Brucella IgM Antibody Tips

STD Testing - Why Should You Never Ignore It?

MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DNB -Obstetrics & Gynecology
Gynaecologist, Gurgaon
STD Testing - Why Should You Never Ignore It?

An STD or sexually transmitted disease is usually an infection which spreads from one person to another during sexual contact. Some STDs can also be transferred through touch, since they spread by skin contact. People hardly like to talk or discuss about STDs, but it is very important to rule out the possibilities of STD. Whether one likes it or not, if STD testing is ignored, then it can lead to long-term consequences.

Why STD Testing is Important?

Often STDs have no signs and symptoms, and the only way to know that are you suffering from an STD is to get tested for it. So it is a good idea to get yourself tested, as you never know if you might have STD even though you don't show symptoms. Also, when STDs are diagnosed, most of them can be cured.

Consequences of not Getting Tested

If one has STD and is not getting tested for the same, then it could lead to health problems which can cause permanent damages or might prove to be fatal. Some of the problems are:

  1. Undiagnosed and untreated STDs can lead to damaged reproductive system, leading to sterile men and women.
  2. Chlamydia, if untreated can lead to epididymitis and shrinkage of testicles and infertility in men. It also leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. But, good news is, it can be treated easily.
  3. Syphilis can make a person blind and deaf, and can also be passed on to babies.
  4. Gonorrhea, which can also be treated easily with antibiotics, can lead to infertility or death if untreated.
  5. Even HIV/AIDS if diagnosed in early stages can enable the patient to lead a normal life and does not mean only death, contrary to conventional perceptions.  

Symptoms of STD

While, gonorrhea, chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV) have no symptoms, the common symptoms of STDs might vary.

  1. In women, the common symptoms are pain and burning sensation during urination, blood in vaginal discharge as also abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, blisters, warts, and swollen glands.
  2. Men often experience inflammation of the testicles, prostate, sores, feverurethral discharge and pain during urination.

If these symptoms are observed, it is vital to get tested for STDs. Also, the best way to protect your partner is not to practice unsafe sex and to refrain from the same until diagnosed and treatment is complete.

Getting yourself tested for STD is also beneficial, as it can prevent against complications like cancers and infertility. The standard STD panel of tests consists of Herpes IgG antibody and HIV antibody blood tests, along with a blood test for syphilis antibody and DNA urine test for gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

1927 people found this helpful

Two Main Causes Of Erythroblastosis Fetalis!

Dr. Anju Sharma 87% (58 ratings)
MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Agra
Two Main Causes Of Erythroblastosis Fetalis!

What is erythroblastosis fetalis?
Erythroblastosis fetalis is also known as haemolytic anaemia in the newborn. This occurs due to blood incompatibility in the mother and foetus. Due to this incompatibility, the antibodies present in the mother’s blood, will pass through the placental barrier and attack the blood cells of the foetus. This will lead to the destruction of the red blood cells of the foetus and it is likely to cause anaemia in the foetus. This condition varies from mild to very serious. In its moderate or severe stage, the erythroblasts or immature red blood cells are formed in the blood of the foetus and this disease is called erythroblastosis fetalis.

Why does it happen?
The two main causes of erythroblastosis fetalis are Rh incompatibility and ABO incompatibility.

  1. Rh Incompatibility: When the mother is Rh –ve and the father is Rh +ve, there is a good chance for the baby to be Rh +ve. The antigens present in the blood of the Rh +ve baby will behave like a foreign agent and the mother will produce antibodies against it. If it is the first pregnancy, then the child may not be at risk, however, if the second child ends up being of +ve blood group again, then the antibodies present in the mother’s blood will attack the baby and may result in a spontaneous abortion.
  2. ABO Incompatibility: This usually occurs when the mother’s blood group A, B, O does not match the baby’s. This causes fewer complications in comparison to Rh incompatibility, but it may be severe if the child has a very rare blood group.

How to avoid it?
It is a highly preventive condition. Firstly, you have not tested your blood group; it is advised to get it tested along with the blood group of the father. If you already know your blood group, then you must mention it to your doctor. If the father has negative blood group, then there will be no problem. However if the father is Rh positive, then it is advised to get routine tests done by the doctor.
The other preventive measure to take is a treatment called RhoGAM or the Rh immunoglobulin. It reduces the reaction of the mother to the baby’s blood cells. This shot is administered around the 28th week of the pregnancy. It is also administered 72 hours after the birth of the baby with the positive blood group.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

2518 people found this helpful

STD Check-Up - What Can Be The Consequences Of Not Doing It?

