Anti Musk Antibodies Tips

Anti impotency oil - a basic tool to sex power

Dr. Rajesh Choda 93% (8779 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Zirakpur
Anti impotency oil - a basic tool to sex power
Anti impotency oil - a basic tool to sex power

Approximately fifty herbs are used to prepare this classical oil mentioned in bhaishjya ratnawali - a prestigious testimony in ayurvedic world.

This oil not only enhances sex power but also used in vata ailments, diseases of uterus and epilepsy, mania, mental weakness and also sharpens memory brain power.

It's a potent nervine tonic.

This is named as shrigopal tel. Various companies may have slightly variable manufacturing procedures which gives variable degree of results for different problems.

Before using it is better to get advise and instructions from a qualified vaidya i. E. Ayurveda specialist.
334 people found this helpful

Anti Aging - 7 Treatments That Are Pocket Friendly!

Dr. Ravindranath Reddy 92% (353 ratings)
Diploma in Medical Cosmetology, MBBS
Dermatologist, Hyderabad
Anti Aging - 7 Treatments That Are Pocket Friendly!

Make up alone cannot hide your age. To truly look younger, you may want to shift your focus on anti-aging products and techniques, which are available in plenty of options. However, most people have a fixed mindset that all anti-aging products are expensive while it is not necessarily true.

So, here we have come up with a list of 7 budget friendly anti-aging treatment techniques:

  1. Microdermabrasion: This process removes dry skin and smoothes skin texture. It also minimizes damage from sun spots and releases trapped oil. Microdermabrasion is an outpatient technique that involves exfoliating and vacuuming the flaky dead skin.
  2. Chemical peels: There are a number of different chemical peels available today. The peel most suitable to you will depend on the issues that need to be addressed. A peel involves the removal of the top most layer of skin and exposing the layer below it. This helps remove hyperpigmentation, sun spots and scarring.
  3. Botox: Botox injections are commonly used to fight the formation of wrinkles and fine lines associated with aging. A botox injection contains purified toxins that do not allow muscles to contract and hence reduce fine lines on the forehead and around the eyes.
  4. Collagen fillers: Collagen is a protein that keeps the skin elastic and firm. Collagen production is inversely proportional to age. This causes a loss of volume in the face leading to the creation of sunken spots. Collagen injections can be used to fill in these spaces and even out skin levels.
  5. Latisse: With age you could also lose your eye lashes. Latisse is an effective way to re-grow them and have longer and thicker eyelashes.
  6. Sclerotherapy: Varicose veins also become more prominent and unsightly with age. Sclerotherapy is the use of saline injections that turns the veins into scar tissue that eventually fades. In some cases sclerotherapy can be carried out by using lasers depending up on the size of the veins and how close they are to the surface.
  7. Laser resurfacing: This can be used to reduce wrinkles, blemishes and acne scars. It involves focusing short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin to remove layers of skin. Laser resurfacing can be done either with a CO2 laser or an erbium laser.

Depending on the issues being addressed and the effects desired, each of these procedures may need to be performed more than once. This will affect the final price and hence it is essential to understand your treatment options completely before getting started with it. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dermatologist.

5346 people found this helpful

Anti Wrinkle Creams - Why They Don't Work Always?

Dr. Deepti Shrivastava 90% (694 ratings)
PG Dip Dermatology (London), Fellow Aesthetic Medicine (Germany) , D.M.C.H, MBBS
Dermatologist, Delhi
Anti Wrinkle Creams - Why They Don't Work Always?

Skin care and beauty products are a multibillion dollar industry which has been known to use unscrupulous methods to ensure the success of their products. Not all of them are fraudulent as some specialist creams are known to be effective. The majority however is mostly a mixture of marketing gimmicks and very run of the mill ingredients which don't really do anything.

