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Biopsy Tissues Test

Biopsy Tissues Test

Biopsy is a test performed by a surgeon, radiologist, or cardiologist extract of sample cells or tissues tested to determine the presence or extent of disease. The tissue is examined by a pathologist under a microscope and also analysed chemically. When an entire lump or are is removed, the procedure is called excisional biopsy. An incisional biopsy or core biopsy samples a portion of the abnormal tissue without attempting to remove the entire lesion or tumour. When a sample of tissue or fluid is removed with a needle in such a way that cells are removed without preserving the histological architecture of the tissue cells, the procedure is called a needle aspiration biopsy. Biopsies are commonly performed for insight into possible cancerous conditions.

Biopsy for tissue is carried out by needle biopsy procedure. Most needle biopsy procedure don’t require any preparation on your part. However, you may be asked to stop taking blood thickening medications like aspirin or warfarin before your biopsy. Depending on which part of your body biopsy needed and do not eat or drink before biopsy procedure. During procedure you will be given general anesthesia. You may receive intravenous sedation (IV) or general anaesthesia before the procedure. Your doctor may ask you fast the day before procedure Tell your doctor what medications you are in under Sometimes this would help doctor to make procedure easy.

Biopsies are mostly recommending to look for cancer. But biopsies can help identify many other conditions. A biopsy might be recommended whenever there is an important medical question the biopsy could help answer. Here are just a few examples: A mammogram shows a lump or mass, indicating the possibility of breast cancer. A mole on the skin has changed shape recently and melanoma is possible. A person has chronic hepatitis and it's important to know if cirrhosis is present.

Biopsy for tissue is done by needle biopsy The doctor uses a special needle to extract cells from suspicious area Generally, biopsy is done on tumours that your doctor can feel through your skin, such as breast lumps and enlarged lymph nodes. When combined with an imaging procedure, such as X-ray, needle biopsy can be used to collect cells from a suspicious area that can't be felt through the skin.

Type Gender Age-Group Value
Biopsy Tissue
All age groups
The observations are reported by the pathologist depending on the histopathological findings
Average price range of the test is between Rs.200 to Rs.3000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

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Table of Content

What is Biopsy Tissues Test?
Preparation for Biopsy Tissues Test
Uses of Biopsy Tissues Test
Procedure for Biopsy Tissues Test
Normal values for Biopsy Tissues Test
Price for Biopsy Tissues Test
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DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopath, Patna
I want to increase my weight and build up my body what should I do expect exercise.
Hello, Tk, banana with hot milk and butter in d breakfast. •Add, ghee in lunch with sprouts, salad, & fruits, providing adequate nutrition. •Go for aerobics for 30 mnts. • Go for meditation ,yoga to reduce your stress and to nourish the body to energise cells & tissues making you healthy.  ⁃ Go for cycling, jogging,skipping, either.   ⁃  Tk, plenty of water free from contaminants to eliminate toxins &'regulate your metabolism to energising your body. •your diet b easily digestible, simple, non - irritant, on time to check gastric disorder. •Tk, Homoeo medicine being gentle, rapid & safe in administration. @ AlfalfaQ-10'drops, thrice with little water. Ensure, sound sleep, for 7 hrs, at least in d night.  • Your feedback will highly b appreciated for further, follow up, please. Tk care.
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He is suffering from Peyronie's disease is an abnormal curvature of the penis caused by scar tissue in the erectile tissue. Because the scar tissue prevents straightening of the penis, the curvature is most obvious during an erection. The curvature may be so severe that it prevents penetration during intercourse Can be solve with help of proper ayurvedic treatment that will surely straighten his penis and help making intercourse. Conslt me privatly for more details. Tc.
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But why excitation happens all the time and cause of very little things it seems to be a disorder and it is happening...
Hello, Tk, plenty of water to eliminate toxins restoring metabolism to absorb neutrients preventing constipation, making you fresh. •Go for meditation to reduce stress and  nourishing cells & tissues including brain to calm your nerve nourishing your entire body to feel good. •Your diet be normal, non-irritant in small intervals avoiding gastric disorder to avoid fatigueness. •Avoid, junk food, alcohol, caffiene,  nicotine, piza,  burger. Tk, homoeopathic medicine:@.Ashawagandha Q-10. Drops,thrice with 2tsdl of water. Tk, care.
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4 Causes Of Arthritis And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!

Ayurvedic Doctor, Mandsaur
4 Causes Of Arthritis And Its Ayurvedic Treatment!

Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. A joint in the body functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. Arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints.

Arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. Joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. When four or more joints are involved, the arthritis is referred to as polyarthritis. When two or three joints are involved, it is referred to as oligoarthritis. When only a single joint is involved, it is referred to as monoarthritis.

Cause of arthritis

It is difficult to narrow down a single cause for it, but a combination of reasons may trigger this disease.

  1. Injury: A hurtful injury can cause your joint to get inflamed and may also damage the tissue around it leading to arthritis.
  2. Heredity factors: In many cases, the genetic make-up of an individual can also cause this.
  3. Diet and nutrition: Sometimes, consuming the wrong diet can cause your joint to either fall weak or affect the tissue around it. For example, sugar-rich foods are not good for your joints
  4. Less cartilage: Cartilage is a firm but flexible connective tissue in your joints. It protects the joints by absorbing the pressure and shock created when you move and put stress on them. A reduction in the normal amount of this cartilage tissue cause some forms of arthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis

Most common signs on the onset of this disease are stiffness, redness of the skin around a joint, pain due to inflammation, it might also affect your immune system causing a loss appetite if the disease is because of your immune system.

How can Ayurveda help?

Ayurveda can work wonders for this disease since a right combination of nourishing herbs and stable yoga postures improve your joint health for a longer time. Since the treatment is totally organic, the calcium absorption of your body is increased naturally without any side effects. Even Ayurvedic oils work well for joint pain and give you quick relief. If you have been to able to find the right treatment then Ayurveda is for you. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an ayurveda.

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All About Knee Replacement Procedure!

MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics
Orthopedic Doctor, Chennai
All About Knee Replacement Procedure!

Knee replacement is a procedure where the weight-carrying surfaces of knee joint are replaced surgically to ease the pain or any disability. People suffering from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis undergo knee replacement. All these conditions revolve around stiffness and painful knee. This surgery is usually performed on people aged over 50.

Surgery Types: 
Knee replacement is mainly of two main types:

  1. Total knee replacement where both the sides of knee joints are replaced
  2. Partial knee replacement where only single side of the joint is replaced

Procedure: In case of partial knee replacement with minimal invasion, a smaller incision, which is 3 to 5 inches, is required. This leads to minimal tissue damage and the surgeon can work between the fibres of the quadriceps muscles. Here, an incision through the tendon is not required. This may result in less pain, recovery time is reduced, and motion is better as scar tissue formation is less.

In total knee replacement, four steps are performed:

  1. Removal of damaged cartilage surfaces, which is at the ends of the femur and tibia, with a small quantity of underlying bone.
  2. Replacement with metal components, which help as a recreated surface of the joint
  3. Incision of knee cap with a resurface made of a plastic button, which is optional based on the case
  4. Insertion of a medical grade plastic spacer amid the metal components. This creates an effortless gliding surface.

After general or spinal anaesthesia, an incision of 8-12 inches is made in the front part of the knee. Joint part which is damaged is removed from the surface of the bones. The surfaces are then formed in a way to hold a metal or plastic artificial joint. The thigh bone shin as well as knee cap is attached to the artificial joint with either cement or a special material.

After Effects of the Procedure: After the surgery, patients may stay in a hospital for three to five days. Post surgery, notable improvement can be seen after a month or later. The patient is gradually relieved from pain with the construction of new gliding surface during surgery.

There will be slow progress in the movement. In the beginning, one may walk with a support of parallel bars and then with the help of crutches, walker, or cane. After full recovery in about six weeks, people can enjoy normal activities except running or jumping.

Presently, over 90% of total knee replacements function well even after 15 years of surgery. Hence, knee problem is no problem at all! If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Orthopedist.

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Ways To Prevent Hair Loss With Homeopathic Treatment!

Homeopathy Doctor, Faridabad
Ways To Prevent Hair Loss With Homeopathic Treatment!

Growth of hair may occur either on its own or after a particular treatment, inducing hair growth. There are various treatments as well as solutions for preventing and treating hair fall. Loss of hair occurs due to various reasons, including fungal infection on the scalp, genetic reasons, head injury and extreme fever. Homeopathic treatment is one of the finest branches of medical treatments that have been proved to be highly effective in curing hair fall and in promoting growth of hair.

• Homeopathy is a stream of medications that has been there for a long time and prepared with herbal and mineral sources.
• Many practitioners recommend homeopathic treatment for a long-term solution of hair loss.

