Anti D Titre Tips

How Brandy Helps In Cold And Flu?

Dr. Vishwanath B L 93% (106 ratings)
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Diabetologist, Bangalore
How Brandy Helps In Cold And Flu?

How does brandy help in cold and flu?

Brandy is prepared for the further distillation of wine to make alcohol content stronger. It's usually consumed as an after-dinner drink.

Brandy helps is cold and flu because of its strong anti-inflammatory properties which reduce pain in sore throat and also helps in clearing mucus. It's strong alcohol content is antibacterial.

Health Benefits of Brandy

  1. It contains antioxidants.
  2. It is anti cancer (especially ovarian and bladder cancer) because of its ellagic acid content.
  3. Is anti-aging as brandy is distilled in copper barrels and due to its antioxidant content.
  4. It helps in reducing cholesterol and aids in cardiovascular health.

Caution: Do not Consume the amount of Brandy more than 30 to 60 ml a day.

Update From Lybrate: Stay fit and strong by consuming Health Drinks Products, available at Lybrate. Being a blend of natural ingredients, these products give a vitalizing boost of freshness.

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Dt. Mallika Majumdar 92% (211 ratings)
M.Sc - Dietitics / Nutrition
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Kolkata

Garlic contains ajoenes,a phytochemical which may reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and may possess anti thrombotic (anticlotting),anticancer and antifungal activity. It is advisable to take raw garlic in the morning for better effect.
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Dr. Souvagya Ranjan Kar 91% (536 ratings)
Dentist, Cuttack
Certain medications such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your periodontal health. It is important to inform your dental care provider of any medications you are taking, as they could potentially be a risk factor for developing gum disease.

Health benefits of Green Almonds!

Dr. Divya Sharma 88% (135 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Zirakpur
Health benefits of Green Almonds!

Applying face mask of Green Almonds or its oil regularly helps prevent various ageing symptoms like wrinkles, black spots, fine lines, etc. as this is rich in anti-ageing properties.

Dr. Vitrag Shah 88% (642 ratings)
Critical Care Training, MD - Internal Medicine, MBBS
General Physician, Delhi
Dengue - Important Information

Dengue fever is a painful mosquito-borne disease. It is caused by any one of four types of dengue virus, which is transmitted by the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Previous dengue infection with similar serotype provides immunity but different serotype causes more severe infection.

Common symptoms of dengue include high fever, runny nose, a mild skin rash, cough, and pain behind the eyes and in the joints. However, some people may develop a red and white patchy skin rash followed by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Patients suffering from dengue should seek medical advice, rest and drink plenty of fluids. Paracetamol can be taken to bring down fever and reduce joint pains. However, aspirin or ibuprofen should not be taken since they can increase the risk of bleeding.

The risk of complications is in less than 1% of dengue cases and, if warning signals are known to the public, all deaths from dengue can be avoided.

Lab Test

Best test is NS1, specific
Cannot be false +ve
Is + from day 1 to 7 ideally.
If on day 1 is -ve, repeat it next day.
Always ask for ELISA based NS1 tests as card tests are misleading.

IgG & IgM dengue

In a pt with reduced platelets and looking "sick" on day 3 or 4 of illness, a very high titre of IgG with borderline rise in IgM signifies secondary dengue. These pts are more prone to complications.
In primary dengue IgG becomes + at end of 7 days, while IgM is + after day 4.

Immature Platelet fraction (IPF)

A very useful test in Dengue for patients with thrombocytopenia.

If IPF in such a pt is > 10%, despite a platelet count of 20, 000, he is out of danger & platelets will rise in 24 hrs.

If its 6%, repeat the same next day. Now if IPF has increased to 8% his platelets will certainly increase within 48 hrs.

If its less then 5%, then his bone marrow will not respond for 3-4 days & may be a likely candidate for platelet transfusion.

Better to do an IPF even with borderline low platelet count.

A low Mean Platelet volume or MPV means platelets are functionally inefficient and such patients need more attention.

The primary cause of death in patients suffering from dengue is capillary leakage, which causes fluid deficiency in the intravascular compartment, leading to multi-organ failure. Platelet deficiency is not the cause of death in most of the patient suffering from Dengue .

According to International guidelines, unless a patient’s platelet count is below 10,000 or there is spontaneous, active bleeding, no platelet transfusion is required. The outbreak of dengue in the City and Hospital beds are full and families are seen running around in search of platelets for transfusion. However what most people do not realize is that the first line of treatment for dengue is not platelet transfusion. In fact, it does more harm than good if used in a patient whose counts are over 10,000.

At the first instance of plasma leakage from the intravascular compartment to the extravascular compartment, fluid replacement amounting to 20 ml per kg body weight per hour must be administered. This must be continued till the difference between the upper and lower blood pressure is over 40 mmHg, or the patient passes adequate urine. This is all that is required to treat the patient. Giving unnecessary platelet transfusion can make the patient more sick.

“While treating dengue patients, physicians should remember the ‘Formula of 20' i.e. rise in pulse by more than 20; fall of BP by more than 20; difference between lower and upper BP of less than 20 and presence of more than 20 hemorrhagic spots on the arm after a tourniquet test suggest a high-risk situation and the person needs immediate medical attention.”

Read WHO guidelines for further fluid management strategies & Hematocrit monitoring.

Impact Of Cosmetics On Fertility!

Dr. Richa Sharma 92% (244 ratings)
MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS, FNB Reproductive Medicine, MRCOG
IVF Specialist, Mumbai
Impact Of Cosmetics On Fertility!

