
Chloride Tips

Hydronephrosis: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

MBBS, DNB - General Surgery, DNB - Urology/Genito - Urinary Surgery
Urologist, Kochi
Hydronephrosis: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

When there is swelling of one or two kidneys in the body. Inside kidney urine gets collected due to blockage of tubes. Urine stores inside when urine tubes block due to anatomical defect or stones get stuck inside. This can cause infection inside the kidney. The filtered water from the kidney is stopped by it and this whole swelling of the kidney is called hydronephrosis.

At any age this swelling called hydronephrosis can happen. Hydronephrosis is diagnosed when a child is at infancy stage or by prenatal ultrasound done to the baby inside the womb.


Usually hydronephrosis do not have any symptoms, however there could be some sign that might tell something about hydronephrosis:

1) there will be pain at the back or side of the lower abdomen. It may sometimes go to the groin and pain will be heavy.

2) there will be signs like burning while urinating, or there will be pain while urinating. There may be a want of urinating but urine passage will be in small amounts.

3) there will be nausea and vomiting whenever there is pain.

4) sometimes there will be fever, not severe but usually happens when there is constant pain.

5) infants thrive much more than adults which can be lacking when there is pain.



When blood is filtered by kidney urine, it passes from the kidney into a tube known as ureter. From this tube it goes to the bladder where storage of urine happens and then by muscle contraction it goes out of the body. Nevertheless when this urine is stopped from passing down it causes infection and swelling that is where hydronephrosis developed.

Some common causes of hydronephrosis include:

Partial blockage of kidney system: there are two places where blockage happens: 1) there may be blockage at the meeting of kidney and ureter. These types of blockage are more common.

2) there may be blockage at the meeting of the ureter and bladder. These blockages are less type.

Vesicoureteral reflux: usually urine goes one way from kidney to bladder through ureter but sometimes there is backflow of urine from bladder to ureter to kidney. This causes difficulty in passing the urine and the kidney swells and causes hydronephrosis.

Kidney stones in the ureter or in the kidney may block the passage of urine, sometime there is disturbance of the muscle which controls the want to urinate can cause urine to retain and kidney swells up.


When we visit a health care provider he/she advises us to go to a doctor who specializes in dealing with the condition of the kidney. These doctors are called urologist and they will do your further diagnosis: ;

There are many tests for diagnosing hydronephrosis. Which are:

A blood test will be taken to know the filtering function of the kidney.

A urine test will be done to know the health of urine whether it is infected or more uric acid is coming through urine or any stones are there.

An ultrasound imaging is done of the kidney and bladder as well as of other structures. By this many majors can be seen. ;

A specialized x-ray of all structures of the urinary system with special dye to see any problem in other areas of systemic problem is due to its structure.

When there is no surety of stones in the kidney or blockage of it by something other, doctors advise to go for ct scan or mri. They are best to see any type of stones in the kidney.




All though sometimes problems resolve with medicines but sometimes surgery is needed to eliminate the underlying cause. Hydronephrosis can be treated:

1) there are mild to moderate hydronephrosis: where doctors advise you to wait and see that it may resolve by its own or through medicines. Sometime doctors may give antibiotic medicine to reduce the infection caused to kidney in hydronephrosis

2) when there is severe hydronephrosis: it interferes with the function of the kidney. Doctors advised surgery to remove any blockage in the urinary system. Doctors also fix if there is reflux of urine back to the kidney and treat the severe infection. Kidney stones are removed surgically or with laser.

Many times hydronephrosis happens only to one kidney while other ones remain functionable. This hydronephrosis can if left untreated in severe condition it can cause permanent damage to the kidney that is kidney failure.


We should be careful not to take in any food and make sure of our diet. Some more points arelike:

We should not consume food with high salt in it.

Non-veg items like meat and chicken should be avoided or limited.

Seed items should also be checked.

High consumption of protein should be avoided.

Alcohol consumption should be avoided.

Citric fruits should be taken in the diet.

Have an exercise daily.



Hydronephrosis is caused by blockage in the urinary system. Stones are the major cause of it and infection may occur in the urinary system. We should have the right diet and exercise to avoid this. For any query please visit the doctor and if possible use medicines or else surgery to eliminate the blockage.
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जानिये हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस से जुड़ी कई जानकारियां

MBBS, MS-General Surgery, M. Ch.- urology
जानिये हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस से जुड़ी कई जानकारियां
हमारे शरीर में दिल, गुर्दा, दिमाग की तरह कई तरह के भीतरी अंग होते हैं, जिनका अलग-अलग काम होता है। जब इन्ही अंगों की संरचना में कोई बदलाव आता है या उनके काम करने की क्षमता में कोई कमी आती है तो शरीर में रोग की उत्पत्ति होती है, जो विभिन्न प्रकार से जनजीवन को प्रभावित करता है।

शरीर में ऐसा ही एक अंग है किडनी, जिसका मुख्य कार्य खून को साफ़ करना और पानी व क्षार का संतुलन करके पेशाब का निर्माण करना है। लेकिन किन्ही कारणों से जब पेशाब बाहर नहीं निकल पाता और किडनी में जमा हो जाता है, तो किडनी में सूजन आ जाती है। इस सूजन को हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस कहा जाता है।

हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के प्रकार
चूंकि हमारे शरीर में दो किडनी होती हैं, इसलिए हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस भी दो तरह का होता है। पहला एकतरफा हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस जिसका अर्थ है कि पेशाब के जमा होने की वजह से एक किडनी में सूजन आई है। वहीं, अगर पेशाब जमा होने की वजह से दोनों किडनी प्रभावित हुई हैं, तो यह द्विपक्षीय हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस की श्रेणी में गिना जाएगा।

वैसे तो हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस होने की कोई उम्र नहीं होती है, लेकिन अगर बच्चों को यह समस्या होती है तो उसका इलाज बचपन में ही किया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा बच्चे के जन्म से पूर्व प्रसवपूर्व अल्ट्रासाउंड के दौरान भी किया जा सकता है।

हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के लक्षण
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस होने के लक्षण में निम्न कारक शामिल हैं:-

बाजू और पीठ में दर्द जो पेट के निचले हिस्से या कमर तक जा सकता है
मूत्र संबंधी समस्याएं, जैसे कि पेशाब के साथ दर्द या पेशाब करने की तत्काल या बार-बार आवश्यकता महसूस होना
मतली और उल्टी
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के कारण
दरअसल, किडनी जिस पेशाब का निर्माण करती है वह एक ट्यूब के माध्यम से मूत्राशय में जाती है। इस ट्यूब को मूत्रवाहिनी कहा जाता है। मूत्राशय से यह पेशाब शरीर से बाहर निकलती है। लेकिन कभी कभी हम किसी काम में व्यस्त रहने की वजह से या अन्य कारणों से पेशाब को बाहर नहीं निकालते, जिसकी वजह से यह मूत्रवाहिनी या किडनी में ही रह जाता है। इसी वजह से हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस विकसित हो सकता है।

हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के कुछ सामान्य कारणों में शामिल हैं:

मूत्र पथ में आंशिक रुकावट: मूत्र पथ की रुकावटें अक्सर वहां बनती हैं जहां गुर्दा मूत्रवाहिनी से मिलता है। इसके अलावा रुकावटें वहां भी हो सकती हैं जहां मूत्रवाहिनी मूत्राशय से मिलती है।
वेसिकुरेटेरल भाटा: वेसिकुरेटेरल भाटा तब होता है जब मूत्र मूत्राशय से मूत्रवाहिनी के माध्यम से किडनी में ऊपर की ओर बहता है। आमतौर पर, मूत्र मूत्रवाहिनी में केवल एक ही तरह से बहता है। गलत तरीके से पेशाब बहने से किडनी को ठीक से खाली होने में मुश्किल होती है और किडनी में सूजन आ जाती है।
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के अन्य कारण: हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के होने के अन्य कारणों में किडनी की पथरी, पेट या श्रोणि में ट्यूमर और मूत्राशय की ओर जाने वाली नसों की समस्याएं शामिल हैं।
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस का पता लगाने के लिए किए जाने वाले टेस्ट
अगर आपका शरीर हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के किसी भी लक्षण से प्रभावित होता है तो आपो तुरंत ऐसे डॉक्टर की सलाह लेनी चाहिए, जो आपकी समस्या के निदान के लिए सभी स्थितियों का पता लगाने में माहिर है। हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस की जांच के लिए डॉक्टर निम्नलिखित टेस्ट करवा सकते हैं:

