Many surveys have proved that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treating all these cases of viral fever related to Dengue and Chikungunya, thereby help in restoring the health of the patient. Let us see one by one how homeopathy can help in the prevention and cure of both:
Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, which causes flu-like symptoms. The disease is caused b...moreMany surveys have proved that homeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treating all these cases of viral fever related to Dengue and Chikungunya, thereby help in restoring the health of the patient. Let us see one by one how homeopathy can help in the prevention and cure of both:
Dengue: Dengue is a mosquito-borne infectious disease, which causes flu-like symptoms. The disease is caused by 4 different viruses and is spread by the Aedes species of mosquitos. Dengue affects your blood cells, which in turn results in a sudden drop in the platelet count. Ideally, the platelet count ranges from 1.5-4 lacs, but in people affected by dengue virus, the platelet count goes down to as low as 20,000-40,000. This condition can be fatal. The onset on dengue is through fever. Dengue is one of the diseases that is transmitted through parasites like mosquitoes. Often it tends to occur in most of the tropical countries.
Symptoms of dengue can vary from mild to severe-
Joint and muscle ache Pain in the eyes An intense headache High fever and fatigue Nausea and vomiting Skin rashes Swollen lymph glands Bleeding from nose or gums Easy bruising Dengue symptoms usually develop 4-7 days after the mosquito bite. So many times the person affected by the virus does not realize that he/she has already been infected. If the fever does not subside in 3-4 days, one should immediately consult a doctor and have himself diagnosed.
Prevention and Cure through Homeopathy: The Homeopathic approach to prevention and cure include:
It is an effective way through which immune-modulation of patients is done without having the risk of any side-effect. The choice of homeopathic drugs depends upon an individual s response to infection and the severity of the virus. The symptoms of the patients affected are studied carefully to decide upon the curative as well as preventive homeopathic medicines. Chikungunya:
Similar to dengue, the chikungunya virus is spread by an infected female mosquito- the Aedes genus mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on any person affected by this virus. Unlike dengue, this viral disease is rarely fatal. However, the symptoms of chikungunya can be long-lasting, severe and debilitating.
The major symptoms of chikungunya include-
High fever Joint pain that persists for long A severe headache Skin rashes due to damaged blood vessels A sore throat Enlarged lymph nodes In 2006, Chikungunya affected approximately 40,000 people, out of which nearly 1316 cases turned out to be fatal.
Prevention and Cure through Homeopathy:
Prevention In Homeopathy, there is a concept known as Genus Epidemicus , which helps as a preventive remedy in an epidemic like this. This concept involves:
Clinical picture of a group of patients in a specific locality gets studied and hence the most appropriate remedy is selected as the Genus Epidemicus for Chikungunya. Genus Epidemicus helps in increasing person s immunity to such a level that even after mosquito bites; it is unable to produce any active disease in the person s body. Cure
Homeopathic medicines get prescribed as per the clinical presentation of the patient, which become very effective in giving relief from the complaints during Chikungunya. Homeopathy is effective in all kinds of viral diseases. The pills given are simply chewed on the tongue and tastes sweet. These medicines do not cause any kind of gastric irritation. Why Homoeopathy?
Since there are no effective medications, vaccines or treatment options for Dengue and Chikungunya, the only way to steer clear of these diseases is to prevent their occurrence. Homoeopathy medicines and remedies are very effective in preventing and curing the mosquito-borne diseases, Dengue and Chikungunya. These medicines are prepared from natural substances, hence are extremely safe. Eupatorium perfoliatum is a perennial plant, the extracts of which are used in preparing homoeopathy drugs for dengue. This helps ease the pain in the joints and in the eyeballs. This wonder plant also helps you recover from a severe headache. Arsenic album, a solution made from diluted aqueous arsenic trioxide, can ease symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Belladonna can cure high fever; reduce skin rashes and swelling in the joints.
Apart from these, health awareness is mandatory for the prevention of these diseases. Clean surroundings, practising good hygiene play a major role in averting prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases.
MBBS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital & Healthcare Management
General Physician, Delhi
Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes severe body pain, fever, rash, dehydration, and weakness in the body. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses called Flaviviridae. It is generally called DENV (Dengue Virus). It generally occurs in tropical parts of the world.
