As the number of candles on our birthday cakes increases, so do the number of wrinkles on our faces. As more and more wrinkles emerge on our faces, the number of bottles containing anti-ageing serums grows on our dressing tables too. But, do these serums work as promised? can you expect a serum to make you really look younger than you are?
-First, understand the difference between anti-ageing creams and serums!
The key to differentiating between anti-ageing creams and serums is looking at how they work. In essence, both offer the same benefits. An anti-ageing cream or serum treats acne, wrinkles, sunspots and other common signs of ageing. However, while creams hydrate and nourish the skin, serums work their way past the epidermis and thus penetrate deeper layers.
-Serums do moisturize the skin
Keeping the skin hydrated is the secret of good skin. To this effect, anti-ageing serums deliver as promised. By locking the moisture into your skin, they make your skin look healthy and supple and thus indirectly make the skin appear firmer and younger.
-Each serum affects different people in a different way
Skin care efficacy differs from person to person. While for some people exfoliating twice a week can make your skin brighter, others need a little more care. Don't look at the price to determine the effectiveness of the serum on your skin but take a look at the ingredients. If you're looking to reverse the damage of the past years on your skin, look for antioxidant-based serums.
-Anti-ageing serums can be used at any age but can also produce side effects
Some anti-ageing serums claim that women should start using them from when they turn 20, to maintain the glow of their skin. However, before you start using an anti-ageing serum, you must know what you're putting on your skin. Retinol that stimulates collagen production in the latter years can be not only ineffective but can also act an irritant for the skin. Overusing a serum can also make your skin dry.
-The same anti-ageing serum doesn't work for all ages
As mentioned above, anti-ageing serums can be used by women of all ages. Since each anti-ageing serum addresses a different symptom of ageing, the type of serum you should use depends on the symptom of ageing you want to address. Thus, while you might want to use an anti-ageing serum that prevents wrinkles right now, later on, you may want to use one that removes sunspots.
To sum it up, an anti-ageing serum can't make your skin actually younger, but the right anti-ageing serum can make it appear so. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
As the number of candles on our birthday cakes increases, so do the number of wrinkles on our faces. As more and more wrinkles emerge on our faces, the number of bottles containing anti-ageing serums grows on our dressing tables too. But, do these serums work as promised? can you expect a serum to make you really look younger than you are?
-First, understand the difference between anti-ageing creams and serums!
The key to differentiating between anti-ageing creams and serums is looking at how they work. In essence, both offer the same benefits. An anti-ageing cream or serum treats acne, wrinkles, sunspots and other common signs of ageing. However, while creams hydrate and nourish the skin, serums work their way past the epidermis and thus penetrate deeper layers.
-Serums do moisturize the skin
Keeping the skin hydrated is the secret of good skin. To this effect, anti-ageing serums deliver as promised. By locking the moisture into your skin, they make your skin look healthy and supple and thus indirectly make the skin appear firmer and younger.
-Each serum affects different people in a different way
Skin care efficacy differs from person to person. While for some people exfoliating twice a week can make your skin brighter, others need a little more care. Don't look at the price to determine the effectiveness of the serum on your skin but take a look at the ingredients. If you're looking to reverse the damage of the past years on your skin, look for antioxidant-based serums.
-Anti-ageing serums can be used at any age but can also produce side effects
Some anti-ageing serums claim that women should start using them from when they turn 20, to maintain the glow of their skin. However, before you start using an anti-ageing serum, you must know what you're putting on your skin. Retinol that stimulates collagen production in the latter years can be not only ineffective but can also act an irritant for the skin. Overusing a serum can also make your skin dry.
-The same anti-ageing serum doesn't work for all ages
As mentioned above, anti-ageing serums can be used by women of all ages. Since each anti-ageing serum addresses a different symptom of ageing, the type of serum you should use depends on the symptom of ageing you want to address. Thus, while you might want to use an anti-ageing serum that prevents wrinkles right now, later on, you may want to use one that removes sunspots.
To sum it up, an anti-ageing serum can't make your skin actually younger, but the right anti-ageing serum can make it appear so.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
Anti-ageing is the process that stops, slows down or retards the ageing process. Our bodies are all the time making new cells since the time we are born. This cell growth continues during infancy, childhood and early adulthood. It is believed that as we grow older, skin generation slows down and it reflects in our appearance. Our skin becomes dull and sags down. This is called ageing. There are two theories about the reason for ageing. As per the damage concept, the accumulation of damage may cause ageing. Ageing may also be caused by internal processes like DNA methylation.
According to Gottschilling, Dillin and Nystrom, ageing is one of the most important risk factors in many human diseases. Of the 1,50, 000 people who die daily, more than two-thirds die because of ageing related factors.
Top Anti-Ageing treatments
Please consult your dermatologist before you opt for one of the following treatments.
Who does not want to turn back the ageing clock to look younger always.
Serums are meant to do the same. Can you expect a serum to make you really look younger than you are? First, understand the difference between anti-ageing creams and serums!
