Brucella IgM Antibody Tips

5 Signs To Understand You Are About To Fall Sick!

Dr. Ankit Godara 88% (124 ratings)
General Physician, Bikaner
5 Signs To Understand You Are About To Fall Sick!

It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.

Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think :

1. Reduction in appetite

A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above. 

2. Swollen neck glands

The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.

4. Muscle aches

Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.

5. Fever

A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.

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5 Signs That You May Acquire An Illness Anytime Soon

Dr. Satish Kankariya 89% (63 ratings)
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
Sexologist, Nashik
5 Signs That You May Acquire An Illness Anytime Soon

It is worth note that there are certain signs which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.

Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think :

1. Reduction in appetite

A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. It is worth note that a reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above. 

2. Swollen neck glands

The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.

3. Fatigue

Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.

4. Muscle aches

Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.

5. Fever

A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.

3780 people found this helpful

5 Symptoms That Warn You About Upcoming Illness

Dr. Subhash Tiwari 92% (806 ratings)
PGD Maternal Child Health, MBBS
General Physician, Akola
5 Symptoms That Warn You About Upcoming Illness

It is important to note that there are certain signs, which show that you may get an illness. If these signs and symptoms are taken seriously then most probably you will be able to get rid of the illness a lot sooner.

Here are 5 indicators that you may acquire an illness sooner than you think:

  1. Fatigue: Fatigue is not when you are tired after the day. It is characterized by being tired all the time or after very little work done. When you face fatigue, it is a sign you may be falling ill.
  2. Reduction in appetite: A reduction in appetite is never good. This is because a reduction in appetite is an indicator of many oncoming illnesses. These range from a simple cold all the way to a strep throat. Sometimes, a strep throat may also be the result of gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is when a virus enters your stomach and causes diarrhea as well as vomiting. A reduction in appetite during summer can be normal. However, feeling nauseous or detesting food can mean that you are going to have one of the illnesses listed above. 
  3. Muscle aches: Muscle aches are a common symptom of flu. This is because when you have flu, antibodies are released. When these antibodies produce histamines and cytokines, they may travel to muscles and trigger the pain receptors.
  4. Fever: A fever is the body's way of fighting infections. When you have a fever, it usually means the body is increasing its temperature to kill invading bacteria. Therefore, this is another way of knowing you have infections.
  5. Swollen neck glands: The neck glands are just below the jawbones. When these glands swell, it is a sign that you may be falling ill. Common illnesses, which may occur when you have swollen neck glands include ear infections, the common cold as well as skin infections. The reason why neck glands usually swell is because when there is an infection, the dead cells and bacteria accumulate in the neck glands.
5032 people found this helpful

HPV Vaccination - Everything You Should Be Aware About!

Dr. Pratik Savaj 89% (17 ratings)
MBBS, DNB - Medicine, Fellowship In Infectious Disease, FNB - Infectious Diseases
General Physician, Surat
HPV Vaccination - Everything You Should Be Aware About!

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of 200 viruses. 40 of these are transmitted through direct sexual contact. The infections from papillomavirus can cause penile cancer and anal cancer in men. It can cause genital warts, cervical cancer, anal cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, vulval cancer, and vaginal cancer in women. The Human Papillomavirus is used to prevent such diseases.

Transmission and infection from HPV

The symptoms of the HPV infection usually develop years after the first contact. Therefore, there is a huge possibility of transmission of the virus during intimate. HPV virus may be of a high-risk variety or a low-risk variety. The high-risk HPV produces two proteins. These deactivate the tumour suppressing genes. This leads to abnormal growth of cells that causes cancer. Cervical cancer is the most common form of HPV infection.

In India over 1,22,000 women are diagnosed annually from HPV related cancers. Of them, 67,000 women die annually. Thus, India has the highest HPV related deaths in the world. Using HPV vaccination when a person becomes sexually active is the only preventive method.

HPV Vaccine

HPV vaccine is used to produce antibodies against the virus that prevent them from infecting the cells. It contains virus-like particles. These are not infectious despite having the structure of a virus. The vaccine promotes antibody production and prevents future infections. HPV vaccine is quite effective if an individual is immunised before becoming sexually active. The vaccination requires three shots given over a period of 6 months if you are beetween age 13-26. All girls before marriage should take this vaccine. It is single best vaccine which can prevent genital cancer in women.

5599 people found this helpful

Flu Shot - Why Is It So Important?

Dr. Mohd Ashraf Alam 89% (578 ratings)
MD, MBBS, Certification Course in Diabetes, Certificate course in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
General Physician, Lucknow
Flu Shot - Why Is It So Important?

There are a variety of reasons why a person can fall sick. A good number of these illnesses cannot be prevented though a person may take general precautions. Having said that, in the case of influenza, it can be prevented to a large extent and it does not seem all that smart to avoid taking easy precautions when one has an option, right?