Dengue is a fairly new disease in the world, and not many people understand how to care for a patient going through den...moreDengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes severe body pain, fever, rash, dehydration, and weakness in the body. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses called Flaviviridae. It is generally called DENV (Dengue Virus). It generally occurs in tropical parts of the world.
Dengue is a fairly new disease in the world, and not many people understand how to care for a patient going through dengue fever. This article will present the steps that should be taken by someone who is suffering from Dengue.
Initial Steps One Should Take
The first step of caring when contacted with this disease is to go to a doctor and get checked. Doctor will get some tests done to verify that the condition is indeed Dengue. After the doctor prescribes medication, self-care begins. Here are some.
Do s and Don ts one should follow which help to cure from Dengue Fever.
Do s
The patient should have plenty of liquids. The number of platelets should also be monitored on a regular basis. The rise of Hematocrit (PCV) should be checked every day and informed by the physician. A thermometer should be present at all times to check the temperature of the patient. If the patient has a high fever, then dip a sponge in cool water and slowly wash the body with it. Upon high fever, one should only take Paracetamol and Acetaminophen. Doctor should be consulted before taking any medication. The patient should also check the number of trips taken to the bathroom, in order to keep a track of the urination cycle. Check if the patient has a dry mouth and lips. Dehydration is very common with people contacted with dengue and needs to have water and electrolytes supplements every now and then. It is very important to check the CBC (complete blood count) of the patient daily as directed by physician. Call a pathology technician every day to get a blood test as recommended by the doctor to keep the platelet and the haematocrits in check. Don ts
Do not take antibiotics, Ibuprofen or Aspirin. Do not take artificial fruit juice for hydration purposes. Do not agitate. Do not take unsupervised supplements to increase platelet counts. Do not use alternative medications like herbs as they can cause an allergic reaction. Do not stay without food for too long. Do not take any kind of sleeping pills if the patient is having difficulty sleeping. Conclusion:
Dengue is a troublesome disease which can be disastrous if not taken care of properly. That is why it is very important to know the do s and don ts for caring about this disease. However, consulting a doctor or getting hospitalised in the worst cases will always be a good idea.
The monsoons cool the air down and perfume the air but also provide the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. A mosquito bite is universally abhorred. A sting that turns into dengue is even more disliked. Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes high fever, rashes and pain in joints and muscles. Since there is no vaccine that can completely eradicate dengue, it becomes important to take prev...moreThe monsoons cool the air down and perfume the air but also provide the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. A mosquito bite is universally abhorred. A sting that turns into dengue is even more disliked. Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes high fever, rashes and pain in joints and muscles. Since there is no vaccine that can completely eradicate dengue, it becomes important to take preventive measures to reduce mosquitoes and keep the disease at bay.
Here are a few tips that can reduce your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes:
Do not allow water to accumulate: Mosquitoes breed in standing water. To prevent this do not allow rainwater to collect in pots or stagnate in your garden. Ensure that your water tanks are kept covered always. Keep buckets turned over when not in use. Coolers are generally ineffective in the monsoons so empty them out and keep the trays dry. It is also a good idea to empty and dry swimming pools and ornamental fountains during the monsoons.
Use mosquito repellant: Dengue mosquitoes typically bite a person during the day. Hence, make it a habit to put on a mosquito repellant along with your sunscreen every time you step out. Mosquito repellants should be used on all the exposed areas of your skin including your ears. Using a mosquito net around your bed at night is the best way to ensure safety against mosquitoes. You could also attach mosquito repellant patches on your infant's clothes.
Do not allow mosquitoes indoors: Install mesh shutters on your doors and windows. This will allow air in but will keep mosquitoes out. Take a close look at your doors and windows for holes through which mosquitoes could come in. Also, look at their joints and edges to ensure that there are no gaps. Burning camphor and lavender or tea tree aromatics can also help keep mosquitoes away.
Grow mosquito repellant plants: Citronella and tulsi are two plants that are well known for their mosquito repelling properties. Grow these plants near your window and the entrance of your house to naturally repel mosquitoes.
Avoid outdoor activities at dawn and dusk: Sunrise and sunset are when mosquitoes are most active. Hence avoid being outdoors at this time. If you must be out, wear protective clothes that minimize the amount of skin exposed. Wearing light colors instead of dark colors can also help as mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.