Let's look at a few reasons why most anti wrinkle creams don't work:

  1. Creams bought over the counter, barring non prescription ones, are mostly just moisturizers: When you buy a new wonder cream which is supposed to be beneficial for your skin and reduce wrinkles, all it may be doing is actually just moisturizing the skin. This results in smoother looking skin although the wrinkles are still there. This with the combination of the placebo effect makes you think it may actually be working to reduce your wrinkles.
  2. The use of marketing to make a product appear what it isn't: Anti-wrinkle cream manufacturers use clever ploys to market their product and make it appear as a magic solution when it isn't. Digitally enhanced photographs and the use of models that are gifted with exceptionally good skin may lure you into buying their product when it may not be effective for you at all.
  3. Lack of real ingredients: These creams lack the real ingredients for it to be effective anti wrinkle agents. Retinol is a regulated drug which is used in many high end creams and is known as the anti wrinkle drug. However, cheaper creams may not have any of this chemical and thus all the claims are complete hoaxes.
  4. Making expectations too high: The human body is meant to change throughout the years, but due to excessive and hyped marketing, many are led to believe anti wrinkle creams will work wonders on them. However, even the best cream can only do so much and thus it is important for you to have realistic expectations of any product.
  5. Wrinkle prevention is always easier than removing them: Leading a healthy lifestyle where you keep your body hydrated, and follow a proper diet and exercise well will do wonders for your skin. Keep your skin hydrated with light moisturizers as well and it will prevent more wrinkles from showing up. However, existing wrinkles will not go away completely but will remain minimized if you have a healthy lifestyle.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

2847 people found this helpful

Anti Aging Skin Treatment - 6 Ways For It!

Dr. Nagakeerthana S 89% (48 ratings)
MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Kumbakonam
Anti Aging Skin Treatment - 6 Ways For It!

The allure to look young is always compelling and the recent advancements in medical technology have resulted in many procedures, which can help you knock off years. In fact skin care related to anti aging is one of the largest and fastest growing industries within the medical realm. Let's take a look at some of the procedures which are very effective in anti aging skin treatment.

1. Specialized Chemical Peels: In this procedure a doctor will put specially formulated acids on the area of your skin, which needs to be treated. This results in the abrasion or slight burning of the skin after, which new skin cells grow in its place, hence removing age related spots, wrinkles as well as freckles.

2. Injection of Botulinum Toxin Type A or Botox: This is possibly one of the most famous and well known anti aging treatments all over the world. This treatment involves injecting Botox into strategic areas of the face to reduce wrinkles and creases that may occur due to aging. This treatment is especially effective for frown lines on the forehead and close to eye corners.

3. Laser Resurfacing and or other Radio Frequency Treatments: These machine related treatments also use the principle of abrasion or wounding the skin to encourage the growth of new tissue. In laser resurfacing, a laser beam destroys the epidermis or the outer layer of the skin and heats up the dermis or the lower layer of the skin. As the wounded skin tissue heals, new tissue takes it place which is tighter, thus giving you a younger look.

4. Facelift surgery: It is a cosmetic surgical procedure, which takes quite some time to heal but is known to have long term results. In this procedure, excess skin and fat from your face and neck are removed surgically and after the bruising and the scarring have subsided, the new skin is much tighter thus making you look much younger.

5. Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion: These procedures employ the abrasion tactic to the fullest to destroy old tissue and encourage the growth of new tissue. Dermabrasion uses the technique of sanding the skin with a rotating brush where new skin needs to grow. Microdermabrasion is a more subtle technique as it uses finer equipment to sand away only the top layer of skin and the side effects of redness, swelling and scabbing tend to be lesser compared to conventional Dermabrasion.

6. Other Soft Skin Tissues Filler Injections: There are many other forms of soft skin tissue fillers other than Botox, which can be directly injected into the required area. Some of these are fats, gels and collagen which can be directly injected into wrinkles. These fillers work by swelling and plumping up the area around the skin to give it smoother look. However, these treatments also need to be done at frequent periodic intervals of a few months.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!


2620 people found this helpful

Why Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test Is Important Before IVF?

Dr. Ritu Prabhakar 90% (26 ratings)
MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology
IVF Specialist, Sonipat
Why Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test Is Important Before IVF?

Many couples are reaching IVF clinics due to infertility problems. IVF is a very useful process for those couples who are unable to conceive. A few tests will be done on both male and female, and then the treatment for infertility will start. Many people reach out to the doctor with a low AMH count. What actually is AMH count and how does it affect IVF treatment? Continue reading to know more about AMH:

What is an AMH test?
In the ovarian follicles, cells produce a protein called AMH or Anti Mullerian Hormone. AMH levels can be classified as below:

  • Very Low AMH levels means 0.5 ng/ml or below. This condition indicates severe fertility concerns and very low ovarian reserve.
  • Low AMH levels means 1.0 ng/ml to 1.5 ng/ml. This condition indicates that the ovarian reserve is low, but that chances of getting pregnant are still good.
  • Normal AMH levels mean 1.5 ng/ml to 4.0 ng/ml. This condition indicates a good ovarian reserve and very good chance of responding to IVF or other fertility treatments.