किडनी के काम का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए ब्लड टेस्ट
संक्रमण या मूत्र पथरी के संकेतों की जांच के लिए मूत्र परीक्षण जो पेशाब के रुकावट का कारण बन सकता है
एक अल्ट्रासाउंड इमेजिंग परीक्षा, जिसके दौरान आपका डॉक्टर संभावित समस्याओं की पहचान करने के लिए किडनी, मूत्राशय और अन्य मूत्र संरचनाओं को देख सकता है
मूत्र पथ का एक विशेष एक्स-रे जो किडनी, मूत्रवाहिनी, मूत्राशय और मूत्रमार्ग को रेखांकित करने के लिए एक विशेष डाई का उपयोग करता है, पेशाब से पहले और पेशाब के दौरान छवियों को कैप्चर करता है
यदि आवश्यक हो, तो आपका डॉक्टर सीटी स्कैन या एमआरआई जैसी अतिरिक्त इमेजिंग टेस्ट की सिफारिश कर सकता है। इस तरह के टेस्ट को MAG3 स्कैन कहा जाता है जो किडनी में कार्य और जल निकासी का मूल्यांकन करता है।
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस का इलाज
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के लिए उपचार उसके होने के पीछे के कारण पर निर्भर करता है। वैसे तो हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस अक्सर अपने आप ठीक हो जाता है। हालांकि कभी-कभी सर्जरी की भी आवश्यकता पड़ जाती है।

हल्के से मध्यम हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस: पहले डॉक्टर यह देखने के लिए प्रतीक्षा करता है कि क्या आपका हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस अपने आप ठीक हो जाता है। हालांकि इस दौरान डॉक्टर मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण के जोखिम को कम करने के लिए निवारक एंटीबायोटिक चिकित्सा की शुरुआत कर सकता है।
गंभीर हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस: जब हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस की वजह से किडनी को सही से काम करने में दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़ता है या वेसिकुरेटेरल भाटा की स्थिति पैदा हो जाती है, तो ऐसे मामले में डॉक्टर सर्जरी का विकल्प चुन सकता है। हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस के कारण को ठीक करने के लिए किडनी की पथरी को तोड़ने और साफ करने के लिए शॉक वेव लिथोट्रिप्सी की जा सकती है।
हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस को बिना उपचार के छोड़ देना: गंभीर हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस स्थायी किडनी की क्षति या विफलता का कारण बन सकता है। लेकिन हाइड्रोनफ्रोसिस आमतौर पर केवल एक किडनी को प्रभावित करता है और दूसरा किडनी दोनों के लिए काम कर सकता है।

Top 10 Doctors for Treatment of Liver disease in Ghaziabad

Gastroenterologist, Ghaziabad

1. Dr. Rakesh gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rakesh-gupta-ayurveda-1

N. D. D. Y, bachelor of ayurveda medicine & surgery (bams),

20 years experience 300 - 400 at clinic

Dr. Rakesh gupta is a highly experienced ayurvedic doctor based in rohini, delhi. He holds a n. D. D. Y. And a bachelor of ayurveda medicine and surgery (bams) degree, and is a specialist in ayurvedic kshar sutra therapy. With over 20 years of experience in the field, he is known for his commitment to meeting the needs of his patients with compassion and care. ;

He currently practices at center for piles & fistula in rohini, delhi, and is a member of the indian society of gastroenterology, the indian medical association, and the indian association of gastrointestinal endo-surgeons.

2. Dr. Naresh agarwal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-naresh-agarwal-gastroenterologist


28 years experience 500 - 800 at clinic

Dr. Naresh agarwal is a highly qualified gastroenterologist based in delhi, india. He holds an mbbs degree from sardar patel medical college in bikaner and has over 28 years of experience in the field. He is a member of the indian society of gastroenterology and the indian medical association and is known for his expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

3. Dr. Ajay gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-ajay-gupta-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine

31 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Ajay gupta is a highly experienced and respected gastroenterologist based in ghaziabad. He holds an mbbs degree from maulana azad medical college in new delhi, as well as an md in medicine from the same institution. With over 31 years of experience in the field, he has treated a wide range of digestive and liver conditions and has helped countless patients in ghaziabad and the surrounding area.

In addition to his expertise in gastroenterology, Dr. Gupta is also skilled in the treatment of a variety of other medical conditions. He has a particular interest in the management of chronic liver diseases and has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver disease.

3. Dr. Hitendra kumar garg

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-hitendra-kuma-gastroenterologist

1000 at clinic


Dr. Hitendra kumar garg is a highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologist based in delhi, india. He is known for his expertise in treating liver diseases and other gastrointestinal conditions. Dr. Garg is dedicated to providing top-quality care to his patients and is committed to using the latest and most effective treatment methods to address their health concerns.


When treating liver problems, he considers the patient's overall health as well as the specific symptoms and causes of the condition. He may recommend a range of treatments, including medications, lifestyle changes, and supportive therapies, to help manage the condition and improve the patient's overall health and quality of life.

4. Dr. Ramesh kumar singh

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-ramesh-kumar-singh-general-physician

Mbbs, md

13 years experience 300 online

Dr. Ramesh kumar singh is a general practitioner who practises medicine in delhi, india. He has been working in this industry for more than 13 years. He earned a mbbs and md degree from s. N. Medical college, and he has additional training in the treatment of patients with gastroenterological disorders. ;

Dr. Singh is recognised for his caring and personalized approach to patient treatment, and he is committed to assisting his patients in achieving and maintaining the highest possible level of health.

5. Dr. Anupam kumar singh

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-anupam-kumar-singh-general-physician

Md - general medicine

8 years experience

Dr. Anupam kumar singh is a highly qualified and experienced general physician and gastroenterologist based in delhi, india. He holds an md in general medicine from maulana azad medical college, and is a member of the fccp.

With over 8 years of experience in the field, he is known for his expertise in treating a wide range of medical conditions, with a particular focus on gastrointestinal and respiratory issues. He is dedicated to providing high-quality care to his patients, and is committed to using the latest and most effective treatment methods to address their health concerns.

6. Dr. Anil verma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-anil-verma-gastroenterologist-1 ;

800 at clinic

Dr. Anil verma is a highly experienced gastroenterologist based in ghaziabad, india. He is known for his expertise in treating liver diseases and other gastrointestinal conditions. He is dedicated to providing top-quality care to his patients and is committed to using the latest and most effective treatment methods to address their health concerns.

7. Dr. Sandeep kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/mohali/doctor/dr-sandeep-kumar-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

21 years experience 200 - 500 at clinic

Dr. Sandeep kumar is a highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologist based in delhi, india. He holds an mbbs degree from moti lal nehru medical college, as well as an md in medicine and a dm in gastroenterology from llrm medical college.

With over 21 years of experience in the field, he is known for his expertise in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions. He is dedicated to providing high-quality care to his patients and is committed to using the latest and most effective treatment methods to address their health concerns.

8. Dr. Gyanesh sharma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-gyanesh-sharma-homeopath ;


19 years experience 100 at clinic 200 online

Dr. Gyanesh sharma is a highly experienced homeopathy doctor based in delhi, india, with over 19 years of experience in the field. He holds a bhms degree from national homoeopathy medical college & hospital in lucknow, and is known for his expertise in treating a wide range of health issues using homeopathic techniques and therapies.

9. Dr. Harit kothari

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-harit-kothari-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, dm - gastroenterology, dnb- gastroenterology

14 years experience 1000 at clinic

Dr. Harit kothari is a highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologist based in india, with over 14 years of experience in the field. He holds an mbbs degree from jnm college in belgaum, as well as an md in internal medicine from Ms. Ramaiah medical college and teaching hospital in bangalore. ;

Dr. Kothari is known for his expertise in the treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including liver diseases. He has a strong background in internal medicine, and is also skilled in the treatment of obesity and proctology.