Are you aware of dengue, a fever which is currently on the rise? Dengue is a painful fever, which is caused by one of the four dengue viruses. It is a mosquito-borne disease. The virus which causes dengue is related to the yellow fever-causing virus. Dengue is also referred to as break bone fever. It is transmitted via the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with dengue. This type of fever has no p...moreAre you aware of dengue, a fever which is currently on the rise? Dengue is a painful fever, which is caused by one of the four dengue viruses. It is a mosquito-borne disease. The virus which causes dengue is related to the yellow fever-causing virus. Dengue is also referred to as break bone fever. It is transmitted via the bite of an Aedes mosquito infected with dengue. This type of fever has no proper cure and hence, prevention is the best policy.
Symptoms - The symptoms of dengue start appearing four to six days after the infection. They include sudden, high fever, pain behind the eyes, fatigue, nausea, severe muscle and joint pain, skin rash, vomiting and mild bleeding in the nose or gums. In some cases, the symptoms are very mild and are commonly mistaken for another viral infection. Severe problems such as the dengue hemorrhagic fever may occur from the infection.
Treatment - The juice from the leaves of carica papaya mixed with sucrose is given to a patient, which helps in increasing the count of platelets. This may lead to some movement.
Prevention -
There is no vaccine, which immunizes dengue and the best way of prevention is to prevent yourself from getting bitten by infected mosquitoes, especially if you live in a tropical climate. The prevention tips include protecting yourself and making an effort to reduce the mosquito population. Here are some important prevention tips for dengue: Stay away from residential areas which are very heavily populated. Use mosquito repellents, even when you are at home. Wear long sleeved clothes and long pants when going out. Make sure that your windows and doors do not have holes in them. Use mosquito nets while sleeping, if you do not have an air conditioner. Get rid of places and areas where mosquitoes can breed in order to reduce their population. These may include cans, old tyres and areas where rain water gets collected. If someone at home gets dengue, you should make efforts to protect yourself and the rest of your family members. A mosquito, which bites an infected family member, may spread the infection to others as well. In case you experience any symptom of dengue, it is important for you to consult a doctor immediately. He will be able to guide you with a proper diagnosis and treatment based on the latter.
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, DNB, CCEBDM(DIABETOLOGY)
General Physician, Lucknow
If you are in an area which has a lot of mosquitoes, any fever that is not subsiding in a couple of days is a cause for concern as it can be due to dengue. It is one of the dreadful diseases doing the rounds in recent years and when someone complains of fever and joint pain, the first question we ask if they got checked for dengue. This is caused by a virus that is carried by an infected mosquito....moreIf you are in an area which has a lot of mosquitoes, any fever that is not subsiding in a couple of days is a cause for concern as it can be due to dengue. It is one of the dreadful diseases doing the rounds in recent years and when someone complains of fever and joint pain, the first question we ask if they got checked for dengue. This is caused by a virus that is carried by an infected mosquito.
The blood is made up of 3 types of cells mainly that are in a liquid medium called the plasma. The red blood cells are the oxygen-carrying cells and the white blood cells fight infection and provide immunity. The third type are the platelets, they are smaller than the other two and help in blood clotting. With dengue fever, both the white blood cell count and the platelet count are decreased. Normal platelet count in the body ranges from 1.5 to 4 lacs and in patients with dengue; this can go down to as low as 20,000 to 40,000. This is because of the following:
Dengue suppresses bone marrow, which is the platelet-producing area, leading to decreased platelet count. Blood cells affected by dengue virus damage platelets, leading to their drastic fall in numbers Antibodies produced in dengue also lead to massive destruction of platelets Patient presents with nonspecific symptoms including a high fever that does not subside, vomiting, pain behind the eyes, headache, nausea, and severe muscular and joint pain. The eye pain and joint pain lead to the suspicion of dengue fever. Symptoms develop after 4 to 7 days after the bite. The fever lasts for about 5 to 7 days and is followed by a prolonged period of fatigue, joint pains, body pain, and rashes.
For the sake of confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will run some lab tests. These include testing for antibodies IgG and IgM, PCR testing to check the virus and a complete blood count. This will reveal the decrease in the white blood cells and the platelets to a significant degree. Whether or not a person requires platelet transfusion will be decided by the doctor based on the person s age, immunity levels and severity of the disease.
