Anti HSV Antobodies IgG Tips

Penile itching home remedies

B.A.M.S, Diploma In Nutrition & Health Education (DNHE, PG Diploma In Hospital Managment
Ayurvedic Doctor, Delhi
Penile itching home remedies

Penile itching is a condition which may arise because of a sexually transmitted disease or not but it can be so serious that it can start disrupting your day to day life.


Cause of penile itching:

There are a lot of causes for this condition of penile itching and this may include a lot of sexually transmitted disease and some of the most common cause of penile itching are mentioned below: ;

Genital herpes: this medical condition of genital herpes arises because of the infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (hsv), this is known to trigger the pain and the problem of itching in the genital area and even on to the penis of a person. There is a possibility that the virus can lie dormant for a long time in your body, therefore it is also possible that most of the people do not even know that they have been affected with this condition because of this property of hsv. You can start to experience an outbreak which produces tiny clusters of some fluid filled blisters along with itching in your genital area.

Lichen nitidus: this condition of lichen nitidus makes a person experience inflammation in the skin cells which arises because of the tiny bumps which develop at different parts of your body that includes your penis as well. The bumps formed are usually in normal flat topped form, flesh colored and pin sized.

Candidiasis or male thrush: this condition of candidiasis is also known as male yeast infection and this condition of candidiasis is usually affecting or developing on the head of the penis. This condition can lead you to feel a burning sensation under the foreskin of your penis and on the top of your penis and this sensation is usually accompanied with itching, redness, rash and a cottage cheese-like discharge coming out of the penis under the foreskin.

Genital warts: this is a condition which is recognised in the form of small bumps appearing on the genital area of male and is really caused by a virus named as human papillomavirus (hpv). This is a sexually transmitted disease and this condition of genital warts looks flesh colored, resembles as a cauliflower and it can sometime result in bleeding or itching while you are doing intercourse.

Lichen planus and psoriasis: this condition of lichen planus results into an inflammatory situation which is known to affect various parts of your body mainly skin, nail and hair and among these your penis is also included. This can lead you to have itchy and flat topped blisters or bumps. Psoriasis is also considered as a chronic condition of your skin which can affect you penis as well, when the skin cells present in your penile region start to develop too quickly along with this condition you will start to notice an accumulation of so many skin cells on the surface of the skin which leads you to experience red patches of scaly skin and it also become itchy.


Causes of pubic itching:


The itch you experience in the groin area is not only limited to the penis but it also occurs in your pubic parts as well and there are certain conditions or reasons that lead you to experience this problem and some of those conditions are mentioned below:

Publice lice or crabs are in the form of tiny parasitic insects that will attach themselves to the hair and skin present in the pubic region.

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a medical condition which arises in your skin because of a reaction with an allergen.

Folliculitis is a condition which makes your hair follicles inflamed.

Jock itch is a type of fungal infection that appears on the skin of your genital area.

Molluscum contagiosum is a type of benign viral infection that is affecting your skin.


Home remedies for penile itching:


The itching in your penile region can be relieved for some time just by itching but you should know that this is a temporary relief and when you start to scratch a lot you may become prone to suffer an injury or any other kind of skin infection. To get rid of this medical condition there are a lot of medical treatment options available but apart from these there are some home remedies also available which may prove to be very effective and helpful and some of the most effective and easily available home remedies for this condition are listed below:

Cold compress: the itching that is caused by an ingrown hair, scabies or a contact dermatitis could be relieved very easily with the help of this cold compress. In this remedy, you will be asked to apply a wet and cold cloth on your penis for 5 to 10 minutes or you can also put a ice pack on it which is wrapped in a towel. The cooling effect which is created by the cold compress will help you to ease up your inflammation that is caused due to urethritis and balanitis.

Colloidal oatmeal: this oatmeal is known to contain a lot of anti-inflammatory properties which are found to be helpful in the reduction of skin irritation which can be dryness or itchiness. You can prepare yourself an oatmeal bath just by sprinkling into the lukewarm water some amount of oatmeal grounds.