Throughout his career, he has worked as a junior resident in internal medicine, a senior resident in gastroenterology, and an assistant professor of gastroenterology at various hospitals and medical colleges. He is currently a consultant gastroenterologist at yashoda superspeciality hospital in kaushambi.

10. Dr. Manish kak

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/ghaziabad/doctor/dr-manish-kak-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, md - medicine, diplomate of national board gastroenterology

26 years experience 700 at clinic

Dr. Manish kak is a highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologist based in india, with over 26 years of experience in the field. He holds an mbbs degree from jj mmc, as well as an md in medicine from gmc srinagar and a dnb in gastroenterology from tata memorial service hospital in mumbai.


Dr. Kak is known for his expertise in the treatment of a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including liver diseases. He has a strong background in medicine, and is dedicated to providing high-quality care to his patients. Throughout his career, he has worked at various hospitals and medical centers, including the delhi gastroenterology group and the indian society of gastroenterology.

4 people found this helpful

8 Home Remedies to Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels

MD - Ayurveda
Ayurvedic Doctor, Bargarh
8 Home Remedies to Naturally Lower Your Creatinine Levels

Creatinine can be best defined as an organic compound that's produced as a waste product when your muscles are used. Apart from that, eating lots of protein can also generate small amounts of creatinine in the body. In other words, creatinine is a muscle waste product that the kidneys are responsible for removing from the body and is found in a person's blood and urine.

As we already know, creatinine is a waste product that's generated from muscle metabolism. It is then transported to your kidneys through the bloodstream, where it can be filtered out and eliminated through your urine. And if your kidneys aren't working properly, creatinine levels in your blood can rise, which can further lead to some serious health issues.

Your doctor or healthcare provider may check your blood and urine for creatinine as part of an evaluation of your kidney health. Furthermore, it should also be noted that the normal level of creatinine in your blood or urine usually depends on a number of factors, including your age, race, gender, and body size. Abnormal creatinine levels in your blood may be an indicator of a kidney disease.

Creatinine levels can also be increased due to a variety of other reasons, including:



Infections such as hepatitis b and c, hiv, and syphilis (among others)

Systemic lupus erythematosus, also known as sle or just" lupus"

If high creatinine levels are found through a blood or urine test, the doctor will likely order additional tests to identify the cause.

If you have high creatinine levels in your blood, it's important to seek medical help so that you can create a treatment plan to address any health issues that may be causing damage to your kidney function. Along with your medicines and other treatments, ask your healthcare provider whether the following lifestyle changes are appropriate for you. If you're looking for ways to lower your creatinine levels naturally, here are eight home remedies that might help:

Reduce your intake of protein-rich foods

Studies have shown that consuming large amounts of protein can lead to an increase in creatinine levels, at least temporarily. In particular, cooked red meat can affect creatinine levels. The heat from cooking causes the creatine found in meat to produce creatinine.

People who eat a lot of red meat, dairy, or other protein-rich foods may have higher creatinine levels than those who eat less of these foods. If you eat a lot of red meat, try switching to more vegetable-based dishes. You could swap out your beef burgers for food items such as:

Vegetable patties

Hearty vegetable stew

Lentil soup

Make sure you're not dehydrated

Creatinine levels in the blood can also increase when a person is dehydrated, which can lead to symptoms such as a dry throat, dizziness, and fatigue. If severe, dehydration can put strain on the cardiovascular system and other organs, and in extreme cases, it can even be life-threatening. The best way to prevent or deal with dehydration is by drinking plenty of water or other healthy fluids.

However, for some people with kidney disease, fluid intake can be an issue. So, if that is the case with you as well, be sure to talk with your healthcare provider about how much water and other fluids you should drink daily, as well as the best time to drink them.

Apple cider vinegar is worth giving a try!

According to a study conducted in 2008, kidney stone formation may lead to a very small increase in serum creatinine levels (8). However, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which may actually lower the risk of kidney stone formation.

Apart from that, apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties as well. This may help keep bacteria at bay, and it may also help prevent your blood creatinine levels from rising. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support these claims, but it is usually safe to consume apple cider vinegar in low or moderate quantities.

Avoid consuming foods with excess salt

Excess amounts of salt in our everyday meals can lead to high blood pressure, especially when consuming processed foods that often contain sodium and phosphorus additives. In recent studies, consuming foods high in these additives has also been linked to increased creatinine levels as well as other renal problems.

So, you must rather focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods and using healthy spices and herbs (rather than excess salt) to flavor your food when possible. By doing this, you will be keeping your kidneys healthy, which will eventually help regulate the creatinine levels in your blood.

Quit smoking without a second thought!

If you are a habitual smoker, you might notice an increase in your creatinine levels. This is a sign that smoking is gradually harming your kidneys, and it may even lead to complete kidney damage. In this case, one of the best things you can do to improve or maintain the health of your kidneys is to quit smoking as soon as possible.

Cigarette smoking is detrimental to one's health and can give rise to a number of health issues, including chronic kidney disease. That said, if you quit smoking, it can help you reduce your risk of developing high creatinine levels and other life-threatening kidney problems.

Avoid consuming too much alcohol (if you do)

Alcohol consumption can have mixed effects when it comes to kidney function. Some studies have suggested that moderate alcohol consumption may help reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease, while other studies have shown that alcohol consumption is associated with a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease. ;

In other words, it is believed that excessive alcohol consumption can potentially lead to kidney damage, high blood pressure, and alcohol dependency, according to other studies.

All in all, we must understand and acknowledge the fact that too much of anything can be harmful. If you drink alcohol, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider about the safest levels for you specifically. This way, you can avoid any potential health risks associated with drinking.

Have you tried consuming bitter gourd to regulate your creatinine levels?

Bitter gourd is a nutrient-rich vegetable that contains high levels of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Some people believe that bitter gourd can act as a natural diuretic, helping to improve blood circulation and kidney function. This can further help to regulate your creatinine levels as well.

Bitter gourd juice has many potential health benefits, but it's important not to consume too much. According to a recent study, the tolerable range is 4000 mg/kg. Any amount or dose that exceeds this limit may be nephrotoxic, or harmful to the kidneys.

Drinking chamomile tea can do wonders for your renal health

Chamomile tea has been shown to reduce elevated creatinine levels. To make the tea, you will have to add the chamomile herb (or tea leaves) to a cup of boiling water. Thereafter, you must let it steep for at least 10 to 15 minutes before you finally strain it. You also have the option to add a few drops of honey to your tea for a better or enhanced taste, if desired.

In fact, this tea can be amazing for your overall health! not only does it taste great, but it can also help lower your creatinine levels (as mentioned above). You can drink this great tea three to four times a day, so what's stopping you from giving it a try?


We hope you enjoyed our article on how to lower creatinine levels naturally. There are many ways to naturally lower creatinine levels, and we hope that this article was able to provide you with some great ideas and inspiration when it comes to things you can start doing today. As always, if you have any questions, queries, or concerns about this subject, please feel absolutely free to contact us anytime; we would indeed love to hear from you!
4 people found this helpful

क्रिएटिनिन कम करने के 10 घरेलू उपचार

Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga - NDDY
Ayurvedic Doctor, Ahmedabad
क्रिएटिनिन कम करने के 10 घरेलू उपचार
शरीर है जटिल मशीन
हमारा शरीर एक जटिल मशीन की तरह है जिसमें कई तरह के सिस्टम मौजूद हैं। एक रक्त संचार चलता है तो दूसरा शरीर से गंदगी बाहर निकालता है। आज हम शरीर से जहरीले कचरे को खत्म करने के लिए मौजूद तंत्र के बारे में विमर्श करेंगे।

इस तंत्र के विफल होने पर आपको उच्च क्रिएटिनिन लेवल जैसी जटिलताओं का अनुभव हो सकता है। ऐसी समस्या से गंभीर स्वास्थ्य जोखिम हो सकते हैं।

क्या आपको पता है कि उचित क्रिएटिनिन स्तर क्या है और उसे संतुलित क्यों होना चाहिए। तो इस लेख में हम इसी पर चर्चा करेंगे कि क्रिएटिनिन के उच्च स्तर को घरेलू उपचार के माध्यम से आप कैसे संतुलित कर सकते हैं।

