Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Pulmonary tuberculosis was a fatal disease in the past in India. On average, 95% of the deaths occur in third world countries, especially the developing ones, due to tuberculosis. In India, the deaths account to 50% out of the 95%. Such is the scenario that everyone is apprehensive if they have a prolonged cough and cold. As sputum with blood is one sign that the person is suffering from tuberculosis, steps must be taken promptly and at a swift pace to streamline things for quick care.
Tuberculosis is an air-borne disease and it can easily travel through the air when the affected person is in contact. In tuberculosis, specific bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis affects the lungs. On average, 10% of such infections progress into acute disease and kill the affected individuals.
The symptoms of tuberculosis are seen more in patients suffering from AIDS as their immunity is often compromised. Early detection can be made possible through a chest X-Ray, microscopic examination, and the nature of the fluids. In case you are suffering from a prolonged cough and cold, you must go for a tuberculin skin test or blood test to find out more about the problem.
Why is it important to eat a proper diet during pulmonary tuberculosis?
Malnutrition and pulmonary tuberculosis are interrelated. If you are eating right and inducting all healthy meals in your daily lifestyle, it will build your immunity and help fight against grave diseases. When you have pulmonary tuberculosis, the desire or craving for the food will disappear and eventually, your body will wither off. You will lose mass by losing muscles.
So, eating healthily can only help you stay strong to defeat pulmonary tuberculosis. Those who are suffering from tuberculosis face challenges with nutrients in their body. They are deprived of essential micro-nutrients and they have severe deficiencies of zinc, Vitamin A, D, C & E, selenium, iron and copper.
A protein- and vitamin-rich diet can boost the immunity of the body and prevent deadly diseases from wreaking havoc in the body. So, if you are wondering about food, here are a few items that you can eat and few that you can avoid when you have pulmonary tuberculosis.
Food to eat -
Kale and spinach are instant sources of high iron and Vitamin B, which will help you power up your immune system.
Whole grains like wheat, bread and cereals are a must-have during this time-tested period.
Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, and cherries are rich anti-oxidants and they can boost your immune system by flushing out the oxidants from the body, which are tantamount to poison.
Vegetable oil (not butter) could be a green go during pulmonary tuberculosis.
Food to avoid -
Greasy food like beef, chicken, and mutton must be avoided. They can increase the cholesterol level in the body and compromise on the power of immunity.
Avoid margarine and butter. One should not eat cake, pastries, and other food with hydrogenated oil.
Keep an eye on your regular diet, work to build strong immunity, and always stay healthy.