Apple cider vinegar: when the cause of your penile itch is found to be psoriasis then in that case apple cider vinegar may prove to be very helpful in getting you away from the itching and irritation. For using this you can mix a part of apple cider vinegar along with a part of water and after it is prepared you will have to apply this solution directly on your skin and then rinse the solution and let it dry for sometime. When you have a break or crack on the skin of the penis you should not be applying any kind of vinegar on it as the skin in that area may start to burn.

Baking soda: if you are suffering from yeast infection or thrush problem on your penis then you can apply baking soda on your penis to reduce the itchiness caused on the penis. For using this you have to mix a cup of baking soda to a lukewarm bath and you will have to soak or mix baking soda along with water to create a paste from it. You will have to apply this paste on your penis and then rinse it off after some time.

Dead sea salt: if you are suffering from this problem of penile itching and you want to get rid of this condition then you can use epsom salt or dead sea salt. For using this you will have to create a bath for yourself using this which will require you to add a little bit of salt in lukewarm water and you have to soak in it for 15 minutes.



You should not be ignorant at all towards a persistent kind of penile itching, although a lot of home remedies could act as a first line of defense for this condition of penile itching but you should immediately seek for medical assistance when the condition of itching does not improve of it get worse with him or you are experiencing some other symptoms associated with this condition.

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Herpes Simplex - How To Treat It With Homeopathy?

Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery, Diploma in Clinical Counselling
Homeopathy Doctor, Nashik
Herpes Simplex - How To Treat It With Homeopathy?
Sexually contracted diseases have moved centre-stage over the past few decades due to the sudden spurt in the HIV-AIDS cases, particularly in some African countries. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is one such condition brought about by sexual contact. The condition is seen in 2 types, Type 1 and Type 2; the former affecting the mouth and the latter, the genitals. The affected person can experience horrible pain and discomfort. Homeopathy, though a form of medicine established centuries before diseases like Herpes were detected, still has remedies.

Herpes Simplex is contracted through direct, unprotected sexual contact with a person already suffering from the infection
Herpes is a virus and is highly contagious
Common symptoms include ulcers and sores on the skin
The lesions are visible in the areas affected based on the type, near the mouth in type 1 and over the genitals in type 2
Other symptoms, like flu-like headaches and painful urination, are also reported
As mentioned, Herpes is caused by sexual contact and in many cases, the symptoms may not show up immediately and may lay underneath
Physical examination and questioning the affected person on behavioural history, particularly sexual activity, will reveal the exact status to the doctor. In specific cases, a swatch of the affected area can be sent for microscopic examination
Homeopathy has an effective treatment for Herpes Simplex
Homeopathy looks at the long-term cure of the condition
Some of the remedies for Herpes under Homeopathy are Nitric acid, Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum, Medorrhinum, Silica
These are the elements and the medical practitioner will synthesise the elements in the right proportion and prescribe the doses
As it is practised in most Homeopathy treatments, the medicine is orally administered and the granules or tablets have to be taken continuously for a long period
Though each case would be different and the intensity of the condition would guide the treatment, there are common recommendations given to all affected individuals
Unprotected sex should be strictly avoided. Even in the case of protected sex, contact with unknown persons should be averted
The treatment for Herpes Simplex under Homeopathy may last from 12 to 24 months
But the treatment is meant to be a cure and ensure that the person is protected from future infections too
Several natural supplements are also a part of the long-term solutions to ensure that the holistic health of the males and females is maintained
Several suggestions are given to Herpes affected persons on the right kind of food items to consume
Homeopathy has an answer to virtually every condition, including some the ailments which have surfaced during this generation. But the treatment takes care of not only addressing the immediate condition but also finding long-term solution and prevention of future relapsing of the condition.
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Genital Sores - What Can Lead To Them?

MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Gynaecologist, Nagpur
Genital Sores - What Can Lead To Them?
You can develop genital sores irrespective of being a man or a woman. These are lesions, which develop around the genital area. Genital sores may cause pain and itchiness and may also lead to irregular or disrupted drainage. They can develop as a single sore or as multiple sores together. Genital sores are quite infectious in some cases and should be treated as soon as possible, as there is a risk of transmission to other people.