सारांश- शरीर एक जटिल मशीन है। इसमें ब्लड सर्कुलेशन के साथ टॉक्सिक निकालने का काम साथ चलता है। जब ये सिस्टम फेल होता है तो शरीर में किएटिनिन जैसा कचरा बढ़ने लगता है।

क्रिएटिनिन क्या है?
क्रिएटिन एक महत्वपूर्ण अणु है जो ऊर्जा के उत्पादन में मदद करता है। आपके शरीर का लगभग 2% क्रिएटिन क्रिएटिनिन में परिवर्तित हो जाता है। यह रक्तप्रवाह के माध्यम से आपके गुर्दे तक पहुँचाया जाता है।

गुर्दे अधिकांश क्रिएटिनिन को फ़िल्टर करते हैं और इसे मूत्र के माध्यम से आपके शरीर से निकाल देते हैं। मूत्र में क्रिएटिनिन का कम होना रक्त में अधिक क्रिएटिनिन का संकेत हो सकता है।

कुछ मामलों में यह चिंता का कारण हो सकता है। शरीर में अधिक क्रिएटिनिन होने से किडनी डैमेज होने का खतरा होता है। इसके अलावा हृदय संबंधी समस्याएं और सांस संबंधी रोग भी हो सकते हैं।

सारांश- किएटिनिन दरअसल क्रिएटिन से बनता है। सामान्य तौर पर गुर्दे किएटिनिन को फिल्टर कर पेशाब के रास्ते निकाल देते हैं। मूत्र में क्रिएटिनिन का कम होना रक्त में अधिक क्रिएटिनिन का खतरनाक संकेत हो सकता है।

घर बैठे कैसे कम करें क्रिएटिनिन
आइए जानते हैं कि कैसे घर बैठे आप कुछ आसान उपाय कर के क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को कम कर सकते हैं।

सेब का सिरका
गुर्दे की पथरी बनने से सीरम क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर थोड़ा बढ़ सकता है। सेब के सिरके में एसिटिक एसिड होता है, जो किडनी स्टोन बनने के जोखिम को कम कर सकता है ।

इसके रोगाणुरोधी गुण जीवाणु संक्रमण को दूर करने में मदद कर सकते हैं और आपके रक्त में क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को बढ़ने से रोक सकते हैं।

कैसे करें सेवन
इसके सेवन के लिए एक गिलास गर्म पानी में एक बड़ा चम्मच एप्पल साइडर विनेगर डालें और अच्छी तरह मिलाएँ। इस घोल में थोड़ा सा शहद मिलाएं। इस घोल को रोजाना एक बार पिएं, कोशिश करें कि इसके साथ उच्च कार्बोहाइड्रेट वाला आहार लें।

करेला विभिन्न खनिजों, विटामिन, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और फाइबर का एक समृद्ध स्रोत है। शोध बताते हैं कि यह एक प्राकृतिक मूत्रवर्धक के रूप में कार्य कर सकता है, रक्त परिसंचरण में सुधार करता है।

यही नहीं करेला आपके रक्त में क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को स्वाभाविक रूप से कम करने में मदद करने के लिए आपके गुर्दे को टोन करता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
दिन में एक बार आधा कप करेले का जूस पिएं। हालांकि करेले या इसके जूस का अधिक मात्रा में सेवन न करें।

दालचीनी को प्राकृतिक मूत्रवर्धक माना जाता है। कुछ का मानना है कि यह किडनी की फिल्ट्रेशन क्षमताओं में भी सुधार कर सकती है। दालचीनी शरीर के क्रिएटिनिन स्तर को नियंत्रित करती है।

कैसे करें सेवन
गर्म पानी या भोजन में आधा चम्मच दालचीनी मिलाएं और दिन में एक बार इसका सेवन करें।

कैमोमाइल चाय
कैमोमाइल चाय का सेवन उच्च क्रिएटिनिन स्तर को कम कर सकता है ।

कैसे करें सेवन
एक कप गर्म पानी में कैमोमाइल हर्ब डालें। इसे कम से कम 10 मिनट तक भीगने दें। अब इसे छान लें और थोड़ा सा शहद मिला लें। आप दिन में 3 से 4 बार कैमोमाइल चाय का सेवन कर सकते हैं।

ग्रीन टी
ग्रीन टी एक प्राकृतिक एंटीऑक्सीडेंट है और इसमें मूत्रवर्धक गुण होते हैं। ग्रीन टी की मूत्रवर्धक प्रकृति आपके गुर्दे की फिल्ट्रेशन क्षमता में सुधार करने और मूत्र उत्पादन को बढ़ाने में मदद कर सकती है। इससे क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर कम होता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
लगभग 10 मिनट के लिए एक कप गर्म पानी में ग्रीन टी बैग को डुबो कर रखें। इसे कुछ देर के लिए ठंडा होने दें और इसमें थोड़ा सा शहद मिलाएं। आप दिन में 2 से 3 बार ग्रीन टी पी सकते हैं।

लहसुन एक प्राकृतिक एंटीऑक्सीडेंट है और मूत्रवर्धक के रूप में भी काम करता है। यह आपके शरीर से जहरीले कचरे को बाहर निकालने में मदद करता है। साथ ही यह रक्त में क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को कम करने में मदद कर सकता है।

लहसुन प्लाज्मा आयरन के स्तर को भी बढ़ाता है और हीमोग्लोबिन के स्तर में सुधार करता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
आप 4 से 5 लहसुन की कली रोज़ चबा सकते हैं या आप अपने सलाद और अन्य खाद्य पदार्थों में कटे हुए लहसुन डाल सकते हैं। ऐसा आपको रोजाना 1 से 2 बार करना है।

अदरक में फ्लेवोनोइड्स और इथेनॉल होते हैं जो एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुणों को प्रदर्शित करते हैं, जो आपके गुर्दे को क्षति और चोट से बचाने में मदद कर सकते हैं।

अदरक आपके शरीर में क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को कम कर सकते हैं।

कैसे करें सेवन
एक कप गर्म पानी में एक इंच अदरक डालें और इसे कम से कम 10 मिनट तक भीगने दें। इसमें थोड़ा सा शहद मिलाकर तुरंत सेवन करें। बेहतर लाभों के लिए आप इस अदरक की चाय को दिन में तीन बार पी सकते हैं।

क्रैनबेरी जूस
क्रैनबेरी में क्विनिक एसिड होता है जो आपकी किडनी में स्टोन बनने से बचाता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
दिन में एक बार एक मध्यम कप क्रैनबेरी जूस पिएं।

नारियल पानी
कच्चा नारियल पानी विटामिन सी का एक समृद्ध स्रोत है जो आपके क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को कम कर सकता है और आपके गुर्दे को स्वस्थ और पथरी मुक्त रख सकता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
दिन में एक बार एक गिलास नारियल पानी पिएं। हालांकि एक दिन में 1 गिलास से ज्यादा नारियल पानी पीने से बचें। शोध बताते हैं कि यह आपके गुर्दे को प्रभावित कर सकता है।

जैतून का तेल
जैतून का तेल एंटी-यूरोलिथिक गतिविधियों को प्रदर्शित करता है जो गुर्दे की पथरी के गठन को रोकने में मदद कर सकता है। यह रक्त में क्रिएटिनिन के स्तर को भी कम कर सकता है।

कैसे करें सेवन
रोजाना एक बार अपने सलाद या पास्ता में एक बड़ा चम्मच जैतून का तेल मिलाएं। पर खाना बनाते समय जैतून के तेल को ज्यादा गर्म करने से बचें।
22 people found this helpful

Top 10 Doctors for Liver Disease in Noida

DM - Gastroenterology, MD - Medicine, MBBS
Gastroenterologist, Noida

Dr. Mukul rastogi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/noida/doctor/dr-mukul-rastogi-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, dnb - general medicine

25 years experience 600 - 1250 at clinic


It is getting more frequent to hear of individuals having problems with their livers. The number of instances being reported has increased significantly in recent years, from jaundice to fatty liver disease. Fortunately, with Dr. Mukul rastogi in charge, persons suffering from such diseases may be able to find comfort and treatments that are effective for them.