To look beautiful is the birthright of any female on earth but what happens when that girl becomes the mother or planning to become a mother - various advise you may get so let's get more evidence-based and safe 

A recent study discovered chemicals usually found in cosmetics and personal care products are linked to changes in fertility and sexuality hormones

Most of the cosmetics, including nail polish, anti-bacterial soaps, anti-aging creams, hair sprays and perfumes, have a severe effect on female fertility due to the toxic chemicals present in it. Parabens are a type of preservative (soaps, shampoos and conditioner) used to prevent the growth of bacteria.

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Dr. Qaisar Raza 87% (55 ratings)
Homeopath, Kolkata
The Walnuts are one of the best plant sources of protein and are packed with fibre, Vitamin E & B, magnesium and antioxidants to name a few.

They offer quite a few health benefits-

- Improve functioning of arteries and balance cholesterol levels
- Omega 3 fatty acids in walnuts promote healthy brain function
- Helps cure insomnia
- Promote bone strength
- Eating the right amount of walnuts can prevent natural weight gain
- They are Packed with anti-cancer benefits due to anti inflammatory and antioxidants content.


Dr. Naveen Prakash Verma 91% (189 ratings)
General Physician, Noida
High in fiber, so it keep you full and aid in digestion.
Helps prevent cancer.
Its anti-inflamatory.
High in anti-oxidants.
Lower high bloodpressure.
Helps improve vision.
Strengthens immunity system.
Promotes healthy glowing skin.
Strenghen bone.
Fight diseases.
Helps the brain and nervous system function.
Low in calories buy high in nutrients.

Medications - How They Help In Treating Psychiatric Issues?

MD - Psychiatry, MBBS, DNB - Psychiatry
Psychiatrist, Ludhiana
Medications - How They Help In Treating Psychiatric Issues?

What are antidepressants and mood elevators?

Often depression or mood changes are caused by the imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Anti-depressants or mood elevators are medications that are prescribed to patients with depression to alleviate their symptoms. Anti-depressants are not solely used for the treatment of depression, it is also prescribed in other psychiatric conditions which includes anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD), dysthymia (mild chronic depression) etc.

With time, the use of anti-depressants has been on the rise. Although, anti-depressants do not cure your depression, it relieves the symptoms of the same. Anti-depressants come in various types. The first one you try may not benefit you; however you must consult your doctor and find the right choice of medication for your condition.

Anti-depressant adherence
Non-adherence to anti-depressants can have major consequences on your health. It also majorly contributes to the under treatment of anxiety and depression in maximum cases in the population. The reasons why people do not comply with their therapy or treatment are various; forgetting to take the medicine being the primary one.

Other factors that contribute to non-adherence of anti-depressants include, fear of addiction, high cost of medications, fear of drug-induced sexual dysfunction, delayed onset of action of the medication, poor instructions and protocols given by the doctor and fear of side effects.

Adherence to the medication with proper guidance from the doctor has seen to decrease the symptoms of depression in the patients, leading them get back to their normal life. Under-treatment of depression can become fatal. If the depression escalates, suicidal tendencies can follow. Apart from these, suddenly stopping the medication has been associated with withdrawal symptoms which can get fatal in severe cases. In recent times, depression has become a common problem with the rise of fatalities caused by depression. As important as it may be to consult a doctor to get your symptoms diagnosed and get the right treatment, it is of equal importance that one adheres to the therapy and abides by the guidelines. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

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Anti-Depressants - Know Advantages Of It!

Psychiatrist, Mumbai
Anti-Depressants - Know Advantages Of It!

Are you suffering from acute depression? Well, in this case, nothing can be a better solution than taking anti-depressants. Anti-Depressants are nothing but specialized medicines or drugs that can help in releasing the stress hormones, and finally, the depression is completely eliminated.

These medicines need to be taken only if the doctors have prescribed the same, otherwise, you might face innumerable complications. Some people think that these drugs are equivalent to sleeping pills; in fact, they are not. 

What are the benefits of the anti-depressants?

  1. Provide Tranquillity: You can feel calm by taking the tranquillizers. However, in this case, you have to be very much aware of the perfect dosage as an overdose can create innumerable troubles that cannot be easily rectified. In fact, these medicines can be treated as one of the major aspects of any psychological treatment. These drugs are the most powerful of all, and on the other hand, you can have greater effectiveness after consuming the same. If you are facing health complications while taking these anti-depressants, then you have to immediately inform about the same to the doctor so that you can remain absolutely safe and protected.
  2. Increases Comfort: Your comfort level can be increased to a great extent. If you think that alcohol can provide you comfort, then you are wrong. Your health will get deteriorated a lot by having alcohol. But in this case, you will not face any health complications until and unless dosage is exceeded. All anti-depressants are not suitable for your health, and this is the reason you should listen to your doctor and then only consume the same. You should learn the safest usage of anti-depressants so that you can remain healthy and safe along with the elimination of stress and depression.
  3. Treating Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety is of the most critical types of mental disorders that cannot be easily treated, and this is the reason doctors often prescribe different kinds of anti-depressants so that anxiety can be controlled. In this case, Barbiturate deserves special mention and this drug is suitable for all. Nembutal and Phenobarbital are also very much beneficial in treating anxiety disorders. Acute stress and panic attacks can be resolved only by consuming Benzodiazepines. Brain activity can be reduced, and your nerves can get relaxed. This calming effect is really quite soothing in nature and can help you to stay away from all kinds of depression.
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