There isn't a particular level below which a person would require platelet transfusion. In aged people and with people who have other chronic diseases, platelet transfusion may be required even if the blood count is about 50,000. The doctor will decide this based on the patient s health. The right thing to do is to go for medical consultation and discuss your situation with the doctor and identify what needs to be done for your condition specifically.
Dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. About 400 million dengue infection cases occur worldwide every year with about 96 million of them turning severe. Dengue is mostly widespread in tropical regions such as India, South-East Asia, Central and South America, South China, Taiwan and Africa among others. There are 4 distinct types of dengue virus and th...moreDengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. About 400 million dengue infection cases occur worldwide every year with about 96 million of them turning severe. Dengue is mostly widespread in tropical regions such as India, South-East Asia, Central and South America, South China, Taiwan and Africa among others. There are 4 distinct types of dengue virus and the symptoms can appear within 3-14 days of the bite.
If you have a weak immune system or have suffered from this disease previously, you could be at increased risks of it. Common symptoms include:
High fever all of a sudden Severe headache accompanied by vomiting tendencies Pain in the eyes and the eye socket Severe pain in the joints and muscles Too easily tired and fatigued Skin rashes which may appear within a week of the onset of fever Mild bleeding from the nose or gums Rush to the doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. If not treated on time, it can lead to severe problems such as Dengue Hemorrhagic fever, damage to the lymph nodes and blood vessels, liver enlargement, permanent damage to the circulatory system and even death. In medical terminology, all these complications are clustered into DSS (dengue shock syndrome).
Is it contagious?
Dengue is not a contagious disease. It can only spread through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito.
How it can be treated?
1. If you suspect dengue, you must rush to the doctors and get the diagnosis done. Timely start of therapy is essential to tackle the Dengue Shock Syndrome and internal bleeding. 2. Complete bed rest and sufficient intake of fluids is advised 3. Pain relievers can be administered along with Acetaminophen but Aspirin should be strictly avoided 4. If you are unable to eat normally, intravenous fluids will be administered to prevent dehydration 5. A platelet transfusion may also be considered
Dengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. About 400 million dengue infection cases occur worldwide every year with about 96 million of them turning severe. Dengue is most widespread in tropical regions such as India, South-East Asia, Central and South America, South China, Taiwan and Africa among others. There are 4 distinct types of dengue virus and the ...moreDengue is a viral infection caused by the bite of an infected female Aedes mosquito. About 400 million dengue infection cases occur worldwide every year with about 96 million of them turning severe. Dengue is most widespread in tropical regions such as India, South-East Asia, Central and South America, South China, Taiwan and Africa among others. There are 4 distinct types of dengue virus and the symptoms can appear within 3-14 days of the bite.
It is primarily caused due to the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
A mosquito becomes infected with dengue if it bites an already infected person. The disease can be transmitted to any healthy person that this infected mosquito bites next.
Living near a stagnant water body or an open drain makes you the most vulnerable to this disease. Letting water accumulate in open containers or spaces over a period of time makes it the perfect breeding ground for all types of mosquitoes.
If you have a weak immune system or have suffered from this disease previously, you could be at increased risks of it. Common symptoms include:
High fever all of a sudden Severe headache accompanied by vomiting tendencies Pain in the eyes and the eye socket Severe pain in the joints and muscles Too easily tired and fatigued Skin rashes which may appear within a week of the onset of fever Mild bleeding from the nose or gums Rush to the doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. If not treated on time, it can lead to severe problems such as Dengue Hemorrhagic fever, damage to the lymph nodes and blood vessels, liver enlargement, permanent damage to the circulatory system and even death. In medical terminology, all these complications are clustered into DSS (dengue shock syndrome).
Ways to prevent dengue include
Avoid storing water in containers
Wear clothes that cover your whole body, if possible
Maintain hygiene and clean your immediate surrounding frequently
Use mosquito repellent
Use a mosquito net around your bed
In worst case scenarios, death is a possibility as a result of dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock. Many countries consider dengue to be an epidemic. You need to be on complete bed rest while drinking adequate amounts of fluids if you need to recuperate from dengue.
Is it contagious? Dengue is not a contagious disease. It can only spread through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito.
How it can be treated?