Some of the most effective homeopathic medications for hair loss include:

• It is extracted from sandstones and human tissues.
• This medicine is very useful for strengthening the roots of hair and eliminating the dryness by offering total nourishment to the scalp and hair.
• Silicea is a growth enhancer and is one of the 12 tissue cell salts found in human beings.

Kalium carbonicum
• Kalium Carbonicum is a homeopathic medication that has been extracted from compounds that Egyptians used for preparation of glass.

• It is prescribed by homeopath practitioners all over the world to stop thinning and brittleness of hair, thereby promoting good hair growth.
• This medicine is good for individuals, who are orthodox in their belief.

• Homeopathic experts recommend lycopodium for the prevention of premature balding.
• It is particularly suitable for pregnant women and those who have recently given birth, as hair fall is a common symptom at this stage.
• It is generally prepared by distilling the spores of some evergreen plants like club moss, which is popularly referred to as staghorn moss.

Natrum muriaticum
• The preparation of Natrum muriaticum is executed from sodium chloride, which is commonly known as table salt.
• This medication has been proven to be very effective, where hair loss is caused from dryness of scalp, dandruff problems, skin diseases and menstrual disorders.
• It can also treat hair loss caused from hormonal imbalances and is a great solution for people who react emotionally to loss of hair.

Though the homeopathic treatment regime is filled with hoards of medicines, it is crucial to consult an expert to know which treatment would work for you and refrain from administering medicines on your own. This will help you to reap the benefits of homeopathic treatments and have desired growth of hair.

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Myths And Facts About Diabetes!

MBBS, CCEBDM, Diploma in Diabetology, Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics, Cetificate Course In Thyroid Disorders Management (CCMTD)
Endocrinologist, Dharwad
Myths And Facts About Diabetes!

 1) Diabetes is curable :

Diabetes is  mainly due deficiency of Insulin (hormone produced by Beta cells of pancreas), plus resistance to action of insulin, overweightor obesity  and inactivity. Therefore, to treat diabetes we need drugs that initiate insulin secretion, reduce insulin resistance. In some cases  insulin itself. Plus dietary control and regular exercise to maintain normal weight or reduce excess weight. Hence it can only be effectively controlled. Cure is not possible.

2) Eating Sugar or Sweets causes Diabetes :

It is incorrect to say that eating sweets and / or sugar causes diabetes. Basically excess food intake will lead to excess production of glucose. That puts excess load on insulin producing cells in pancreas due glucotoxicity. Also due to central obesity  the fat around internal organs causes lipotoxicity affecting the beta cells. Therefore, excess food intake in general and weight gain  are the reasons for diabetes.

3) Jaggery is better or safe in diabetes :

Jaggery and sugar both are essentially same. Both contain sucrose, as they are prepared from sugar cane juice. Hence eating either of these will increase blood glucose considerably. In jaggery there are some vitamins and a few antioxidants. But both are bad for a diabetic person.

4) Rice should not be eaten in diabetes :

Not really true. Because in south India this is the major or at times only main food. Rice has a high glycemic index so gets converted to glucose rapidly. So polished rice is not good. Brown rice is better. Quantity should be regulated. All other cereals  also are converted  glucose after digestion. 

5)Allopathic Medications Damage Kidneys, so go for either Ayurvedic or Homeopathic Drugs :

In fact diabetes itself affects kidney, particularly the filtering membrane of glomerulurous  (a filtering unit in the kidney).   Even when diabetes fairly well controlled, kidney does get affected. The drugs used to treat diabetes  help in overcoming kidney damage. Therefore it is wrong to think that modern drugs cause kidney damage. In fact some of the other drugs contain heavy metals (Bhasmas), which can be harmful to the kidney.

6) Sugar intake is essential for body :

Some people keep asking that eating sugar is very necessary for getting energy for the body tissues. This is not at all true.  Because all the cereals like rice, jowar, wheat, ragi, bajra and other millets, contain starch as the main ingredient. Hence intake of each of these foods  provides glucose after digestion. So there is no separate need for taking sugar.

Few things to be remembered and practiced are :

  • Always use whole grain flour, as it contains a good amount of biber content for making chapati or roti.
  • Consume more of green leafy vegetables and salads with every meal.
  • Consider fruits and green leafy vegetables as part of regular snacks
  • Take small meals on more number of occasion to avoid glucose surge.
  • Avoid Maida and foods made from it. It is probably worst kind of food that one can consume.
  • Form healthy food habits.
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