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Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test

Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test

also known as: Antiphospholipids, Cardiolipin Antibodies

The Anti cardiolipin IgM antibody test enables you to diagnose inappropriate blood clot, analyze the cause for regular miscarriages, and analyze any autoimmune diseases. When you see excessive blood clot, then the symptoms and signs may differ based on the location of the clot. If the blood clot is located in the deep veins in legs, then the symptoms may be: Pain in one leg or tenderness

  • Swelling in leg
  • Discoloration in leg
  • The following are the symptoms if the blood clot is affecting the lungs: Coughing (presence of blood in sputum)
  • High heart beat rate
  • Shortness of breath all of a sudden
  • Chest pain
  • It is recommended to check with the doctor regarding the diet, before you go to the lab for giving blood sample. Apart from this, there is no preparation required to ensure the sample quality.

    It is recommended to get a blood test to diagnose if you have: One or more blood clots in a vein or in an artery. Regular miscarriage, particularly during the second or third trimester. A symptom for any autoimmune disease.

    If the anticardiolipin antibodies test result in negative, then it means that the antibodies are not available or not available in the detectable level in the blood during the time when the test is performed. The antiphospholipid antibodies are the common antibodies for cardiolipin antibodies. It is not required to perform the test due to a drug, infection, or without any symptoms.

    If the cardiolipin antibodies are seen in low or moderate amount, then it is recommended to continue with the doctor’s advice or the test might be performed again depending upon the symptoms. If the cardiolipin antibodies are seen in moderate or high amount even after 12 weeks from the initial test, then this indicates the presence of antibodies associated with blood clot or miscarriage.

    The blood sample of about 3 mm to 10 mm is taken from you. The lab technician cleans your skin using a cotton or an alcohol pad. Make sure the lab technician uses a brand new syringe and needle. The needle is injected through the vein in the skin that is cleaned. The blood is slowly taken out from the needle, saved in a container, and then marked your name on the container. The sample is then used for testing in the laboratory.

    ACA can often be observed during the convalescent phase of acute bacterial and viral infections and in individuals with syphilis. These infection-induced antibodies are usually transient and are not associated with an increased risk of clinical complications. In general, all patients who test positive for ACA should be retested after six to eight weeks to rule out transient antibodies that are usually of no clinical significance.
    Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube
    Type Gender Age-Group Value
    Anti Cardiolipin Antibodies - IgM
    All age groups
    Normally absent
    Average price range of the test is between Rs.400 to Rs.1500 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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    Table of Content

    What is Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test?
    Preparation for Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
    Uses of Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
    Procedure for Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
    Limitations of Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
    Specimen Requirements
    Normal values for Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
    Price for Anti Cardiolipin IgM Antibody Test
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