Dr. Arun Kalpdev 90% (182 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, Fellowship in Laparoscopic and Robotic Onco-Surgery, Diploma in Advanced Gynaec Laparoscopic Surgery
Gynaecologist, Ambala
STD Check-Up - What Can Be The Consequences Of Not Doing It?

A STD or sexually transmitted disease is usually an infection which spreads from one person to another during sexual contact. Some STDs can also be transferred through touch, since they spread by skin contact. People hardly like to talk or discuss about STDs, but it is very important to rule out the possibilities of STD. Whether one likes it or not, if STD testing is ignored, then it can lead to long term consequences.

Why STD Testing is Important?

Often STDs have no signs and symptoms, and the only way to know that are you suffering from a STD is to get tested for it. So it is a good idea to get yourself tested, as you never know if you might have a STD even though you don't show symptoms. Also, when STDs are diagnosed, most of them can be cured.

Consequences of Not Getting Tested

If one has STD and is not getting tested for the same, then it could lead to health problems which can cause permanent damages or might prove to be fatal. Some of the problems are:

-    Undiagnosed and untreated STDs can lead to damaged reproductive system leading to sterile men and women. 
-    Chlamydia, if untreated can lead to epididymitis and shrinkage of testicles and infertility in men. It also leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. But good news is, it can be treated easily.
-    Syphillis can make a person blind and deaf, and can also be passed on to babies. 
-    Gonorrhea which can also be treated easily with antibiotics, can lead to infertility or death if untreated. 
-    Even HIV/AIDS if diagnosed in early stages, can enable the patient to lead a normal life and does not mean only death, contrary to conventional perceptions.  

Symptoms of STD

While, gonorrhea, chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV) have no symptoms, the common symptoms of STDs might vary. 
-    In women, the common symptoms are pain and burning sensation during urination, bloody and abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, blisters, warts, and swollen glands. 
-    Men often experience inflammation of the testicles, prostate, sores, fever, urethral discharge and pain during urination.

If these symptoms are observed, it is vital to get tested for STDs. Also the best way to protect your partner is not to practice unsafe sex and to refrain from the same until diagnosed and treatment is complete. Getting yourself tested for STD is also beneficial, as it can prevent against complications like cancers and infertility.

The standard STD panel of tests consists of Herpes IgG antibody and HIV antibody blood tests, along with a blood test for syphilis antibody and DNA urine test for gonorrhea and Chlamydia. 

4271 people found this helpful

Why Homeopathy Is Best For Treating Allergies?

Dr. Gopinath Menon 90% (126 ratings)
Homeopathy Doctor, Mumbai
Why Homeopathy Is Best For Treating Allergies?

Allergies are caused by unnatural reactions between your body's immune system and foreign substances, which have gained access into the body. When these substances, known as allergens, enter your body, your immune system produces antibodies, which are responsible for warding off unwanted substances like harmful viruses or diseases and helping in the body's overall resistance.

The main cause of allergy is the uncontrolled reaction between the immune system's antibodies and harmless allergens. Allergic reactions are triggered when antibodies, like histamine, come into contact with particular types of allergens. These may include:

  1. Certain eatables: Peanuts or sea food
  2. Medications: Penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics
  3. Airborne allergens: Pollen, mold, or dust mites
  4. Insect stings: Bee stings or scorpion stings
  5. Latex: Latex or other substances, which are responsible for causing allergic skin reactions

Symptoms of allergies depend upon a wide range of factors, which are subjective and vary from person to person and from allergen to allergen. Depending upon the type of allergen involved and the nature of the allergy, symptoms may include any of the following:

  1. Facial swelling
  2. Wheezing
  3. Severe itching
  4. Swollen or red and watery eyes
  5. Hives
  6. Flaky skin which can peel off

These symptoms are common in mild to moderate allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, hay fever, drug or food allergies. There are certain rare cases (say, scorpion stings), however, in which the allergic reaction turns out to be potentially life-threatening. This type of reaction is known as anaphylaxis. Here are its signs and symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Skin rashes
  4. Intense shortness of breath
  5. Lightheadedness

Homeopathy effectively deals with any sort of allergy by taking into account individualistic symptoms and thus nipping the root cause in the bud. Natrum Mur, Urtica Urens, Sulphur and Natrum Carb, among others, are very effective medicines against allergies. But these must be taken after due discussion with the doctor as they check out the symptoms and then prescribe the medicine basis that.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

5243 people found this helpful

Why STD Testing Is Important?

Dr. Anup Kharel 93% (23 ratings)
MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Gynaecologist, Siliguri
Why STD Testing Is Important?