Genital sores are most commonly caused because of some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections. They are transmitted via sexual contact and may develop on any part of the genitals. Here are some basic causes of genital sores:

Syphilis: This is a serious STD, which affects several parts of the body. Usually, a small and painless sore appears, which is fat, wet or open. The sore commonly lasts for some days and disappears on its own. However, the disease continues to spread.
Chancroid: This disease is caused by bacteria and can be treated. More than one soft and painful sore develops on the genitals or the anus. These bleed, get enlarged and may also develop in the groin region.
Genital herpes: This disease occurs because of a virus and sores are produced on the genitals. They may go away and reoccur and this cycle continues for several months. These sores are not only caused by sexual transmission.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: This condition refers to an infection on any reproductive part of a woman s lower abdomen. It causes sores and is also referred to as pelvic infection. It commonly occurs when you have a sexually transmitted disease which has not been cured.
Bartholin gland infection: There are two small pockets of skin inside the vagina known as glands, which keep the vagina wet. Germs may get inside and infect the glands.
HIV infection: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus which causes AIDSand is sexually transmitted. It is commonly caused by having unprotected sex. Genital sores may be present in a person already infected with HIV, and this makes the transmission of the virus to another person easier while having sexual intercourse. Women are more prone to HIV than men.
Hepatitis B: This dangerous infection occurs due to a virus which causes damage to the liver. Sores are likely to develop in a hepatitis B affected patient. This disease is commonly transmitted due to unsafe sex.
Genital sores are most commonly caused by STDs. Hence, to avoid sores, you must keep away from getting affected by a sexually transmitted virus. For prevention, always have safe sex and abstain from having sex with a person who is infected.
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Tips to Treat Herpes Zoster!

BHMS, MA Psychology & Traning Counselling
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Tips to Treat Herpes Zoster!

What is herpes zoster?

Herpes zoster also known as shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus which produces painful rash. Varicella-zoster virus also causes chickenpox. Once you are infected with the virus it remains dormant in the body near the spinal cord and brain and may reactivate anytime in life and produce shingles. Shingles is a very painful condition.

Location: although shingles may appear anywhere in the body but they usually appear as a single line of blisters either on the left or right side of the trunk of the body.

Risk factors

Weak immune system: certain diseases which weaken the immune system (hiv/aids, cancer) make you more prone to develop shingles.

Being 60 or older: shingles is seen in older people more

Cancer treatment: compromises the immune system thus predispose to development of shingles

Steroids: also increase the risk of development of shingles


Common complication of herpes zoster is infections with acute pain.

Postherpetic neuralgia:- is a condition commonly seen as a complication of shingles. The blisters get cleared but the pain continues long after the blisters have healed.

Vision loss:- if herpes developes around the eys then it causes painful infection developes which can affect the vision.

Skin infection:- the blisters should be treated properly

Neurological problem:- herpes zoster can cause an inflammation of the brain, facial paralysis, or hearing or balance problems.

Symptoms and causes


The first symptom of shingles is localized pricking, burning pain with itching which developes days before appearance of the rash.
After few days fluid filled red blisters appear on the site of pain as a stripe of blisters on either side of the body.
The typical feature of the rash is that it would not cross the midline of the body and would stay on one side only
The blisters may burst and crust forms at the site.
There is sensitivity to touch.
In few cases the pain and rashes can be accompanied by fever, headache and fatigue.
There could be sensitivity to light if the rash is near eye.

Herpes zoster is caused by varicella-zoster virus which also causes chickenpox. Once you are infected with chickenpox the virus stays dormant in the body and may reactivate anytime thus producing shingles.

Diagnosis and treatment


Herpes zoster diagnosed with a physical examination of rashes and blisters. Sometimes doctor may also take a tissue scraping or culture of the blisters for laboratory examination.


Treatment for herpes zoster is antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic medications creams, gels but these treatments are not permanent and safe. Thus homeopathic treatment is the best treatment for herpes zoster.


Take varicella vaccine and varicella-zoster vaccine.
Take healthy foods.
Maintain hygiene.
Don't get in contact with person having the rash.
Warm applications might help with pain
Homeopathic management

There are medicines like arsenic album, rhus tox, arsenic album, calc carb, causticum, graphites, hepar sulph, silicea, sulphur, variolinum, mezereum, etc. But medicine depends on the presentation of the case and should never be taken without consulting a registered homeopath. Homeopathy has permanent cure for herpes zoster.