Dr. Rastogi is a well-known expert in the fields of hepatology and gastroenterology and is able to provide patients with the highest quality medical treatment and guidance that is specifically catered to their requirements and preferences.


For his outstanding abilities, Dr. Mukul has received the bharat jyoti award from the governors of rajasthan and tamil nadu. His vast expertise in treating complicated liver diseases ensures that his patients get the best care possible as they make their way to better health.

2. Dr. Deepak chaturvedi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/noida/doctor/dr-deepak-chaturvedi-ayurveda


16 years experience 800 at clinic 1000 online


When it comes to liver diseases, there is no one better to turn to than Dr. Deepak chaturvedi. For more than 15 years, he has been treating patients with different forms of liver illnesses, and his experience in this sector has made him the go-to doctor for many people in india.


In 2006, he received his bams from rajiv gandhi university of health sciences. Since then, his ability to effectively identify and treat diseases by using a holistic approach has earned him the confidence of the medical community. Dr. Chaturvedi not only employs ancient ayurveda procedures, but also stays current on contemporary medical breakthroughs, which helps him comprehend and propose therapies properly.

3. Dr. Saurabh argal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-saurabh-argal-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, dnb - general medicine, dm - hepatology

16 years experience 800 at clinic

Dr. Saurabh argal is one of india's most famous and regarded hepatologists. He received his mbbs from the devi ahilya vishwa vidyalaya in indore and his dnb (general medicine) from the national board of examination in india. In addition, he has a doctorate in hepatology from west bengal state university, enabling him to treat various types of liver illnesses. ;

He specialises in assisting both adults and children with their liver disease treatment regimens. His area of specialty is the very effective treatment of hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and autoimmune diseases such as cirrhosis. Dr. Argal employs current approaches while treating his patients in order to maximise their benefit via a personalised strategy and medication management throughout the period of therapy up till the patient's recovery.

4. Dr. Manav wadhawan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-manav-wadhawan-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

24 years experience 1000 at clinic

Dr. Manav wadhawan is an exceptionally qualified and seasoned gastroenterologist who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of liver disease. Asia pacific society for the study of liver granted him the plenary oral presentation award (apasl). Abdominal pain, yellowing or colouring of the skin and eyes (jaundice), urine of a dark hue, a lack of appetite, exhaustion, and nausea might be indications of liver disease. ;

Dr. Wadhawan recognises the need of early diagnosis of these symptomatic concerns, as they may be suggestive of a more severe underlying medical condition that requires treatment to avoid future consequences. Therefore, he employs cutting-edge medical equipment to guarantee that all potential reasons are investigated before initiating any sort of therapy.

5. Dr. Neha berry

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-neha-berry-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

13 years experience 700 at clinic

Dr. Neha berry is a well-known doctor who focuses on treating diseases of the liver. She got her mbbs from delhi university's maulana azad medical college and her md in medicine from delhi university's university college of medical sciences. Later, she went to pgimer in chandigarh, india, to get her dm in gastroenterology. Because of this, she has a lot of knowledge and is qualified to treat liver issues.

Dr. Neha berry knows how to treat liver damage with the most up-to-date methods and helps each patient in the best way possible for their condition. She helps them learn more about their disease by teaching them about its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and ways to avoid it, which is important for living a healthier life.


6. Dr. Satyadev arya

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/md-panchakarma-noida/doctor/dr-s-d-tyagi-arya-ayurveda

Md - panchakarma

12 years experience 350 at clinic 350 online

The great Dr. Satyadev arya is well-known for his expertise in ayurvedic medicine. In 2010, he graduated from rajiv gandhi university of medical science with his md (panchkarma). Numerous patients with liver disorders have been effectively treated by him using ayurvedic medications and therapies thanks to his extensive expertise in the area of panchakarma.

By virtue of his training in the traditional indian medical system, Dr. Satyadev arya is able to provide effective, non-invasive therapies at reasonable prices, allowing him to help a large number of people without putting a pressure on their finances. In addition, he takes a comprehensive approach, modifying the patient's diet, stress levels, yoga practise, etc, in order to promote long-term health and avoid the onset of illness.

7. Dr. J. S. Bhogal

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-j-s-bhogal-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - general medicine, dnb - gastroenterology

35 years experience 700 - 1100 at clinic

In many cases, unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as overindulging in alcohol, being overweight, or even taking certain drugs for an extended period of time, are the root cause of liver illnesses. In some instances, they may be traced back to hereditary abnormalities or other problems that, if left untreated, might lead to liver damage.

We are fortunate to have a wide range of affordable, effective medications for the treatment of liver issues. Dr. J. S. Bhogal, a gastroenterologist, is recommended for patients who require the highest level of care. He has a great deal of knowledge and experience in this field. ;

Dr. Bhogal is regarded as one of the foremost authorities on liver care and has more than 30 years of expertise in the field of diagnosing and treating patients who suffer from a wide variety of liver disorders.

8. Dr. Ajay kumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ajay-kumar-gastroenterologist

Md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

38 years experience 1000 at clinic

Dr. Ajay kumar is an experienced gastroenterologist. He got his md-medicine from chandigarh's postgraduate institute of medical education and research and his dm from delhi university. Dr. Kumar has spent numerous hours researching liver disease causes and treatments.

Dr. Ajay is a specialist in diagnosing liver disorders such hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver disease, as well as related treatments like antiviral drugs/immunosuppressant therapy for viral hepatitis or orthotopic liver transplant for end-stage cirrhosis.

9. Dr. J. C vij

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-j-c-vij-gastroenterologist

Dm - gastroenterology

37 years experience 1000 at clinic


Dr. J. C. Vij provides the finest care when it comes to liver health. He has devoted his medical career to aiding in the diagnosis and treatment of numerous liver disorders and illnesses. He has developed a reputation as one of the leading authorities in the management and treatment of liver health thanks to his more than 35 years of expertise in the field.


He has helped numerous people reclaim their quality of life by providing efficient therapies and dietary changes for conditions ranging from cirrhosis to hepatitis.
Dr. Vij's methods for diagnosing various liver diseases are among his most important contributions to the discipline.


For a reliable diagnosis even in the early stages of liver disease development, his novel technique combines conventional testing with cutting-edge technology like mri scans and minimally invasive procedures like endoscopies and colonoscopies.

10. Dr. Mahesh gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/noida/doctor/dr-mahesh-gupta-gastroenterologist

Dm, md, mbbs

20 years experience 800 - 1000 at clinic 700 online


Dr. Mahesh gupta is a skilled gastroenterologist with vast expertise in the treatment of liver problems. He earned his mbbs from sms medical college in jaipur and his dm from the sanjay gandhi post graduate institute of medical sciences in lucknow. 


His unique mix of academic credentials, years of research experience, and understanding has helped him to become one of the greatest doctors for liver diseases. He is particularly well-known for his precise diagnosis and treatment programmes, which have helped many patients recover fully from various forms of liver illnesses such as cirrhosis and hepatitis c. 


Dr. Mahesh gupta also believes in educating his patients about the significance of preventative health care and encourages them to live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods and exercising on a regular basis.

2 people found this helpful

Top 10 Doctors for Liver Disease in Kanpur

Gastroenterologist, Kanpur

1. Dr. Prashant verma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-prashant-verma-gastroenterologist


20 years experience


Dr. Prashant verma, an esteemed gastroenterologist, has spent the last twenty years of his professional life focusing his career on giving exceptional medical treatment to patients who are afflicted with liver disorders and other gastrointestinal ailments that are associated to those diseases.


Dr. Verma has remained at the forefront of contemporary medical trends because to his considerable research. As a result, he is consistently incorporating innovative treatment modalities into his practise for the benefit of his patients' overall health and well-being.


His particular area of competence is in the diagnosis and treatment of liver ailments, and he does so with compassion and comprehension. It is a source of great satisfaction for him to be able to give individualised care, as this paves the way for him to cultivate meaningful connections with each and every one of his patients during the course of their treatment.

