Anti Musk Antibodies Tips

Torn Meniscus Knee Treatment - Exercise, Anti Inflammatory & Surgery

Dr. Manoj Kumar Khemani 93% (680 ratings)
MCh Ortho, ATLS (AIIMS), Diploma In Orthopaedics (D. Ortho), MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, Fellowship in Arthroplasty and Reconstructive Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopedic Doctor, Kolkata
Torn Meniscus Knee Treatment - Exercise, Anti Inflammatory & Surgery

Meniscus refers to the soft ligament in your knee joint, which cushions your bones and protects it from wear and tear. It is vital for the fulfillment of regular activities and the health of your bones. Thus, damage to the meniscus can be extremely painful.

Torn Meniscus Knee Treatment

Meniscuses are exposed to injuries and shocks in case of rigorous activities and this is a fairly common syndrome faced by athletes and sportspersons. It can cause a substantial amount of hurt and generally impairs movement to a large extent. It potentially gets worse as the inflammation sets in and the swelling grows. The risk of a meniscus tear increases with age. The treatment for a torn meniscus depends upon the degree of tear. While minor tears repair on their own, for graver injuries, the following therapies may prove effective.

Common Symptoms of Torn Meniscus in Knee

  1. You might be able to experience a popping sensation in your knee joint.
  2. Stiffness and swelling in the knee.
  3. You will experience pain, especially while you are trying to twist your knee.
  4. You might not be able to straighten your knee completely.

Treatments for Torn Meniscus in Knee

The treatment for a torn meniscus in knee depends upon the degree of tear. While minor tears repair on their own, for graver injuries, the following therapies may prove effective:

  1. Meniscus Tear Exercise: For slightly serious meniscus tears, there are certain meniscus tear treatment exercises that are recommended to abort any further damage as well as to repair the wound. Limiting the activities which might exert pressure on the knees, getting adequate rest, using ice packs, and wearing neoprene sleeves always aid in recovery.
  2. Best Anti Inflammatory for Torn Meniscus: Often, meniscus tears are cured with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen. They not only reduce pain but also enable the mending of the injured tissue. However, one needs to be aware of a few side effects which often become natural repercussions of such drugs. The possibility of ulcers and bleeding get increased by leaps and bounds on the intake of such anti-inflammatory for a torn meniscus.
  3. Torn Meniscus Surgery: For all other forms of meniscus tears, if healing is not obtained through non-surgical methods, the only option available is that of torn meniscus surgery. Such a situation arises when the pain becomes unbearable and the meniscus tear does not respond favorably to superficial treatments. These torn meniscus surgeries are less complicated than replacement surgeries. They usually do not involve any life-threatening hazard and cautious and efficiently conducted surgeries release all pains and handicaps.

Update From Lybrate: After a particular age, everyone suffers from bone or joint issues. To keep these problems at bay, Buy Bones and Joint Care products from Lybrate.

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Anti Age Your Muscles - 5 Daily Habits That Keep You Young!

Dr. Himanshu Singhal 91% (78 ratings)
MD - Skin,VD & leprosy, MBBS
Dermatologist, Rewari
Anti Age Your Muscles - 5 Daily Habits That Keep You Young!

As children we wait to grow up and have a strong body as endorsed by our favorite movie stars, athlete, close friends and family members. We all strongly believe that a good physique is a great ways to attract people. What we often fail to recognize is that reaping a healthy body and a good physique requires small daily inputs. There are small things which most of us can do to help our muscles remain young and strong. Read on to know more about some magical ways to look youthful.

  1. Lift those Weights: While most think of cardio workouts, not everybody turns to the weights (learn more to maintain the healthy weight). Weights are one of the best ways to maintain muscle mass. Include it as a part of your routine, do it often, and gradually increase the frequency and the weights to cover all body parts including arms, back, shoulders, chest and legs.
  2. Eat more protein: A protein-rich diet reduces the risk of muscle loss. While most people tend to just move to an all-protein diet, that is not the best way. For 1 kg of your weight, add 1.5 g of protein in your diet. For muscle building, you need about double what a normal person would need, which is about 0.8 g per kg. As a safe practice, check with your trainer and dietitian to arrive at a diet that would suit your requirements (Read more about Importance of Protein)
  3. Plan your meals: As your body needs all essential ingredients, plan your meal to ensure it covers all nutrients. From a muscle building point of view, ensure the required amount of protein is packed in all the 3 meals. It is good to spread out the protein intake through your meals rather than have one protein-loaded meal in a day.
  4. Pomegranates: These so called 'wonder fruits' contain a molecule which reduces the effects of ageing in the muscles. There are even pomegranate extracts which are believed to provide the same benefits, so the season is not a problem.
  5. Get some sun: While it is definitely not advisable to sun bath daily, getting a good amount of sun on a daily basis is very good for both the mind and the body. Sunlight, which is the main source of vitamin D, can reduce muscle weakness. It is also essential for calcium absorption, which is essential for muscle and bone health. Reduced amounts of vitamin D have been shown to lead to muscle wasting. A good idea is to walk or run out in the sun instead of in the gym. You get the benefits of both the sun and the workout, leaving you rejuvenated.