1. If you suspect dengue, you must rush to the doctors and get the diagnosis done. Timely start of therapy is essential to tackle the Dengue Shock Syndrome and internal bleeding. 2. Complete bed rest and sufficient intake of fluids is advised 3. Pain relievers can be administered along with Acetaminophen but Aspirin should be strictly avoided 4. If you are unable to eat normally, intravenous fluids will be administered to prevent dehydration 5. A platelet transfusion may also be considered
BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma In Hospital Administration (PGDHA), MS (Ay)
Ayurvedic Doctor, Varanasi
Dengue is a well-known disease which disturbs human life drastically. In general, it's known haddi tod jwara
A combination of some ayurvedic drugs Jai mangal ras, Sudarshan ghan vati, giloye powder, sanjivani vati, Tribhuvan Kirti ras, godanti these are effective drugs in such cases. These combination are given according to age, sign and symptoms. This combination recommended for seven days along ...moreDengue is a well-known disease which disturbs human life drastically. In general, it's known haddi tod jwara A combination of some ayurvedic drugs Jai mangal ras, Sudarshan ghan vati, giloye powder, sanjivani vati, Tribhuvan Kirti ras, godanti these are effective drugs in such cases. These combination are given according to age, sign and symptoms. This combination recommended for seven days along with different anupan i, e goatmilk, guduchi kwath, or wheat grass juice etc. Don't panic by platelet count by the good quality of drug management is the key factor for patient relief in dengue fever.
In this rainy season, there are many mosquito breeding places around you.
1. Try to avoid water collection. Fresh or old.
2. Avoid dark, shady area and corners.
3. Use mosquito repellants whenever going out in day or night.
4. Get insecticides sprayed around your house or offices.
5. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
6. Watch for headache, joint pain, fever, yellow urin...moreIn this rainy season, there are many mosquito breeding places around you.
1. Try to avoid water collection. Fresh or old. 2. Avoid dark, shady area and corners. 3. Use mosquito repellants whenever going out in day or night. 4. Get insecticides sprayed around your house or offices. 5. Drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 6. Watch for headache, joint pain, fever, yellow urine and talk to your doctor early treatment will save complications. 7. Start malaria prophylaxis before, during and after travel.
Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes severe body pain, fever, rash, dehydration, and weakness in the body. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses called Flaviviridae. It is generally called DENV (Dengue Virus). It generally occurs in tropical parts of the world.
Dengue is a fairly new disease in the world, and not many people understand how to care for a patient going through den...moreDengue is a mosquito-borne disease that causes severe body pain, fever, rash, dehydration, and weakness in the body. Dengue fever is caused by a family of viruses called Flaviviridae. It is generally called DENV (Dengue Virus). It generally occurs in tropical parts of the world.
Dengue is a fairly new disease in the world, and not many people understand how to care for a patient going through dengue fever. This article will present the steps that should be taken by someone who is suffering from Dengue.
Initial Steps One Should Take
The first step of caring when contacted with this disease is to go to a doctor and get checked. Doctor will get some tests done to verify that the condition is indeed Dengue. After the doctor prescribes medication, self-care begins. Here are some.
Do s and Don ts one should follow which help to cure from Dengue Fever.
Do s
The rise of Hematocrit (PCV) should be checked every day and informed by the physician. A thermometer should be present at all times to check the temperature of the patient. If the patient has a high fever, then dip a sponge in cool water and slowly wash the body with it. Upon high fever, one should only take Paracetamol and Acetaminophen. Doctor should be consulted before taking any medication. The patient should also check the number of trips taken to the bathroom, in order to keep a track of the urination cycle. Check if the patient has a dry mouth and lips. Dehydration is very common with people contacted with dengue and needs to have water and electrolytes supplements every now and then. It is very important to check the CBC (complete blood count) of the patient daily as directed by physician. Call a pathology technician evenryday to get a blood test as recommended by the doctor to keep the platelet and the haematocrits in check.
Don ts
Do not take antibiotics, Ibuprofen or Aspirin. Do not take artificial fruit juice for hydration purposes. Do not agitate. Do not take unsupervised supplements to increase platelet counts. Do not use alternative medications like herbs as they can cause an allergic reaction. Do not stay without food for too long. Do not take any kind of sleeping pills if the patient is having difficulty sleeping.
Dengue is a troublesome disease which can be disastrous if not taken care of properly. That is why it is very important to know the do s and don ts for caring about this disease. However, consulting a doctor or getting hospitalised in the worst cases will always be a good idea.