Many people have a misconception that low or very low levels of AMH do not indicate that the IVF treatment is suitable for the woman. Some women may have a low quantity of eggs due to low AMH levels, but the quality of the egg can be good and hence the chances of pregnancy are good.

Why is an AMH test important for IVF treatment?

  • One of the most reliable tests done for confirming if the woman will have a successful pregnancy is the AMH test. This test can be done at any time of the month irrespective of the monthly cycle and the lifestyle of the woman. The exact fertility health can be analyzed with the help of this test.
  • Blood samples are taken and tested for AMH levels. This is not included in your normal blood test reports and hence you need to ask the doctor if you want to know the AMH levels. A combination of Antral follicle count test with AMH tests will give you the best results.

Why do AMH levels drop?
There are many factors that are responsible for the AMH levels to drop and one of them is aging. Other factors include hormonal imbalance, low blood circulation to the ovaries, unhealthy food choices, stress, autoimmune diseases, genetic factors and your lifestyle.
One single test of AMH levels will not give you the exact results. You need to get the test done a few times to know the exact values. Though your birth control pills may not affect the AMH levels, you can stop them for a few months and then get the test done. Talk to the doctor regarding the other medications you take and other fertility drugs you have used in the past or presently. This helps the doctor to give you the right advice. In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

3291 people found this helpful

Tips to Select the Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Dermatologist, Delhi
Tips to Select the Best Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Some women look atleast a decade younger than the age mentioned on their passports. For most of these women this is the result of anti-aging creams and serums. There are dozens of anti-aging products available today. The tough part is finding the right product for you.

Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Start with the Basics: Dehydrated skin and sun exposure are the primary triggers for wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines. To prevent this, start by picking a good sunscreen. When picking your sunscreen look for one that offers an SPF of 30 or more, water resistance and protection against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have sensitive skin, avoid sunscreens with fragrances, harsh chemicals, alcohol and preservatives.
  2. Understand your Primary Concern: No one product can address all signs of aging. At the same time, using multiple products can do more harm than good. Infact, it can make you look older. Hence, it is important to take an honest look at the mirror and identify your main concerns. Pick a single anti-aging product that addresses this issue.
  3. Pick a Retinoid Based Cream: Retinoids are the best way to fight signs of aging like fine lines, larger pores and dark spots. Choose between a retinol cream and serum depending on your skin. While creams are betters suited for dry skin, a serum works well to treat clogged pores and acne. Eliminate products that have artificial preserves or paraben.
  4. Read the Label: Take a close look at the label and pick a product that contains anti-oxidants or is hypoallergenic. Also look for vitamins and polypeptides. This can nourish your skin and keep it elastic for longer. Pick products that have the words 'non-comedogenic' on the label. Lastly, look for the consumer hotline number on the product.
  5. Patch Test: It is impossible to know how a product will react with your skin before using it. Anti-aging products are intended for use on the face but before using it on your face, you must first do a patch test. A patch test involves applying the product on a small patch of skin on the forearm and leaving it for 24 hours. If you do not notice any adverse reaction, only then use it on your face.
  6. Ask the Dermatologist: Self diagnosis is often not the best step to take. When it comes to skincare, it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist before using a new product. Find a professional you trust and share your concerns with them so that they can advise you on the product that is most suited to you. 

Updates From Lybrate: We hope this information was helpful to you. Moreover, you can also check out these products for skin care from Lybrate.

7200 people found this helpful

Vitamin C - Understanding Its Role As An Anti Cancer Drug!

Dr. Mukul Gharote 89% (35 ratings)
MBBS, DM - Oncology, MD - General Medicine
Oncologist, Nashik
Vitamin C - Understanding Its Role As An Anti Cancer Drug!

When it comes to cold and the flu, Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is hailed as the best remedy and preventive agent. But did you know that this could also help fight against cancer? Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is not produced by our bodies and needs to be sourced through food. It is needed for the synthesis of collagen, norepinephrine, and carnitine. Collagen is required to develop bones, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels.