A STD or sexually transmitted disease is usually an infection which spreads from one person to another during sexual contact. Some STDs can also be transferred through touch, since they spread by skin contact. People hardly like to talk or discuss about STDs, but it is very important to rule out the possibilities of STD. Whether one likes it or not, if STD testing is ignored, then it can lead to long term consequences.

Why STD Testing is Important?

Often STDs have no signs and symptoms, and the only way to know that are you suffering from a STD is to get tested for it. So it is a good idea to get yourself tested, as you never know if you might have a STD even though you don't show symptoms. Also, when STDs are diagnosed, most of them can be cured.

Consequences of Not Getting Tested

If one has STD and is not getting tested for the same, then it could lead to health problems which can cause permanent damages or might prove to be fatal. Some of the problems are:
-    Undiagnosed and untreated STDs can lead to damaged reproductive system leading to sterile men and women. 
-    Chlamydia, if untreated can lead to epididymitis and shrinkage of testicles and infertility in men. It also leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. But good news is, it can be treated easily.
-    Syphillis can make a person blind and deaf, and can also be passed on to babies. 
-    Gonorrhea which can also be treated easily with antibiotics, can lead to infertility or death if untreated. 
-    Even HIV/AIDS if diagnosed in early stages, can enable the patient to lead a normal life and does not mean only death, contrary to conventional perceptions.  

Symptoms of STD

While, gonorrhea, chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV) have no symptoms, the common symptoms of STDs might vary. 
-    In women, the common symptoms are pain and burning sensation during urination, bloody and abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, blisters, warts, and swollen glands. 
-    Men often experience inflammation of the testicles, prostate, sores, fever, urethral discharge and pain during urination.
If these symptoms are observed, it is vital to get tested for STDs. Also the best way to protect your partner is not to practice unsafe sex and to refrain from the same until diagnosed and treatment is complete. Getting yourself tested for STD is also beneficial, as it can prevent against complications like cancers and infertility.
The standard STD panel of tests consists of Herpes IgG antibody and HIV antibody blood tests, along with a blood test for syphilis antibody and DNA urine test for gonorrhea and Chlamydia. For more information, make an appointment with us. 

2743 people found this helpful

Breast feeding - Why it is Important for Your Baby?

MD- Paediatrics & Neonatology, MBBS
Pediatrician, Gurgaon
Breast feeding - Why it is Important for Your Baby?

A baby should be breastfeed for at least the first few months after birth. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both the mother and child. Apart from being the best source of nutrition for the baby, it also helps the mother and child bond.

Here are a few benefits of breastfeeding your baby.

  1. Nutrition: No formula can be compared to the nutrition provided by a mother’s milk. The first milk produced by a mother’s breasts is known as colostrum which is rich in antibodies and proteins. Breast milk is made up of the perfect mix of proteins, vitamins and essential fats. It is also easier to digest as compared to formula feeds.
  2. Immunity boost: A mother’s milk is rich in antibodies and helps strengthen the newborn child’s immunity. These antibodies also help lower the baby’s risk of developing asthma or allergies later in life. Babies that are breastfed are also said to have a lower risk of suffering from ear infections, respiratory problems and diarrhoea. It also plays an important role in lowering chances of sudden infant death syndrome. Breastfeeding is also said to protect babies from certain types of cancer in infancy and later stages,
  3. Bonding: While being breastfed, a baby is held close to the mother and has skin to skin contact. This makes the baby feel secure and helps him or her to bond with the mother. For the mother, this process can also help fight postpartum depression and help reconnect with the baby.
  4. Healthy weight: Babies who are breastfed are said to be less likely to develop obesity. This is because breast milk has lower levels of insulin as compared to formula and babies who are breastfed have higher level of appetite and fat regulating hormone called leptin. As they grow, these babies put on a healthy amount of weight, but refrain from overeating and have healthier eating patterns. This helps maintain a healthy BMI and prevents diseases like diabetes etc.
  5. Boosts intelligence: Studies show that babies who were breastfed for the first six months have a higher IQ than those who were not. Thus, breastfeeding is said to play a significant role in cognitive development. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, breast milk is said to fatty acids that are not available in formulas, Secondly, the emotional bonding between mother and child is also said to contribute towards boosting IQ levels.
2482 people found this helpful

10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Dr. Sujata Sinha 95% (3346 ratings)
M.B.B.S, Post Graduate Diploma In Maternal & Child Health
10 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Immune System

Catching a cold once in a while is nothing to worry about, but needing to take sick leave every few weeks is a sign of low immunity. Immunity can be defined as our ability to fight infections. By eating right and making a few lifestyle changes, you can easily strengthen your immune system and lower your risk of catching infections. On that note, here are 10 ways to strengthen your immune system.

