular and painful periods
2. Growth of facial and body hair also known as hirsutism (areas such as the face, fingers, toes)
3. Development of acne all over the body including the face
4. Sudden weight gain
5. Mood swings such as anxiety and depression
6. Thinning of hair
7. Pain in the pelvic area

Some of the other less common symptoms of PCOD are darkening of the skin, especially in the creases of the body such as the groin, neck, the area underneath the breasts and sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. Many women diagnosed with PCOD can have children without medical infertility treatment, although many other women tend to have fertility problems.


A few underlying factors have been noticed to be common in most cases. Some of these common factors that have been noticed are:

Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance is a condition wherein the body is either not able to produce enough insulin or cannot metabolize the sugar to produce energy. This results in blood sugar not being used up and thus accumulating within the blood which in turn forces more insulin to be made to compensate. High levels of insulin cause the ovaries to produce too much androgen which may lead to polycystic ovarian disorder. Insulin resistance can also lead to weight gain, which can worsen the symptoms of PCOD.
Hormonal Imbalance: Women with PCOD have imbalances in certain hormones such as raised levels of testosterone, higher levels of prolactin and luteinizing hormone (LH), among others. The exact reasons for these imbalances are unknown. Scientists have suggested that the problem can start within the ovaries, or the part of the brain that controls their production of these hormones.
Genetics: This syndrome runs in families; women with mothers, aunts, and sisters with PCOS have a higher chance of developing PCOD themselves. Genetics have definitely shown to have a correlation with the occurrence of the disorder.

PCOD doesn t have any treatment yet, but the symptoms can be managed through medications and healthy habits. Treatment for PCOD differs for every woman depending on factors such as:

Severity of the symptoms
Condition of the ovaries
Plans to have children in the future
Risk of long term health complications or current problems such as heart diseases or diabetes among others
Some of the basic steps to manage PCOD at home are through weight loss, improving your diet, reducing blood glucose levels, amongst others.
Some medications that may be used to relieve symptoms of PCOD are

Hormonal birth control pills - These regularize the period cycle, help reduce acne and extra hair growth and also help in the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
Anti-androgen medicines - They can block the effects of excess androgen and thus help in reducing hair loss, facial and body hair growth and acne.
Certain medications which are used to treat type-2 diabetes have also been put to the test and have shown effective results in trials. However, these have still not been approved by the regulatory authorities.
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