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter while carnitine is a protein required for transportation of fat to the mitochondria. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant that protects the body against damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it boosts the immune system and increases the body’s ability to fight infections. Ideally, an adult man should have 90mg per day while an adult woman should consume 75mg vitamin C per day.

When it comes to cancer treatment, vitamin C can act as an immune-modulator. It enhances the body’s resistance to pathogens and suppresses production of IL-18. This is a key regulator in melanomas, carcinomas and other kinds of malignant skin tumours. In the case of gastric cancers, the production of IL-18 is boosted by the vascular endothelial growth factor. In the case of breast cancer, IL-18 induces the production of transferrin. Thus, by regulating and reducing the production of IL-18, vitamin C can help reduce the risk of skin cancers, stomach cancers, and breast cancer. Dosage is key to the efficacy of Vitamin C in preventing cancer as an immune modulator.

In its reduced form, vitamin C is known as ascorbate. This has the ability to act as a prooxidant. Ascorbate in high dosages induces apoptosis in some melanomas through mitochondrial dysfunction. Similarly, a low dose of ascorbate induces cell cycle arrest of some types of cancer cells. Thus, by acting as a prooxidant, vitamin C inhibits the growth of cancer cells. This includes growth by inducing endoplasmic reticulum stress, suppressing growth factors and inhibiting angiogenic factor production. It also produces hydrogen peroxide-dependent cytotoxicity in cancerous cells without affecting other healthy cells.

The efficacy of vitamin C in dealing with various types of cancer has been found to be most effective when administered intravenously. In addition, it may also be given orally. Since vitamin C is cytotoxic and does not affect other cells, the side effects of this type of cancer therapy are usually negligible.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

3287 people found this helpful

Anti Calorie Diet - 7 Foods That Are Part of It!

Dt. Nancy Kashyap 90% (733 ratings)
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Delhi
Anti Calorie Diet - 7 Foods That Are Part of It!

The theory behind the anti-calorie diet is that they contain a negligible amount of calories. The body spends more calories in digesting them than their combined calorie value of the diet. Whether or not it is a true statement, it is pretty evident that the following food items have scant calorie value and will not even put a dent in your daily diet:

  1. CeleryA hundred grams serving of celery contains 16 calories. The water content of this food is close to 90 percent. The stringy covering only holds the water content inside. As such the body spends much more energy in digesting this food. Celery, therefore, is a perfect definition of anti-calorie food.
  2. CabbageCabbage is a great vegetable that helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The count of calorie is extremely less in cabbage. The body can digest it without any additional effort. It’s filling nature addresses hunger while making sure that the body digests it easily. It is estimated that 100 grams of cabbage contain only 20 calories.
  3. CucumberCucumber has close to 95 percent of water content. Being light weight and less filling, this food can be consumed until one is full. This is perhaps the reason why cucumber finds a place in almost every salad along with other low-calorie fruits and vegetables. 100 grams of cucumber contains mere 16 calories, making it the ideal anti-calorie food.
  4. MushroomMushrooms are a great replacement for high-calorie foods. A mere 22 calories in a 100-gram serving makes them an ideal item to be a part of the anti-calorie diet. The fungi presents in mushrooms are not only good for health, but is extremely light weight. It can be consumed along with other food items as a side dish or in the form of soup.
  5. Watermelon: Despite its sweet nature, watermelon has a surprisingly low-calorie count. Apart from being extremely light weight, watermelon can be easily digested and has antioxidant properties. A 100 gram serving of watermelon has only 30 calories. This, however, should not be taken daily, if you are very health conscious.
  6. Tomatoes: The red tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods that are easily available. It can prevent serious diseases such as cancer and heart blockages. A calorie count of 17 makes it a great fruit to be included in the anti-calorie diet.
  7. Lemons: Although lemon has a calorie count of 30, it can be included in the anti-calorie diet to ensure a different flavor in your diet. It can be consumed in the form of juice to finish your meal or start a day. Its vitamin C content is extremely beneficial for the body. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dietitian/Nutritionist.
5581 people found this helpful

Anti Aging Skin Care Products - 6 Tips To Help You Make The Right Choice!

Dr. Nitin Jain 88% (284 ratings)
MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), DDV, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy
Dermatologist, Pune
Anti Aging Skin Care Products - 6 Tips To Help You Make The Right Choice!

