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CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test

CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test

Aorta is the largest artery that extends from the heart’s left ventricle to the abdomen. The Aortic Angiography CT scan diagnoses the functional issues in the aorta. It evaluates the scanned images of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to detect the presence of any abnormalities. The Computed Tomography method of an Aortic Angiography uses the CT scan machine for calculating the results. It examines the blood vessels in various body parts such as the chest, head, neck, legs, hands, and abdomen. There are a few minor risk factors involved in the test such as infection, blood clotting, allergic reaction, etc.

There are some major preparatory steps required for this examination: Your doctor will conduct a pre-test physical examination including the blood pressure test. You should inform the doctor of all OTC drugs and medicines that you take on a daily basis. You are required to fast for at least 12 hours before the test and avoid as much liquid as you can. You should also avoid any medicine that will affect the blood clotting. You will be given sedatives and anaesthesia before the test.

The 1-hour CT Aortic Angiography test is used for a good number of purposes. It diagnoses diseases
related to blood vessels such as aneurysms, tumours, and congenital abnormalities. Other results
the test provides are:
Finding the atherosclerotic disease which limits the flow of blood to the brain resulting in a
Detecting abnormal functioning of the blood vessels in different parts of the body, especially
the brain
Identifying injuries in the arteries of any body part
Visualizing the proper or improper flow of blood in the body
Detecting the condition of pulmonary embolism or malformations
Examining any dissection in the aorta

The CT Aortic Angiography test is performed through the following steps: The doctor will insert a dye into your arteries. This will increase their visibility in the scanned images.

The doctor will make a small cut in your groin and insert a plastic tube through this incision. This tube will reach the aorta through your blood vessels. When the tube reaches the appropriate spot in the aorta, the dye is released. Its movement is tracked for any blockages and changes.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.7000 to Rs.17000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test?
Preparation for CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test
Uses of CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test
Procedure for CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test
Price for CT Scan - Aortic Angiography Test
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