Every year, thousands of people die from influenza, which is so unfortunate because an annual shot can reduce that number by almost 60 percent. So what exactly makes a flu shot or vaccine work? As a result of the vaccine, after about two weeks or so, antibodies begin to develop in the body. These antibodies help fight off infection, specifically the kind that is targeted by the vaccine. It is important to get vaccinated for this flu on an annual basis.

Choosing the right flu shot
Considering the great number of options there are when it comes to flu vaccines, which are the ones to be injected? It is a good idea to get the opinion of a doctor to see which one to choose. This is because the choice is dependent on a variety of factors, which a medical professional would be able to assess appropriately. Note that it is important not to use the nasal spray version of the vaccine as the medical authorities have recently found that it is not as effective a method as it once was.

When should you get it?
Flu season does vary across the world, but in the US, it starts in about October and goes on till May. During this time, the flu viruses are a lot more active. When one gets a flu shot, it is this period that one needs to look out for. So, it is better to get vaccinated in late September or the start of October, so that there is minimal unprotected exposure to the viruses.

Who is it for?
It is to be kept in mind that every individual who is older than six months should be vaccinated. While it is said that getting a vaccine shot year after year reduces its effectiveness, it is still important to do so. This is because each year, the shot is altered to reflect the biggest virus threats in that year. There might be few side effects of the flu vaccine such as redness in the injected area, soreness or swelling. However, as long as one gets a flu shot in time, it is almost a given that there will be almost no time spent ‘down with the flu’. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a general physician.

3895 people found this helpful

Dengue, prevention & Cure

Dr. G.R. Agrawal 95% (38414 ratings)
DHMS (Hons.)
Homeopath, Patna
Dengue, prevention & Cure
Dengue is caused by infected bite of' aedis agey'mosquito.
Dengue is not contigious by sneezing, touch & cough.

Symptoms f dengue:
Fever/bodyache/nausea/vomiting/irritation in eyes/dizziness/cough/ poor appatite/rashes whole body &
Reducing count f platelets.

Should b energy providing, increasing urinery input, promoting f antibody such as
Papaya/orange/green leafy veg.
Garllic/ ors/ red rice & amla juice.

Full covering dress b worn.
Mosquito- net & repellets b used.

Flu Vaccine In Pregnancy - Know More!

Dr. Maneesha Singh 92% (148 ratings)
MBBS, Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Gynaecologist, Ghaziabad
Flu Vaccine In Pregnancy - Know More!

Flu vaccine is against influenza (flu). Signs and symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, coughing and sore throat. Life-threatening complications may also occur.

Why do I need a flu vaccine?
Normal changes in the immune system that occurs during pregnancy increase the risk of complications due to flu. Pregnancy complications such as preterm labour may also increase. Asthma or heart disease increases the risk of flu complications.

How will the flu vaccine help my baby?
Babies can not get the flu vaccine until they are 6 months old. When you receive the flu vaccine during pregnancy, the protective antibodies made in your body due to this vaccine are transferred to your baby until he/she receives their flu vaccine.

Why Breast Feeding Is Important For Your Baby?

Dr. Kalpesh Patil 89% (69 ratings)
M. Ch (Pediatric Surgery), MNAMS (Membership of The National Academy) (General Surgery), DNB (General Surgery), MBBS, Sardar Vallabhbahi Rashtra Ratna Award 2017 Winner
Pediatrician, Pune
Why Breast Feeding Is Important For Your Baby?

A baby should be breastfeed for at least the first few months after birth. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both the mother and child. Apart from being the best source of nutrition for the baby, it also helps the mother and child bond.

Here are a few benefits of breastfeeding your baby.

  1. Nutrition: No formula can be compared to the nutrition provided by a mother’s milk. The first milk produced by a mother’s breasts is known as colostrum which is rich in antibodies and proteins. Breast milk is made up of the perfect mix of proteins, vitamins and essential fats. It is also easier to digest as compared to formula feeds.
  2. Immunity boost: A mother’s milk is rich in antibodies and helps strengthen the newborn child’s immunity. These antibodies also help lower the baby’s risk of developing asthma or allergies later in life. Babies that are breastfed are also said to have a lower risk of suffering from ear infections, respiratory problems and diarrhoea. It also plays an important role in lowering chances of sudden infant death syndrome. Breastfeeding is also said to protect babies from certain types of cancer in infancy and later stages,
  3. Bonding: While being breastfed, a baby is held close to the mother and has skin to skin contact. This makes the baby feel secure and helps him or her to bond with the mother. For the mother, this process can also help fight postpartum depression and help reconnect with the baby.
  4. Healthy weight: Babies who are breastfed are said to be less likely to develop obesity. This is because breast milk has lower levels of insulin as compared to formula and babies who are breastfed have higher level of appetite and fat regulating hormone called leptin. As they grow, these babies put on a healthy amount of weight, but refrain from overeating and have healthier eating patterns. This helps maintain a healthy BMI and prevents diseases like diabetes etc.
  5. Boosts intelligence: Studies show that babies who were breastfed for the first six months have a higher IQ than those who were not. Thus, breastfeeding is said to play a significant role in cognitive development. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, breast milk is said to fatty acids that are not available in formulas, Secondly, the emotional bonding between mother and child is also said to contribute towards boosting IQ levels. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a pediatrician.
4517 people found this helpful

10 Healthy Habits To Strengthen Your Immune System!

Dr. Smita Dwivedi 92% (460 ratings)
Gynaecologist, Lucknow
10 Healthy Habits To Strengthen Your Immune System!