Do s and don ts

Do s:-

Take vaccinations.
Take healthy foods.
Maintain hygiene
Don ts:-

Don't touch or get in contact with person having the infection.

What is herpes zoster?

Herpes zoster also known as shingles is an infection caused by the varicella-zoster virus which produces painful rash. Varicella-zoster virus also causes chickenpox. Once you are infected with the virus it remains dormant in the body near the spinal cord and brain and may reactivate anytime in life and produce shingles. Shingles is a very painful condition.

Location: ;although shingles may appear anywhere in the body but they usually appear as a single line of blisters either on the left or right side of the trunk of the body.

Risk factors

Weak immune system: certain diseases which weaken the immune system (hiv/aids, cancer) make you more prone to develop shingles.

Being 60 or older: shingles is seen in older people more

Cancer treatment: ;compromises the immune system thus predispose to development of shingles

Steroids: also increase the risk of development of shingles


Common complication of herpes zoster is infections with acute pain.

Postherpetic neuralgia:- ;is a condition commonly seen as a complication of shingles. The blisters get cleared but the pain continues long after the blisters have healed.

Vision loss:- if herpes developes around the eys then it causes painful infection developes which can affect the vision.

Skin infection:- the blisters should be treated properly

Neurological problem:- herpes zoster can cause an inflammation of the brain, facial paralysis, or hearing or balance problems.

Symptoms and causes


The first symptom of shingles is localized pricking, burning pain with itching which developes days before appearance of the rash.

After few days fluid filled red blisters appear on the site of pain as a stripe of blisters on either side of the body.

The typical feature of the rash is that it would not cross the midline of the body and would stay on one side only

The blisters may burst and crust forms at the site.

There is sensitivity to touch.

In few cases the pain and rashes can be accompanied by fever, headache and fatigue.

There could be sensitivity to light if the rash is near eye.


Herpes zoster is caused by varicella-zoster virus which also causes chickenpox. Once you are infected with chickenpox the virus stays dormant in the body and may reactivate anytime thus producing shingles.

Diagnosis and treatment


Herpes zoster diagnosed with a physical examination of rashes and blisters. Sometimes doctor may also take a tissue scraping or culture of the blisters for laboratory examination.


Treatment for herpes zoster is antiviral drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic medications creams, gels but these treatments are not permanent and safe. Thus homeopathic treatment is the best treatment for herpes zoster.


Take varicella vaccine and varicella-zoster vaccine.

Take healthy foods.

Maintain hygiene.

Don't get in contact with person having the rash.

Warm applications might help with pain

Homeopathic management

There are medicines like arsenic album, rhus tox, arsenic album, calc carb, causticum, graphites, hepar sulph, silicea, sulphur, variolinum, mezereum, etc. But medicine depends on the presentation of the case and should never be taken without consulting a registered homeopath. Homeopathy has permanent cure for herpes zoster.

Do s and don ts

Do s:-

Take vaccinations.

Take healthy foods.

Maintain hygiene

Don ts:-

Don't touch or get in contact with person having the infection.

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Genital Sores - Know Reasons Behind It!

Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Ahmedabad
Genital Sores - Know Reasons Behind It!
You can develop genital sores irrespective of being a man or a woman. These are lesions, which develop around the genital area. Genital sores may cause pain and itchiness and may also lead to irregular or disrupted drainage. They can develop as a single sore or as multiple sores together. Genital sores are quite infectious in some cases and should be treated as soon as possible, as there is a risk of transmission to other people.

Genital sores are most commonly caused because of some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and infections. They are transmitted via sexual contact and may develop on any part of the genitals. Here are some basic causes of genital sores:

