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Beta Cross Laps Test

Beta Cross Laps Test

also known as: B-CTx, Beta CrossLaps, C-Telopeptide

Beta Cross Laps measures C-terminal telopeptide of mature Type 1 collagen and has been proposed as a reliable specific marker for bone resorption. The levels are elevated with increased bone resorption in patients. This assay helps in monitoring the therapeutic effects of estrogen replacement therapy on bone mineral density and bone turnover in postmenopausal women treated for osteoporosis and individuals diagnosed with osteopenia. Increased levels are associated with Hyperparathyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Paget’s disease, Osteopenia, and Osteoporosis. It is useful in determining the abnormalities in the bone remodeling process and can be used to monitor the rate of bone loss in various metabolic bone disorders. An addition to the diagnosis of a medical condition that is associated with increased bone turnover.

The patient needs to fast prior to testing. Twelve hours before this blood test, you need not consume dietary or multivitamins supplements which contain Vitamin B7 and biotin which are most commonly found in nail, hair and skin supplements and multivitamins. The sample timing is very important because many of the bone markers vary in the blood and urine depending upon the time of day. You need to follow the instructions provided for the timing of sample collection. You also need to carry the necessary documents and prescription provided by the doctor. All you need is to carefully follow the general instructions provided to you before the test.

Beta cross laps test helps in determining if a person has an increased or decreased rate of bone turnover. Bone markers are sometimes used as a supplement to bone density testing which helps in evaluation bone loss or to detect some bone diseases. In adults, the test is used to detect response to bone formation and anti-resorptive therapies for bone disease and helps to determine if the receiving drug dose is effective or not. In children, the test helps in detecting and managing metabolic bone disorders such as osteogenesis imperfect, Paget disease, Rickets, and secondary osteoporosis.

A blood sample is collected from the patient by inserting a needle into a vein in the arm. Sometimes, a timed or random urine sample is collected in a clean container which is provided by the laboratory. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for testing. Beta cross laps testing is performed with the help of the Roche Cobas 6000 e601 analyzer. The patient’s specimen labeled with ruthenium reacts to form a complex. Voltage is then applied to the electrode which is then measured against a calibration curve to determine the amount of beta cross laps in the patient specimen.

red top palstic vial
Type Gender Age-Group Value
Beta Cross Laps
All age groups
35-950 pg/mL

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Table of Content

What is Beta Cross Laps Test?
Preparation for Beta Cross Laps Test
Uses of Beta Cross Laps Test
Procedure for Beta Cross Laps Test
Specimen Requirements
Normal values for Beta Cross Laps Test
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