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Cancer Antigen - GI Test

Cancer Antigen - GI Test

Popularly known as the cancer antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9), it is ordered when a person has been
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer or has signs and symptoms which may indicate pancreatic
cancer. The early signs and symptoms are usually nonspecific, such as:
Abdominal pain
Back pain
Loss of appetite
Unexplained weight loss
Later stage symptoms include chronic pain, nausea, vomiting and malabsorption. It could
also be ordered when the healthcare practitioner suspects bile duct cancer in a person with a
bile duct obstruction.

This test, unlike other common blood tests, does not require fasting. It is advisable for the test taker to inform their doctor or test provider about other underlying medical conditions or allergies suffered. The doctor must also be informed of any other medications that the test taker is taking, pursuant to which the doctor will give specific instructions. It is advisable that the test taker wears a shirt or t-shirt which exposes the forearm or is loose enough to roll up, as the test site is the forearm.

The cancer antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) is used to help differentiate between cancer of the pancreas and other conditions. It is also used to monitor treatment response and the recurrence of the pancreatic cancer. The reference range of the serum CA 19-9 is less than 37 U/mL.

Low amounts of CA 19-9 can be detected in healthy persons, and other conditions which affect the liver or pancreas can cause temporary elevations. Moderate to high levels may be seen in people with pancreatic cancer or other cancers, and in several other diseases and conditions. When high CA 19-9 levels begin to fall over time, it indicates that the treatment is working or that the cancer was removed successfully during surgery.

The drawing of blood is done in a test centre, clinic, hospital or at home if required, by a trained professional. The site for drawing blood is usually the inside of your elbow. The site is first rubbed with alcohol using a cotton pad. A disposable needle is then injected into a vein which can be prominently seen in the area, after which blood is drawn. This is then stored in a container with the details of the test taker. This sample is sent to the research facility for the results.

Red-top tube or gel-barrier tube

Table of Content

What is Cancer Antigen - GI Test?
Preparation for Cancer Antigen - GI Test
Uses of Cancer Antigen - GI Test
Procedure for Cancer Antigen - GI Test
Specimen Requirements

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