The key to differentiating between anti-ageing creams and serums is looking at how they work. In essence, both offer the same benefits. An anti-ageing cream or serum treats acne, wrinkles, sunspots and other common signs of ageing. However, while creams hydrate and nourishes the skin, serums work their way past the epidermis and thus penetrate deeper layers.
Some facts about anti-aging serums are:
As mentioned above, anti-ageing serums can be used by women of all ages. Since each anti-ageing serum addresses a different symptom of ageing, the type of serum you should use depends on the symptom of ageing you want to address. Thus, while you might want to use an anti-ageing serum that prevents wrinkles right now, later on, you may want to use one that removes sunspots.
To sum it up, an anti-ageing serum can't make your skin actually younger, but the right anti-ageing serum can make it happen. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!
As you grow older, so does your skin. With age, wrinkles, fine lines and a plethora of other skin problems become all too common. However, the good news is that aging is a problem that can be arrested. Yes, when you want to go beyond anti-aging skin creams, your dermatologist has some impressive tools for treating large pores, wrinkles, sagging skin, stretch marks, and more.
Here are 7 popular anti-aging dermatological treatments:
Cosmetic Surgery: The most common and popular way to arrest aging is through cosmetic surgery. Brow lifts, neck lifts and facelifts are the most popular surgical treatments to reduce signs of aging. You can opt for a single procedure, or you can choose to undergo a combination of procedures to treat your aging skin.
Retinoid Creams: Extracted from vitamin A, retinol contains extraordinary anti-aging components. The best thing about retinoid is, you can get it as facial creams at cosmetic shops, or get your dermatologists to prescribe it if you require a stronger application.
Filler Injections: Dermal fillers are injected under the external layer of skin to fill in wrinkles and lines. Fillers also add dimension to your face. Previously silicone fillers were very popular; nowadays dermatologists prefer hyaluronic acid fillers.
Peptide Creams: Peptides are an excellent dermatological treatment for lessening wrinkles and fine lines. Peptides are short links of amino acids. Peptides augment renewed production of collagen that you lose as grow older. Like retinoid creams, you can avail them at shops and dermatology clinics.
Botox: Otherwise known as Botulinum toxin, it freezes skin muscles when injected under your skin. This smooths out the lines or wrinkles on your face. Botox injections are best done by professionals, so consult your dermatologists before undergoing the procedure.
Microdermabrasion: This is a popular derma treatment to remove fine lines. Microdermabrasion boosts new skin growth by using fine particles to exfoliate skin to remove superficial wrinkles or lines.
Running is a sport that many people indulge in, on a daily basis. For many professional athletes, running is also a part of their job. While it may be an extremely fulfilling experience in sheer physical terms, it also has varied implications in the long run as far as the health of your bones, joints and muscles go. Also, runners are constantly at the risk of getting injured, which can lead to many complications. Read on to know how you can protect the same with these five tips to avoid injuries.
Make up alone cannot hide your age. To truly look younger, you may want to shift your focus on anti-aging products and techniques, which are available in plenty of options. However, most people have a fixed mindset that all anti-aging products are expensive while it is not necessarily true.
So, here we have come up with a list of 7 budget friendly anti-aging treatment techniques:
Depending on the issues being addressed and the effects desired, each of these procedures may need to be performed more than once. This will affect the final price and hence it is essential to understand your treatment options completely before getting started with it.
Related: If you are looking for natural remedies for radiant skin. Then you must read about auric anti aging drinks. It only contains herbs like ashwagandha, brahmi are among others.
Red wine is a ladies' drink; if you are averse to alcohol, especially to its usual, piquant taste, you must have been suggested with the lightness of red wine by officious onlookers. That surely isn't a remote possibility when you are a lady and of age. Cautious introspection backed with years of medical or scientific research tells millions how wine, when consumed in moderation, helps improve a woman's physical health: the facet of mental health can be taken for granted as inebriation of most kinds results in mood elevation. It is, therefore, a ladies drink indeed.
While being perturbed about the health of your skin, the sagging cheek muscles, a double chin or wrinkles that start showing once women are in their thirties, you must have rarely conjured the image of a vineyard to relax and repair. A vineyard can actually be your key source to youthful skin. Take a look at the following points to believe the same:
Related: Drink daily, auric anti aging health drinks to keep away the agents of aging without any side effects.
एंटी एजिंग का मतलब है बढ़ते हुए उम्र के प्रभाव को कम करना. जाहिर है बढ़ती उम्र का स्पष्ट प्रभाव हमारे त्वचा पर ही नजर आता है. त्वचा में झुर्रियां और ढीलापन आने लगता है. यदि आप अपने त्वचा को एजिंग के प्रभाव से बचा सकते है तो आप बड़े आसानी से अपनी बढती उम्र के प्रभाव को कम कर सकते हैं. जब आपकी त्वचा से चमक गायब होने लगता है तब आप बूढ़े दिखने शुरु हो जाते हैं. इसलिए आपको हमेशा अपनी त्वचा पर ध्यान देना चाहिए. चेहरे की चमक को बरकरार रखने के लिये बाजारू उत्पादों की जगह हमेशा प्राकृतिक उपचार का सहारा लेना चाहिए जिससे अंदर से निखार आ सके. आइए इस लेख के माध्यम से हम एंटी एजिंग के विभिन्न उपायों को जानें.