  1. Eat a balanced meal: Along with fruits and vegetables, your body also requires carbohydrates and proteins. Eating a balanced diet helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and allows your body to prioritize building your immune system over generating energy to perform normal tasks.
  2. Drink plenty of water: When you’re ill, fluids help transport nutrients to the infected area and flush out toxins from the same. Hence, it is important to stay hydrated in order to recover faster from an illness and to build your immune system.
  3. Probiotics: 80% of your immune system is located in the gut. Probiotics help the body produce more healthy gut bacteria. Thus, probiotics directly boost the immune system.
  4. A good night’s sleep: Ideally, a person should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep on a daily basis. While we are asleep, the body produces cytokines ad antibodies that are vital to a strong immune system. Depriving the body of this sleep can thus make us more susceptible to infections.
  5. Get some sun: While we put a lot of effort into protecting ourselves from the harmful UV rays of the sun, sunlight is also a rich source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps protect us from a number of serious illnesses. Apart from sunlight we can also get vitamin D by adding cod liver oil, egg yolks and fatty fish to our diet.
  6. Quit sugar: Sugar is an immunosuppressant and hence cutting out added sugar from your diet can have a drastic effect on your immunity. Added sugar refers only to refined sugar in cubed, crystal or powdered form and not the natural sweetners in fruits.
  7. Exercise: Regular exercise improves blood circulation and boosts the production of antibodies. A healthy circulatory system combined with antibodies enables your body to fight infections in any part of your body.
  8. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Alcohol impairs the immune system and tobacco smoke weakens the body’s basic immune system. This holds true for both first hand and second hand smoke.
  9. Reduce stressStress increases the production of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and thus makes us more susceptible to illnesses.
  10. Prevent germs from spreading: Lastly, make simple things like washing your hands before eating and after coming home or using the toilet a habit. This prevents germs from spreading and entering our bodies. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a gynaecologist.
3010 people found this helpful

Allergies: Causes, Symptoms and How Homeopathy Deals With It Efectively

Dr. Chhavi Bansal 91% (1140 ratings)
Diploma in Diet and Nutrition, M.Sc - Psychology, BHMS
Homeopathy Doctor, Delhi
Allergies: Causes, Symptoms and How Homeopathy Deals With It Efectively

Allergies are caused by unnatural reactions between your body's immune system and foreign substances, which have gained access into the body. When these substances, known as allergens, enter your body, your immune system produces antibodies, which are responsible for warding off unwanted substances like harmful viruses or diseases and helping in the body's overall resistance.

The main cause of allergy is the uncontrolled reaction between the immune system's antibodies and harmless allergens. Allergic reactions are triggered when antibodies, like histamine, come into contact with particular types of allergens. These may include:

  1. Certain eatables: Peanuts or sea food
  2. Medications: Penicillin or penicillin-based antibiotics
  3. Airborne allergens: Pollen, mold, or dust mites
  4. Insect stings: Bee stings or scorpion stings
  5. Latex: Latex or other substances, which are responsible for causing allergic skin reactions

Symptoms of allergies depend upon a wide range of factors, which are subjective and vary from person to person and from allergen to allergen. Depending upon the type of allergen involved and the nature of the allergy, symptoms may include any of the following:

  1. Facial swelling
  2. Wheezing
  3. Severe itching
  4. Swollen or red and watery eyes
  5. Hives
  6. Flaky skin which can peel off

These symptoms are common in mild to moderate allergies, such as atopic dermatitis, hay fever, drug or food allergies. There are certain rare cases (say, scorpion stings), however, in which the allergic reaction turns out to be potentially life-threatening. This type of reaction is known as anaphylaxis. Here are its signs and symptoms:

  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Skin rashes
  4. Intense shortness of breath
  5. Lightheadedness

Homeopathy effectively deals with any sort of allergy by taking into account individualistic symptoms and thus nipping the root cause in the bud. Natrum Mur, Urtica Urens, Sulphur and Natrum Carb, among others, are very effective medicines against allergies. But these must be taken after due discussion with the doctor as they check out the symptoms and then prescribe the medicine basis that.

3210 people found this helpful

The Dangers of Putting Off STD Testing

Diploma In Postpartum Depression, Formerly , House Job , Gynecology, MBBS
Gynaecologist, Delhi
The Dangers of Putting Off STD Testing

An STD or sexually transmitted disease is usually an infection which spreads from one person to another during sexual contact. Some STDs can also be transferred through touch, since they spread by skin contact. People hardly like to talk or discuss about STDs, but it is very important to rule out the possibilities of STD. Whether one likes it or not, if STD testing is ignored, then it can lead to long-term consequences.