Try these simple tricks and see your muscle take time to lose their firmness and strength.

4375 people found this helpful

Best Anti-Ageing Food Items!

Dt. Neha Suryawanshi 91% (20749 ratings)
M.Sc. in Dietetics and Food Service Management , Post Graduate Diploma In Computer Application, P.G.Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics , B.Sc.Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Best Anti-Ageing Food Items!

Best Anti-Ageing Food Items

3 people found this helpful

Dr. Potnuru Srinivaasa Sudhakar 91% (2267 ratings)
M.B.S.(HOMEO), MD - Homeopathy
Homeopath, Visakhapatnam
The basil leaves have anti-inflammatory, anti-biotic and anti-fungal qualities which helps in the prevention and cure of some of the biggest health problems such as cancer and diabetes.

Adding Spices To Food Can Be Beneficial!

Dt. Kejal Rathod 88% (277 ratings)
BSC Food & Nutrition, Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Certified Registered Dietitian
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
Adding Spices To Food Can Be Beneficial!

Adding spices to your diet not only enhances the flavour but has certain functional food properties which are anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-oxidant.

1 person found this helpful

Dr. Masroor Ahmad Wani 90% (5215 ratings)
MD, sexologist, Fellowship
Sexologist, Srinagar
Thinking is anti to sex, so never think more about your sexual problem, just go for treatment.
24 people found this helpful

Dt. Sophia Lashkari 87% (35 ratings)
Certified Diabetes Educator, Pediatric Nutrition, Infant and Young Child Feeding, PG Dietetics
Dietitian/Nutritionist, Mumbai
To stay well hydrated this summer; check the following pointers:-
• Do not drink more than 2 – 3 cups of tea/coffee during summer; it tends to dehydrate your body. It is diuretic that leads to loss of water from body
• Ensure 8 – 10 glasses of water each day
• Load yourself with water based fruits & vegetables like watermelon, musk melon, apple, peach, blueberries, kiwi, cucumber, zucchini etc
• Make yourself a fruit salad:-
a) Toss your favorite seasonal fruit mangoes, strawberries with plain yoghurt and honey to suit your taste
b)Take cubes of cucumber, add it to curd. Flavor it with a tempering of olive oil + curry leaves + mustard seeds + slit green chilies
• Make a glass of fruit juice: -
a) Deseed water melon & freeze for 20 minutes. Take it and blendrise it; add a pinch of black salt, white pepper powder & lime juice to add a zing to your drink
b) Blend 2 tsp of mint with lime juice, water, ice & ginger juice. Serve it chilled; garnished with mint leaves
• Cold soups like gazpacho is a good option too
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Ayurvedic View Of Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)!

Dr. Jeevan Sampat Jadhav 89% (125 ratings)
Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery (BAMS)
Ayurveda, Nashik
Ayurvedic View Of Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)!

Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)
Nature of the season - Sita, snigdha, agneya. 
Hemanta And Sisira Rtus (Winter)
1)Healthy people will be more healthy. 
2)The digestive power will be strong. 
3)The nights are long. So, the person will get appetite in early morning. 
4)Eat sweet. sour, oily foods, meat, wheat, milk, ghee, black gram, etc., 
5)Do oil massage and massage with powders. 
6)Do strong exercise and use cosmetic pastes made of musk and saffron, HONEY KWSHAR CREAM, ALMOND CREAM. 
7) Induce perspiration with warm cloths and live in warm place. '
8)Exposure to sun light is good. Sexual contact is advised. 
9)Avoid excess sleep. 
10) DO Ayurvedic DHUPAN in home. 

Common DISEASES in this season 
1)Cold, allergies 
2)Respiratory problems like asthma, fever 
4)Skin diseases 
5)Feeling of heaviness 

Dr. Hemang S Jani 89% (483 ratings)
Master of Physical Therapy MPT CARDIO, BPTh/BPT
Physiotherapist, Rajkot
Take a lots of cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes and carrots every day as anti-aging agents.
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Dr. Gunvant Mayavanshi 88% (13 ratings)
MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy, MBBS
Dermatologist, Anand
Exercise is the number one anti-aging medicine, and the benefits are immense. For starters, it is a great anti-stressor. It also improves circulation, which in turn improves skin complexion.
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