Catching a cold once in a while is nothing to worry about, but needing to take sick leave every few weeks is a sign of low immunity. Immunity can be defined as our ability to fight infections. By eating right and making a few lifestyle changes, you can easily strengthen your immune system and lower your risk of catching infections. On that note, here are 10 ways to strengthen your immune system.

  1. Eat a balanced meal: Along with fruits and vegetables, your body also requires carbohydrates and proteins. Eating a balanced diet helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and allows your body to prioritize building your immune system over generating energy to perform normal tasks.
  2. Drink plenty of water: When you’re ill, fluids help transport nutrients to the infected area and flush out toxins from the same. Hence, it is important to stay hydrated in order to recover faster from an illness and to build your immune system.
  3. Probiotics: 80% of your immune system is located in the gut. Probiotics help the body produce more healthy gut bacteria. Thus, probiotics directly boost the immune system.
  4. A good night’s sleep: Ideally, a person should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep on a daily basis. While we are asleep, the body produces cytokines ad antibodies that are vital to a strong immune system. Depriving the body of this sleep can thus make us more susceptible to infections.
  5. Get some sun: While we put a lot of effort into protecting ourselves from the harmful UV rays of the sun, sunlight is also a rich source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps protect us from a number of serious illnesses. Apart from sunlight we can also get vitamin D by adding cod liver oil, egg yolks and fatty fish to our diet.
  6. Quit sugar: Sugar is an immunosuppressant and hence cutting out added sugar from your diet can have a drastic effect on your immunity. Added sugar refers only to refined sugar in cubed, crystal or powdered form and not the natural sweetners in fruits.
  7. Exercise: Regular exercise improves blood circulation and boosts the production of antibodies. A healthy circulatory system combined with antibodies enables your body to fight infections in any part of your body.
  8. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Alcohol impairs the immune system and tobacco smoke weakens the body’s basic immune system. This holds true for both first hand and second hand smoke.
  9. Reduce stressStress increases the production of a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol suppresses the immune system and thus makes us more susceptible to illnesses.
  10. Prevent germs from spreading: Lastly, make simple things like washing your hands before eating and after coming home or using the toilet a habit. This prevents germs from spreading and entering our bodies.

In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions! In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!

6189 people found this helpful

World Breastfeeding Week - Why Breast Feeding is Important for Your Baby?

Fellowship In Neonatology, MRCPCH(UK), Diploma In Child Health (DCH), MBBS
Pediatrician, Delhi
World Breastfeeding Week - Why Breast Feeding is Important for Your Baby?

World Breastfeeding Week is an annual celebration which is held every year from 1 to 7 August. A baby should be breastfed for at least the first few months after birth. Breastfeeding has a number of benefits for both the mother and child. Apart from being the best source of nutrition for the baby, it also helps the mother and child bond.

Here are a few benefits of breastfeeding your baby.

  1. Nutrition: No formula can be compared to the nutrition provided by a mother’s milk. The first milk produced by a mother’s breasts is known as colostrum which is rich in antibodies and proteins. Breast milk is made up of the perfect mix of proteins, vitamins and essential fats. It is also easier to digest as compared to formula feeds.
  2. Immunity boost: A mother’s milk is rich in antibodies and helps strengthen the newborn child’s immunity. These antibodies also help lower the baby’s risk of developing asthma or allergies later in life. Babies that are breastfed are also said to have a lower risk of suffering from ear infections, respiratory problems and diarrhoea. It also plays an important role in lowering chances of sudden infant death syndrome. Breastfeeding is also said to protect babies from certain types of cancer in infancy and later stages,
  3. Bonding: While being breastfed, a baby is held close to the mother and has skin to skin contact. This makes the baby feel secure and helps him or her to bond with the mother. For the mother, this process can also help fight postpartum depression and help reconnect with the baby.
  4. Healthy weight: Babies who are breastfed are said to be less likely to develop obesity. Babies fed on breast milk have been found to have lower levels of insulin than babies who are fed with formula milk or any other milk. As they grow, these babies put on a healthy amount of weight, but refrain from overeating and have healthier eating patterns. This helps maintain a healthy BMI and prevents diseases like diabetes etc.
  5. Boosts intelligence: Studies show that babies who were breastfed for the first six months have a higher IQ than those who were not. Thus, breastfeeding is said to play a significant role in cognitive development. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, breast milk is said to fatty acids that are not available in formulas, Secondly, the emotional bonding between mother and child is also said to contribute towards boosting IQ levels.
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