2. Dr. Vijay prakash

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-vijay-prakash-ayurveda

Bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams)

22 years experience 200 at clinic


In india, Dr. Vijay prakash is a well-known ayurvedic physician with a focus on liver disorders. He has been in the medical field for more than 20 years and has previously treated thousands of patients for various disorders. Through his devotion and dedication to provide patients with liver illnesses high-quality healthcare services, he has established a reputation for himself.


His deep medical expertise, which is derived from both conventional indian medicine and contemporary western medicine, makes him uniquely suited to provide his patients with thorough diagnoses and treatments. Due to his considerable research and clinical expertise, Dr. Vijay prakash is regarded as one of india's top ayurvedic doctors today.

3. Dr. Abhinav sengar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-abhinav-sengar-gastroenterologist

600 at clinic


Dr. Abhinav sengar, a very well gastroenterologist, provides appropriate therapy and assists patients in finding comfort. He has an extraordinary ability to precisely analyze and diagnose any kind of liver condition. He carefully listens to his patients and thoroughly understands their problems before recommending a plan of action or medication.

His attention to details is admirable, and he ensures that the patient feels at ease during the therapy procedure. Dr. Abhinav sengar's knowledge and skills have proved crucial in assisting patients in effectively addressing liver problems over time. In addition to his medical diagnosis, he also offers dietary advice to assist enhance general health.

4. Dr. Deeksha katiyar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-deeksha-katiyar-homeopathy-doctor ;

Bhms, pg

5 years experience 100 at clinic 1 online

Dr. Deeksha katiyar is an accomplished homoeopath and gastroenterologist. Her speciality is the treatment of painful liver conditions. Using natural medications and therapies that are customized to the specific requirements of each patient, she assists patients in enhancing their lifestyle via her homeopathic approach. ;

Dr. Katiyar thinks that the power of nature is the solution to all types of physical and mental ailments. She has a significant experience in homeopathy and specializes in liver-related disorders such as enlarged livers and liver discomfort via the use of numerous herbal treatments, food regimens, lifestyle adjustments, massage therapy, and more that are tailored to each patient's situation.

5. Dr. N s s gauri

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-n-s-s-gauri-unani-specialist ;

Bachelor of unani medicine and surgery (b. U. M. S)

18 years experience 200 at clinic 11 online

Dr. N s s gauri, who is an expert in unani medicine, has a lot of experience. He has been a unani specialist in kanpur, india, for the past 18 years. His main specialties are diagnosing and treating liver diseases, especially those caused by viruses like hepatitis a, b, or c. Dr. Gauri focuses on natural treatments based on unani principles and the use of herbal remedies to boost the body's own healing systems. ;

He also gives advice about what to eat to help manage any symptoms or stop liver disease from getting worse. Before making a treatment plan for a patient, he takes into account the person's lifestyle and medical history to make sure the plan fits their needs.

6. Dr. Brijendra nigam

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-brijendra-nigam-gastroenterologist ;

Ms - general surgery, mbbs

34 years experience 200 at clinic 300 online

Dr. Brijendra nigam has been a practising gastroenterologist for over 30 years. His medical education began in kanpur, where he earned his mbbs in 1988 and his Ms. In general surgery in 1991 from gs medical college, kanpur. He is an expert in the field of liver disease diagnosis and treatment, and he is up-to-date on all the most recent developments. ;

Dr. Nigam's clinical expertise is well-known, and he has successfully treated several patients of chronic liver disease over the course of several decades. His medical training involves the use of endoscopic procedures such as ercp to discover anomalies, diagnose associated disorders, and aid in efficient management. ;

In addition to doing advanced ultrasound tests to discover any underlying concerns with the liver or bile ducts, he also provides patients with dietary recommendations to enhance their general health.

7. Dr. Ajmal hasan

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-ajmal-hasan-gastroenterologist ;

Dm - gastroenterology, mbbs, md - general medicine

18 years experience 700 at clinic

Dr. Ajmal hasan is an outstanding gastroenterologist with a comprehensive grasp of the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal problems, including jaundice, nausea, and stomach discomfort. ;

Always taking the time to ensure that his patients comprehend their disease and treatment plan, as well as any potential adverse effects or dangers that may be linked with treatment alternatives, he never rushes through his explanations of complicated medical procedures.


In addition, he has remarkable interpersonal abilities, which enable him to develop solid connections with the patients he treats. When dealing with challenging illnesses, which may be awkward things for many individuals to speak freely in front of their doctor, this brings comfort and certainty.

8. Dr. Ajit kumar rawat

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-ajit-kumar-rawat-gastroenterologist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

19 years experience 400 - 500 at clinic

One of the most in-demand doctors in india is eminent gastroenterologist Dr. Ajit kumar rawat. He received a gold medal in md medicine for his perseverance and hard work. He has become one of india's most in-demand gastroenterologists thanks to his skill in identifying and treating illnesses.


He has a reputation for being an authority on liver problems because of his many years of experience working in the medical field. His treatment approach is holistic, and it consists of providing individualized guidance to each patient, based on their health history, which invariably results in favorable outcomes.

9. Dr. Gaurav chawla

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-gaurav-chawla-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - gastroenterology

18 years experience 500 at clinic


A renowned gastroenterologist and esteemed member of the society of gastrointestinal endoscopy of india, Dr. Gaurav chawla. He has more than 15 years of experience researching and treating digestive disorders, such as bloating, nausea, and abdominal pain.


He accurately diagnoses patients with the aid of cutting-edge tools and technology. Dr. Chawla himself provides special treatments based on each patient's condition and any lifestyle factors that may be affecting their health, combining high-quality medical care with personalized attention.

10. Dr. Abhimanyu kapoor

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/kanpur/doctor/dr-abhimanyu-kapoor-gastroenterologist


24 years experience 650 at clinic

Dr. Abhimanyu kapoor, a gastroenterologist with 24 years of experience, is the best when it comes to liver care. Since 1998, when he graduated from government medical college and hospital in patiala, he has been treating patients. Numerous individuals seek his assistance for liver damage, liver enlargement, and other liver diseases. ;

His expertise and dedication to excellence set Dr. Kapoor apart from others. His constant focus on the patient's well-being distinguishes him from many other physicians who prioritise profits over their patients' health requirements. With his extensive knowledge and experience, he can quickly assess the situation and provide customised solutions for each patient's condition.


Top 9 Doctors for Hypertension Treatment in Bangalore

Cardiologist, Bangalore

1. Dr. Pavankumar p rasalkar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-pavan-rasalkar-cardiologist ;

Dm - cardiology, md - medicine, mbbs

13 years experience 600 at clinic

Dr. Pavankumar has extensive experience treating hypertension and cardiovascular conditions. He has also written numerous papers on these topics. He formerly served as a senior resident at pgimer in chandigarh. ;

One of the most common diseases Dr. Rasalkar treats is hypertension. It is a condition characterised by elevated arterial blood pressure. This can result in a variety of health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure. ;

2. Dr. Jai babu

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-jai-babu-cardiologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, dm - cardiology

18 years experience 600 - 900 at clinic


Hypertension is the area of expertise of cardiologist Dr. Jai babu, who specialises in treating patients with this condition. In addition to this, he is capable of performing heart transplants and managing patients who have already had transplants. He has worked in the field of cardiology for over 18 years and has extensive experience treating hypertension and other heart diseases.


Dr. Babu possesses a high level of expertise in the performance of surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to repair heart defects and enhance cardiac function. He is dedicated to his work and takes immense pride in the fact that he is able to assist his patients in leading long and healthy lives.

3. Dr. Bijay kumar mahala

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-bijay-kumar-mahala-cardiologist

Mbbs, md - cardiology

35 years experience 900 at clinic 750 online


A 35-year veteran in the field of cardiology, Dr. Bijay kumar mahala is a highly experienced and skilled cardiologist based in bangalore, india. Dr. Mahala has a great deal of experience treating hypertension and related conditions, such as headaches. He has a deep understanding of how to effectively manage these conditions and help his patients feel better.

Dr. Mahala is a kind physician who genuinely cares about his patients' health. In order to give them the best care possible, he takes the time to get to know them and their specific needs. His clients have complete faith in him and know that he will always act in their best interests.