Why STD Testing is Important?

Often STDs have no signs and symptoms, and the only way to know that are you suffering from an STD is to get tested for it. So it is a good idea to get yourself tested, as you never know if you might have STD even though you don't show symptoms. Also, when STDs are diagnosed, most of them can be cured.

Consequences of not Getting Tested

If one has STD and is not getting tested for the same, then it could lead to health problems which can cause permanent damages or might prove to be fatal. Some of the problems are:

  1. Undiagnosed and untreated STDs can lead to damaged reproductive system, leading to sterile men and women.
  2. Chlamydia, if untreated can lead to epididymitis and shrinkage of testicles and infertility in men. It also leads to pelvic inflammatory disease. But, good news is, it can be treated easily.
  3. Syphilis can make a person blind and deaf, and can also be passed on to babies.
  4. Gonorrhea, which can also be treated easily with antibiotics, can lead to infertility or death if untreated.
  5. Even HIV/AIDS if diagnosed in early stages can enable the patient to lead a normal life and does not mean only death, contrary to conventional perceptions.  

Symptoms of STD

While, gonorrhea, chlamydia and human papilloma virus (HPV) have no symptoms, the common symptoms of STDs might vary.

  1. In women, the common symptoms are pain and burning sensation during urination, blood in vaginal discharge as also abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, blisters, warts, and swollen glands.
  2. Men often experience inflammation of the testicles, prostate, sores, fever, urethral discharge and pain during urination.

If these symptoms are observed, it is vital to get tested for STDs. Also, the best way to protect your partner is not to practice unsafe sex and to refrain from the same until diagnosed and treatment is complete.

Getting yourself tested for STD is also beneficial, as it can prevent against complications like cancers and infertility. The standard STD panel of tests consists of Herpes IgG antibody and HIV antibody blood tests, along with a blood test for syphilis antibody and DNA urine test for gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

4989 people found this helpful

Lichen Planus - What You Should Know?

Dr. Jagatjit Singh Kohli 87% (268 ratings)
MBBS, DHMS-Harvard, Masters in Clinical Dermatology
Dermatologist, Chandigarh
Lichen Planus - What You Should Know?

The skin is the most exposed organ to irritants, and when the body recognizes something as foreign, the immune system kicks into action. It produces what is known as antibodies against the foreign bodies (antigens). However, in many situations, the body produces antibodies against its own cells or tissue or components, causing an autoimmune reaction. One such autoimmune reaction is lichen planus, which is a skin rash caused when the body produces antibodies against its own skin or mucous membranes.

Risk factors: While anyone with a weak immune system can develop lichen planus, the followings increase the chances of that happening:

  1. Presence of other autoimmune disorders
  2. Hyperactive immune system, causing the allergic reaction
  3. Genetic inheritance
  4. Increased stress levels
  5. Prior history of viral infections
  6. Middle aged women
  7. Exposure to allergens like gold, arsenic, iodine, and drugs like diuretics and antibiotics
  8. Prior history of hepatitis C

Symptoms: Diagnosis of lichen planus is quite easy, as it has a characteristic appearance.

  1. Basically, a skin rash that is purple in color with flat tops on the skin
  2. Rashes spread over the body in a matter of weeks
  3. They are itchy, painful, and produce a burning sensation
  4. Could have blisters which burst
  5. Have thin lacy margin
  6. Can be seen in the genital area, scalp, ankle, hands, mucous membranes, and nails

If required, a biopsy can be done in some cases to confirm the diagnosis. Allergy testing can also be done to confirm hyperactive immune system.

Treatments: This can depend on the severity of the condition. In people where it is not progressive or inflamed, it could be observed to run its natural course and subside.

For those requiring symptomatic treatment, the following can be used:

  1. Steroids (topical or oral) to reduce inflammation
  2. Antihistamines to reduce the allergic response
  3. Retinoids (topical or oral) which can help overall skin health
  4. Nonsteroidal creams to clear up the rash
  5. Moisturizer to keep skin healthy and prevent dryness and itching
  6. Cool compresses on the rashes
  7. Loose clothing to prevent irritation and itching
  8. Anti-itch creams and powders and lotions
  9. Oatmeal bath to avoid itching and inflammation
  10. Ultraviolet radiation to the rash to reduce severity
  11. Avoid agents (drugs or chemicals) which can cause lichen planus
  12. If the lesions are in the mouth, mouthwash and/or rinse can be used for topical relief

Lichen planus often does not require any treatment. However, depending on each individual, it may require topical and/or systemic treatment to manage the symptoms. It usually runs its course over 6 to 10 weeks and subsides on its own. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Dermatologist.

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