Syphilis: This is a serious STD, which affects several parts of the body. Usually, a small and painless sore appears, which is fat, wet or open. The sore commonly lasts for some days and disappears on its own. However, the disease continues to spread.
Chancroid: This disease is caused by bacteria and can be treated. More than one soft and painful sore develops on the genitals or the anus. These bleed, get enlarged and may also develop in the groin region.
Genital herpes: This disease occurs because of a virus and sores are produced on the genitals. They may go away and reoccur and this cycle continues for several months. These sores are not only caused by sexual transmission.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: This condition refers to an infection on any reproductive part of a woman s lower abdomen. It causes sores and is also referred to as pelvic infection. It commonly occurs when you have a sexually transmitted disease which has not been cured.
Bartholin gland infection: There are two small pockets of skin inside the vagina known as glands, which keep the vagina wet. Germs may get inside and infect the glands.
HIV infection: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus which causes AIDSand is sexually transmitted. It is commonly caused by having unprotected sex. Genital sores may be present in a person already infected with HIV, and this makes the transmission of the virus to another person easier while having sexual intercourse. Women are more prone to HIV than men.
Hepatitis B: This dangerous infection occurs due to a virus which causes damage to the liver. Sores are likely to develop in a hepatitis B affected patient. This disease is commonly transmitted due to unsafe sex.
Genital sores are most commonly caused by STDs. Hence, to avoid sores, you must keep away from getting affected by a sexually transmitted virus. For prevention, always have safe sex and abstain from having sex with a person who is infected.
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Sexual Diseases - How To Avoid Them?

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Sexologist, Lucknow
Sexual Diseases - How To Avoid Them?
When it comes to sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, there is no doubt that prevention is better than cure. Contrary to popular belief, STDs do not spread only through intercourse. STDs can also spread by skin to skin contact. The easiest way to prevent STDs is by abstaining from sex or being in a monogamous relationship with an uninfected person. This may not be possible for many men. Hence, let's take a look at alternatives to prevent sexual diseases.

1. Get tested - Most STDs can be easily tested for and treated. Thus, it is a good idea to regularly get yourself tested if you have more than one sexual partner. Your partner should ideally also get tested for STDs. However, remember that herpes and human papillomavirus do not show up on STD tests.

2. Avoid sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs - When inebriated, you may not make the best decisions. Decisions made at this stage are usually rash and not thought out. Thus, you may forget to ask the other person if she has been tested for STDs.

3. Vaccinations - Vaccinations can be effective against some types of STDs. The HPV vaccine can be given to boys as young as 11 years until they turn 26. Other vaccines that protect men from STDs are Hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccinations.

4. Use condoms - Condoms are the only way to protect yourself against the transference of STDs during intercourse. A condom should be used even if the woman is using an alternate form of birth control. Never reuse a condom and do not use oil-based lubricants with a condom. Before using a condom always check to ensure the condom is not punctured in any way and that it is within the expiry period. A condom should be used for oral, vaginal and anal sex. However, this does not prevent the transmission of STDs like syphilis, herpes and HPV.

5. Communicate with your partner - It is a good idea to share your sexual history with your partner. This creates an environment where you can discuss getting tested for STDs before engaging in intercourse. You must reach an explicit agreement about what forms of intercourse both of you are comfortable with. It is also a good idea to discuss a possible monogamous relationship with your partner.

6. Circumcision - Male circumcision is said to reduce a man's risk of contracting STDs like HIV, genital herpes and genital HPV.
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Herpes - How Effective Is Homeopathy In It?

BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, Certificate in Gynaecology & Obestric, Ph.D Homeopathy
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Herpes - How Effective Is Homeopathy In It?
Viruses, the bad ones, in particular, can have serious effects on the body which a person would not like to have, in any case. This is surely true when the case of herpes zoster is being talked about. This form of herpes is commonly known as shingles. But what if there was a proper solution to this issue?

When a person has blisters forming and causing a rash in a limited area, shingles is likely to be the cause of the same.

What is interesting to know too many people is the fact that the virus which is responsible for shingles or herpes zoster is the same one which is the cause for chickenpox! This virus is never cleared out even when the symptoms of chickenpox have long left the body of the person who had it. As a matter of fact, in some cases, it does reappear and affects the body again except this time in the form of shingles. However, doctors do not know why this occurs. Is that not weird?

Most people who have the bad luck of having to deal with shingles are over sixty years of age. While knowing all this is quite beneficial, what about the treatment of shingles?