4. Dr. T. Kirankumar

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-t-kirankumar-homeopath


26 years experience 300 - 400 at clinic 300 online


T. Kirankumar is a devoted practitioner of homoeopathy. After completing his education at gulbarga university in 1996, he began treating patients suffering from hypertension and other heart diseases.


For the benefit of his patients, he employs his extensive background and training in homoeopathy. He listens carefully to each patient's story in order to tailor a treatment strategy to their specific needs. Kind and considerate, Dr. T. Kirankumar always puts his patients' needs first.

5. Dr. Ramesh babu

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-ramesh-babu-general-physician-1

Md, mbbs

33 years experience 200 at clinic 200 online


Dr. Ramesh babu is an internal medicine expert with many years of practise under his belt. He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of chest pain and hypertension. He treats his patients with the utmost respect and takes great pride in the fact that he can consistently deliver high-level medical care to them.


He takes the time to carefully listen to the concerns of his patients and thoroughly explains all of the available treatment options. Dr. Babu is a remarkable medical professional who offers his patients unequalled levels of care. Dr. Ramesh babu comes highly recommended if you are looking for a skilled and experienced medical professional who can provide you with high-caliber medical care.

6. Dr. Niveditha s murthy

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-niveditha-srinivasamurthy-ayurveda

Bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams), mscp

13 years experience 200 at clinic 300 online


Ayurveda is a form of holistic medicine that treats the whole person by taking into account the mind, the body, and the spirit. Dr. Niveditha is an ayurvedic physician who puts an emphasis on the treatment of hypertension and the diseases that are associated with it.


She earned a bachelor of ayurveda, medicine, and surgery degree from the government ayurveda medical college in bangalore. A great number of patients have seen improvements in both their health and their quality of life as a result of Dr. Murthy's care.

7. Dr. Sunil kumar s

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-sunil-kumar-srinivas-cardiologist-1 ;

Mbbs bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, md - internal medicine, dm - cardiology

18 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online

Dr. Sunil kumar is a capable cardiac surgeon. From the sri jayadeva institute in bangalore, he completed a dm in cardiology in 2013. In addition to general cardiology, he also received training in cardiac electrophysiology, and interventional cardiology. He has years of experience treating people with heart and blood pressure issues. ;

Dr. Sunil has treated numerous patients with hypertension and heart problems. He is able to effectively treat his patients because he has a thorough understanding of the human heart and how it functions.

8. Dr. Vk srinivas

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-vk-srinivas-cardiologist ;

350 at clinic 300 online

Dr. Vk srinivas is a cardiologist who focuses on hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. Hypertension is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke, and kidney failure. Dr. Srinivas has devoted his career to assisting persons with hypertension in managing their condition and lowering their chance of developing these major health issues. ;

He has created novel therapy regimens that have assisted numerous individuals in achieving better health. Dr. Srinivas can assist you in managing your disease and overall health. He is a professional in this subject and can provide you with the appropriate treatment.

9. Dr. Kumar b

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/bangalore/doctor/dr-kumar-b-cardiologist-2 ;

Dm - cardiology, md - general medicine, mbbs

52 years experience 500 at clinic 300 online

Bangalore-based cardiologist Dr. Kumar b has been practising medicine for over 52 years. He earned his mbbs from govt medical college mysore and his md - general medicine from the same institution. He has assisted numerous individuals in regaining health and resuming normal life. ;

Patients with hypertension may have chest pain and a throbbing heart, as well as other symptoms. Dr. Kumar has been successful in treating and alleviating the suffering of such people. He is a well-known physician in the city, and his peers hold him in the highest regard for his knowledge and competence in cardiology.
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Top 9 Doctors for Hypertension Treatment in Delhi

Cardiologist, Delhi

1. Dr. Vinay sanghi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-vinay-sanghi-cardiologist

Fscai (int card), facc (card), facp (int medicine), mbbs

28 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online


Dr. Vinay sanghi is a board-certified cardiologist who has been giving his patients excellent care for more than 25 years. He got his training in cardiovascular diseases and interventional cardiology at some of the best universities in the country. Dr. Sanghi is especially good at treating high blood pressure, and he has helped a lot of people limit their blood pressure and get healthier overall.


He cares about each of his patients as people and works hard to give them the best care he can. He knows how important changes in lifestyle are for treating high blood pressure and works closely with his patients to help them make the changes they need. He is always there for his patients to talk to about any questions or worries they may have.

2. Dr. Rajiva gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-rajiva-gupta-general-physician ;

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, post graduate program in diabetology

42 years experience 1400 at clinic 1000 online

Dr. Rajiva gupta is an internal medicine physician and geriatrician who is also a prominent member of the american college of cardiology. Dr. Gupta has extensive expertise treating chest discomfort and hypertension, two conditions that afflict older persons often. ;

The chance of acquiring hypertension rises with age. The blood vessels change, becoming less elastic and more prone to injury, which is partly to blame for this. Moreover, a lot of elderly people use drugs that raise blood pressure. Dr. Gupta can help you address the risk factors and conditions of hypertension.

3. Dr. Anil mehta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-anil-mehta-general-physician ;

Mbbs, dnb (general medicine)

28 years experience 500 at clinic 500 online

Dr. Anil mehta is an outstanding choice if you need a family doctor or a general practitioner. The health of his patients is a top priority, and he does all in his power to ensure they receive the finest treatment possible. Hypertension, which can lead to headaches, is a common problem he treats. ;

He is a longtime member of the american heart association. Dr. Mehta loves his profession and takes extra precautions to give his patients the highest quality care. When it comes to making sure they are safe and happy, he is always prepared to go the additional mile. He clearly cares about his patients and it shows in all he does for them.

4. Dr. M wali

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-m-wali-internal-medicine-specialist ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, facc, frcp

47 years experience 1000 - 2000 at clinic

Dr. Wali is an internal medicine specialist who has been practicing for 47 years. He has helped many patients with hypertension manage their condition and improve their quality of life. He is an expert in the treatment of hypertension and has a wealth of experience in managing this condition.

Hypertension can be caused by multiple disorders such as stress, obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise. Numerous health issues, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure, can be brought on by hypertension. Dr. Wali is a trusted medical professional who can handle this condition.

5. Dr. Aman makhija

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-aman-makhija-cardiologist ;

Dm - cardiology, mbbs, md - medicine, training in electrophysiology

23 years experience 1000 - 1500 at clinic 500 online

Dr. Makhija is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished cardiologists in the field. He is the recipient of the av gandhi award for outstanding achievement in cardiology. He has devoted his whole career to assisting individuals who are dealing with these problems in order to enhance their overall quality of life. ;

Dr. Makhija is honored for the work that he has done to assist individuals suffering from hypertension and abnormal heart rhythms in leading better lifestyles. He has assisted an uncountable number of individuals in better managing their disease and enhancing their overall quality of life. A wonderful illustration of a physician who is committed to the health of his patients, Dr. Makhija goes above and beyond for his patients. ;

6. Dr. Sanket gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-sanket-gupta-homeopath

Bhms, md-homeopathy, pgpc - preventive cardiology

13 years experience 500 at clinic 250 online


Dr. Sanket gupta is a well-known cardiologist who also practises homoeopathy. Many people with hypertension who have headaches and visual problems have benefited greatly from his assistance.

He has a strong desire to assist others and thinks that using homoeopathy to treat a range of illnesses is a good idea. He constantly makes the additional effort to assist his patients. Patients who have had health issues have benefited greatly from Dr. Gupta's care. He really cares about his patients' health and is a committed physician.

7. Fortis healthcare

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/gurgaon/doctor/fortis-healthcare ;

Fortis healthcare is a multi-specialty clinic that offers services from a variety of experienced cardiologists and internal medicine specialists. The clinic provides a variety of therapies for hypertension and other related disorders such as headaches, fatigue, and so on. ;

Friendly and knowledgeable staff members work at the clinic. They ensure that all patients feel calm and comfortable throughout their stay at the clinic. The clinic is really clean and sanitary.

8. Dr. Ripen gupta

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-ripen-gupta-cardiologist-1 ;

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - cardiology, fellowship in interventional cardiology, cardiology & cardiac electrophysiology

30 years experience 1500 at clinic 500 online

Dr. Ripen gupta is a cardiologist who has been practicing for 30 years. He has a great deal of experience in the treatment of patients suffering from both high and low blood pressure, and he is an official participant of the cardiological society of india (csi).


