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Anti B Titre Test

Anti B Titre Test

also known as: Anti B Titre ELISA

Titers are blood tests that check immune status to vaccinations or diseases, one might have had in the past. If the titer is positive then one does not need to get the vaccination again as the immunity is adequate enough to fight the particular disease, if however, the titer is negative you may have to get the vaccination again get the vaccinations. Blood type A has A antibodies and anti-B antibodies hence it cannot accept type B or AB blood, but can accept A or O blood type. Similarly blood type B can accept B or O blood type, as blood type B has B antibodies and anti -A antibodies. Anti B titer is performed to measure the level of anti B titer in blood. There are different kinds of titers tests like the Hepatitis A titers, Hepatitis B titers, NMR titers, Rabies titers, etc.

There is as such no special preparation required, but it is always better to talk to your doctor and let him/her know about any prescription medications you are taking, for that matter if any nonprescription medications, dietary supplements or any special diet. The person can always wear comfortable clothing, for the blood to be withdrawn easily and smoothly. The person should feel relaxed before the testing. The test is a low risk like a blood test but slight chances of being dizzy, pain, soreness, infection is a rare possibility.

Positive results indicate immunity is good enough whereas negative indicates requiring vaccination. Immunity is of two types;1)Active Immunity:The body’s immune system produces antibody and cellular immunity which lasts for many years to a lifetime 2) Passive Immunity: This Immunity is transferred from one to another and may lasts from weeks to months,develops from mother to infant or by blood product.
Test results needs to be discussed with the doctor. Abnormal teste results indicate immune disorders and need specific therapy and diagnosis, hence it is the doctor who will decide further the next step. Further testing could include CBC (complete blood count),peripheral blood smear,quantitative measure of serum immunoglobulin levels.

The antibody titer is basically a blood test and the trained personnel will draw blood from the vein. The trained personnel will sterilize the site with an antiseptic before inserting the needle to withdraw blood, there is pain at initial inserting time point but it is a matter of few seconds, which quickly fades. A bandage is placed at the puncture point after the blood is withdrawn.

Table of Content

What is Anti B Titre Test?
Preparation for Anti B Titre Test
Uses of Anti B Titre Test
Procedure for Anti B Titre Test
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