When it comes to the homeopathic treatment of shingles, there is a range of options which can be made use of. That being said, it is of the highest importance to keep in mind the fact that medicine should only be taken as per the prescription of a trained professional in homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy can treat shingles very effectively. The results are very prompt in the pains and eruptions. Shingles can affect any age group. Usually, shingles indicate lowered immunity. Since they are a viral infection, least can be done with antibiotics. Homeopathy boosts the immunity. Genital herpes can also be very effectively treated with Homeopathy.

Arsenicum album is one of the most popular medicines from the homeopathic field. In most of the cases where it is ideally used, the patient is undergoing pain with a burning sensation on the affected area of the skin. When a rash begins to form, there is normally some tingling in the skin in the run-up to it.

Homeopathic treatment is so good that there is medicine to nip the problem in the bud before it has the chance to cause the affected person a whole deal of anguish. Aconite is the medicine, in this case.

Hepar sulphur and Rhus Toxicodendron are also used often over the course of treatment. The former is useful especially for people with unhealthy skin while the latter is commonly used for herpes of the face and around the joints.
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Sores And Lumps On Genital - How To Get Rid Of Them?

MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Mumbai
Sores And Lumps On Genital - How To Get Rid Of Them?
Are you observing bumps and lesions in and around your vagina? These are female genital sores, which may be painful, itchy, produce a discharge, and are very tender. These lumps and sores may occur due to skin disorders. Female genital sores mostly appear as a symptom of STIs or sexually transmitted infections. STIs are considered to be a hidden epidemic, which many women leave untreated because of embarrassment or fear.

Diagnosis of female genital sores
A physical examination is conducted for determining the cause of genital sores and lumps in females. A pelvic exam test will be undertaken and you will have to provide reports of your medical history. Certain tests such as blood work and a culture of the sore may be required as well. A culture involves taking a swab sample from the affected sore and testing it for detecting bacteria. After the cause of your genital sores is determined, an ideal treatment method is prescribed.

Self-care methods
On observing the symptoms of genital sores, you can apply some self-care measures to treat them before you get to visit a doctor. You can try a sitz bath, which is effective for pain and discomfort relief. A sitz bath can be prepared at home by filling your bathtub with warm water, going up to your hips when you get immersed. You should add a mild saline solution or baking soda to the bathtub water. A small basin for a sitz bath can be purchased from a drug store.


The method or treatment for genital sores and lumps depends on the cause.
Certain topical oral medicines are used for the treatment of the sores and for relieving pain.
Other medications such as antibiotics, corticosteroids, pain relievers, antiviral medicines and several anti-itch drugs are also used.
Some types of genital sores do not need treatment, but you should get them removed if they bother you. A noncancerous cyst is an example of such type of a sore.
The long term outlook for genital sores in females depends on the cause, once again. Sores and lumps caused because of chronic skin conditions and genital herpes are likely to recur. The long term outlook also depends on how fast you get an existing STI treated.
For the prevention of female genital sores, you should practice protected sex by using condoms. This prevents the infection from spreading to the people you have sex with. It is also important for you to open up about your condition and seek proper treatment, if you experience symptoms.
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Genital Tract Infections - Can They Lead To Infertility?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Surat
Genital Tract Infections - Can They Lead To Infertility?
Disregarding genital tract infections and issues including the symptoms of the same can lead to problems when it comes to fertility. It may also cause problems in your sexual life. Genital problems can also lead to infertility. These days, infertility is a noteworthy and very important occurrence that plagues many couples.

Common Infections: A large portion of these genital tract diseases occurs because of infections. Salpingitis happens in close to 15% of ladies in their reproductive age and 2.5% of all ladies get to be infertile as an aftereffect of salpingitis by age 35. Many times, symptoms of conditions and STDs like Chlamydia trachomatis are usually nonexistent. The real rate of ladies with upper genital tract infections is presumably underestimated.

Infection and Infertility: Infectious agents can hinder different vital human functions, including reproduction. Bacteria, fungi, infections and viruses can meddle with the reproductive capacity in both genders. Diseases of male genito-urinary tract represent around 15% of the instance of male infertility. Diseases can influence distinctive areas of the male regenerative tract, for example, the testis, epididymis and male sex organs and glands.

Urogenital diseases at various levels of their advancement, development and transport can affect the sperms themselves in this manner. Among the most widely recognized microorganisms required for sexually transmitted diseases, meddling with male fertility are Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea.

