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CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test

CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test

Two complex bony structures like the maxilla and mandible are included in the jaw. CT scan dental jaw is a radiological exam which is free from pain and in this exam, lower and upper jaw is examined in a non-invasive manner. It comes under the scope of an oral surgeon or dentist. Temporomandibular joint is also called as joint of the jaw. This exam is used to evaluate the disorder of temporomandibular. This exam is also useful for bone-measurement for dental implants. Infection, tumour, injury and other types of disorders can be cured by it.

There is no special preparation required for CT Scan-Dental Jaw but the patient should not wear any metallic item or jewellery in the area of head and neck. Patient should wear a special plate provided by the dentist at the time of the scan.

If we are concerned with the benefits of CT Scan Dental Jaw then, they can be enumerated in the following manner.
• It ensures accuracy by avoiding distortion or overlapping of images.
• The image can be produced quickly and comfortably on a monitor in it.
• The view can be obtained from different angles and points in this exam.
• Pre-planning in dental implants can be permitted by it.
• The view of the bone and soft tissue is available simultaneously in it.
• This exam does not observe any type of pain.

CT Scan Dental jaw is performed by using a technique called Dentascan. In this technique, there is the creation of 3D panoramic and para-axial images for mandibular or maxillary teeth and surrounding soft tissue. Impacted teeth can be assessed and positioned by this technique. It also supports dental pathology. Assessment of dental implants is also provided by it. The exact position of the implant can be planned and measured by the specialist in this technique.

Average price range of the test is between Rs.4500 to Rs.8000 depending on the factors of city, quality and availablity.

Table of Content

What is CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test?
Preparation for CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test
Uses of CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test
Procedure for CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test
Price for CT Scan - Dental Jaw Test

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