Some women look atleast a decade younger than the age mentioned on their passports. For most of these women this is the result of anti-aging creams and serums. There are dozens of anti-aging products available today. The tough part is finding the right product for you.

Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice

  1. Start with the Basics: Dehydrated skin and sun exposure are the primary triggers for wrinkles, sun spots and fine lines. To prevent this, start by picking a good sunscreen. When picking your sunscreen look for one that offers an SPF of 30 or more, water resistance and protection against both UVA and UVB rays. If you have sensitive skin, avoid sunscreens with fragrances, harsh chemicals, alcohol and preservatives.
  2. Understand your Primary Concern: No one product can address all signs of aging. At the same time, using multiple products can do more harm than good. Infact, it can make you look older. Hence, it is important to take an honest look at the mirror and identify your main concerns. Pick a single anti-aging product that addresses this issue.
  3. Pick a Retinoid Based Cream: Retinoids are the best way to fight signs of aging like fine lines, larger pores and dark spots. Choose between a retinol cream and serum depending on your skin. While creams are betters suited for dry skin, a serum works well to treat clogged pores and acne. Eliminate products that have artificial preserves or paraben.
  4. Read the Label: Take a close look at the label and pick a product that contains anti-oxidants or is hypoallergenic. Also look for vitamins and polypeptides. This can nourish your skin and keep it elastic for longer. Pick products that have the words 'non-comedogenic' on the label. Lastly, look for the consumer hotline number on the product.
  5. Patch Test: It is impossible to know how a product will react with your skin before using it. Anti-aging products are intended for use on the face but before using it on your face, you must first do a patch test. A patch test involves applying the product on a small patch of skin on the forearm and leaving it for 24 hours. If you do not notice any adverse reaction, only then use it on your face.
  6. Ask the Dermatologist: Self diagnosis is often not the best step to take. When it comes to skincare, it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist before using a new product. Find a professional you trust and share your concerns with them so that they can advise you on the product that is most suited to you. 
8031 people found this helpful

Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test - How Is It Vital Prior To IVF?

Dr. Richika Sahay Shukla 91% (942 ratings)
DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology), MBBS
IVF Specialist, Noida
Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Test - How Is It Vital Prior To IVF?

Many couples are reaching IVF clinics due to infertility problems. IVF is a very useful process for those couples who are unable to conceive. A few tests will be done on both male and female, and then the treatment for infertility will start. Many people reach out to the doctor with a low AMH count. What actually is AMH count and how does it affect IVF treatment? Continue reading to know more about AMH:

What is an AMH test?
In the ovarian follicles, cells produce a protein called AMH or Anti Mullerian Hormone. AMH levels can be classified as below:

  • Very Low AMH levels means 0.5 ng/ml or below. This condition indicates severe fertility concerns and very low ovarian reserve.
  • Low AMH levels means 1.0 ng/ml to 1.5 ng/ml. This condition indicates that the ovarian reserve is low, but that chances of getting pregnant are still good.
  • Normal AMH levels mean 1.5 ng/ml to 4.0 ng/ml. This condition indicates a good ovarian reserve and very good chance of responding to IVF or other fertility treatments.

Many people have a misconception that low or very low levels of AMH do not indicate that the IVF treatment is suitable for the woman. Some women may have a low quantity of eggs due to low AMH levels, but the quality of the egg can be good and hence the chances of pregnancy are good.

Why is an AMH test important for IVF treatment?

  • One of the most reliable tests done for confirming if the woman will have a successful pregnancy is the AMH test. This test can be done at any time of the month irrespective of the monthly cycle and the lifestyle of the woman. The exact fertility health can be analyzed with the help of this test.
  • Blood samples are taken and tested for AMH levels. This is not included in your normal blood test reports and hence you need to ask the doctor if you want to know the AMH levels. A combination of Antral follicle count test with AMH tests will give you the best results.

Why do AMH levels drop?
There are many factors that are responsible for the AMH levels to drop and one of them is aging. Other factors include hormonal imbalance, low blood circulation to the ovaries, unhealthy food choices, stress, autoimmune diseases, genetic factors and your lifestyle.
One single test of AMH levels will not give you the exact results. You need to get the test done a few times to know the exact values. Though your birth control pills may not affect the AMH levels, you can stop them for a few months and then get the test done. Talk to the doctor regarding the other medications you take and other fertility drugs you have used in the past or present. This helps the doctor to give you the right advice.

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