Symptoms: If the following symptoms of a genital tract infection are ignored, it can definitely lead to the person being infertile in some stage of life or immediately. These are as follows:

The signs and symptoms in males are:

Changes in the way you discharge
Bleeding while urinating or discharge
Thick white, yellow or green release from the tip of the penis along with painin urethra or pain while urinating
A hard but painless sore on the penis along with swelling of the lymph hubs in the crotch
Pain or uneasiness while urinating or discharge from the urethra
Difficult or irritated red spots and small blisters on the penis
Chestnut bits on the hair around the penis
Gentle delicacy around one of the testicles
Delicate swelling in the scrotum on one or both sides
Extreme pain after injury to your penis
The signs and symptoms in women are as follows:

Irregular vaginal discharge with a pungent smell
Burning sensation while urinating
Tingling or itching in the outer area of vagina
Uneasiness and pain during sex
Sore vagina
Foamy greenish-yellow discharge with a foul smell
Light bleeding after intercourse
Warts in the vagina
Regular check-ups and visits to the gynecologist are very essential. One should always keep the partner updated about their sexual health problems to practice a healthy and honest relationship and to avoid further contagious infections from occurring.
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Genital Herpes - Know Ayurvedic Way Of Tackling Them!

Fellowship Course in Panchkarma, BAMS
Ayurvedic Doctor, Navi Mumbai
Genital Herpes - Know Ayurvedic Way Of Tackling Them!
Herpes is known as Visarpa in Ayurveda. It is an infectious disease caused by Nita group (Herpes group) of viruses. It is an extreme form of the viral disease, which if left untreated can lead to the death of a person.

Types of Herpesviruses

Herpes simplex
Herpes zoster
Varicella zoster
Mode of transmission

Herpes can spread through the following routes:

Via blood (raktha)
Via skin (twacha)
Through muscles (snayu)
Through vaccination (lasika)
According to ayurveda, these viruses can enter the body by following modes:

Suppression of natural urges (emotions and physical symptoms)
Due to wounds fractures
Crush injuries
Cutting of immature part
All these factors speedily give rise to a sort of swelling and inflammation. This swelling can extend all over the body.

Clinical features

Vatika Visarpa: Fever, inflammation, twitching, pins and needles, tearing pain, giddiness, pricking pain, malaise, cramps, tremors, fever, bone and joint pain and their dislocation, shivering, anorexia, and indigestion
Paittika Visarpa: Fever, malaise, red pustules, which are rapidly spreading and suppurating
Kaphaja Visarpa: Numbness, stiffness, heaviness, pain in the body, pustules with exudates, deep-seated ulcers over the pustules with a surrounded capillary network and covered with many skin scabs.
Sannipatika Visarpa: Numbness, stiffness, heaviness, pain in the body, pustules with exudates, deep-seated ulcers over the pustules with a surrounded capillary network and covered with many skin scabs.
Granthi vispara: Glandular involvement along with all the symptoms of herpes
Agni Visarpa: Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, thirst, dizziness, splitting pain in regional glands, anorexia, pain all over the body, loss of consciousness, sleeplessness, dyspnoea, hiccough, mental confusion, and finally death
Kardama Visarpa: Red, yellow and pale yellow color eruptions with dull pain, edema, deep-seated suppuration, and eruptions that are free from exudations
Scope of ayurveda

It is based on dosha dominance. Herpes from a single dosha involvement is curable. Involvement of double doshas can be alleviated by the habitual use of general therapeutic measures and involvement of triple doshas is incurable because it pervades all the tissue elements.

Management in ayurveda

Langhana therapy for improving immunity and to fight against the virus
Herbs are used due to their antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antitumor activity, such as Musta, Bala, Guduchi, Yashti, Chandana, Usheera
Tikta dravya which pacifies the vitiation of rakta and pitta, which are the main causative factor for herpes
An induction of controlled vomiting for infection arising due to pitta dosha
Compounds with a bitter taste (tikta rasa pradana) administration to increase the flow of gastric juice and for the virus destruction
Administration of herbs (Sneha pana) for purgation
Rakta mokshana should be administered if the route of transmission is blood
Kasisadi ghruta for external application
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