1. त्वचा की नियमित देखभाल करें-
आपको रोजाना त्वचा की देखभाल के लिए सीटीएम यानी क्लिंजिंग-टोनिंग-म्यॉस्चुराइज़िंग करना चाहिए. इस स्किन केयर रिजीम को दिनचर्या में शामिल किया तो लंबे समय तक आपकी त्वचा स्वस्थ और जवां दिखेगी. इसके अलावा, जब भी आप घर से बाहर निकलें, चाहे बारिश हो या सर्दी का मौसम, सनस्क्रीन ज़रूर लगाएं. फेशियल किसी अच्छे पार्लर में ही कराएं और जल्दी-जल्दी ब्यूटी प्रॉडक्ट्स न बदलें.
2. हमेशा हाइड्रेट रहें-
स्वस्थ शरीर के लिए दिन में 6-8 ग्लास पानी ज़रूर पीना चाहिए. इससे त्वचा की नमी बरकरार रहती है जिससे झुर्रियां नहीं आतीं हैं. सादे पानी के साथ साथ ज्यादा से ज्यादा तरल चीज़ों जैसे जूस, नारियल पानी, दाल आदी को अपनी डाइट में शामिल करें.
3. दुष्प्रभाव उत्पन्न करने वाली चीजों को करें इनकार-
कभी अपनी क्रेविंग की वजह से तो कभी दूसरों के ज़ोर देने पर, हम शराब, कैफीन और तंबाकू का सेवन करते हैं. इसका हमारे मेटाबॉलिज़म पर बुरा असर पड़ता है. देर रात तक जागना और बिंग इटिंग भी हमारे हेल्थ के लिए नुकसानदायक है. ज़ाहिर है, अगर शरीर को किसी भी तरह का नुकसान होता है, तो उसका असर हमारे चेहरे पर भी नज़र आता है.
4. खाने का भी रखें ध्यान-
हम जैसे खाते-पीते हैं, वैसे ही दिखते हैं. फैटी खाना खाने से हमारे शरीर में चर्बी बढ़ती है. हमारे बॉडी में चेहरे और पेट के पास सबसे जल्दी फैट जमा होता है. इसके कारण आपके त्वचा की चमक और खूबसूरती पर बुरा असर पड़ता है. सही खान-पान के अलावा रोजाना कम से कम आधे घंटे की वर्जिश भी ज़रूरी है.
इन खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन न करें-
1. रिफाइंड शुगर से बनी चीज़ें,
2. रिफाइंड स्टार्च-मैदा, पास्ता
3. हाई स्टार्च-आलू,
4. डब्बा बंद जूस और खाना
5. पूरी नींद लेना है जरूरी-
ये बात सभी को पता है कि स्वस्थ शरीर और दिमाग के लिए हमें 6-8 घंटे की नींद लेनी चाहिए. वर्ना न केवल हमारी पाचन शक्ति और याददाश्त कमज़ोर होगी, बल्कि आंखों के नीचे काले गड्ढे पड़ने लगेंगे. बढ़ती उम्र के साथ आई बैग्स और डार्क सर्किल्स जैसी समस्याओं से निजात पाना मुश्किल होता जाता है.
टिप: पेट के बल कभी न सोएं वर्ना चेहरे पर क्रीज़ पड़ सकते हैं.
6. शहद-
चेहरे को पहले धो लें, फिर कुछ बूंद शहद की चेहरे पर लगाएं. इसे कुछ मिनट तक ऐसे ही छोड़ दें और फिर चेहरे को धो लें. शहद चेहरे को नमी पहुंचाता है और उसे साफ करता है. शहद के सेवन के कई अन्य फायदे भी होते हैं.
7. जैतून तेल-
हर रात को सोने से पहले चेहरे पर कुछ बूंद जैतून के तेल की मालिश करने से चेहरे को नमी पहुंचती है. आप चाहें तो नहाने वाले पानी में भी कुछ बूंद जैतून के तेल की डाल सकती हैं. इससे त्वचा पर जमी डार्क स्किन भी निकल जाती है.
8. थोड़ा सा विटामिन सी-
चेहरे पर चमक बढाने के लिये विटामिन सी काफी प्रभावशाली होता है. आप चाहें तो रोज नींबू पानी पी सकती हैं या फिर चेहरे पर हल्का नींबू का रस लगा सकती हैं. यह अंदर से भी अच्छा है और बाहर से भी. आप इसे किसी भी एंटी एजिंग मास्क में डाल कर भी प्रयोग कर सकती हैं.