Dr. Gupta is very knowledgeable and passionate about his work, and he always puts the needs of his patients first. He is an excellent physician who never stops trying to improve the care he provides for his patients. He is highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a cardiologist in delhi.

9. Dr. K. K. Sethi

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/delhi/doctor/dr-k-k-sethi-cardiologist

Mbbs, md - medicine, dm - cardiology

51 years experience 1500 at clinic


Dr. K. K. Sethi has been a cardiologist for the last 51 years and has assisted a great number of people in recovering from cardiac problems. He received his md - medicine and dm - cardiology from new delhi's moulana azad medical college.


He is a specialist in hypertension, which may result in a variety of undesirable conditions, including fainting, dizziness, and headache. He is a highly skilled physician with an extensive understanding of the human heart. He is also a very affable physician who strives to make his patients feel at ease.

1 person found this helpful

Top 10 Doctors for Liver Disease in Lucknow

MCh - Surgical Gastroenterology/G.I. Surgery, MS,General & Laparoscopic Surgery, fellowship Bariatric surgery
Surgical Gastroenterologist, Delhi

1. Dr. Pradeep chaurasiya

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-pradeep-chaurasiya-ayurveda

Md - panchakarma, bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams)

10 years experience 250 at clinic

Dr. Pradeep chaurasiya is a panchakarma specialist who has been assisting patients with liver disorders for over ten years. He holds a bachelor of ayurveda, medicine, and surgery (bams) degree from r. A. C varanasi and is well-versed in the best treatments for vomiting and stiffness. ;

Dr. Chaurasiya's treatment methods are very effective in relieving vomiting and muscle stiffness, and he has assisted many patients in returning to normal lives after suffering from debilitating vomiting. Contact Dr. Chaurasiya today if you are looking for an experienced and knowledgeable panchakarma specialist to help you with your abdominal pain.

2. Dr. Sanjay singh

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-sanjay-singh-homeopath-3

Bhms-bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery

20 years experience 400 at clinic 600 online

Dr. Sanjay singh is a seasoned homoeopathic practitioner who has been treating patients for over 20 years. He is currently a consultant at Dr. Sanjay's homoeopathy, where he specialises in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and acidity. ;

Dr. Singh has a wide range of experience treating abdominal discomfort, including muscle stiffness and tension headaches. He has helped thousands of patients get relief from persistent abdominal pain, and he can assist you as well! if you're experiencing abdominal pain, don't put it off any longer. Make an appointment with Dr. Singh now to get started on the road to recovery!

3. Dr. Sanjai srivastava

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-sanjai-srivastava-gastroenterologist


Mbbs, Ms. - general surgery, mch - surgical gastroenterology/g. I. Surgery

37 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Sanjai srivastava has 37 years of medical experience and is highly trained to treat vomiting. He earned his mbbs in 1980 from king george's medical university, lucknow, and his Ms. In general surgery in 1983 from the same institution. ;

In 1986, he received his mch - surgical gastroenterology from the g. I. Surgery department of aiims, new delhi. After finishing his education, he served as a consultant surgeon at a number of prestigious facilities, including apollo hospital, sir ganga ram hospital, and max healthcare. He has vast experience treating acid reflux, nausea, and abdominal muscular tightness. Through his excellent treatment methods, he has helped numerous patients gain relief from vomiting.


4. Dr. Shailendra kumar naithani


Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-shailendra-kumar-naithani-ayurveda

Md - ayurveda, bachelor of ayurveda, medicine and surgery (bams), mbbs, d. C. H

32 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Shailendra kumar naithani is a highly experienced doctor with 32 years of expertise. He is an ayurvedic expert with a thorough understanding of the human body. He has effectively treated many people suffering from vomiting, acidity, and nausea. His one-of-a-kind approach to treatment has helped many people find relief from abdominal muscular soreness.

5. Dr. Shudhir tiwari

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-shudheer-tiwari-gastroenterologist

Dm - gastroenterology

6 years experience 500 at clinic


Dr. Shudhir tiwari, dm - gastroenterology consultant at ajanta hospital, has 6 years of expertise treating vomiting, acidity, and nausea. He has assisted numerous individuals in recovering from abdominal pain and muscle stiffness.

Dr. Tiwari is a master in his profession and has provided relief to vomiting patients in a very short amount of time. He is also well-known for effectively treating acidity and nausea. If you are experiencing vomiting, acidity, or nausea, we urge that you see Dr. Shudhir tiwari at ajanta hospital dm - gastroenterology. You will not be let down!



6. Dr. Amit prakash srivastava

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-amit-prakash-srivastava-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - general medicine, facg

20 years experience 800 at clinic

Amit prakash srivastava has been a gastroenterologist for over 20 years. He graduated from the reputed lucknow medical college with an mbbs, md, and facg in general medicine. He has dedicated his life to the subject of gastroenterology, with a special interest in liver problems and abdominal pain. ;

He has written multiple publications on these themes in important medical journals, in addition to his clinical practise. He is widely regarded as one of india's leading authorities on liver disorders, and his patients benefit from his wealth of experience and knowledge. If you have a liver disorder or are experiencing abdominal pain, Dr. Amit prakash srivastava is the doctor to see.

7. Dr. Ram pratap singh

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-ram-pratap-singh-gastroenterologist

Mbbs, md - internal medicine, dm - gastroenterology

15 years experience 400 at clinic

Dr. Ram pratap singh has been in practise for 15 years, specialising in internal medicine and gastroenterology. He earned his mbbs and md degrees from the ravindra nath tagore medical college in udaipur. He then completed his dm in gastroenterology at chandigarh's postgraduate institute of medical education and research. 

He worked as a consultant physician in various hospitals across india after finishing his studies before joining the faculty of rnt medical college, udaipur as an associate professor in internal medicine. He is particularly interested in treating patients suffering from vomiting, acidity, and nausea. He has helped many patients find relief from the muscle stiffness and pain that these conditions cause. He is also skilled at managing others.


8. Dr. Lav kumar kacker

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-lav-kumar-kacker-gastroenterologist


Mbbs, Ms. - general surgery, mch - surgical gastroenterology/g. I. Surgery

39 years experience 500 at clinic

Dr. Lav kumar kacker is a highly skilled and competent surgeon who specialises in abdominal surgery, acid reflux, and nausea. He has been in practise for over 39 years and has helped numerous patients get pain relief. 

Dr. Kacker understands the causes of abdominal pain, acid reflux, and nausea, and he can offer effective treatments to help reduce stiffness and improve range of motion. Contact Dr. Kacker today to schedule a consultation if you are experiencing abdominal pain, acidity, or nausea. He will collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that will provide you with the relief you require and deserve.

9. Dr. Ankur saxena

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-ankur-saxena-gastroenterologist

Fellowship in minimal access surgery, f. I. A. G. E. S, m. S. (general surgery)

16 years experience 500 at clinic 400 online

Dr. Ankur saxena is a 16-year experienced vomiting, acidity, and nausea specialist with a fellowship in minimal access surgery, f. I. A. G. E. S, m. S. (general surgery) who offers natural and drug-free solutions to his patients. He has created a one-of-a-kind approach to vomiting that combines the best of eastern and western medicine.

Dr. Saxena's approach is based on the belief that vomiting is frequently caused by muscle, nerve, and muscle imbalances in the abdomen, which can be corrected through a combination of manual therapy, acupuncture, and exercises. His approach to treatment is highly individualized, taking into account the specific cause of each patient's vomiting.


10. Dr. Abhishek verma

Https://www. Lybrate. Com/lucknow/doctor/dr-abhishek-verma-homeopath-4

Bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery

7 years experience 300 at clinic 300 online

Dr. Abhishek verma is a homoeopathic doctor who has treated liver diseases for seven years. He graduated from the prestigious homeopathic medical college with a bachelor of homeopathic medicine and surgery and has been in practise ever since. 

Dr. Verma has extensive expertise and experience treating liver diseases and abdominal pain. He is an expert in stiffness control and provides patients with a one-of-a-kind, all-encompassing treatment plan.